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人教版第五中学2020届九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(无听力资料)B卷一、 听句子,选择最佳答案 (共5题;共33分)1. (6分)听对话,回答小题。 (1)Where was Linda on Sunday? A . At home.B . At school.C . At a museum.(2)What did Linda do on Saturday afternoon? A . She cleaned her room.B . She did her homework.C . She went to a movie.(3)How was the school trip A . Interesting.B . Boring.C . Exciting.2. (2分)据所听到的内容选择正确答语( ) A . She is listening to music.B . She is running in the hallways.C . She is listening to the school rule.3. (10分)听短文,选择最佳答案。 (1)Tom goes to visit his uncle with _. A . his motherB . his fatherC . his sister(2)They go there _. A . by bikeB . on footC . by bus(3)His uncles home is _their home. A . far fromB . nearC . next to(4)Tom runs on the bus because _. A . he is very sadB . he wants the bus to go fastC . he is unhappy(5)Mother tells Tom to _. A . sit downB . runC . walk around4. (10分)听短文,判断句子正误 (1)Sam didnt need to take out the trash on Mondays. (2)His father always washed the car. (3)Sometimes he had to look after his little sister and brother. (4)Kumar neednt do chores at home. (5)Kumar had only one sister. 5. (5分)听短文根据你所听到的短文内容,完成下面表格,每空填一词。 Davids Home RobotAt firstIt made his life much_.It woke him up at_a.m.Food was laid on the bed.It stored_in the dustbin._, bills and papers were spread all over the floor.It moved fast and_things over.A few weeks later二、 听小对话,选择正确答案 (共5题;共12分)6. (2分)What is Bruce going to do next?A . Order the food.B . Do the cooking.C . Have breakfast.7. (2分)How did the mail get to Moscow? A . By busB . By trainC . By plane8. (4分)听第三段对话,回答两个问题。 (1)What is Bruce going to do after exercising with his father? A . Doing the dishing.B . Going shopping.C . Doing his homework.(2)When is Bruce going to watch the videos? A . In the evening.B . In the afternoon.C . In the morning.9. (2分)What does the woman want the man to do? A . Exercise more.B . Eat less.C . Leave her alone.10. (2分)听对话,选出最佳选项( ) Where is probably the woman? A . In an office.B . In a kitchen.C . In a classroom.三、 听对话选择正确答案 (共2题;共14分)11. (10分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)What will Susan do in Australia this summer vacation? (visit her relativesbe an exchange studentgo travelling) (2)When will Susan come back to China? (at the end of Julyat the beginning of Augustat the end of August) 12. (4分)听第三段对话,回答问题。(1)Where does the boys English teacher come from? A . Tianjin.B . Shanghai.C . Beijing.(2)How often does the boy have English? A . Every day.B . Twice a week.C . Three times a week.四、 听短文,选择正确答案 (共1题;共10分)13. (10分)根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 (1)How many meals do most English people eat a day? A . Three.B . Four.C . Five.(2)What do English people usually have for breakfast? A . Eggs or bread.B . Meat or fish.C . Fruit or vegetables.(3)When is afternoon tea? A . From 2: 00 to 3:00.B . From 3:00 to 4:00.C . From 4:00 to 5:00.(4)Why do some families like eating well in the evening? A . Because they are usually busy in the day.B . Because they are hungry in the evening.C . Because restaurants are open in the evening.(5)What is the speaker mainly talking about? A . English learning.B . Eating habits.C . Keeping healthy.五、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)14. (2分)Volunteers are raising money to set up a special hospital for_ old and sick. A . aB . anC . theD . 不填15. (2分)So many problems! Im tired. You should try tothem by yourself. You are not a child any longer.A . get intoB . get offC . get onD . get over16. (2分)Of the three boys, Tom is _one. A . tallB . tallerC . the tallestD . tallest17. (2分)He asked me the sports meeting.A . when will we haveB . when we will haveC . when would we haveD . when we would have18. (2分)Is the book _?Yes, Im really _ in it.A . interesting; interestedB . interesting; interestingC . interested; interestedD . interested; interesting19. (2分) Would you like to tell me ? Sure. Practice makes perfect.A . how can I study English wellB . why do you learn English wellC . how I can study English wellD . why I learn English well20. (2分)Have you heard of the Big Ben?Of course. It a symbol of UK.A . regards as B . is regarded asC . is regarded toD . regards to21. (2分)Mr Hu has travelled to six countries _.A . over the yearsB . in the yearsC . after the yearsD . before the years22. (2分)Your clothes should _ carefully. A . washB . to washC . be washedD . be washing23. (2分)Its raining all day . I stay at home. A . canB . mustC . have toD . am六、 完形填空 (共2题;共25分)24. (10分)完型填空Books are our greatest friends. They 1us stories of every country in the world. They give us all kinds of2 . Life is short. One can not know and see 3 in the world. 4 the help of books, one is able to know what happened thousands of years ago and 5 is happening in every part of the world now. Books give us not only knowledge6pleasure. Reading good books is the best way of7 our free time. And many beautiful stories for children are 8and full of wisdom(智慧).All the great men 9 books. Knowledge from books helps them to succeed, because books are the source(源泉)of knowledge and knowledge is the source of10 .(1)A . say B . talk C . tell (2)A . knowledge B . food C . exercise (3)A . nothing B . everything C . something (4)A . With B . Under C . At (5)A . how B . when C . what (6)A . and B . but also C . as well as (7)A . spending B . taking C . costing (8)A . interest B . interested C . interesting (9)A . love B . hate C . dislike (10)A . friendship B . success C . Failure 25. (15分)完型填空Benjamin was 1 . He didnt know why. He was having a fever and tired and didnt feel like eating. His stomach hurt from time to time. At first he paid very little 2 to it, thinking he would be all right in 3. But he didnt. After three weeks, he had to go to Dr. Barkley.The doctor did a few 4 . Then he asked Benjamin if he had gone 5 and drunk dirty water. Benjamin said he hadnt been camping since he was a soldier in the army.He asked if Benjamin had eaten at any fast food restaurants in the past month, or eaten from one of the 6 lunch trucks in the Los Angeles area. Benjamin said that he ate fast food or lunch truck food every day at noon.“Thats probably the 7 of your illness. You have hepatitis(肝炎) A, and you most likely got it from a food worker who didnt wash his hands thoroughly after using the 8. It happens a lot.” “God! Im not going to die, am I?”The doctor told him not to 9. A viral infection(病毒感染) that 10the liver(肝脏), hepatitis A kills only about 100 people every year in the US. He told Benjamin to see him every two weeks, and to be 11 to take three months 12 from work so that he could rest, rest, rest. There is no 13to hepatitis A. You survive(存活), or you dont.“But there is one good thing about hepatitis A,” Dr. Barkley said. “ 14 you get it, youre immune(免疫) to it for the 15 of your life.”(1)A . energetic B . sleepy C . sick D . tired (2)A . money B . dollars C . attention D . focus (3)A . a week B . a month C . two months D . a year (4)A . chores B . tests C . seconds D . movements (5)A . fishing B . camping C . hiking D . sightseeing (6)A . a lot B . a little C . many D . much (7)A . resource B . cause C . research D . search (8)A . knief B . cookers C . restroom D . microwave oven (9)A . think B . eat C . worry D . cry (10)A . hurts B . breaks C . kills D . removes (11)A . OK B . ready C . necessary D . relaxing (12)A . away B . to C . off D . getting (13)A . solution B . answer C . hope D . need (14)A . Unless B . Until C . Once D . Twice (15)A . other B . rest C . whole D . part 七、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)26. (10分)Dear Tom,How are you? Im in a new school in China this term. And Im writing to you in my school now. This school is big and nice. There are more than two thousand students in my school. I like the teachers. They are all kind to me. And they can speak English well. So there is no problem to talk with them. My classmates are very friendly. They teach me Chinese and I teach them English.We have many subjects at school. I like Chinese, music, PE and more. And my favorite subject is art. Its really interesting. And my art teacher is very fun. He can draw well. I dont like math. Its too difficult. After school, I like playing basketball with my new friends. What a fun time to play with them!We have no classes on weekends. I often go to movies with my parents. Sometimes I stay at home and watch TV. My parents want me to learn Chinese. Sometimes I go shopping. The food is so delicious in Chengdu. I like the food. And the people are very friendly. I love China. I love Chengdu.Please write to me soon!YoursJack(1)Jack writes this letter to _.A . pen palB . old friendC . parents(2)Jack is in a _.A . English schoolB . Chinese schoolC . small school(3)Jacks teachers _.A . teach him EnglishB . only teach him ChineseC . are good to him(4)Jack help his new classmates with _.A . EnglishB . ChineseC . music(5)Jack likes _ after school.A . playing basketballB . swimmingC . going shopping27. (8分)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 An old man is sitting on the sofa in his house along with his son. Just then, a crow (乌鸦) stops on their window.What is that? asks the father.It is a crow. answers the son.What is that? asks the father again after a few minutes.Father, I just told you. Its a crow. the son answers again.What is that? asks the old father a third time.Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again? I have told you so many times IT IS A CROW! shouts (大喊) the son.After a little while, the father goes to his room and comes back with his old diary (日记). He asks his son to read one page. The son reads the following words in the diary:Today my 3-year-old son is sitting with me on the sofa. When a crow is sitting in the window, he asks me 23 times what it is, and, 23 times, I answer, it is a crow I hug (拥抱) him warmly every time he asks me the same question, again and again.When your parents get old, do not look them as a burden (负担), but be kind to them. Remember they are the people who always love you. Love your parents, please.(1)We learn that the son get _ after his father asks him the same question three times. A . relaxedB . afraidC . unhappyD . tired(2)The old man brings out the diary because _. A . he forgets what has happened (发生)B . he wants his son to read itC . he wants to write againD . he wants to find what a crow is(3)How does the son probably feel after he reads the diary _? A . SorryB . HappyC . ExcitedD . Relaxed(4)The best title (标题) of the passage is probably _. A . What is that?B . It is a crow!C . Dont ask the same question again!D . Be nice to your old parents!28. (10分)阅读理解Students are very interested in computers, the Internet and mobile phones. Using new technologies in the classroom can be very helpful for them.Mobile phones can be very useful in the classroom. When students speak or act, teachers can use them to record students, take photos and show them to students. Using mobile phones in class is a fun way of doing some interesting language work.How to use the Internet and mobile phones in class? Please remember the following key points (要点) :Use the Internet with your students in many different ways, if possible.Try to find good websites for your students.Use your mobile phone in class to record your students, take photos and play recordings.Ask your students to listen for the pronunciation mistakes when you play the recordings back to them.(1)Students are interested in new technologies. (2)Mobile phones are useful but boring in language learning. (3)Teachers should find good websites for students. (4)Mobile phones can be only used to record students and take photos in class. (5)The key points to remember are for students. 29. (8分)阅读理解Dangerous situations called for help on Tuesday when rainstorms hit Phoenix, Arizona. The storm brought several inches(英寸) of rain in a short time. The National Weather Service reported the rainfall was more than the area had all last summer.Rain season in Arizona runs from June to September, bringing with it terrible storms with heavy rain and heavy winds. Because the desert around Phoenix experiences little rain most of the year, the water had nowhere to go when heavy rain started hitting the area on Tuesday.Up to 8 inches of rain fell by midday in some of the mountain areas along the main north-south freeway in Arizona. The town of New River which is outside of Phoenix, got hit with nearly 5 inches of rain from the storm. Places were flooding fast, and people tried to avoid the dangers that followed.We had many calls about the flooding of roads, buildings and homes, asking for help. Weve got our men jumping from one car to the next. We worked all day and night without a break, Phoenix Fire Captain(队长), Benjamin Santillan said.A helicopter(直升机) group saved two women and three dogs from a home outside of Phoenix that had been surrounded(包围) by moving water. Some drivers in cars were pulled out and saved by firefighters. People in schools and parks were sent to safe places.(1)What happened in Phoenix and Arizona? A . Heavy snow.B . Earthquakes.C . Rainstorms.D . Strong wind.(2)How long does the rain season last? A . One month.B . Two months.C . Four months.D . Six months.(3)The underlined word flooding means _ A . covering with waterB . covering with snowC . covering with cloudsD . covering with ice(4)The fourth paragraph mainly tells us that _. A . some buildings were flooded terriblyB . Benjamin Santillan is Phoenix Fire CaptainC . some roads and homes were floodedD . the firefighters worked hard on the storm八、 补全对话。根据对话内容从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余A: Hey, Jason! What are you going to do?B: I m going to visit Ted.A: _Do you forget Ted is still in China?B: Oh, I really forgot it _.A: In a week.B: Oh! _A: Me too. What are you going to do next?B: _A: But its too hot today. _A: Itll be cool. Lets go to the park tomorrow!B: Sounds great. How about having a picnic in the park tomorrow?A: Thats a good idea.A. Are you joking?B. I m going to the park.C. He went to China by plane.D. I wish I were with him now.E. How soon will Ted be back?F. Can I go to the park with you?G. What will the weather be like tomorrow?九、 单词拼写根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。 (共5题;共5分)31. (1分)The post office is behind your school. You can find it _(容易). 32. (1分)The members of the spots club _(加倍) last year. 33. (1分)Many old things can be r_and we shouldnt throw them away. 34. (1分)These small children are sometimes_(难对付的) 35. (1分)I bought some paper and p_ (颜料)to make a birthday card yesterday. 十、 补全短文 (共1题;共5分)36. (5分) like they swim also childBirds can fly in the air. Fishes can _in water. Tigers live on land. They are all animals. People like many interesting and beautiful animals but_dislike many of them. The Mickey and Mouse appears (出现) on a lot of toys and clothes for_. It is _favorite all over the world. But a real mouse isnt cute. No one _it.十一、 书面表达请注意卷面,书写工整。 (共1题;共5分)37. (5分)书面表达。6月5日是世界环境保护日,东台教育局组织以“Being a volunteer of going green”为题的英语演讲比赛。假如韩梅参加比赛,请你以韩梅的名义写一篇演讲稿推荐自己,内容如下:品 质助人为乐,善良,有礼貌爱 好旅游,上网,阅读事 迹组织慈善义演,为WWF筹集资金 ,每年植树感 悟地球是我们唯一的家园保护环境,人人有责措 施(至少两点具体做法)要求:1. 要点完整,可适当发挥,使句子通顺、连贯。 2. 正确使用时态,语法正确,书写整洁。3. 90词左右,开头结尾已给出,不计人总词数。Being a volunteer of going greenHello, everyone. Im Han Mei. I want to be a volunteer of going green. Im glad to make a speech here.If I can be a volunteer,Thank you for listening!第 28 页 共 28 页参考答案一、 听句子,选择最佳答案 (共5题;共33分)1-1、1-2、1-3、2-1、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、二、 听小对话,选择正确答案 (共5题;共12分)6-1、7-1、8-1、8-2、9-1、10-1、三、 听对话选择正确答案 (共2题;共14分)11-1、11-2、12-1、12-2、四、 听短文,选择正确答案 (共1题;共10分)13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、五、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、六、 完形填空 (共2题;共25分)24-1、25-1、七、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、26-5、27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、28-1、28-2、28-3、28-4、28-5、29-1、29-2、29-3、29-4、八、 补全对话。根据对话内容从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)30-1、九、 单词拼写根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。 (共5题;共5分)31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、十、 补全短文 (共1题;共5分)36-1、十一、 书面表达请注意卷面,书写工整。 (共1题;共5分)37-1、

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