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人教版2019-2020学年八年级(上)第一学期期末教学质量监测英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its good for children to play in the _ air.AprimaryBfreshCcreativeDcrowded2 . Which can go, a racing bicycle or a mountain bicycle?AfastBfasterCfastestDthe fastest3 . Joe, you should give up playing computer games. Its _ a waste of time.AsuddenlyBhardlyCsimplyDheavily4 . will they stay in Japan?Two years.AHow soonBHow longCHow oftenDHow far5 . - Do you have CDs about Shang Wenjie?-Sorry,I dont have.Asome,someBany anyCsome,anyDany,some6 . There is“u”and“s” in the word“use”.Aa; anBa; aCan; aDan; an7 . _ you come, you can see beautiful flowers in our school yard.AWhateverBWhereverCWheneverDWhoever8 . Karen, Im sorry to_you. Im not available next week.AreplyBrefuseCacceptDadvise9 . If we now to protect the environment,well live to regret it.Ahadnt actedBhavent actedCdont actDwont act10 . The volunteer spoke as _ as she could to make the visitors _ her.Aclear, to understandBclearly, to understandCclear, understandDclearly, understand二、完型填空完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。As sixth graders, kids were separating into groups, but I wasnt sure where I belongedOur teacher gave us a task called secret friends for the coming weekWe were supposed to do nice things_our friends without letting them know who was doing itWe could leave_encouraging notes or cards either on their desks or in their bagsBefore doing the task, with our eyes closed, from a basket, we_a name of a classmate who we were to secretly befriend over the next five daysSoon, the task was turned into a competition of giving_instead of notesEveryone was getting cool presents except meMy friend exactly_what the teacher had told usSo I received nothing but hand-made cards with nice words about meOn the last morning, I finally got a packageWhen I_it, the girls around all_It was an old lady giftMy face went redI tried to forget about the shaming gift, but when the same girls_it again during the break in the bathroom, I joined in, How stupid! My grandmother wouldnt_want it The girls laughed at my words and went out of the bathroomWashing my hands, I let the water run through my fingers_I thought about my wordsIt wasnt_like me to say things like thatIm your secret friend It was Rochelle I m sorry about the gift, she said to me, tears running down her faceFrom a poor family, she was a target(目标) at school for those with rich parentsYet she just took all the terrible treatment silentlyI was sick to my stomach as my_words ran through my mindShe had heard everythingHow could I have been so unkind?Later I learned she had felt bad all week about not being able to leave me any cool present and her mum had given up her only luxury(奢侈品)And I had destroyed everything for herI told her that I had only said those things to try to fit in.We arent that different from each other, are we? She smiled understandinglyHer simple_, spoken from her heart, found their way straight into mine11 . AforBbehindCthroughDlike12 . AdrewBchangedCfoundDpicked13 . AchancesBhelpChopeDgifts14 . AlearnedBcopiedCfollowedDunderstood15 . AdiscoveredBopenedCcaughtDheld16 . AcheeredBshoutedClaughedDclapped17 . AmentionedBsawCshowedDsuggested18 . AjustBeverCevenDonly19 . AifBasCsinceDbecause20 . AexactlyBperfectlyCnormallyDnecessarily21 . ApowerfulBhurtfulCusefulDhelpful22 . AcardsBactionsCchoicesDwords三、阅读单选A little monkey lived on a small island(岛). He was not happy because he was the only monkey on the island. There were no other monkeys to play with him.One day, a fish told the monkey he found a new island. There were many monkeys on it.Come with me,the fish said, Let me take you there.How could the monkey get to the new island? He could swim, but he did not like to get wet(湿的). A bird tried(试图) to teach him to fly, but it was too difficult for him. The monkey wanted to make a boat, but he could not find any trees on the island.At last, an old turtle(海龟) came to help. He carried the monkey on his back and swam to the new island. The monkey was very happy because he found lots of monkeys there. He knew that he would never be lonely(孤单的) again.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。23 . The little monkey wasnt happy because _.Ahe had no food to eatBthere werent any other monkeys on the islandCit was too hot on the islandDhis parents were strict with him24 . Who told the little monkey about the new island?AA fish.BA turtle.CA monkey.DA bird.25 . The little monkey got to the new island _.Aby swimmingBby flyingCon a boatDon a turtles back26 . From the passage, we learn that the little monkey _.Acouldnt swimBmade many friends in the endCmade a small boatDcould fly in the end27 . Whats the best title(标题) for the passage?AA fish and a monkeyBHow to live on an islandCThe lonely monkeyDHow to make new friendsWhile you are in trouble, what are you going to do? What? Cry? Or escape? Those are all the wrong way! Robinson Crusoe can tell you the right answer!It is an exciting story: Robinson Crusoe hated the comfortable life in his home town. So, he want to be a seaman and travelled around the world. But one day, a terrible thing happened. A great storm came and their boat crashed! No one was alive in this accident except Robinson. He was the luckiest man in the world-Because all his friends were dead but he was alive. However, at the same time he was the mosttragicman of allHe must face the fact .Alone on an island without food, water or gun!But, all roads lead to Rome!He just used his hands to work hard!Then, he made a cave, built a house, grew corn and kept goats. In the end, he could enjoy the life on the island. In his twenty-fourth year on the island, he saved a wild man, and gave him the name of “Friday”. With Robinsons teaching, “Friday” became a good servant. Friday, they got a boat and escaped from the island.Surely, the writer of Robinson Crusoe is really a hero! Its too hard to describe Robinson with words. We could say that Robinson was very clever, and also he was brave,.Certainly, too many good words can describe him. But now, I think it isnt important. However, the most important thing is what we have learned from the story. That is, use our own hands to work hard with confidence!28 . Robinson wanted to be a sailor because.Asailor was an interesting jobBhe could earn more money to be a sailorChe wanted to have an adventure experienceDhe didnt like the quiet life in his home town29 . How many people were alive in the accident?ANo one.BOneCTwoDMany30 . The underlined word “tragic” means “” in Chinese.A悲惨的B伤心的C现实的D幸运31 . Robinson met “Friday”.Abefore he traveled around the worldBwhen the accident happenedCafter he escaped from the islandDwhen he was on the island32 . According to the author,is the most important thing we can learn from Robinson Crusoe.Abeing brave and hard-workingBbeing brave and confidentCbeing hard-working and confidentDbeing brave, hard-working and confidentHave successful people ever felt sad? Do they have any secrets to success? The answers to these questions can be found in US president Barack Obamas back to school speech. Here is a small part of his speech.I know that sometimes, after watching TV, you may feel that you can be rich and successful without any hard work-that your ticket to success is through rapping (饶舌音乐) or basketball or being a TV star. But when chances come, you may not succeed. The truth is, being successful is hard. And you may not succeed at everything the first time you try. Thats OK. Some of the most successful people in the world have had the most failures. JK Rowlings first Harry Potter book was rejected(退稿)12 times before it finally came out. Michael Jordan lost hundreds of games and missed thousands of shots during his career (职业生涯). But he once said, I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. These people succeeded because they understand that you cant let your failures beat you-you have to let them teach you. You have to let them show you what to do differently next time. No ones born being good at things. You become good at things through hard work. Dont be afraid to ask questions. Dont be afraid to ask for help when you need it. _. Because when you give up on yourself, you give up on your country.33 . Why does Barack Obama talk about JK Rowling and Michael Jordan in the second paragraph?ATo show that these two famous persons are different.BTo show that writing and sports are difficult skills.CTo show that the two persons were treated unfairly.DTo show that being successful is hard.34 . Barack Obama believes _ in his speech.Ayou can be rich and successful without any hard workByou may succeed at everything the first time you tryCyou cant let your failures beat youDyou shouldnt ask other people for help35 . What does the underlined sentence mean?AIf youre discouraged, you should give up on yourself.BYou should believe in yourself no matter how difficult it is.CWhen youre struggling, youll feel like other people have given up on you.DIf you are not struggling or discouraged, you can give up on yourself.36 . Whats the best title of this small part of Mr. Obamas speech?AThe way to succeedBFailures can help youCDont give up on yourselfDBarack Obamas success四、根据首字母、中文提示填空A) 根据括号中所给汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在横线上。37 . Many _(参观者) come to Nanjing to visit every day.38 . His father is a(n) _(工程师) in the big factory.39 . Thank you for _(准备) so much food for my birthday party.40 . _(千) of people lost their lives in Sichuan because of the earthquake.41 . In the story, many people hope to find lots of _(宝藏) on the island.五、语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Food is very important. There42 . (be) different kinds of food in the world. Everyone 43 . need) to eat well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need44 . kind of food knowledge (知识).When we are very young, we start getting knowledge. Young45 . (child) like watching and listening. Colour pictures especially interest them. When they get older, they enjoy46 . (read). If they are interested47 . something, they love to ask questions or try to do something to know more about it. Our minds, like our bodies, always need the best food. Studying48 . our own is one of the best food. If someone is always telling 49 . (we) answers, we never learn well. When we study correctly and get knowledge on our own, we learn more and understand 50 . (good). We should not stop51 . (learn) even if (即使) we become old.六、信息匹配52 . Julie is an active girl. She likes singing very much and she wants to be a singer.53 . Barry likes going to the movies with his parents on weekends. The Pacific Cineplex(太平洋电影院线)is showing Pirates of the Caribbean IV(加勒比海盗4).54 . Joe lives in China and he would like to visit other countries next month.55 . Annie cant swim at all. She wants to learn to swim to stay healthy.56 . Emma has many books and she usually reads books after class.七、材料作文57 . Write a passage of at least 50 words on the topic Talking about the holiday plan(以“谈论假期计划”为题写一篇短文,词数不少于50个)寒假即将来临。你和同学们正在讨论假期计划,大家都提出了自己的不同看法,请根据下面表格中所给信息提示,写一篇关于假期计划的短文。假期活动优点缺点呆在家里可以看书、看电视、玩电脑;省时省钱外出旅游可以游览名胜,欣赏美景,增长知识_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、语法填空1、六、信息匹配1、七、材料作文1、


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