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鲁教版2020届九年级下学期英语质量调研试卷(二模)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)找出画线部分读音不同的单词( ) A . warB . carC . hard-workingD . smart2. (2分) _ accident happened last night. Yes, just because the traffic was heavy.A . TheB . AC . AnD . /3. (2分)CongratulationsAmong the best pictures in the competition, I found .When did you draw it?During trip to Guangzhou on October 3 rd.A . yours; mineB . yours; myC . your; mineD . your; my4. (2分)_ of the children _an apple now. A . Each; hasB . Every; haveC . Each; is havingD . Everyone; has5. (2分)The Greeks couldnt capture the city _ fighting. A . inB . withC . forD . by6. (2分)The man is thirsty _ money and power, But his wife advises him to care more about health and family. A . withB . atC . ofD . for7. (2分)When I want to give up, my best friend always gives me the _ to go on. A . willB . courageC . groundD . victory8. (2分)Would you like to see _? Choose Kung Fu Panda. A . something enjoyableB . enjoyable anythingC . anything enjoyable9. (2分)Australia is one of _ countries in the world. A . largerB . the largerC . the largest10. (2分)Look! Is the man wearing a white shirt your father? No, it _be him. He is picking up my sister at the airport.A . mayB . mustC . cantD . mustnt11. (2分)_ you have a picnic this weekend, remember to call me. A . AsB . ForC . IfD . Because12. (2分)Tom can play the guitar, _ he cant play it very well.A . andB . soC . butD . or13. (2分)Where is Jack? He with his father in the park.A . playsB . playedC . is playingD . will play14. (2分)The girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous, for she before.A . didnt flyB . hasnt flownC . hadnt flownD . wasnt flying15. (2分)_ useful advice he has given us!A . What aB . WhatC . HowD . What an16. (2分)An AI robot _in our school dining hall next term. Im looking forward to it.A . will useB . will be usedC . is usedD . was used17. (2分)My sister is still very _with me because I broke her new pencil box yesterday. A . popularB . satisfiedC . honestD . angry18. (2分)Your brother speaks English very well. Yes, so he does. He practises _ English every day.A . speakingB . speakC . speaksD . to speak19. (2分)Mark broke his leg. _A . Thank you.B . What a shame!C . OK.D . All right.20. (2分) Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the bank? My English is poor, I cant follow you. A . Thank you.B . Im sorry to hear that.C . I beg your pardon?二、 Complete the following passage (共1题;共1分)21. (1分)根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余。A. angry B. help C. surprised D. Why E. out of F. quickJack was a rich young man. One day, he was driving very happily down a street. Suddenly from his car came a terrible sound. He felt _, so he stopped his car and looked around. He saw a child standing nearby with a few small stones in his hand. He jumped _the car and found a dent (凹痕) in the door. He was so _that he caught the boy and shouted at him, Who are you? _did you throw a stone at my new car?Please, sir, please Im sorry! But I didnt know what else to do!” said the child. I threw the stone because I wanted to get you to notice me. I need your _!三、 Complete the sentences with th (共8题;共8分)22. (1分)Tommy is funny. He often plays different _(kind) of tricks on others. 23. (1分)This kind of car sells well in many big cities all over the _(Europe) countries. 24. (1分)There are four _(hundred) girl students in our school. 25. (1分)I walk past Mr. Smiths _(tailor) shop on my way to school every day. 26. (1分)Without your support, I am _(able) to complete this documentary on time. 27. (1分)_ (potato) are a kind of popular vegetable in North America. 28. (1分)My father often_(go) fishing on Sunday. 29. (1分)What do you think is the _(creative)of all the music videos? 四、 Complete the following sentenc (共7题;共11分)30. (1分)He is passing the big store. (用often改写句子) He _ _ the big store.31. (1分)Its not easy to make friends.(同义句转换) _ friends _ not easy.32. (1分)The population of London is about seven and a half million. (对画线部分提问) _ _ the population of London?33. (1分)The students ran to the playground as fast as possible.(同义句转换) The students ran to the playground as fast as _ _.34. (1分)They fed the animals on the farm. (对划线部分进行提问)_ _ they _ on the farm?35. (1分)How can we become the best learners? the students asked the teacher. (改写句子,句意不变) The students asked the teacher _they _ become the best learners.36. (5分)She thinks country music makes people relaxed. (改为否定句 ) She _think country music _people relaxed.五、 Reading comprehension (阅读理解) (共4题;共44分)37. (12分)阅读理解。Most people think talking is the most important communication skill. They care little about listening. A research about our waking day communicating time shows that 9% is spent writing, 16% reading, 30% talking and 45% listening.Many of us can remember only 50% immediately after hearing something. But within two to eight weeks, we can only remember 25% or less of the message. Sometimes it will make us fail if we really forget something important.Here are some suggestions to be a good listenerStop talking you cant listen well when you speak.Ask questions when you dont understand, when you want to catch their attention or when you want to be liked.Be polite give them time to say what they have to say.Listen carefully and actively to what they are saying pay attention to their words, their ideas and their feelings as those things relate to the subjects.Understand the main points.Look at each other you will feel confident by looking.Dont argue with other people when you are trying to understand them, especially when they are speaking.Try not to bring your worries and problems when you listen, they will stop you from listening well.Learn to listen and youll achieve a great success in your life.(1)How many suggestions does the writer give us?A . 6B . 7C . 8D . 9(2)You can make the speaker like you by _.A . stopping talkingB . looking at each otherC . asking questionsD . arguing with the speaker(3)How many suggestions does the writer give us?A . 6B . 7C . 8D . 9(4)From the passage we know that _.A . people spend less time reading than writingB . you should try to understand each word when you listenC . we can remember what we hear for a long timeD . youd better leave your worries and problems behind when you listen(5)The passage is mainly about _.A . how to be a good listenerB . listening carefully while people are speakingC . listening is the most important communication skillD . people spend different time in reading, writing, speaking and listening(6)You can make the speaker like you by _.A . stopping talkingB . looking at each otherC . asking questionsD . arguing with the speaker(7)From the passage we know that _.A . people spend less time reading than writingB . you should try to understand each word when you listenC . we can remember what we hear for a long timeD . youd better leave your worries and problems behind when you listen(8)The passage is mainly about _.A . how to be a good listenerB . listening carefully while people are speakingC . listening is the most important communication skillD . people spend different time in reading, writing, speaking and listening38. (1分)通读短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Sam is my new classmate. He is 1American boy. He is from New York. He is thirteen.Sam often gets up at about 6: 30 on2. And he often 3a cup of tea, an egg and some bread for his breakfast. Then he goes to school at 7: 30 a.m. and gets there 48: 00 a.m. . They have four classes in the morning and two in the 5. At 3: 50 p.m. they play games. He studies hard and studies 6. He likes English and is good at it. He teaches us 7and we teach him Chinese. He can speak a little Chinese now, but not 8. Mike is his good friend. They go home together(一起). He does 9homework at home, but sometimes at school. On Saturday and Sunday, he likes 10football games on TV. He often goes to bed at about nine.(1)A . a B . an C . the D . / (2)A . Sundays B . Saturdays C . weekends D . weekdays (3)A . has B . have C . having D . drink (4)A . with B . for C . before D . After (5)A . morning B . afternoon C . evening D . night (6)A . good B . well C . bad D . badly (7)A . English B . Chinese C . China D . France (8)A . many B . much C . some D . any (9)A . he B . him C . hes D . his (10)A . seeing B . looking C . watching D . reading 39. (1分)根据句子中所给的单词首字母或中文提示,填写正确的单词。 (1)Jack had a t_yesterday. I advised him to see a dentist. (2)His daughter is a n_. Her job is to look after the sick people in the hospital. (3)My grandma is old. I help her c_water every day. (4)Mikes brother is b_. He cant see anything. (5)Could you l_me some money? I want to buy some juice. (6)Whos the _ (主人) of this house? (7)I _(讨厌) eating carrots, so I never eat them. (8)If you dont take risks, you cant get _ (富有的). (9)Peter, _ (折叠) your clothes, please. (10)He used his _ (刀) to cut up the watermelon. 40. (30分)阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)Mum and dad are two of the most important people in your life. You probably see at least one of them every day. And they influence (影响) you more than anyone else you meet in your 1ife. So if your mom loves to read, you just might grow up carrying a book wherever you go, just like she does.But parents do a lot more than just passing on their hobbies. Mums and dads care for(关心)their children from the minute they were born. So they are the people we should respect(尊敬) and love best. Its very important to stay close, get along, and build a strong relationship with your parents. But not every child knows how to do this. Here are some ways to help you.Spend time together. Dont play a computer game or watch TV, ask your mum and dad to play with you. Go outside together, or read a book out loud.Be kind. Little things might mean a lot to your mum or dad. You can make your parents happy with a hug (拥抱), a card, or a joke(笑话). Its also lovely when a child cleans up his or her room without being asked. And if you try not to fight with your brothers or sisters, your parents might be very happy.Do your best at whatever you do. You dont have to be perfect, but when you do your best, you make your parents proud(自豪). It makes them happy to see how youre turning into a great kid. Why? Because it lets them know youre doing a good job.Title: _influence children most_for respecting parentsParents do a lot more than just passing on their_and care for their _from the minute they were born.Some _about how to get along with (相处) your parents1). Spend more time together _parents2). Be _to parents. For example, you can help them_their room.3). Do your best at whatever you do to make them proud and _because they know you are doing _in something.六、 Writing (共1题;共5分)41. (5分)本单元话题为“家庭”,主要考查学生如何介绍自己的家庭成员 假如你是Jim,你的英国朋友Jenny想了解一下你的家庭成员,你打算给她寄一张你们的全家福,请根据图片信息写一封信,介绍一下你的家庭成员。要求:1)语句通顺,语意连贯:2)词数:50左右。Dear JennyHere is a photo of my family. Yours.Jim第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 Complete the following passage (共1题;共1分)21-1、三、 Complete the sentences with th (共8题;共8分)22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、四、 Complete the following sentenc (共7题;共11分)30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、五、 Reading comprehension (阅读理解) (共4题;共44分)37-1、37-2、37-3、37-4、37-5、37-6、37-7、37-8、38-1、39-1、39-2、39-3、39-4、39-5、39-6、39-7、39-8、39-9、39-10、40-1、六、 Writing (共1题;共5分)41-1、

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