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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期第一次调研考试英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Toms teachers often encourage him _ hard.AworkBworksCto workDworking2 . 一_ is this yellow jacket?一Seventy-six yuan.AHow manyBHow muchCHow aboutDHow3 . To stay healthy, you should eat _ fast food and _ fresh vegetables and take some exercise.Aless; lessBless; moreCfewer; moreDfewer; fewer4 . We had no classes last Thursday, _ we?AhadntBdidntCdidDhad5 . - Look! It _ be Jack on the playground.-It _ be him. Because I saw him enter the school library just now.Amay; mustntBmust; cantCcan; cant6 . There was a fire last night, but the firemen put it _ soon.AoutBupConDaway7 . Look! Thats _ big orange.AaBanCthe8 . _ What can you do ?_ I can _ Chinese kung fu .AbeBdoCdoseDhave9 . He is learning English,he is learning French _.Alook the sameBall the sameCat the same timeDbe the same10 . Dont forget to bring your homework with _. _.Ayou; No, I wont.Byourself; Yes, I willCyourself; No, I wont Dyou; Yes, I will.11 . Billy has got _cough after eating dozens of ice-creams. He has to _as quickly as he can.Aa,go to hospitalB不填,go to hospitalC不填,go to the hospitalDa, go to the hospital12 . 一What did your sister do last summer ?一 She_my aunt and stayed there for two weeks .AvisitBvisitedCvisitsDwill visit13 . Some of the fruit will quickly turn brown if youthe windows and the doorfor some time.Aforget; openedBkeep; closeCleave; openDhave; closed14 . You look quite tired. Youd better _ a good rest.Astop to have B. stop having C. to stop to have D. to stop having15 . Its too hot . Would you mind my _ the window?_ . Do as you like, please!Aopen; SorryBopening; Certainly notCopening; SorryDopen; Certainly not二、完型填空完形填空,通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。One sunny afternoon, a seven-year-old girl went for a walk. She crossed a large area of grassland into the woods_she realized that she was lost.Sitting on a rock and_what to do, she began crying. After a while,she_to walk along a path with tall trees and thick bushes. When it was getting dark, she saw a small, dark wooden house. She opened the door and_entered. Suddenly, she heard a strange noise, and she ran out of the door and back to the_Cold and tired, she fell asleep near a stream(小溪).The girls parents were out and her dog, Laddy, was at home. Laddy sensed that his mistress(女主人)was in danger. He jumped_a window, breaking the glass. He looked in the fields. But he couldnt find his mistress anywhere. However, from the ground came a_scent (气味) as he lowered his head. He_the scent and walked across the grassland. Barking_into the air, the dog_through the woods until he found the_But the girl was not there, so he headed back to the woods. Much to his delight, he saw his mistress blue shirt in the distance. He_over some bushes and saw the little stream, where the girl was_When she opened her eyes and_her dog standing beside her, the girl said, “you_me, Laddy,” and she kissed him several times. Seeing their daughter and dog coming back, the parents were happy. That night Laddy had a heros supper: a huge meal of pork.16 . AbeforeBsinceCwhileDas17 . AwonderingBforgettingCrememberingDrepeating18 . ApreferredBrefusedCfailedDdecided19 . AcarelesslyBcarefullyChopelesslyDunwillingly20 . AtreesBbushesCwoodsDgrasses21 . AatBthroughCinDonto22 . AterribleBstrangeCpleasantDfamiliar23 . AmissedBdiscoveredCfollowedDnoticed24 . AcalmlyBloudlyChappilyDgently25 . AsearchedBfoundClookedDtravelled26 . AwindowBgirlChouseDhero27 . AjumpedBclimbedCwalkedDflew28 . AawakeBafraidCavailableDasleep29 . AlistenedBwatchedCheardDsaw30 . AdisturbedBcomfortedCsavedDscared三、阅读单选Everyone loves going on holiday to foreign countries. Here is something you can do to make sure you enjoy your holiday. Get ready for itDid you take your passport(护照)? Every year, thousands of people cant take their planes because they leave their passports at home, they arrive at the airport too late, ,or even go to the wrong airport. Search for some informationHow much do you know about the place you are going to visit? Learning some traditions of a country will help you know the people well. Learning a few words of another language can also help you make new friends. Help the local(当地的)peopleYou can help local people a lot by staying in local hotels and eating in local restaurants. This means your money will go to local people, but not a large foreign company.Always remember your holidayYou always want to remember your holiday. Write down something about your holiday to remember all the good time you had and also the new friends you made on holiday. Do you want to send them picture or presents? Remember to do it!31 . Learning something about a country will help you to _ .Afind the airport.Blearn the language.Cmake new friends.Dbuy some presents.32 . You can help the local people by _ .Astaying in local hotels.Bfinding a large company.Clearning some traditions.Darriving at a local airport.33 . You need to write down something about your holiday because it can help you to _ .Aget ready for your holiday.Bsend your friends some presents.Cknow the local people well.Dremember the good time and friends.34 . Where can you read a passage like this?AIn a story book.BIn a guidebook.CIn a sports newspaper.DIn a clothes magazine.35 . Of the three teahouses, _ is/are at Chaoyang District.AoneBtwoCthreeDfour36 . I want to get some information about Yuansu Teahouse, I should call _.A6303 6830B6525 6141C6401 0791D6467 307937 . At Wanghaixuan Teahouse you can enjoy _.Atraditional Beijing-style snacksBspecial seatsCsome fresh dessertsDmusic by Chinese traditional instruments38 . _ has three floors.ALao She TeahouseBWanghaixuan TeahouseCYuansu TeahouseDThe three teahouses39 . These three teahouses are in _.AShanghaiBTianjinCChongqingDBeijing四、根据首字母、中文提示填空A.根据所给汉语提示写出单词40 . Todays teenagers ought to put more _ (努力)into caring for others.41 . The trip to the mountain is _ (取消)because of the bad weather.42 . Our hometown is trying her best to develop its agriculture(农业)and _ (工业).43 . It is said that he has gone far _ (超过)me in English.44 . 一Do we need to work so hard at first?一Of course. A good beginning _ (标志)a good ending.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空45 . Look! The bowl is empty. The children _(eat)all the rice.46 . Its generous of you _(share)things with others.47 . Samuel often comes up with different kinds of ideas, so he is a _(create) boy.48 . She is confident and she can express _(her) well.49 . After two _(hour) walk, they got there at last.50 . Its terrible for them to work _(with) any words all day long.51 . Different people have different _(personality).六、单词填空缺词填空“This morning,” the teacher says to her class, “I am going to give you a test (测试). This is a fun test to showhow clever you are. I will a52 . each of you one question.”One by one she asks her students a question. For example(例如), “What is the next n53 . : 2, 4, 6 , James?” The answer, of course, is 8.A54 . question is “Alice, can you tell me where afternoon comes b55 . morning?” And the answer is “In the dictionary (字典)”. And the third(第三)question is: My grandmother is very old. She is 80 years old and f56 . times (倍数) as old as I am. The answer is: 20. Finally(最后), she thinks about asking Johnny the last(最后的)q57 . . Johnny isnt good at his lessons. The teacher thinks this is because he is very l58 . and he always spends much time p59 . games.“Now, Johnny,” she says, “I am going to ask you a simple (简单的) question. Listen carefully and give me the correct(正确的)a60 . . The question is: Captain Cook makes three trips(旅行)around the world. He dies(死)on one of the trips. On which trip does he die?”“Thats not a fair (公平的) question,” Johnny says, “That question tests(测试) what I know about history, not how c61 . I am.”七、填空阅读短文, 根据所读内容在文章后表格中的横线处填入一个最恰当的单词。There are long rivers, and there are famous rivers. The Nile (尼罗河) is the worlds longest and most famous river. It runs 6,650 kilometers. Crocodiles and hippos (河马) live in its waters. Pyramids built by ancient Egyptians rise along its banks.The main branch of the Nile, the White Nile, starts just above Lake Victoria, the worlds second largest fresh-water lake, in east central Africa. Then it flows to the north. At Sudans capital, another great river called the Blue Nile joins the White Nile. Together, they form one very powerful river. Then it goes through Egypts famous Nile Valley before reaching the Mediterranean Sea.Ancient Egypt, the first great African civilization (文明), started along the banks of the Nile more than 5, 000 years ago. Ancient Egypt ruled the Nile Valley for thousands of years. Great pyramids and temples were built on the banks and we can still visit them today.Without the rich farmland along the banks of the Nile, there might be no ancient Egypt civilization. Every year, the Nile flooded its banks. The flood waters covered the banks with a rich soil. The Niles banks were easy to farm and produce crops.The Nile also made a perfect highway for boats. The river runs north, but the wind on the river blows south. To go south, boaters put up sails to catch the wind. To go north, they took the sails down. Ancient people traded along the river for hundreds of miles.The Nile - the 62 . and most famous river in the worldWhere does theNile flow?The White Nile is the 63 . branch of the Nile. It starts 64 . Lake Victoria and then runs to the north.The Blue Nile joins the White Nile at the 65 . of Sudan. They form a powerful river.Then the Nile goes through the Nile Valley. Finally it 66 . the Mediterranean Sea.The Niles longand rich 67 . Ancient Egypt started along the banks of the Nile over 5, 000 years ago. Its people 68 . pyramids and temples we can still visit today.Every year the Nile flooded its banks. The floodwaters covered the banks with a rich soil. Rich farmland made this ancient civilization 69 . .The Nile made a perfect highway for boats. To go south, boaters put up sails to catch the wind. To go 70 . , they took the sails down. Ancient people bought and 71 . goods along the river for hundreds of miles. 八、回答问题阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题On Sunday I took part in Tomato Sauce Day of my friend Debs family. I am thankfulfor my beautiful friend to share this family milestone (里程碑) event.Nine family members, myself and a few friends, took part in the day. Sunday was aspecial day because it was the last time that Tomato Sauce Day event would be carried out atGrandmas home. Tomato Sauce Day is going to be different next year in terms of thesurrounds (环境), however, I have a feeling that all else will remain unchanged.Grandma passed away 5 years ago, and Deb and her uncle bought the property (地产).Plans are in progress to begin building two new homes on the same place.I listened to the family discussing the activities of the day, past sauce days andmemories. A love of the tradition of the day and happy memories of sharing the day withfamily members who have passed away were recounted. The value of spending time togetheras a family was obvious.The basic process and recipe (菜谱) for the sauce made by Debs family remains thesame way as it is still done in Grandmas village today: The event takes place once a year. Sauce is made by the family, for the family for the year ahead. The sauce is made with just salt added to the tomatoes. This allows the family to use it throughout the year in various dishes as the base ingredient (食材). They add their own preferred ingredients in the cooking process. The women prepare and make the sauce, the men are not involved. The women start theday with a visit to the community garden to collect the tomatoes and then they began thepreparation. Once the sauce is cooking, it is lunch time and time for the family to catchup. Tomato Sauce Day is relived by the family all over the year as they open each bottleof red tomato goodness. I am looking forward to trying my sauce tonight. I feel like Ineed to make homemade pasta to eat it! 72 . What event did the writer take part in on Sunday? 73 . Where was the event carried out this year?74 . How do the family use the sauce?75 . What do the women do to start the day?76 . Why is the event a family milestone event?九、材料作文77 . 书面表达清明期间,父母带你去了荡口镇(Dangkou Town),请根据下文提示,写一篇介绍荡口古镇的短文。1、离机场不远,有许多公车能到达镇中心;2、曾经有许多工厂,其中很多常常向河道里倾倒废弃物;3、政府已采取措施改善环境,把这儿变成了一个美丽的乡镇。现在这里. ;4、每天我们都能看到大量游客;每年来这里的最好的时间是春天;5、我们玩得很开心。要求:注意语句通顺,条理清晰;词数80左右,省略号部分适当发挥(1-2句);A trip to Dangkou TownMy parents and I went to Dangkou Town this Qingming Festival._第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、单词填空1、七、填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、

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