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人教版2019-2020学年八年级第一学期期末英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Please_quiet, Tony. Your mother_now.Abe; is sleepingBbeing; is sleepingCbe; sleepingDbeing; sleeping2 . She is on a special _to lose _weight.Afood; herBfood;/Cdiet; herDdiet;/3 . May we leave the classroom now? No, you _. You _ to leave before the bell rings.Amustnt, are allowedBdont have to, are allowedCneednt, arent allowedDcant, arent allowed4 . Whats your favorite TV show?Talk show, I think. Its_of all.AeasierBmore difficultCthe most interestingDthe most boring.5 . His parents often make him _his homework till 11 oclock in the evening .AdoBdoesCto doDdoing6 . YaoMingwasagreatbasketballplayer.Ilike_verymuch.AherBhimCyouDme7 . While she _, I was watching TV.Awas cookingBgets out of the roomCcomes to visit meDis working8 . When _ he come here?He _ here two days ago.Awas; cameBdid; cameCdoes; comesDwill; comes9 . Andy lives on the 10th floor. While his Uncle Jim lives 5 floors _ in the same building.AtallerBhigherCwiderDfarther10 . -Can you playfootball with us?-Sorry.I have_homeworktodo.AsomanyBmuchtooCtoo muchDtoomany二、完型填空Gwondo was a trainer of dogs. He would go out every day with his dogs, to teach them how to catch animals so all his tribe(部落) could eat.Wherever Gwondo went, his tribe could see him away in the distance _ his white hair would shine in the sunlight. The tribe _ would say to their children, See, there is Gwondo and his dogs, searching for food for us all. Gwondo went out hunting every day and always came _ with much food. And all were very happy.Now Gwondo grew old and as all humans do, one day he died. The tribe felt sad and cried many days and many nights _ one day the elders called to their children, You have cried enough for Gwondo. Now it is time to _ living. Go down to the beach and be happy.The children ran down to the beach and looked out to sea. _, they all looked at each other, then turned and ran back to their elders, _, Come quickly. Gwondo, he is back with us. He is out in the sea. The elders hurried to the _ and said, Yes! It is Gwondo back! He is now a dolphin and lives in the sea.Now whenever you see a group of dolphins in the sea, look for the big old dolphin. You will know him because he has a large white fin on _ back. He is Gwondo and he is training the young dolphins to chase(追逐) _ close to the beach so that his tribe can catch them.Gwondo is known to all the tribes on the east coast of Australia. They call him their sea dog.11 . A. before B. unless C. because12 . A. elders B. guards C. teachers13 . A. down B. out C. back14 . A. after B. as C. until15 . A. depend on B. give up C. think about16 . A. Finally B. However C. Suddenly17 . A. explaining B. warning C. calling18 . A. hill B. beach C. forest19 . A. its B. his C. her20 . A. sheep B. fish C. dogs三、阅读单选Surprising cameraWATCH out! A slingshot (弹弓) is aimed at you. But dont be afraid. Its just a camera. Its called Slingshot camera. The camera will catch your surprised look. Pull the rubberband (橡皮筋) back and shoot. It takes a picture. Two designers from South Korea made it.Making Use of SmogSMOG (雾霾) is annoying. But what if it could be made into a diamond (钻石)? A “Smog Free Tower” will try to do that, although the diamonds will not be as real ones. Black particles (颗粒) in smog and diamonds are mostly carbon. A designer from the Netherlands made the tower.New Flower HomeWHEN plants get too big, you have to move them from a small flowerpot to a big one. Now the special growth flowerpot can save you time and energy. Its made of a special kind of material in origami style. It gets bigger and bigger as the plant grows. It is from Belgium.Solar charged lightYou can put it in your pocket. But if its inflated (充气), it turns into a light! This is LumnAID, a solar light that can be on for 16 hours after recharging (充电) with just seven hours of sunlight. Two US students designed it.21 . From the passage above, we know that _.Athe diamonds made from “Smog Free Tower” can be very expensive as real onesBa slingshot camera can catch ones surprised look by shootingCthe designer of the special growth flowerpot is from South KoreaDa LumnAID must be recharged with 16 hours before using it22 . _ might be the best gift for Mary, who loves plants but have little time on it.Aslingshot cameraBA diamondCA growth flowerpotDA LumnAID23 . Whats the news above mainly about?ASafetyBEntertainment.CEnvironment.DInventionThe Peoples Movie HouseDate: May 19Time:9:30 a.m11:30 a.mPlace:On Renmin RoadMovie: Harry PorterTicket price:30 yuanRules of the Peoples Movie HouseYou can only buy tickets from the movie house.You cant let children get into the cinema by themselves.24 . When does the movie Harry Porte begin?AAt 9:00 a.mBAt 9:30 a.mCAt 9:30 p.mDAt 11:30 a.m25 . People can see the movie on_.AMarch 19BMarch 20CMay 19DMay 2026 . Lily and Lucy want to see the movie, and they should pay_.A60 yuanB30 yuanC20 yuanD35yuanZhalong is a nature reserve in Heilongjiang in north-east China. The reserve covers an area of 210,000 hectares. It is an ideal home for different kinds of plants, fish and birds.Many birds live comfortably in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round, while some only stay there for a short time. There are many fish in the wetlands, and the birds can easily catch them for food. Zhalong has long been called “the home of the crane”. There are 15 crane species (物种) in the world. 8 of them are in China and there are 6 species in Zhalong area. It is an important living area for the rare red-crowned cranes. There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world. Every spring and summer, red-crowned cranes lay and hatch (孵化) their eggs in Zhalong.Some people want to change the wetlands for farms and buildings. More and more birds are in danger because they do not have enough living space. Many of them died. The Chinese government wants to protect these endangered birds, and they can be safe in Zhalong.Every year, a lot of tourists go to Zhalong to watch birds. This year, members of our Bird-watching Club are going to study the different kinds of birds in Zhalong and the changes in their numbers. But many people do not understand the importance of the wetlands. We hope this information will help them understand and make them actively take action to protect wildlife.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。27 . What does the underlined word “ideal” mean?APerfect.BDangerous.CBusy.DExpensive.28 . What can we learn from the second paragraph?AAll birds stay in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round.BThere are eight species of red-crowned cranes in Zhalong.CThe number of the worlds red-crowned cranes is small.DEvery winter red-crowned cranes hatch eggs in Zhalong.29 . The purpose(目的) of the article is to _.Aattract more visitors to pay a visit to Zhalong Nature ReserveBask people to take action to protect wetlands and wildlifeCprevent people from watching birds in Zhalong Nature ReserveDmake people around the world know the Birdwatchting ClubTraveling is one of the most important activities and people have been interested in it for many years.Modern traffic develops fast,so traveling to different places has become much easier than before.Staying healthy while traveling can make your trip happy.But do you know how to keep healthy during a trip?The following information may be useful for you.Before traveling:Wear comfortable shoes,a hat and sunglasses.Take some necessary medicines with you.They can be used when you get sick or have other problems.If you do lots of sports like walking or climbing during your trip,you should do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave.While traveling:Be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit.Have enough time to take a rest during your trip.Tap water is not safe,so drink bottled water and always clean the cover of the bottle.30 . Traveling has become much easier than before because of .Amodern technologyBthe development of modern trafficCtravel agenciesDthe development of peoples lives31 . You shouldbefore you leave your home for a trip.Atake some medicines with youBclean the cover of the bottleCdrink much waterDwear warm clothes32 . You had better notwhile you are having a trip.Awear sunglassesBbe too tiredCwear a hatDtake a rest33 . If you while traveling,your trip will be happy.Awalk fastBeat too muchCkeep healthyDeat dirty food34 . The passage mainly talks about.Atraveling developmentBhow to keep healthy during a tripCactivities before travelingDactivities while traveling四、完成句子完成句子:根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。35 . 如果我们齐心协力,就一定会赢。If we _, we are sure to win.36 . 使用新机器前,我们应该先看说明。We should read _ first before using the new machine.37 . 邮局不远,走路五分钟就到了。The post office is not far, and it is _.38 . 除了会弹吉他,他还会弹钢琴。_, he can also play the piano.39 . 请别忘记及时把这些书还给图书馆。Please dont forget _ to the library.五、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框内选择适当的词填空,每空一词。方框中有两个词是多余选项。When learning new vocabulary, dont just memorize a list of words. Instead, try to make five40 . using each word. Then use the new word as often as you can the first day you learn it. This way you will41 . new words much longer.Practicing sounds, you know, is difficult. Take the sound th for example. Choose words that begin42 . th and repeat them until you are comfortable with them. Lets try! This, that, those ,them, think, thought, through, thin, thickRead, read, read-in English, of course! Reading is one of the43 . ways to increase your vocabulary and improve your grammar. Be sure to44 . topics(话题) or books you are interested in.When45 . is talking in English, listen for the main point. If you hear a word you dont understand, ignore (忽略) it and go on listening. If you stop and think about the word, you will miss everything 46 . the person is saying.Always remember : Practice makes perfect.六、回答问题Nearly everyone is shy in some ways. If shyness is making you uncomfortable, it may be time for a few lessons in self-confidence. You can build your confidence by following some suggestions from doctors and psychologists (心理学家).Make a decision not to be afraid in talks. What you have to say is just as important as what other people say. And dont refuse party invitations just because of your shyness.Prepare yourself for being with others in groups. Make a list of the good qualities you have. Then make a list of ideas, experiences, and skills you would like to share with other people. Think about what you would like to say at first. Then say it.If you start feeling yourself in a group, take a deep breath and put eyes on other people. Remember, you are not alone. Other people are concerned about the impression they are making, too.Even actors think that they often feel shy. They work at fighting their shy feelings so they can face the cameras and the public.Just making the effort to control shyness can have many rewards (回报) . But perhaps the best reason to fight shyness is to give other people a chance to know more about you.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。47 . Does everyone feel shy?_48 . What shouldnt we do when we are in a talk?_49 . What do the psychologists tell us to do when we receive a party invitation?_50 . Do people often concern about the impression they make?_51 . What is the best reason for fighting shyness?_七、话题作文52 . 我市正在积极开展“创建文明城市”的活动,你们班准备出一期以“To make our city more beautiful”为题的英文小报,你打算积极投稿。请根据以下思维导图的信息提示用英语写一篇短文,和同学们谈谈你对此项活动的想法。To make our city more beautifulthe importance of the activity improve living standard(水平) make the city more beautifulthe problems we not obey traffic rules throw rubbish everywhere .(至少一点)the action we should take .(至少两点)要求:1.短文必须包含图表所提供的主要信息,可以适当发挥;2.词数:80词左右,开头已经给出,不计入总词数;3.文中不得提及具体人名、校名及地名。To make our city more beautifulOur city is actively developing the activity of “building a civilized city”. Im glad to write something about it. _In a word, if everyone pays more attention to our city, well have a better life. Everybody, lets take part in this activity actively to make our city more beautiful.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、完成句子1、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、回答问题1、七、话题作文1、


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