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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期第一次月考英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The camel comes _ Africa and it lives _ the desert.Ain; atBfrom; inCin; forDfrom; on2 . She kept practicing _ she could win the National Speaking Competition.Aas a resultBso thatCin order toDbecause of3 . Lucy_the piano since she was six years old.AplayedBplaysChas playedDis playing4 . The girls are talking about the Korean soap operas _. Yes. They have so many fun things to share.Aeasily B. angrily C. sadly D. happily5 . -Tony came late for class again and was punished by Mr. West.-_.I told him yesterday to arrive early.AIts a piece of cakeBIt severs him rightCIt takes time6 . Those photos _ nice.AareBisCbeDAm7 . - Computers are very useful.- Yes, with the help of computers, news can _ every corner of the world.AenterBreturnCreachDarrive8 . There two different films tomorrow afternoon. Which one do you like?Awill haveBwill going to beCis going to beDwill be9 . We _ him _ give up smoking.Aadvise;toBadvise;onCadvice;toDadvice;on10 . Would you mind stopping your cigarette(香烟)? _. I forget smoking is not allowed here.AIt doesnt matter.BNot at allCYes, pleaseDNever mind.11 . This kind of flu (流感) is terrible, but the government _ action to prevent it already.Ahas takenBtookCwill takeDwas taking12 . -Why dont you buy the camera, Mary? -Its too expensive. I cant_ it.AsellBlendCkeepDafford13 . Linda has _ her husband for 10 years.Agotten married withBgotten married toCbeen married withDbeen married to14 . Yesterday we all went to the movies _ Bob. Because he had seen the movie before.AexceptBbesideCbesidesDbut15 . Welcome to our restaurant. Please have _ seat.AtheBsomeCa二、完型填空Yesterday was my friend Kyras birthday. He invited me to his birthday party. Another friend, Guy, had offered to take me to the party by car.Well, I was getting dressed_Guy rang and said he was ill, so I decided to go by train. Unluckily, while I was taking_the phone, the cat walked over my clean shirt, so I had to spend a few minutes finding another one and I was_leaving.As I was walking to the station it started snowing and I got very cold. I just_a train and I had to wait at the station for half an hour. When the train finally arrived I was frozen! I was so cold and tired that during the journey I_and I missed my station.Well, I got off at the next stop and decided to walk_to Kyras. I walked for half an hour and then I realized(意识到) I was_. Luckily, I found a_and telephoned for a taxi. When I finally arrived at Kyras house it was_midnight and people were going home. What a_evening!16 . AthenBwhenCandDas17 . AonBatCtoDabout18 . AreadyBhappyClateDquick19 . Agot offBcaughtCgot onDmissed20 . Aenjoyed talkingBfell asleepCplayed cardsDlooked out21 . AupBforwardCbackDalong22 . AtiredBhungryCsadDlost23 . AphoneBbus stopCroad signDtaxi24 . AevenBnearlyCstillDhardly25 . AlovelyBfrighteningCterribleDcold三、阅读单选Children across the world are taking pictures of their school meals.They are sending these pictures over the Internet to a young girl in Scotland.Then she shares the pictures and stories with people around the world.The girls name is Martha.She likes to write.So Martha decided to start her own blog(博客)Every day,Martha writes on the Internet about the meals she eats at school.She also takes pictures of the food.Martha is very honest about the food.She does not just describe the food.She judges(评价) the taste of the food.She also judges how healthy the food is.Sometimes she likes the food,and sometimes she does not.Now,other people send pictures to Martha.Students around the world share their pictures of their school food!Martha also started her blog for another important reason.She began to raise money for the organization(组织) Marys Meals.Marys Meals works in the East African country of Malawi.It provides food for children in schools.Martha encourages her readers to send money to Marys Meals to help build a kitchen.Martha hoped to raise about 10,000 dollars.But the total reached 100,000 dollars and still keeps on growing!Marthas blog has also helped to improve meals at her school.Martha and her school friends found their meals improved since she started writing her blog.No one knows what will happen to Marthas blog in future.But already this girl has helped to change the eating experience of many children just by sharing pictures of her school meals.26 . Martha started her blog to _.Aask her school to improve mealsBinvite readers to judge school mealsCshow school meals around the worldDexpress her opinions about school meals27 . According to the passage,we can know Marys Meals _.Aworks in ScotlandBprovides food for school children in MalawiCwas set up by MarthaDbuilds kitchens for poor families in Malawi28 . How much money did Martha hope her readers to send to Marys Meals at first?AAbout $1,000,000.BAbout $100,000.CAbout $10,000.DAbout $1,000.29 . Martha _ through her blog.Achanged her eating habitsBhelped poor children at her schoolCmade meals at her school improveDraised money for many organizations30 . Whats the best title for the passage?AMartha Shares Her FoodBCooking Healthy School MealsCMartha Starts a BlogDHaving School Meals TogetherThe future is coming! All over the world there are many new ideas for new places to live and work in.Some of them will be in the sea! They will be very big and lots of people will live and work in them. The Americans are planning to build a town called Atlantis City. It will be in the sea, about five miles away from the land. But the most exciting idea comes from Japan.It is called Aeropolis. Aeropolis will be a huge sea city, with parks, schools, a hospital and an airport and it will move! It will travel slowly around the world. There are just two problems. Aeropolis will cost a lot.of money to make. And for people who get seasick, it wont be much fun.31 . Which country will plan to build a town in the sea?AAmerica.BEngland.CChina.DJapan.32 . Whats the name of the Japanese sea city?AAtlantis.BAeropolis.CTokyo.DOsaka.33 . The underlined wordhuge means_.Avery smallBvery longCvery bigDvery short34 . Which of the following statements is TRUE?ASea cities will be holiday towns.BSea cities wont be a nice place for people whoget seasick.CThere are already two sea cities.DSea cities will be very small.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意或汉语提示补全单词。35 . Mary closed her eyes and listen to him in s_.36 . I am sorry you didnt r_ your mistakes.37 . The sun r _in the east.38 . He was playing football with his friends at that time on the school p_.39 . We hope that the little girl can tell us the t_.五、单词填空There is a saying “ Time is life and when the lazy man kills time, he kills 40 . (他自己).” But today I did a silly thing to 41 . (浪费) a lot of time. This morning, after I had breakfast 42 . (慢慢地), I watched TV. But it was too boring. Then I started to play computer games. When I realized I should study hard for my coming English and math43 . (考试), four hours had passed. what should I do? I didnt have 44 . (足够的) time. I was45 . (烦恼的). Mum knew this and said, “It is not 46 . (有帮助的) to be sad and complain. You have to 47 . (面对) it. And the only thing you can do is to do it at once. Dont play again.” I think Mom is right. If I want to 48 . (实现) my dream, I should be the 49 . (所有者) of time and cant make time fly away from me.六、填空阅读下面短文,根据文中信息完成一张海报。每空限填三词Doing Clean ExerciseWhen you go for a run outside, chances are that youll find litter all around you. Do you just go past it, or do you stop and pick it up? If you choose the second, youre part of the latest popular sport in the West: plogging.The word “logging” is the Swedish phrase“ plocka upp”( pick up) and the English word ”Jogging”(running slowly)put together.What a plogger needs is a rubbish bag and a pair of gloves to protect your hands. While collecting rubbish, loggers learn to classify (分类)and deal with it correctly, too.Plogging seems simple but it does a lot of good to both the environment and your health. It can not only make the world greener, but also get you full body exercise, For example, a 30-minute logging burns around 288 calories(卡路里), compared to 235 calories burned from just jogging.So next time you go out jogging, why not carry a rubbish bag and collect some litter along the way? Your body and the environment will thank you.Lets go50 . !The latest popular sport!Just need51 . and a pair of gloves!Correctly classify and 52 . the rubbish!Its simple but helpful to 53 . and your body!Make the world 54 . and yourself a lot healthier!Join us now! The world says THANK YOU!七、回答问题Answer the questions.(根据短文内容回答下列问题。)It was my first day in Miss Hargroves seventh grade class. I was very anxious to fit in(适应). After the teacher introduced me to the class, I put on a smile and took my seat.Lunchtime was a pleasant surprise when the girls all crowded around my table. They were friendly, so I began to relax. My new classmates told me about the school, the teachers and the other kids. They pointed out the class nerd (书呆子): Mary Lou. She was a pretty girl with dark eyes and olive skin (橄榄色皮肤), but she wore a long skirt and an old-fashioned blouse. The girls giggled (咯咯笑) as Mary Lou walked by. She ate alone.After school, the girls invited me to join them in front of the school. We waited. Then Mary Lou came down the school steps. The girls started making fun of her. I paused, then joined right in. Mean words(坏话) fell from my lips. No one could tell Id never done this before. The other girls started cheering for me. I pulled on Mary Lous backpack(背包) and then pushed her. Her backpack broke. She fell. Everyone was laughing. I fit in.I was not proud. If youve ever picked a wing off a butterfly, you know how I felt.Mary Lou got up, gathered her books and left without saying anything.I turned to leave with my laughing friends and noticed a man standing beside his car. He must have been Mary Lous father he had the same olive skin, dark hair and handsome features (容貌). He watched the lonely girl walk toward him. His eyes shone with sadness and pride. As I passed, he looked at me in silence with burning tears that reminded me of my shame.I never again hurt someone for my own gain.55 . Which grade was the writer in?_56 . What did Mary Lou look like?_57 . When did the girls make fun of Mary?_.58 . What did Mary do after she fell?_.59 . Who was the man standing beside a car?_.60 . How did the writer feel after she hurt Mary? _八、材料作文61 . 书面表达我是一名中学生,我现在很喜欢我的学校生活和我的家庭,但我以前却有许多烦恼和问题。请以My Change为话题写一篇短文。内容包括自己存在的问题及接受老师的建议,并写出你最近的变化。以前的问题老师的建议最近的变化1. 没有好朋友,学习不好2. 不想与父母交流,孤独感3. .1.积极参加活动2.和父母同学和平相处3.1.身体状况极好2.已交了好朋友3.已做了很多有意义的事情4.要求:1. 意思连贯, 符合逻辑,适当发挥;2. 词数不少于90字。参考词汇:meaningful 有意义的 make great progress in.在.取得很大进步_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、单词填空1、六、填空1、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、

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