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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末英语试题(不含听力材料)(II)卷一、听短对话回答问题1 . Where is the bookstore?ABeside the bank.BBehind the bank.CIn front the bank.2 . AIn Australia.BIn Britain.CIn America.DIn France.3 . ABy bus.BBy taxi.CBy underground.DOn his fathers bike.4 . Whats the best way to go to work for Betty?ABC5 . A7:40B8:00C8:30D9:006 . When will the football match start?AAfter supper.BIn 5 minutes.CTomorrow morning.二、听句子或对话选择图片7 . Where is the boy going?AABBCC8 . ABC9 . What kind of programme does the girl like best?ABC三、听句子选答语10 . ATen minutes .BIn half an hour CAt 3 pm .四、听长对话回答问题听材料,回答下列小题。11 . What makes Tina headache?AThe noise from the factory.BSleeping too much.CHer bad health.12 . Who would Tina like to write to about the problem?AHer friend.BThe doctor.CThe newspaper.五、听短文回答问题听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。13 . Li Lei lives in the city of_.AShanghaiBBeijingCGuangzhou14 . The citys public transportation is_.AexcellentBcrowedCbad15 . _has caused some problems.APollutionBPopulationCCars16 . The citys people are very_to others.ArudeBfriendlyCbad17 . There are many big_ in the city.AhospitalsBschoolsCcinemas六、单选题18 . Lily doesnt like to do the same things as other people. She likes to do something.AnecessaryBdifferentCsuccessful19 . 一Lets play soccer.一No, its_. I want to watch TV.AboringBfun.CinterestingDtired20 . This is _ orange and _ orange is mine.Aan, theBa, anCthe, an21 . Its quite clever _you_ out the difficult problem. Thank you.Afor; workingBfor; to workCof; workingDof; to work22 . -_?- Ms.White.AWho is your favorite subject?BWhat is your favorite subject?CWho is your favorite teacher?DWhat is your favorite teacher?23 . How many mistakes did you make in the exam, Millie?_. I got full marks this time.ANo oneBNothingCNobodyDNone24 . -Are you busy on Friday night? Lets go to a movie.- That _ good. I am free and I can go with you.AsmellsBsoundsClistens25 . -I think nowadays the prices of houses and flats are too high.-_.AAll right.BYou are wrong.CThats interesting.DI agree with you.26 . The apple pies here taste more delicious than those from_. Yes. But it will be better if they are cheaper.Aanywhere elseBsomewhere elseCother anywhereDother somewhere27 . We have an English speech contest _August 5th every year.AinBonCatDof28 . -My computer has caught a virus and it has gone wrong.-_AIm sorry to hear that.BDont mention it.CIt doesnt matter.DIm sure it can work.29 . my stay in Hong Kong, I had fun many places of interest.AWhen; to visitBDuring; visitingCWhile; visitingDDuring; to visit30 . There are many toysin the shopping mall, and there are many boysin it now.Ato buy ; to playBbuying; playingCbuying; to playDto buy; playing31 . About _ of the students in our school _ from the countryside.Aone third; areBtwo thirds; isCtwo third; are32 . 一T-shirt is this?一Its Toms. There is his name on it.AWhoBWhichCWhatDWhose七、完型填空It was raining, I went into a cafe and asked for a coffee. _ I was waiting for my drink, I realized that there were many other people in the place, but I felt _. I saw their bodies, but I couldnt feel their souls(灵魂) _ their souls belonged to the net.I stood up and walked between the_ . When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin and small man _ in front of it. Im Steve, he finally answered after I asked him a couple of times what his _ was. I cant talk with you, Im _. he said. He was chatting online with somebody he didnt know and at the same time he was playing a computer game-a war game. I was _.Why didnt Steve want to talk with me? I tried _to speak to the computer geek (怪人), _not a word came out of his mouth. I touched his shoulder, no reply, either, I was _. I put my hand in front of the monitor, and he started to _: Leave me alone.I took a few steps back, and saw _ showed any interest in us. Then I realized that the people there were having a nice conversation with their_, not with people.I was worried and I sank in my thoughts. I didnt even realize that the coffee was bad, just as Steve didnt notice there was a person _ him.33 . ABeforeBSince.CAlthoughDWhile34 . AboredBafraidCsadDlonely.35 . AbecauseBwhenCuntilDthough36 . AtablesBcafesCshopsDrooms37 . AsittingBsleepingClaughingDlearning38 . AageBheightCnameDaddress39 . AbusyBthirstyCtiredDsick40 . AmovedBexcitedCsurprisedDfrightened41 . Aonce.BagainCfirstDeven42 . AbutBsoCifDor43 . ApleasedBtiredCcomfortableDunhappy44 . AlaughBsingCshoutDsmile45 . AsomebodyBanybodyCnobodyDall46 . AsoulsBfriendsCparentsDcomputers47 . Anext toBfar fromCon the left ofDon the right of八、阅读单选Paul is a funny boy. He has funny ideas and often does some special things.One day, he went to the bakery next to his house. The assistant saw Paul and asked, “May I help you?”Pau answered, “Yes, do you have fifty buns?”The assistant looked at the buns and said, “Oh, sorry, my little boy. We dont have so many buns. Its 8:00 p.m. now. Many of them are sold in the day. Do you need anything else?”“No, thanks,” Paul felt a little unhappy and went out.The next day, Paul went there again. “Do you have fifty buns today?” The assistant answered, “Sorry, Im afraid we still dont have enough. But we have some cakes. Do you want some?” Paul said “No.” and went out.On the third day, Paul went to the same bakery. He asked, “Do you have fifty buns now?” The assistant was very happy. She said, “Oh, yes, yes, we have fifty this time. They are all delicious.”“How much is a bun?”“Its 2 dollars.”Paul took out 2 dollars and gave it to the assistant. “QK, please give me one.”48 . When did Paul come to the bakery on the first day?AIn the morning.BIn the aftemoonCAt noon.DIn the evening.49 . The underlined word “some” refers to _.AbunsBbakeriesCcakesDassistants50 . How many buns did Paul buy at last?A1B2C25D5051 . The writer wrote the story to tell us _APaul paid 2$ in the bakery next to his houseBthe assistant in the bakery was helpful and kindCPaul has funny ideas and does something specialDthe assistant was happy to see Paul every dayI am a middle school student.My name is Li Mei.My grandfather is 70 years old now.He often says life has changed a lot.It becomes better and better.I ask him what life was like when he was a child.The following was what he said.When he was a child,he used to feel hungry.There didnt use to be enough food for him to eat.He has two brothers and two sisters.His parents were both farmers.They were very poor and couldnt let their children eat as much as possible.As for clothes,they didnt use to have enough clothes.And they never bought new clothes.The younger brothers and sisters often wore their old brothers and sisters clothes.My grandfather is the youngest.He is the only one that went to school and had a job in the city.His brothers and sisters didnt get an education and they still live in the countryside now.Now my grandfather has retired and lives a happy life.He can eat any food that he wants.He can buy clothes that he wants to buy.He says he is much happier than before.He often asks me to study hard.He says if I work hard,I can have a good future.52 . How many children do her grandfathers parents have?AThree.BFour.CFive.DSix.53 . Whose clothes did her grandfather use to wear?AHis brothers.BHis mothers.CHis own.DHis fathers.54 . Why couldnt her grandfathers brothers or sisters go to school?ABecause they didnt want to go to school.BBecause their parents didnt want them to go to school.CBecause they were poor.DBecause they were rich.55 . How is the Li Meis grandfather now?ASad.BMoved.CHappy.DBored.NewsA MATCH(比赛)Time: Friday 5:00 p.m.Place: the school playgroundProgram: basketball matchTeam(队): between Class 9, Grade 7and Class 4, Grade 7A MATCH(比赛)Time: Friday 5:00 p.m.Place: the school playgroundProgram: basketball matchTeam(队): between Class 9, Grade 7and Class 4, Grade 7Poster(海报)The Red Star Cinema(电影院)Monday- SaturdayThe Old Man and the Sea(老人与海)Time: 7:15 p.m.Tickets(票): Grown-ups(成人) : ¥20Students: ¥10The Red Star Cinema(电影院)Monday- SaturdayThe Old Man and the Sea(老人与海)Time: 7:15 p.m.Tickets(票): Grown-ups(成人) : ¥20Students: ¥10LostA red purseThere is an ID card and some money in it. My name is David. Please call 366-0597A red purseThere is an ID card and some money in it. My name is David. Please call 366-0597根据表格信息,选择最佳答案。56 . If(如果) you are a team member(队员) of Class 4,Grade 7, youll have a match with _on Friday.AClass 9, Grade 7BClass 7, Grade 9CClass 4, Grade 7DClass 9, Grade 957 . If you want to see the movieThe Old Man and the Sea, you can go to _.Athe school playgroundBthe Red Star CinemaCLongtan ZooDthe Lost and Found58 . You may_ at 7:15 p.m. every Friday.Awatch a basketball matchBwatch a movieCwatch the dolphin showDcome to the Lost and Found59 . If you find a red purse and there is an ID card in it, you can call_.A623-3456B366-0579C355-0597D366-059760 . The Greens(格林夫妻) with their twelve-year-old daughter and nine-year-old son want to watch the movie. How much are the tickets?A¥60B¥30C¥40D¥50These are students in Simons school, Read and get to know them. If you want to make friends with them, you can call them or talk with them on QQ.Im Linda. Im ten years old. Im from America My father is a teacher. Heteaches me History. It is my favourite because I can learn a lot about my countryand the world. My QQ number is 537802678. I hope to live in China some day.My name is John Green. Im twelve years old. Im from England. Mytelephone number is 374106. I like writing and I know how to read and writewell. I run for twenty minutes after I get up every day. Running keeps me strong.My QQ number is 325627321.Im Lisa. Im from France. My telephone number is 612931. I enjoy chattingwith my friends around the world when I am free. My favourite food is noodleswith dumplings together. My QQ number is 545655778.My name is Yukio. Im from Japan Im eight years old. I often draw pictureson the computer. If you like drawing to, we can be friends. My QQ number is653348721. My telephone number is 580723. I hope to visit China some day. 61 . What does the underlined(划线) word It refer to(指代)?AHistory.BMy school.CMy country.DThe world.62 . Who knows how to read and write well?ALinda.BJohn Green.CLisa.DYukio.63 . What is Lisas telephone number?A537802678.B374106.C612931.D545655778.64 . What does Yukio often do on the computer?AHe often plays computer games.BHe often talks with friends on QQ.CHe often draws pictures.DHe often learns a lot about his country.65 . Which of the following is true?ALindas favourite food is noodles with dumplings together.BJohn Green does exercise after he gets up every day.CLisa likes chatting with her family in her free time.DYukio hopes to live in China some day.九、听短文填写表格听一篇短文,回答以下小题。请根据内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。New York Hospital RulesFacilities(设施)The hospital can hold _ patients(病人) and there are 8 beds in each room.DosThe visiting hours are from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and only two people can visit the patient _.The working time is early and patients are woken up at 6:00 a.m.Donts_ is not allowed(允许)66 . A800B880C8,00067 . Atwice a dayBat any timeCat a time68 . AParkingBSmokingCLittering十、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词)69 . Students in our school have lunch at about half past eleven every day(改为一般疑问句)_students in our school_lunch at about half past eleven every day?70 . Simon has worked as an estate agent since 2002(对划线部分提问)_has Simon worked as an estate agent?71 . Chinese Poetry Competition(中国诗词大会)is an exciting program(改为感叹句)_exciting program Chinese Poetry Competition is!72 . Who will look after your pet when youre away?(保持原意不变)Who will_your pet when youre away?73 . Students in our school have lunch at about half past eleven every day(改为一般疑问句)_students in our school_lunch at about half past eleven every day?74 . Does her aunt live in Canada?I am not sure(改为含有宾语从句的复合句)I am not sure_ her aunt_ in Canada75 . set off,I,early,to,fresh air,breathe,in the forest(连词成句)_十一、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词76 . What do you want to do this weekend?I want to c_ in the park.77 . There is a small l_ near my home and we often go swimming there.78 . What did you do on the b_ by the sea yesterday?We played volleyball.79 . Every year,many v_ come to Hangzhou.80 . My mother is always t_ after she comes home from work because she is very busy.81 . My uncle works a_ a tour guide.82 . Its good for our health to play _(羽毛球)83 . My grandparents live in the country.They like enjoying the _(自然的)beauty.84 . What did Lucy do yesterday?She _(待)at home and read an interesting book.十二、用单词的正确形式完成句子单词填空先阅读各小题,然后用下面方框中所给的单词填空,使句意完整。有一个词是多余的。finishes / free / time / sale / price / only / from / vegetables / sell / trip / with85 . We play basketball at school_my classmates.86 . I _ watch movies on TV.87 . The _ of the skirt is very high.88 . Fruit and _ are good for our health.89 . The food in the supermarket is on _.90 . Wish you have a good _ in Beijing.91 . Im _ on Sunday, Lets go shopping.92 . Lunch is _12:00 to l:00.93 . I want to have a _ to America next month.94 . Tony _ doing his homework at 10: 00 p.m. every day.选用方框内所给短语的正确形式填空feel relaxed remindof green with envy of some help in fact95 . He was _ when he saw my new car, so he said nothing and went away.96 . It was not until they received their sons letter and knew he was safe that they _.97 . I thought he was a teacher, but he was a student _.98 . The picture _ him _ his home and family in Paris.99 . I hope these new books are _ to you, and to all the students.十三、单词填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在标号为 1-10 的相应位置。People are different in the world. Some are open, while others are shy. Shy people feel comfortable when they are alone. In this way, they can s100 . some more time on their favorite activities. They often have some h101 . , such as reading books, writing poems. In the following lines, we will o102 . you a number of ways to meet new friends.Go Onlineit is easy and quick to get to know people and make new friends o103 . . With some online chatting tools such as QQ, MSN, WeChat and Line, you can meet different people and they s104 . the same interests with you even if you live in a far-away place of the world.Join a ClubThe club is a place where you will meet a lot of people. Whats more, it will be easier for you to s105 . a talk with them, as you may have the same interest. Make new friends in your c106 . and plan some activities together in it. You will be able to begin a long lasting friendship with them.Be a Part of Sports TeamSports make b107 . your mind(心灵) and body full of energy. You might be able to get on well with your team members. If you enjoy playing any sport, joining a local team is a great idea to make new friends e108 . .VolunteerWorking with people is a nice way to make new friends. You will meet people of all ages as volunteering interests people, young or o109 . . This will give you the chance to make friends with them.十四、回答问题These days, a new kind of restaurant is becoming popular. People who go there can not only enjoy their meals, they can also enjoy playing computer games and have fun with their family and friends on the Internet. Sailor is the restaurants name. It is in Los Angeles, and its about fun and food.In Sailor, there are no waiters or waitresses around you. The screens have replaced (取代) them. You can order the food you want by touching the screen in front of you and runners will bring it to the tables. You can also play video games with the people at the next table. The screens can show music videos, movies and so on. But mainly they are used to show video games.Its an interactive (互动的) restaurant where you will control your meal and your fun. The service is fast and the runners know clearly where to go. There will be no waiting for a waiter, and no misunderstanding in the kitchen. Different kinds of food are served at any time of day. Sailor is a place which hosts “room games”, where every table in the restaurant can have a video game competition at the same time.The owner of the restaurant hopes that Sailor can make it easy for people to have fun and enjoy meals.110 . Where is the restaurant Sailor?_111 . How can you order the food in Sailor?_112 . When is the food served in Sailor?_113 . What does the owner of the restaurant hope?_114 . How do you like this new kind of restaurant?(自拟作答)_十五、材料作文115 . 生活中每个人都有与他人沟通交流的体验,如:与家人、朋友等。请根据下面的要求写一篇80词左右的英语短文(文中不得出现真实的人名和校名)。要求:1. 表达你对沟通的理解;2. 描述自身经历或社会现象中在沟通方面存在的问题;3. 参考下面的思维导图,提出至少一点更好地与人沟通的办法。第 23 页 共 23 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、听句子或对话选择图片1、2、3、三、听句子选答语1、四、听长对话回答问题1、五、听短文回答问题1、六、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、七、完型填空1、八、阅读单选1、2、3、4、九、听短文填写表格1、十、句型转换1、十一、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、十二、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、2、十三、单词填空1、十四、回答问题1、十五、材料作文1、

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