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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期第一次段考英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空完形填空(本题共15小题;每小题l分,满分l5分)There once was a boy who loved eating sweets. He_asked for sweets from his father. His father was a_man and they lived in a very old house. He could not always_sweets for his son. But the little boy did not_this, and demanded sweets all the time.The boys father thought hard about_to stop the child asking for so many sweets. There was a very holy(神圣的) man living nearby at that time. The boys father had a(n)_He decided to take the boy to the great man who might_persuade(说服) the child to stop asking for sweets all the time. The boy and his father went along to the_man. The father said to him, “Oh, great saint, could you ask my son to stop asking for sweets which I cannot afford?” The great man was in_, because he liked sweets himself. How could he ask the boy to give up asking for sweets? The holy man told the father to_his son back after one month.During that month, the holy man gave up eating sweets, and when the boy and his father_after a month, the holy man said to the boy “My dear child, will you stop asking for sweets which your father cannot afford to give you?”_, the boy stopped asking for sweets.The boys_asked the saint, “Why didnt you ask my son to give up asking for sweets_we came to you a month ago?” The holy man replied, “How could I ask a boy to give up sweets when I loved sweets myself. In the last month I gave up eating sweets.”A persons_is much more powerful than just his words.1 . AalwaysBneverChardlyDseldom2 . ArichBhonestCkindDpoor3 . AmakeBacceptCaffordDfind4 . AignoreBunderstandCrememberDchange5 . AwhatBwhereCwhyDhow6 . AexcuseBsurpriseCideaDproverb7 . AcanBwas able toCbe able toDcould8 . AyoungBstrongCgreatDugly9 . AdifficultyBpeaceCdangerDtears10 . AcallBturnCgetDbring11 . AreturnedBaskedCleftDdisappeared12 . AUp to noBSooner or laterCIn other wordsDFrom then on13 . AsisterBbrotherCfatherDmother14 . AwhenBbecauseCuntilDthough15 . AsuccessBhistoryCfutureDaction二、阅读单选Chinas second female astronaut, Wang Yaping, has given the countrys first-ever video lecture from space. The whole lecture lasted about 40 minutes.Speaking to students through live video, from the Tiangong-I space laboratory, Ms. Wang used spinning tops (旋转的陀螺), a ball and some water to explain physics in zero-gravity(失重), with the help of a fellow astronaut.Ms. Wang used different experiments to demonstrate the concepts of weight and mass (重量和质量的概念) in space. Towards the end of the class, Ms. Wang made a film(薄膜) of water using a metal ring. She then turned the film of water into a water ball by pouring more water onto it.Around 330 primary and secondary school students watched the lecture from a special classroom in Beijing, where they could also ask Ms. Wang questions through live video. From time to time, the students greeted her lecture with warm applause(掌声).When answering a students question, Ms. Wang described what she could see in space. The stars we see are much brighter, but they do not twinkle(闪烁), she said, The sky we see isnt blue, but black. And every day, we can see the sun rise 16 times because we circle the Earth every 90 minutes.About 60 million students and teachers around China also watched the lecture live on TV.16 . Whats the purpose(目的) of the space lecture?ATo explain physics of zero-gravity in space.BTo demonstrate the concept of weight and mass in space.CTo tell us what can be seen in space.DTo show that the Earth is far away from space.17 . What does the underlined word demonstrate in the passage most probably mean in Chinese?A区别B强调C传授D演示18 . Towards the end of the lecture, Wang Yaping made a film of water so as to .Aplay with itBuse a metal ringCturn it into a water ballDpour more water onto it19 . About students and teachers watched the lecture both from a special classroom and on TV.A330B60,000,000C6,000,330D60,000,33020 . Which is NOT true according to the passage?AWang Yaping is Chinas second female astronaut.BWang Yaping gave the lecture from space all by herself.CThe lecture was warmly welcomed by the students.DThe sky isnt blue but black when astronauts see it in space.Do you know Ma Yun? He is Founder(创始人) and Chairman(董事长) of Alibaba (阿里巴巴) Group. Ma was born in Hangzhou. At an early age, ma wanted to learn English so he rode his bike each morning in order to go to a nearby hotel and talked with foreigners. He would guide them around the city for free(免费的) in order to practice and improve English.Ma is never afraid of failure. Although he failed the university entrance exam(大学入学考试) exam three times, ma entered Hangzhou normal university.(杭州师范大学) He majored in(主修) English and graduated(毕业) in 1988. While at school, ma was elected student chairman.(被选为学生会主席). He later became a lecturer(讲师) in English and International Trade (国际贸易) at the Hangzhou Dianzi University.In the early of 1995, he went to the United States, and with the help of his friend he got introduced to the Internet. In April 1995, Ma, his wife and a friend collected twenty thousand dollars and started an Internet company. He named their first company “ China Yellow pages”. Within three years(在3年内) his company had made 5 0000000 Chinese yuan. In 1999, he decided to give up his job in the US, and went back to Hangzhou with his team in order to found(成立) Alibaba. Alibaba is a China - based business - to- business marketplace site on the internet. It serves(为.服务) more than 79 million members from more than 24o countries and areas. In September 2014Alibaba became one of the most valuable companies in the world. Ma Yun becomes one of the most successful businessman in China.21 . Why did Ma Yun guide(给某人当导游) foreigners around the city for free (免费的)?A. Because he was a volunteerB. Because he was a translator(翻译家)C. Because he wanted to practice and improve his English22 . What is the name of Ma Yuns first company?A. Hangzhou DianziB. China Yellow Pages.C. Alibaba23 . Which is the right order of the following events(事件) according to the passage?a. Ma Yun started an Internet companyb. Ma Yun founded(成立) Alibabac. Ma Yun went back to Hangzhou with his team in 1999d. He became a teacher in English and International TradeA. a - b- c- d B. c- d- a- bAd - a - c- b24 . Which sentence is right according to the passage?A. Alibaba serves more than 79 million members only in ChinaB. Alibaba is one of the most valuable companies in the worldC. Alibaba had made 5000, 000 dollars in three years25 . What is the best title(最好的标题) of the passage?A. The Story of Ma YunB. The Story of China yellow PagesC. The Story of Alibaba三、阅读判断Mrs Jones was over eighty,but she still drove her old car like a young woman.She loved driving very fast,and she said that she had never been punished for a driving offence(违章)Then one day,she nearly lost her record.A police car followed her,and the policeman in it saw her pass a red light without stopping.When Mrs Jones came before the policeman,he looked at her seriously and said that she was too old to drive a car,and that her eyes had probably become weak with old age,so she had not stopped at the red light.After the policeman finished his words,Mrs Jones,without saying a word,opened the big handbag she was carrying and took out her sewing(针线活)She showed a needle(针)with a very small eye,and threaded(穿线)it at her first try.When she had successfully done this,she took the thread out of the needle again and handed both the needle and the thread to the policeman,saying,“Now it is your turn.You drive a car and you must see clearly.”The policeman took the needle and tried to tread it.After trying for six times,he still didnt succeed,so Mrs Jones wasnt punished.Her record remained unbroken.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。26 . According to the passage,Mrs Jones was only sixty years old.27 . The policeman saw Mrs Jones pass a red light without stopping.28 . The policeman said that Mrs Jones was too old to drive a car.29 . Mrs Jones chose a needle with a big eye and threaded it at her first try.30 . The policeman tried for six times and succeeded at last.四、填写适当的句子补全对话.补全对话在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语L: Hi, Yin Li. I want to relax myself after the big exam. Do you have any good ideas?Y: Hmmm.31 . ?L:I think listening to music is kind of boring.Y: Do you like playing computer games?L:32 . . But its bad for my eyes.Y: Maybe you can take a trip.L:33 . . I like traveling. Where can I go?Y:34 . .L: No, never. Is Dalian a good place to travel?Y: Yeah, there are lots of things you can do there.L: Great!35 . ?Y: Yes, Id love to. Although Ive been there, I want to go again.五、单词填空根据首字母的提示完成短文, 每空一词。Everyone needs friends. They can bring us happiness and hope in our lives. To some people, making friends is easy, but to o36 . , its very difficult. Making friends is a skill. We should know how to get on with other people. If you have difficulty (困难) making friends, take the following advice (建议), it may be h37 . to you.First, believe yourself. You must have the abilities (能力) and talents (才能) that other people can enjoy. Show yourself when it is necessary (必要的). Second, try to be friendly and give people a h38 . when they need you. Next, it is very important to have a good sense of humor (幽默). Learn how to be funny and make people l39 . . Finally, sometimes we may have d40 . ideas from other people. What should we do? Just listen to them. They have their ideas, and you have yours.Hi, Tony is my 41 . (第一的)name and Black is my 42 . (最后的)name. Im 13 43 . (岁)old. My family are in a 44 . (小的)city in 45 . (英格兰). My father is Jack Black. He likes reading. My mother is Victoria Black. She likes 46 . (花). My brother Jim Black is 47 . (二十岁). He likes playing 48 . (篮球). On weekends, my family and I often visit 49 . (我们的)grandparents. 50 . (每人)is happy.六、回答问题A great selection of fiction and non-fiction books!Best Sellers, Childrens, Do-It-Yourself, Instructional, Historical,Hobbies, Cooking, Health, Gardening, Fitness, and more.Video and audio media is also available. On sale!Location: Mariposa County Main LibraryNext to the Mariposa County Courthouse4978 10th Street in MariposaThursday April 30th 1:00pm-6:00pmLibrary Members Only: Buy One FreeMemberships are available at the doorFriday May 1st8:30 am-6:00pmFriends of the Library Members Only: Buy One Get One FreeSaturday May 2nd 8:30 am-4:00pmSunday May 3rd 9:30am-12:00pmFor more information, call 209-966-214051 . What is the advertisement about?52 . Are there books about health in this library?53 . Where is the library?54 . When can the friends of the library members buy one book and get a free one?55 . How long will the sale last?七、书信作文56 . 书面表达。假如你是阳光中学的李磊,你在学校网站看到国际学生Stephen的求助信。请根据Stephen信的内容,用英语给Stephen写一封回信,介绍你校图书馆借书的要求和流程。HELP NEEDEDIm Stephen , an international student from Britain .I would like to know how to borrow books from the school library. Should I bring my students card with me ? How long can I keep a book ? I wonder if you can provide any tips on borrowing books.Please email me at Stephen 220yahoo.com. Thank you!Stephen注意:1,文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;2语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;3词数90左右,邮件的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear Stephen,I am writing to tell you how to borrow books from the school library._ Yours faithfullyLi Lei第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、三、阅读判断1、四、填写适当的句子补全对话1、五、单词填空1、2、六、回答问题1、七、书信作文1、

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