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人教版2020年北京中考英语真题试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分) Look, thats Jack, your good friend.Oh, right. Lets go and say hello to_.A . himB . heC . herD . she2. (2分) When did the terrible earthquake in Japan happen?It happened 13:46 the afternoon of March 11th.A . on;inB . at;onC . at;inD . on;on3. (2分)Some students dont know how to worries. They can ask their teachers and parents for help. A . belong toB . deal withC . call in4. (2分)Of the two coats, Id like to choose the _ one to save money for a book. A . more expensiveB . most expensiveC . cheaperD . cheapest5. (2分) I hear they _ the car company in 2006. Yes, it has a history of over ten years.A . foundB . are foundingC . foundedD . were founding6. (2分)Please turn off the radio! The baby . A . sleepsB . is sleepingC . slept7. (2分) Did you hear someone knock at the door just now? Sorry. I to my friend on the phone.A . was talkingB . talkedC . am talking8. (2分)The boy is too young,so he _ speak walk. A . cant; andB . can; orC . can; andD . cant; or9. (2分)I plan to build an unusual house. It _ out of old things. A . is builtB . has builtC . was builtD . will be built10. (2分)Many young people cant imagine . A . how their life would possibly be like without mobile phonesB . what their life would possibly be like without mobile phonesC . how would their life possibly be like without mobile phonesD . what would their life possibly be like without mobile phones二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)完形填空 Can you imagine trying to write music if you are deaf? Most of us cant imagine it. But for the great composer Ludwig van Beethoven, there was no1at all.Beethoven wasnt born deaf. He was2on December 16, 1770 in Bonn, Germany. He lived a3life, and faced much sadness. One of his piano pieces, Fir Elise(致爱丽丝),was written for a failed love interesta woman4Therese Malfatti. At the5of about 28, Beethoven began to lose his6. Yet he was7to go on writing music through hearing vibrations(振动). After the performance of his famous Symphony NO. 9(第九交响曲),people cheered and clapped(鼓掌). Beethoven could not hear them clapping, and when he turned8and realized, he began to9. Before Beethoven, most music was very controlled(克制的). He10this and created a powerful, violent sound. At first, many people hated his music, saying it was too emotional(情绪化的). But today, his name is a symbol for passion(热情)and genius(天才).(1)A . dream B . problem C . wish (2)A . out B . ill C . born (3)A . simple B . difficult C . happy (4)A . called B . written C . done (5)A . year B . age C . season (6)A . seeing B . feeling C . hearing (7)A . able B . interested C . excited (8)A . around B . off C . on (9)A . bow B . shout C . touch (10)A . did B . changed C . made 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)12. (8分)阅读理解 Stress is everywhere in our everyday life. Not only men have it, but also women. The most important reasons of stress are: death, disease, exam, making money, getting married, moving house, changing job, ending friendship and so on. Do you know whether you have stress? Could you give your answers to the following questions?Do youYesNoeasily get angry?often sleep badly?get headache a lot?take sleeping pills?find it difficult to relax?usually hide your feelings?smoke and drink a lot to keep quiet?find it difficult to put your heart into something?If you answer Yes to more than two of these questions, you are one of those people with stress. So what should you do about it?Doing relaxing exercises, talking with friends and listening to light music are all usual ways to relieve stress. However, doctors now say that there are easier ways-people should laugh and smile and even cry, because crying is the common way to relax yourself. (1)Which of the following is NOT the reason of stress? A . Taking exams.B . Changing jobs.C . Taking sleeping pills.D . Making money.(2)Whats the easier way to relax your body? A . Talking with friends.B . Listening to light music.C . Doing relaxing exercises.D . laughing, smiling and crying.(3)Whats the meaning of the underlined word? A . 缓解;减轻B . 加重C . 相信D . 锻炼(4)The main idea of the passage is . A . about stress and how to relieve your stressB . that there are many reasons for having stressC . that laughing and smiling more can help relieve you stressD . that doing the Stress Test is a good way to help you live a better life13. (8分)阅读理解 Laura has an aunt who works in London. She loves Laura so much that she invites Laura toLondon every summer. Last year Laura was happy to go to London and see some famous places in London, including the British museum, National Gallery (画廊)and other great buildings. How beautiful! She fell in love with them, but one thing made her very unhappy. Its her first time to go to a big square, but when she passed the square alone, a thief(小偷)stole her wallet in her pocket. She had to walk to her aunts home angrily. This year Lauras aunt invited her to London again. One day, when she passed the same square with her aunt, she was more careful not to be stolen. After a while, she saw a man go close to her and put his hand in her pocket with a smile. Then he took out his hand quickly and left. She became very angry and shouted, Stop it, or I will call the police! To her surprise, she found her aunt and all the other people there laughing with the word Congratulations(祝贺)! In fact, the man was not a thief. Instead, he put ten pounds in her pocket. It was an interesting game. The organizers(组织者)wanted to correct the bad impression(印象)of the square, so they hired(雇佣) some thieves to do that game. (1)Why did Laura feel unhappy during her first visit to the square? A . Because she passed the square alone.B . Because people laughed at her.C . Because her wallet was stolen.D . Because she couldnt find her aunts home.(2)One of the organizers may be _. A . a thiefB . a policemanC . Lauras fatherD . Lauras aunt(3)They played the game to _. A . change the bad impression of the squareB . ask more people to join the gameC . give ten pounds awayD . catch the real thief(4)What can we know from the passage? A . On the square there were few people.B . Laura has been to London at least twice so far.C . The man stole ten pounds in Lauras pocket.D . Laura didnt want to go to the square any more.14. (8分)阅读理解 DNA is the whole map of the human body. It is something that all humans have, and it tells the body what to do. DNA is the reason that we look like our parents, because we get some of their DNA to make our own. People have been trying to understand the human body for a long time. In 1860, Mr. Mendel discovered why we look the same as other people in our family. It is because of small things called genes (基因)in our body. In 1953, two scientists, Watson and Crick, found out that genes are really messages. Theyre written in the DNA with a special language. In 1961, another two scientists found the first word that they could understand in that language. It shows how DNA tells the cell(细胞)to build its parts. So far, scientists have found all the words in the DNA map, but we still dont understand what they all do. By understanding what just one word means, we can help to save people from several illnesses. So the more we understand, the more doctors will be able to do. Most people hope that this can help to make better medicine to help sick people. Other people worry that when we learn more word and find out more information, we will use it in the wrong way. Just to make people more attractive, or stop sick people getting jobs.(1)Watson and Crick found in 1953. A . all the words in the DNA mapB . small things called genes in our bodyC . genes are written in the DNA with a special languageD . the first word they could understand in that language(2)If we understand more words in the DNA map, we can help sick people . A . get jobsB . get better medicineC . in the wrong wayD . in an attractive way(3)What do people think about this research about DNA? A . It can be only bad.B . It can be only good.C . It can be good and bad.D . It can be good but wont come true.(4)If we put the passage into three parts, which of the following is the best? (-Para. (自然段)1=Para. 2=Para. 3-Para. 4)A . ; ; B . ; : C . ; ; D . ; 15. (8分)阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Before we upload a photo of ourselves to social media, like WeChat, well use an app to smooth our skin, make our eyes look bigger, and give us longer eyelashes and fuller lips. With a couple of touches on our mobile phone, were able to get a quick fix and present the best pictures of ourselves to the world.However, the problem is, when we simply edit our imperfections away, were also changing the way we look at our ourselves. Last month, researchers from the US Boston University published an article Selfies Living in the Era of Filtered (滤镜) Photographs. The article listed the bad effects of photo editing on people and the possibility to cause appearance worries. The researchers think that these apps make it difficult to tell the lines between reality and fantasy. These apps allow one to change his or her appearance in minutes and follow an unrealistic standard of beauty. the article says. In the past, people may have compared their looks to those of celebrities who were famous that time. But for todays young people, beauty standards are most likely set by what they see on social media. From birth, they are born into an age of social platforms, and their feelings are connected to how good they look, a British doctor Escho told The Independent.Now youve got the comparison of your real self to fake self that you present on social media, Renee Engeln, a professor at Northwestern University, told the HuffPost website.Engeln further pointed out that when people spend too much time making such comparison, they may become beauty sick and find it difficult to accept what they actually look like.So when we look in a real mirror, we shouldnt think to ourselves, Do I look as good as myself in the Beauty Cam? Instead, we should think, I feel good, I have my health.(1)What may people do before they present the best of themselves on social media? A . Smoothing their skin in the morning.B . Using apps to edit photos.C . Wearing false eyelashes.D . Redding their lips before going out.(2)Where should we put the sentence This is why many young people suffer an appearance worries when it comes to how they really look.? A . B . C . D . (3)The fifth paragraph implies (暗示) that _. A . people today focus(关注) more on how good they look than in the pastB . in the past, people thought highly of those who are good at celebratingC . social platforms help people learn about self-worthD . self-worth is related purely on followers people have(4)What did the writer write this passage for? A . To call on people to care more about appearance.B . To call on people not to use apps on mobile phone.C . To call on people to learn something more important than appearance.D . To call on people not to spend too much time on comparison with others.四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共50分)16. (25分)根据短文内容,回答下列问题。The population of the world continues to increase, but in some areas the population is falling.This is true in Europe and especially in Eastern Europe. In Russia, the population is going down by about 100 people EVERY HOUR! Russias population could fall by ONE THIRD by the year 2050! And in Poland (波兰) the population is also going down because people are leaving to work in other countries.One of the main reasons is a change of lifestyle. All over Europe people, especially educated women, have a different attitude(态度) to children than their parents. I have one child and she is enough for me, said Galina Tereschkova, a doctor from Moscow. My husband and I both work fulltime. We cant imagine having more than one child. Many women decide to have children later in life or not to have children at all. I dont want to have any children until I have worked for at least 10 years, said 19-year-old student Hana Markova from Prague. Her opinion is typical of 1824 year old women everywhere in Europe.In Poland, the population is going down for a different reason. A lot of people, usually aged between 20 and 30, are leaving the country to work abroad. Poland joined the European Union in 2005 and since then more than half a million people have moved to Britain, Germany, Spain and Italy. Even so, the population of those four countries and many other countries in West Europe is also going down.Many governments are now encouraging people to have larger families. In France, women now receive nearly $1,000 a month for a year if they have a third child. Austrian women receive $700 a month for three years when they have their first child.(1)Where in the world is the population getting smaller? (2)How many children does Galina Tereschkova want to have? (3)What does Hana Markova want to do before she has children? (4)Why is the population in Poland going down? (5)How does the French government encourage people to have larger families now? 17. (25分)根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 Cake with friendsOn the first day of July, 2019, everyone was amazed. Our teacher held a birthday party for 23 students. Most of the students birthdays are in July. Our teacher gave them birthday cards. The cards covers were printed with a group photos of our class. The teacher wrote birthday wishes to the students on the back. It was really sweet!Then, we sang a birthday song for the birthday kids. In addition (另外), all of us got to share cream(奶油) cakes, even if our birthdays werent in July. I thought this was nice. I watched everyone eat their cake together and have some fun talks. Its nice to have good friendships(友谊) like this.Then, something funny happened! We started throwing the cake to each other. Some of us drew pictures on the birthday kids faces. It was a really fun time.I was happy to be at school on that day. I watched all of my friends have fun together. I felt like it was one of the happiest times Ive ever had in junior high school. I wished that I could stop time or make the best time lest just a few minutes longer. This isnt possible of course. But I do hope that all of my friends can cherish(珍惜) their friendships forever and enjoy friendships, just like I am now.Im looking forward to the future. I hope I can make more good friends in high school.(1)When did the 23 students have the birthday party at school? (2)What did the teacher give the 23 students for their birthday? (3)Who shared the birthday cake in the class? (4)How was the writer on that day at school? (5)What does the writer hope to do in high school? 五、 书面表达 (共2题;共6分)18. (5分)假如你是John, 你今天得了重感冒, 头痛, 发烧。妈妈带你去看了医生, 医生告诉你服药, 多喝水, 并且建议你在家休息两天。请你给班主任李老师写一张请假条。 Asking for LeaveDear Miss Li,John19. (1分)假如你叫李华, 昨天收到了美国笔友Amy发来的一封电子邮件。邮件中她说对中国文化很感兴趣, 决定明年来中国留学, 但来之前她想对中国有一些了解。请你根据以下要点提示给她回复一封电子邮件, 向她介绍中国的一些情况。 要点提示:1)历史悠久;2)中国人友好、善良、热情;3)传统节日多;4)食物种类多且美味要求:1)词数80左右, 电子邮件的格式、开头和结尾已给出, 但不计入总词数:2)内容必须包括所有的要点, 可适当发挥, 但不要逐字翻译。Dear Amy, Im glad to know that you are interested in Chinese culture and have decided to come to China for further study. Now, I will tell you something about China. _Im looking forward to your coming. Yours, Li Hua第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共50分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、五、 书面表达 (共2题;共6分)18-1、19-1、

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