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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下期期中英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . This is the bike_I lost last week.AthatBwhatCwhoDwhose2 . Mary made coffee _ her guests were finishing their meal .Aso thatBalthoughCwhileDas if3 . students in this school is about2,000. Andstudents take the bus to school.AThe number of;the number ofBA number of;a number ofCA number of;the number ofDThe number of;a number of4 . Excuse me. Do you know _? Sure. Look! Its over there.Ais there a public restroom near hereBwheres the public restroomCif there is a public restroom near hereDhow can I get to the public restroom5 . Mark is a student. He usually _ at 8:30 in the morning.Aeats dinnerBgoes to schoolCgo to bedDgets up6 . Tom, do you want a new football? No, thanks, Mum. My old football is just _ a new one.Aso good asBas good asCas well asDso well as7 . The witness told the judge Tony _ the thief who broke into the villa, because they were watching a movie together _ that dark night.Acouldnt be; onBmust be; onCcouldnt be; inDmay be; in8 . Theres only _furniture in this shop. Shall we go to another one to have a look?AfewBa fewCa littleDlittle9 . All of you have passed the test!_ pleasant news you told us!AHowBHow aCWhatDWhat a10 . Mr. Cool often does exercise in the park _ Saturday morning.AinBatConDto二、完型填空The island country of Japan, located on the Ring of Fire, _thousands of small earthquakes each year. In 1995 a 6.9 magnitude earthquake shook a city named Kobe(神户). Many people were killed or injured as a result of the damage. The people of Kobe faced many difficult problems, including shortages of_ , water, and housing. What lessons did scientists learn from this disaster? And how are people_ the next big earthquake?Part of preparation for an earthquake is to make sure that buildings and other structures are _enough, so scientists and engineers in Japan are working hard to _construction technology. Japanese scientists are working on the worlds largest earthquake, “shaking table”. New technologies are also used to create “smart” buildings that can get survived in the earthquake.Many kinds of new instruments have been developed to help scientists_ an earthquake. There is a new computer system which can give people as much as a 25-second_ that a quake is coming. In this way, people will have_ time to stop trains, shut down gas lines, and tell _to stop operating in the hospital and so on.Although earthquakes can _be controlled, yet in the future as the forecasting methods are becoming more advanced, people will deal with such events more effectively.11 . AexperiencesBcausesClikesDmakes12 . AmoneyBfoodCcomputersDscientists13 . Awaiting forBthinking ofCpreparing forDworking on14 . AtallBstrongCmodernDnew15 . AimproveBraiseCteachDlearn16 . ApickBprotectCstopDpredict17 . AnewsBwarmingCsuggestionDwarning18 . AlongBhappyCenoughDmain19 . AdoctorsBengineersCteachersDmanagers20 . AseldomBalwaysCneverDsometimes三、阅读单选The Lascaux PaintingsNear the town of Montignac in Southern France, visitors can find some of the most beautiful cave paintings in the world-the Lascaux Paintings. The history of these paintings is very interesting. Caves are large rooms that have been formed by nature. Most caves are under the ground, but some have_that people can find. In September 1940, thats just what happened. Four boys were taking a walk in the woods near Montignac. As they walked along, one of them noticed an_rock. When they got closer, they realized that it wasnt a rock; it was an opening in the ground. This opening_to a cave. The boys decided to have a look around this cave. The walls of the cave were covered with ancient art. The boys didnt know it, but the cave was the find of the century!Over the years,many historians and articles came to study the art. They wanted to understand who painted them and what the paintings might_. They soon realized that some of the art showed animals that no longer exist. Many of the pictures also showed people following animals and trying to kill them for food. In the end,historians agreed this was likely to be the art of a civilization(文明)that existed over 15,000 years ago. By 1950,over a thousand people from all over the world were visiting the caves every day. But by 1955,the paintings were beginning to become difficult to see. The paintings were losing their colours_so many people were passing through the caves._,people can no longer visit the caves. However,another set of cave paintings has been created. These paintings look exactly the same as the Lasaux Paintings. People made the paintings so that everyone can still learn about this ancient civilization. If you are near Montignac,these caves and wonderful paintings are a must-see!21 . AentrancesBexitsCholesDgates22 . AimpossibleBamazingCordinaryDunusual23 . AwentBconnectedCledDbelonged24 . AmeanBpaintCstudyDlook25 . AthoughBsinceCas soon asDso that26 . ALuckilyBSadlyCHappilyDImportantly四、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求改写下列句子,每空格限填一词):27 . She usually goes to the supermarket once a week. (划线提问)_ times does she usually go to the supermarket a week?28 . Susan managed to get the position that she had been working hard for. (保持句意基本不变)Susan _ getting the position that she had been working hard for.29 . She usually comes back to her office and continues working after dinner. (保持句意基本不变)She usually _ to her office and _ on working after dinner.30 . My mother dislikes the style of the furniture. (改为反意疑问句)My mother dislikes the style of the furniture, _?31 . Wendys mum is in charge of sales. (保持句意基本不变)Wendys mum is _ sales.32 . The students will graduate from the school in eight months. (划线提问)_ will the students graduate from the school?33 . the way, yet, they, found, the problem,work out, havent ,to (连词成句)_五、根据音标写单词根据句意和所给的提示填入适当形式的单词。34 . Mysisterhasa_rand face.35 . Whatdoesyourfavorite_ktrs looklike?36 . Thewindblewoutthe_kndlz.37 . Thisquestionistoodifficult,hecant_:ns(r) it.38 . Everybody_l:ft,sangandtalkedatthepartyyesterday.39 . Hewenttothe_frstandcampedtherelastweekend.40 . This_(机器人)canspeakallkindsoflanguages41 . Lastweekend,myfamilywenttothefarmandfedsome_(绵羊)六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):42 . Shanghai is one of the biggest _ in the world. (city)43 . Some dinosaurs were even _ than tigers and ate meat. (fierce)44 . In the Guinness Book of Records, we can find some _ stories easily. (amaze)45 . Some dinosaurs were as gentle as sheep. They were _. (harm)46 . Reading in the sun does _ to our eyes. (harmful)47 . Marys father bought _ an encyclopedia. (she)48 . There lived in China a great _ named Confucius. (think)49 . His father has been _ for ten years. (die)50 . The doctor is used to speaking to his patients _. (gentle)51 . _, Walt got a job that he really liked drawing cartoons for films. (final)七、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空manage,along with,graduate,thank,responsible52 . Jim _ his friends has gone to the mountains.53 . The man worked hard and became a famous _.54 . Tom is _ for designing the entire project.55 . Im _ to my teachers for helping me much.56 . All the students parents were invited to attend the _ ceremony at No.9Junior High School.八、单词填空根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。Peters uncle lives in the country. Once in summer, Peter goes to stay with him a57 . weeks. Whenever(无论何时)they go for a walk or drive a 58 . and meet somebody, his uncle waves(挥手)to the person. Peter is surprised and says, “ Uncle George, you 59 . to know everybody here. Where did you meet them all ?” “ I dont know all these people.” answers his uncle. “ Then 60 . do you wave to them?” “ Well, Peter,” says his uncle “ If the person61 . me, he will be happy. And thatll make his journey(旅途)62 . . 63 . if the person doesnt know me, he will be surprised and say to64 . , “ Who is that man ? Why did he wave to me ?” So he will have something to think about, and thatll make his journey shorter. And Ill make everybody happy.”The Voice of China is probably the most 65 . music talent show in China now. It has been shown on Zhejiang TV every Friday night since 2012. Young people enjoy the show very much. Everybody is talking about the singers such 66 . Jike Junyi, Jin Zhiwen, Wu Mochou and Liang Bo. They are really good 67 . singing.One of the best singers is Liang Bo. People cant forget his final performance, he 68 . a song named I Love You, China that day. He was so great that he became the 69 . of the show. And now we are looking forward to his new song.九、回答问题阅读表达阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Look around your class. How many of your classmates wear a pair of glasses?About 60 % of Chinese students had shortsightedness(近视) in 2013. If you find you cant see things clearly, the first thing you should do is to go to the doctor and find out if you have shortsightedness. If you really have shortsightedness, you need right glasses to see things clearly. Wearing glasses is helpful to make your eyes relaxed(放松的) and slow down the progression(进展) of shortsightedness.On the other hand, your habit(习惯) of using your eyes is also important. For example, doing eye protection(保护) exercises at school, spending more time outdoors and looking out of the window.But life becomes easier for people with glasses. Shortsighted people can wear sunglasses. Some shops including online shops also sell special glasses for shortsighted people to play sports. For example, with special swimming glasses, shortsighted people can see clearly when swimming. Maybe one day shortsighted people can have special 3-D glasses for TV and movies.根据文章内容,回答下列问题(No more than four words)。70 . In 2013, how many Chinese students had shortsightedness?_71 . If you really have shortsightedness, what do you need to see things clearly?_72 . How many good habits of using eyes are mentioned(提及) in the passage? _73 . How can shortsighted people see clearly when swimming?_74 . How does life become for people with glasses?_十、话题作文75 . 由于树木被大量砍伐,植被面积逐年减少,空气受到严重污染,臭氧层遭到严重破坏人们已察觉到气温逐年升高,2016年夏天,印度的高温导致1700余人死亡,对此现象,你有何看法?请以“How to protect _?”为题,写一篇80100词的短文,谈谈你的想法。提示词:pollution,reuse,plant要求:1.语句流畅,书写工整;2使用所给提示词,并可适当发挥;3文中不得出现真实的人名、地名等信息。How to protect our environment?第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、根据音标写单词1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、八、单词填空1、2、九、回答问题1、十、话题作文1、

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