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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . People were in great hurry to the bricks and stones .Amove awayBbe awayCgo awayDwash away2 . Its cold outside. You your coat if you go out.Ahad better put onBhad better wearChad better dressDhad better not put on3 . My mother is going to visit the Great Wall. Im going there with _.AthemByouCherDhim4 . Could you help me look up someabout the town on the Internet?-Of course.AdifferenceBmagazineCinformationDcompetition5 . We have _students.Atwo hundred and forty-fourBtwo hundreds and forty fourCtwo hundred and forty fourDtwo hundreds and forty-four6 . Do we only expect our parents to give us food and clothes?No,they should also play a(n) _ in teaching us about life.AroleBjokeCplanDexample7 . The company was set up _. My father has been working in it for nearly thirty years.A1980sBin the 1980sCat 1980 Dat 1980s8 . We can get _ information on the Internet.Aa lotBa little ofCfewDsome9 . Oh, its raining very hard! Our sport meeting has to betill next Sunday.Aput offBput downCput awayDput on10 . I am tried.This is not the right _ to ask me to go for a walk.AmomentBchanceCplaceDseason11 . the help of his teacher, he become good at English.AWithBOnCForDUnder12 . Why didnt you ask Tom to help you with your work? Because he was only a student and had no _ experience.ApowerfulBpracticalCloyalDgeneral13 . Whats your prediction about the future?Well, I think there will be _ fresh water because there will be _ pollution in the sea.Amore;fewerBmore;lessCless;lessDmore;more14 . A note on the table _ “Be careful”.AtoldBsaidCwroteDread15 . I cant remember _ when the Blacks left the city. I only remember it was a Sunday.AprobablyBexactlyCmostlyDheavily二、完型填空Vanilla is my best friend. She is a lovely girl with two big, beautiful eyes. But she always hides them_a pair of black glasses.One day, however, I_ended our friendship. I remember that day clearly. We were_in the classroom. The teacher was giving us our results of a Chinese exam. I had done badly. I felt so_that I wouldnt talk to anyone. At lunch-time, I even stayed in the classroom alone. Suddenly, I heard a_It was Vanilla. You look very unhappy, she said. Whats wrong? I looked at her for a while, but said_I knew Vanilla had got a good mark (分数) in the exam. I thought she was_me. I sat silently, but Vanilla didnt go away, she_asking me questions:“Is it because of the exam? Do you want me to tell you the right_? I looked away from her. When I looked up again, Vanilla had gone. And so had my exam paper! I didnt know_to do. I looked for my paper every where, but couldnt find it.In the afternoon, Vanilla came up to my desk and_me my exam paper back. I looked at it and got a big_Vanilla had written the right answers next to every one of my mistakes. How_she was! My face turned red. I wanted to hug her, but I only held her hands and said, Thank you. That afternoon,_Vanilla and I were on the way home, I felt quite happy and thanked her again. We are_best friends.16 . AbehindBbelowCamongDnear17 . AslowlyBquicklyCnearlyDhappily18 . AsingingBsittingCdancingDplaying19 . AhappyBsadCfunnyDexcited20 . AvoiceBsoundCnoiseDcry21 . AeverythingBsomethingCanythingDnothing22 . Aknocking atBshouting atClaughing atDpointing at23 . AforgotBkeptCpracticedDremembered24 . AanswersBexamsCresultsDnotes25 . AthatBwhoCwhichDwhat26 . AgaveBturnedCcarriedDmoved27 . ApainBinterestCsurpriseDfun28 . AkindBbraveChealthyDcareless29 . AwhetherBwhenCafterDunless30 . AstillByetCalsoDever三、阅读单选This is a talk by a London taxi driver.“Ive been a taxi driver for nearly ten years.Most London taxi drivers have their own taxis.”“Its a nice job most of time.I can meet a lot of people.I always work at night, because there is too much traffic during the day.I live twenty miles outside London and I go to work at 5:30 in the afternoon.”“I usually go home between two oclock and three oclock in the morning.”“Some very strange things happened late at night.One day I was taking a woman home from a party.She had her little dog with her.When we got to her house, she found that she had lost her keys.So I waited in the car with the dog while she climbed in through the window.”“I waited and waited.After half an hour of ringing the bell, I decided to find out what was happening.I tied the dog to a tree and started to climb in through the window.The next thing I knew was that the police came.They thought I was a thief.” “Luckily the woman came downstairs(下楼)She must have gone to sleep and forgotten about me and the dog!”31 . The driver always worked at night because it was easier to _A. drive B. make money C. climb in through the window32 . The woman climbed in through the window because _A. she wanted to have a sleep B. she couldnt find her keysC. she didnt want to pay the driver33 . The story happened _A. in the afternoon B. late at night C. 20 miles outside London34 . The driver climbed in through the window to _A. return the dog to the womanB. see what was happening in the houseC. phone the police35 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The driver left the dog in the car. B. The police made a mistake.C. The woman had no money to pay the driver.Pandas are famous animals. People like them a lot. The pandas face looks like a cats, but its fat body and short tail(尾巴) are like a bears. So people call this animal bear-cat. Scientists call it cat bear. The panda has a very mild temperament(性情温和). It is very loveable.The panda is an animal only living in China. The northeastern part of Sichuan Province and southern part of Gansu Province are its native home. Pandas like to climb trees. They live in the forests of high mountains eating bamboo and drinking spring water(泉水).36 . is like a cats.A. The panda B. The pandas face C. The pandas body37 . Scientists call the panda.A. an animal B. bear-cat C. cat bear38 . The panda only lives in.A. America B. London C. China39 . are the pandas native home.A. Gansu B. Sichuan C. A and B40 . is the pandas food.A. Meat B. Rice C. BambooChina Dream is a hot topic of 2013. Many Chinese young people are inspired by China Dream.Everyone has his own dreams. They give us courage and confidence to keep us going through difficulties.Here is some advice on how to realize our beautiful dreams.Never giving up is the key to making our dreams come true. We may fail from time to time, but we can learn from failure, correct our mistakes and try again until we achieve our goals. Our life is like a long journey which is not full of roses.Itsometimes has wind and rain. We believe rainbows will appear after storms.Cooperation is also necessary. Everyone likes a person who is good at cooperating with others. Besides, in our society most problems cant be solved by one person alone. Cooperation is becoming one of the most important ways for people living in the developing society.At the same time, we should learn to examine our abilities because it helps us know our advantages and disadvantages and get a full control of ourselves. Then we may be confident enough to face challenges.Follow the suggestions above, and our dreams are sure to come true.41 . How many suggestions of making dreams come true are mentioned in this passage?A. One. B. Two.C. Three. D. Four.42 . The underlined word It in the second paragraph refers to A. never giving up our dreamsB. our lifeC. making our dreams come trueD. learning from failure43 . Which is the best title for this passage?A. China DreamB. Cooperation is necessaryC. Examine our abilitiesD. Advice on how to realize our beautiful dreamsOne morning an old man left his house with six donkeys (驴). After a time, he got tired and got on one of them. He counted the donkeys and there were only five. So he got off and went to look for the sixth. He looked and looked, but he did not find it, so he went back to the donkeys and counted them again. To his surprise, this time there were six. So he went on one of them again and they started. After a few minutes, he counted the donkeys again, and again there were only five! He became confused (糊涂的). Just then a friend of his passed him. The old man said to him, “I left my house with six donkeys. Then I had five, then I had six again, and now I haveonly five! Look! One, two, there, four, five.”“But,” said his friend, “you are sitting on a donkey, too. This is the sixth. And you are the seventh!”44 . When did the story happen?AIn the morning.BIn the afternoon.CIn the evening.DAt night.45 . In fact, how many donkeys were there?AFour.BFive.CSix.DSeven.46 . Why did the old man get on one of the donkeys?ABecause he wanted to count them.BBecause he got tired.CBecause he wanted to look for the sixth.DBecause he got lost.47 . Why couldnt the old man get the right number?ABecause he left one donkey at his house.BBecause he gave one of the donkeys to his friend.CBecause he didnt see one of the donkeysDBecause he forgot to count the one he got on.48 . What can we learn about from the passage?AThe old man was silly.BThe old man was funny.COne of the donkeys died.DThe old man didnt see any donkeys.People all over the world eat eggs. Most of the eggs we eat come from hens. Eggs are easy to cook. They can be cooked in lots of ways such as fried or hard-boiled. Eggs can be used with other things to make cakes and ice-cream.ShellThe shell protects the egg. Shells can be brown or white. White(albumen)The egg white is mostly water, protein and some minerals.Before it is cooked, the white is not white; it is clear. Yolk The yolk has most of the eggs vitamins and minerals.The yolk can be pale yellow to dark orange.The colour depends on what the hen eats. The fresh testPut your egg in a pan of water and use the guide below to find out how old your egg is.Sinks(下沉)to the bottom of the pan and stays there 3-6 days oldSinks, but floats at an angle(角度) Just over 1 week oldSinks, and then stands on end About 2 weeks oldFloats on top or just under the surface Over 2 weeks oldEggs last a long time. You can keep them for about four weeks in your fridge.49 . According to Paragraph 1, cakes and ice-cream are mentioned to describe _.Athe birth of chickensBthe difference between themCthe use of eggsDthe way of keeping them50 . What makes a yolk dark orange?AThe hens food.BThe colour of the shell.CThe age of the egg.DThe vitamins in the egg.51 . What does the table above show?AHow heavy an egg can be.BHow long to cook an egg in a pan.CHow to make an egg sink.DHow to check the age of an egg.四、单词填空C. Fill in the blanks with proper words.For some people, music is no fun at all. About four percent of us are what scientists call amusic. Those amusics are born without the ability to r52 . , repeat or remember musical notes(音调). Amusic people often cannot tell the difference between two songs. Amusics can only hear the difference between two notes if they are pretty different.As a result, songs sound like n 53 . to an amusic. Many amusics compare the sound of music to pieces of metal hitting each other. Life can be hard for amusics. Their unfitness to enjoy music makes them away from others.It can be difficult for other people to get to know them. Actually, most people cannot understand what it feels like to be an amusic. Many amusics may not feel very c54 . when they go to a restaurant or a shopping mall. Sometimes they even feel painful. That is why many amusics usually stay away from places where there is music. “I used to h55 . parties,” says Margaret, a seventy-year-old woman who only discovered that she was an amusic last month. By studying people like Margaret, scientists are f 56 . learning how to find this unusual condition.Scientists say that the brains of amusics are different from the brains of people who enjoy music.The difference isnt about defective hearing(听力障碍).Many amusics are happy when their condition is found. For years, Margaret felt embarrassed about the p 57 . with music. Now she knows that a large number of people are like her. There is a name for the condition. That makes it e 58 . for her to explain“When people invite me to a concert, I just sayNo thanks, Im amusic,”says Margaret.“I just wish I had learned to say that when I was seventeen and not seventy.”五、材料作文59 . Writing Write a newspaper report about “The Beijing Olympic Games”. (at least 60 words)第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、5、四、单词填空1、五、材料作文1、

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