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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期第一次月考英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My mother always takes pride_everything_I do.Aof wellBin wellCof; goodDin; good2 . Henry worked so hard_ make the show a success.Abecause ofBsoCin order toDbecause3 . -Would you like _fruit for dessert?-Thanks a lot, but Im afraid I cant have any more.Aa bit ofBa bitCa fewDa great many4 . Look at my new smart phone.Wow, its so cool! When and where _ you _ it?Ado; buyBhave; boughtCdid; buyDhave; had5 . Well go on a trip to the Great wall next week._.AHave funBCheer upCBest wishesDNever mind6 . They _ the Great Wall yesterday, and this is their first_ the Great Wall.Avisited; visit toBvisit; visitCvisit; visit toDvisited; visit7 . Tim is _ one-year-old boy. He can say a few words.AaBanC/Dthe8 . Bob _ his homework _ Sundays.Adoesnt;onBdont do;inCdoesnt do;onDdoesnt;in9 . Dale _ making his own decisions to following his parents as he grows up.Awould likeBwould ratherCprefersDis willing to10 . - I know Old Joe lives _. - We should visit him from time to time . Then he wont feel _.Aalone ,aloneBlonely , lonelyClonely , aloneDalone ,lonely11 . Therea panda and two lions in yesterdays film.AwereBwasChad12 . Jeff Smith should offer to pay he has plenty of money,_ .Thats not the case. He is not generous enough.Ain allBabove allCafter allDfirst of all13 . Pleasethe chair away (向远处) anda desk here.Atake; takeBbring; bringCtake; bringDbring; take14 . His description _reasonable.AlistensBhearsCsoundsDspeaks15 . We mustnt drop _ everywhere because it will make our city dirty.AwaterBlitterCfoodDsnow二、完型填空Monday April 11th CloudyLast night I didnt feel well. I thought I had a _This morning,I didnt want to eat anything. So I _After the doctor looked me over carefully,he gave me some _ and told me it was nothing serious but I had to _ in bed for a day. But I _ my lessons in the school and I wanted to tell my teacher about it. So I wrote a note (便条)for a day _ and asked my sister to take it to the teacher. It was time to have _.I felt a little _ but I only had some noodles. In the evening,I felt much better. I thought I should _ the text that I should learn today._ I sat on the sofa and read for an hour. I really want to go to school tomorrow.16 . AfluBcoldCrestDsleep17 . Awent to a doctorBwent to schoolCwent swimmingDwent to bed18 . AwaterBcoffeeCteaDmedicine19 . AbuyBtakeCstayDbring20 . Athought aboutBworried aboutCwrote aboutDtalked about21 . AinBoutCoffDwith22 . AbreakfastBlunchCdinnerDafternoon tea23 . AbetterBgoodCwellDbest24 . AwatchBseeClookDread25 . AOrBIfCSoDBut三、阅读单选Long long ago, there was a poor man. He worked hard in the field(田地), but he could not get anything from it. One day, after working for hours, he had a rest under a tree in the middle of the field. Just then, he saw a snake(蛇) coming out of an anthill(蚁丘). The man thought that the snake might be the God of the Field. If he did not give it anything, he could not get anything from the field.At once he went to bring a bowl of milk and gave it to the snake. “God of the Field!I didnt know that you live here. Thats why I never gave you anything. Please forgive(宽恕) me.” Then he went home.The next day, when the man came, he found a gold coin in the bowl near the anthill. From then on, each time the man gave milk to the snake, he got a gold coin.One day the man was so busy that he couldnt send milk to the snake. So he asked his son to take care of the snake. The son brought milk to the anthill and gave it to the snake. The next day, when he came back, he found a gold coin in the bowl. After taking the gold coin, he thought, “This anthill must be full of gold coins. I can kill the snake and take them all.”The next day, the son came to the field with milk and a stick. He gave the milk to the snake and hit(打) it with the stick. The snake escaped(避开) the stick and bit the boy to death(死亡).26 . The man gotfrom the field before he found the snake.AanythingBnothingCgold coinsDsome anthills27 . The son was killed when.Ahe didnt give the snake any milkBthe snake didnt give him any gold coinChis father was too busy to take care of himDhe wanted to kill the snake and get all the gold coins28 . From the passage we can learn that .Apeople cant get coins from the snakeBtoo much greed(贪婪) is harmful(有害的)Cwe should protect the snakeDthe snake is terrible29 . We may find the passage in a .AstorybookBreportCposterDresearchIn America, people often invite friends for a meal, a party (such as dancing party, housewarming party, birthday party, wedding party, New Years party, and so on )or just coffee. They often invite others face to face or by making phone calls, sometimes they send messages or E-mails. When they make an invitation, they often say like this, Would you like to come over for dinner this Saturday? We are having a party on Friday, can you come? To answer an invitation, they say Sure, Id love to. Thank you to accept, or Sorry and give a reason to turn it down. Anyway, they must reply an invitation in a polite(礼貌的) way.Sometimes what people say is like an invitation but they are not real invitations. For example, Please come over for a drink sometime. Lets get together for lunch soon. They are not real invitations because they dont talk about the date or time. They just show that person is trying to be friendly. When people hear them, they usually answer Sure, that would be great. or OK, thank you. So next time you hear what is like an invitation, listen carefully. Is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly?30 . What party is NOT mentioned(提及) in the passage?A. Holiday party. B. Birthday party C. Dancing party31 . Which of the following way is the best to turn down an invitation?A. Im sorry I wont come. B. No, I cant come to your party.C. Im sorry I have to see the doctor.32 . If someone says, Please come over for dinner next time. whats the best way to answer it?A. Im sorry Im busy these days. B. Thats a great idea. When?C. OK. Thanks for asking.33 . Which of the following is NOT RIGHT?A. Usually in a real invitation people will tell the date and time.B. You dont need to answer it when you hear an unreal invitation.C. People should reply to an invitation politely.34 . How to know a real invitation?A. They tell you the date and time.B. They tell you their phone number.C. They tell you the address.If music makes you smarter and exercise helps you to think, surely exercising to music can turn you into an intelligent person.A team of scientists from Ohio State University did experiments on 33 volunteers who were getting better from heart disease following operation. They found that people who exercised while listening to Italian musician Antonio Vivaldis “The Four Seasons” did much better on language ability tests than without music.“Facts suggest that exercise improve the learning ability of people with heart disease,” said the psychologist(心理学家) Charles Emery, who led the study. “And listening to music is thought to enhance understanding. We just wanted to put the two results together,” he added.The volunteers said they felt better emotionally after working out with or without the music. But their improvement on the test doubled after listening to music during exercise. Scientists have proved that music can be good for health, education and well-being. It helps reduce stress, sadness and nervousness; encourages relaxation or sleep; wakes up the body and improves memory and thoughts.In medical fields, music is used widely for patients who have had head hurts before and after operation. “The Four Seasons” was used because of its moderate tempo(舒缓的节拍) and positive results in earlier research. “Exercise seems to cause positive changes in the nervous system and these changes may have a direct result on learning ability,” Emery said.Scientists have been studying the results of music on understanding since the early 1950s. By 1990, psychologists were using Mozarts music, especially his violin pieces, to help children with speech disorders. Mozart was chosen because his music is not over-exciting and has clear structures. A study showed students who listened to Mozart went on to score higher marks in an intelligence test. With important exams drawing near, your parents will not probably allow you to listen to music. But perhaps now you have good reasons to argue with them.35 . The underlined word enhance can be replaced by.AimpressBimproveCprovideDproduce36 . The text is mainly about that.A33 volunteers work on music in medical fieldsBmusic and exercise lead to relaxation or sleepCexercise to music makes people healthy and brightDscientists give suggestions on choosing music to exercise37 . It can be learned from the last paragraph that.Ayou are supposed to follow your parents wordsByou have some good reasons to exercise to musicCmusic might help you to get higher grades in testsDstudents should not listen to music before exams38 . Which of the following statements is TRUE?A“The Four Seasons” is used to help children with speech disorders.BExercise seems to cause negative changes without music.CExercise reminds people with head hurts of what theyve learned.DScientists often use Mozarts music, for it is not too exciting.四、句型转换句型转换39 . Leaders discussed what they could do for the worlds development during the G20 summit in Hangzhou.(同义句)Leaders discussed _ for the worlds development during the G20 summit in Hangzhou.40 . The radio says there will be snow in the coming two days. (同义句)The radio says _ will _ in the coming two days.41 . It was very hot in Shanghai yesterday. (对划线部分提问)_ in Shanghai yesterday?42 . The students covered their faces with their masks. (对划线部分提问)_ the students _ their faces?43 . It is a perfect place to enjoy a cup of coffee. (改为感叹句)_a perfect place _to enjoy a cup of coffee!五、根据首字母、中文提示填空44 . Where are _ (狮子)from?45 . I have no problem _ (爬)the mountain, which is not too high46 . Of the two boys, who do you think is more _ (仔细的)?47 . I just hid behind my father and never _ (说)anything.48 . My life has _ (改变)a lot in the last few years.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子仔细理解下面五个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构、句义和逻辑上正确。(提示:选项中有一个是多余的。)prefer grew up thirsty provide absenttook upprefer grew up thirsty provide absent took up49 . If you are always_from class, you will fail the examination.50 . She_in a small town. Although she lives in a big city now.51 . I_classical music to pop music.52 . The teacher can see in our eyes that we are_for knowledge. She tells us that knowledge will give us wings to fly53 . Could you_me with information about student exchange programs?B. 根据句意选用方框内的单词,并用其适当形式,使句子通顺,每词限用一次。patient we easy decide livepatient we easy decide live54 . The task was difficult, but we finished it _.55 . Mr. Black cant wait even for a minute. How _ he is!56 . Sandy is so _ that she always takes part in the public activities.57 . Their ideas sounded quite different from _. We had to discuss again and again.58 . - Wow, so many beautiful cars! I dont know which one to buy.- Anyway, you have to make a _.七、单词填空A traveler came out of the airport. There were many taxis. She looked around carefully and asked every d59 . name. After that, she took one of them. It c60 . five dollars to go from the airport to the hotel. Then the traveler asked the driver to show her around the city for a whole day. For the service, the driver wanted 100 dollars. It was very e61 . , but the traveler said nothing and agreed. The driver took the woman everywhere h62 . . In the evening they went back to the hotel. The traveler gave 100 dollars to the driver and asked the driver f63 . another days driving. It was another 100 dollars. The driver was very pleased.The next day they went to the same places again. In the evening the driver got the money, but he felt a little guilty (内疚的), b64 . 100 dollars a day was a lot of money.So you are going home tomorrow. Where are you from? said the driver.I come from New York. answered the traveler.New York? said the driver. I have a sister in New York too. Her name is Susan. Do you know her?She asked me to give you 200 dollars! said the traveller.八、回答问题Walking for charityTwo Americans Stephen and Andersen went on a 190-day charity walk across the US to raise money for the Purple Heart Fund, a charity providing military veterans(老兵) with financial support and more.Both at the age of 24, they live in the eastern state of Delaware. Stephen is a US Marines veteran. Andersen recently graduated from college. They have been best friends since childhood. They both like travelling and have a strong desire(愿望) to see the country. So when Stephen proposed(提议) this cross-country journey, Andersen agreed with no hesitation(犹豫).On Wednesday evening, March 1, the two men started off from their hometown, heading west against a cold wind with large bags on their backs.Every day they walked about 40 kilometers. They never knew for sure where they would sleep until it got close to sunset. They mostly slept outdoors, but every now and then they would stay in a hotel to relax for a few hours.Luckily, many strangers along the way offered them meals, smiles, and a place to sleep at night. A man called Dimitri Olympidis even offered them a ride, but they refused. They said they preferred to walk.By September 6, they ended their trip on the west coast in San Francisco, the state of California, raising about 300,000 dollars from lots of nice people and the local businesses.“The people weve met along the way have been great,” Stephen said at an interview, “Were grateful for even the smallest contributions to our cause. Its people like them that truly make this trip worth it.”65 . Why did Stephen and Andersen have the charity walk?_66 . Which state did they start off from?_67 . Where did they sleep during the journey?_68 . What do you think of Dimitri Olympidis?_69 . How would you like to help with charity work?(请自拟一句话作答)_九、话题作文70 . 许多学习生活中的烦恼都会使人产生压力,为了更好地发现及解决同学们中存在的心理压力问题,你们班特意开展了一次以Less Pressure, Better Life为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你准备发言稿,谈谈你的一些缓解压力的好办法,与同学分享,内容包括:(1) 同学们中普遍存在的压力是什么;(2) 我的压力是什么;(3) 我是如何成功缓解我的压力的。注意:文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。词数80100(开头已给出,但不计入词数)。Less Pressure, Better LifeHello, boys and girls!Pressure is everywhere, it is a serious problem in todays world.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、2、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、

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