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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期第一次月考英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Over 700 people injured in the earthquake in western Iran _ November 2018.AonBinCatDof2 . Can I go shopping with you, Mom? I feel very _ at home all day. Sure! Lets go to the supermarket, dear.AinterestedBexcitedCrelaxedDbored3 . Why not _ your father to help when you have trouble _ the story by yourself?Ato ask; finishBask; finishingCto ask; finishingDasking; to finish4 . You are expected _ a diary in English every day if you want to improve your writing skills.AkeepBkeptCkeepingDto keep5 . Lets go to Mr. Smiths speech on Western culture, shall we? _ We can attend his lecture next time.AWhy not?BIm afraid its too late now.CThats all right.DNever mind.6 . Jims father _ to London last month. He _ there three times.Awent; has goneBhas gone; has beenCwent; has beenDhas been; has gone7 . We have sixty students in our class.of them are boys. How many girls are there, do you know? Forty.AOne thirdBTwo thirdsCA quarterDA half8 . When you meet a new word, you may _ the new word in a dictionary.Alook overBlook forClook upDlook after9 . I want to _ as the Monkey King.AcelebrateBdress upClookDmake10 . I _my teacher since last year. I miss him very much.Adidnt see B. saw C. havent seen D. see11 . _do you have an art festival in your school?Once a year.AHow soonBHow longCHow far D How often12 . The two naughty boys admitted _ the window.AbreakingBto breakCbreakDbroke13 . Why are you still here? Its already seven oclock.Because I _ my work. Dont worry. Its almost done.Awasnt finishingBwouldnt finishChavent finishedDwont finish14 . -How well do you know the Opera House?-I know the place very well. ISydney many times.Ahave been inBhave been toChave gone toDhave arrived in二、完型填空A few years ago, the company I worked for sent my wife and me to live in New York for a year. Ive always loved running, so I was really _when I found out I lived next to Central Park. This meant that I could go to the park to _every morning before I went to work.A lot of people had told me to be careful of robbers(强盗) in the park, so usually I didnt take any _with me. What could robbers do to me? But one morning, my _gave me a $ 10 bill and asked me to buy some bread on the way. While I was running through the park, another jogger(慢跑者) _me. Just as I was wondering what was happening, he said sorry to me and _running. I thought it was kind of strange, and suddenly it reminded me of my money, so I checked my pocket and found that the money was _. Without thinking twice I ran after that jogger. The minute I held him by the arm, I shouted, “Give my money back! Now!” I am not usually a hot-headed(性急的) person, _I got really angry this time. This seemed to frighten him. He took out the money and gave it to me. Then he ran away_.I bought the bread and went home. As soon as I got home, I began to tell my wife my story, “You wont _ what happened to me,” I started. She immediately stopped me, “I know, you left the money for the bread on the kitchen table.”15 . AupsetBhappyCworried16 . ArunBchatCread17 . AdrinkBmoneyCfood18 . AfriendBbossCwife19 . Aknocked intoBlooked atCwaited for20 . AstoppedBpracticedCcontinued21 . AsafeBbrokenCmissing22 . AbutBsoCunless23 . AthankfullyBquicklyCcarefully24 . AbelieveBunderstandCremember三、阅读单选Were going to move, Jimmy said to Mr. James her teacher, with tears(眼泪) in her eyes. Dad lost his job and now we dont have enough money to live in our house. Pam was walking by and just heard Jimmys talk with Mr.James.In the lunchroom Pam met Carol and said, Ive got something to tell you about Jimmy. As she started to tell Carol about Jimmys dad, several other classmates stopped to listen Pam felt bad telling what she had heard but she went on anyway.After school, Pam saw some of her classmates talking to Jimmy. Where does your dad work? one of the boys asked. Jimmys face turned red. She left without answering. Pam felt terrible, because she didnt mean to hurt Jimmy. And she hadnt thought that some of the classmates would make jokes and laugh at Jimmy about her fathers losing the job. Pom didnt know what she could do to help Jimmy.25 . The story wants to tell us _.AIts difficult to move awayBgirls dont like to talk to boysCstudents report to the teacherDsecrets are hard to keep26 . Jimmys family had to move because _.Aher father lost his jobBthey had a better place to live inCher classmates were not kind enoughDher father changed his job27 . Jimmys face turning red show that she didnt _.Afeel well enoughBknow the answerCwant to talk about her fatherDwant to leave others28 . Pam felt very sorry _.Aand wanted to do something for JimmyBbut went to laughing at JimmyCso she stopped to listen to othersDand left without answering29 . The whole story happened _.Ain classBduring and after schoolCat Mr. Jamess officeDin the lunchroomDear Parents,The exams of your child are to start soon. I know you really worry about your child to do well. But please remember, among the students, there will be many artists, musicians, teachers and so on. You should know the following things:There is an artist, who doesnt need to understand Maths. There is an entrepreneur(企业家), who doesnt need to care about History or English Literature. There is a musician, whose Chemistry grades wont matter. There is a sportsperson, whose health is more important than Physics.If your child gets high grades, that will be great. But if he or she doesnt, please dont be angry with them. Please dont take away their self-confidence. They need your help. Tell them its OK, and its just an exam. There are many other challenges in their life. Tell them, no matter what happened, you love them and will not leave them. You are the closest people to your child in the world. Please do this, and when you do, wait your child to be successful. One exam or low grades wont take away their dream and talent.With Warm Regards, The headmaster30 . _writes the letter to the parents.AAn artistBA childCA headmasterDA musician31 . If your child doesnt get high grades, you should _.Abe angry with himBhelp himCtake away his self-confidenceDleave him32 . According to the passage, _ is more important for a sportsman.AhealthBphysicsCmathsDEnglish Literature四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空,使短文完整。I know Sunshine Town very well. I33 . (move) here with my parents when I was four years old. I34 . (live) here since then. Sunshine Town has changed a lot. However, it is difficult 35 . (see) some of my old friends. Sometimes they come back to see me, and that makes me 36 . (feel) happy. I hope37 . (play) Chinese chess with them every day.用所给词的适当形式填空。38 . Both English and French _ (speak) in Canada.39 . Tea _ (plant) in South China.40 . What _ your dress _ of? -Cotton.-Is it a ready-to-wear dress? -No. My mother _ it for me. (make)41 . A lot of tall buildings _ (build) in my hometown last year.42 . -_ Japanese _ (teach) in your school?-Yes. We have three Japanese teachers.43 . Wood can _ (use) for making paper.44 . Middle school students should _ (not allow) to have long hair.45 . The book _ (write) by a ten-year-old girl.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子.词汇运用(每小题1分,共5分)根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。lock, day, hero, mention, lowlock, day, hero, mention, low46 . Mom often tells us to save water in our _ lives.47 . Mr. White was so lucky to buy this TV set at such a _ price.48 . Mario was such a careless person that he didnt _ his car last night.49 . In her e-mail Carol _ that she had a trip to Europe last year.50 . Yao Ming and Lin Dan are sports _. Li Yun admires them very much.六、句子配对句子配对AB51 . Whats this in English?52 . Is this a book?53 . Whos that man?54 . What color is that orange?55 . How are you?56 . Whats your last name?57 . How old are you?58 . Is that jacket black?59 . Whats your name?60 . How do you do?AMiller.BHes my fatherCIts orangeDYesit isEIts a mapFNo, its yellow.GTenH. Very well,thank youI. How do you do?J. Mike.七、填空完成表格。阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成表格中所缺的信息。Do you like popular music from Latin America,the United States,or Asia? Many musicians from around the world blend(混合) countrys music with popular sounds.Caetano VelosoAfter thirty years, Caetano Veloso is still one of Brazils most important musicans.He mixed rock with the music of the Bahia region(地区).Bahia is a state of Brazil that is strongly influenced by African culture. Caetano Veloso is an excellent songwriter and poet.He talks of his music:“I make my records like a painter paints his canvas(油画)”.Bonnie RaittBonnie Raitt is an American singer,songwriter,and guitarist.Her music blends rock with country and blues.The blues is a kind of folk music that is often sad.It is usually about love and the problems of life. Bonnie Raitts strong,rough voice is perfect for singing country and blues.Cui JianCui Jian is a very important musician in the growth of rock music in China.Western styles,like jazz and rap,clearly influence his music.However,his music has Chinese style in its instruments and sounds. Cui Jian says his music expressesthe feelings of Chinese young people.NameNationalityKinds of music he /sheblends Caetano VelosoBrazilian61 . _Bonnie Raitt62 . _63 . _Cui Jian64 . _jazz and rap with Chinese style 八、将所给单词连成句子65 . of there our north isa bridge school_66 . rain I going is think to it_67 . beautiful it what flower is a_68 . cooked in justmeals the kitchen now Dad_69 . to the key Alice too was reach small_九、材料作文70 . 书面表达假设某中学生英文报开展关于生活变化的征文活动,请你根据下表所提示的要点,以“Changes in our life”为题,用英语为该报写一篇90词左右的文章,简述社会、家庭、学校及个人生活中的若干变化,展望未来生活及如何为此努力。变化家乡小路大路(或自拟一点内容)生活步行、骑车乘车、开车 (或自拟一点内容)学校旧校区新的教学楼 (或自拟一点内容)个人仅通过书本学习通过电脑学习 (或自拟一点内容)愿望更加美好的生活(或自拟一点内容,说明自己的理想生活)打算自拟一至两点内容,说明将如何为实现自己的愿望而努力_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、句子配对1、七、填空1、八、将所给单词连成句子1、九、材料作文1、

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