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三年级上册 Unit3 A卷: 课堂点拨题1. (1)- Goodbye, Miss Li. - , class. A. Goodbye B. Good morning C. Good afternoon(2)在路上遇到朋友时,你会说: A. Goodbye! B.Hi! C.OK!(3)下课后,老师和同学们说再见,会说: A.Bye,my friend. B. Goodbye, class. C.Hello,class.(4)你中午上学时,和父母说: A.See you. B.Good afternoon. C.Hi.2. (1) is my friend, Mike. A. He B. She C. It(2)-Are Yang Ling?-Yes,I am. A.she B.I C.you(3) John. my friend. A.Shes;Shes B. This;He C. Hes;Hes (4)Mike想告诉妈妈Yang Ling和Liu Tao都是他的朋友,可以说:A.Yang Ling and Liu Tao are my friend. B.Yang Ling and Liu Tao are my friends.(5) 你不知道对方是不是杨玲时,你问: A.Are you Yang Ling? B.Goodbye,Yang Ling. C. Shes Yang Ling. 3. (1) Wang Bing. A.I B.Hes C.Shes(2) Yang Ling. Liu Tao. A.She;He B. Hes;Shes C. Shes;Hes(3)介绍这个男生叫王兵时,可以说: A.Are you Wang Bing? B.He is Wang Bing. C.She is Wang Bing.(4)想告诉对方,这个男生是你的朋友,应该说:A.Are you my friend? B.She is my friend. C.He is my friend.(5)你告诉你的爸爸,他是你的好朋友王兵,你说:( )A. Shes Wang Bing. Shes my friend. B. Hes Wang Bing. Hes my sister. C. Hes Wang Bing. Hes my friend.4. (1)你想把蒂娜介绍给别人,可以说: A. This is Tina. B.Im Tina. C.Hello,Tina. (2)_is my sister. A. It B. He C. This(3)向别人介绍杨玲时,你会说:A.Good morning,Yang Ling. B.This is my friend,Yang Ling. C. my friend is Yang Ling.B卷: 课后巩固题 一.选择( )1.傍晚放学了,刘涛和李老师告别,可以说: A.Good afternoon,Miss Li. B.Goodbye, Miss Li.( )2.和朋友见面时,你说: A.Hello. B. See you. C.Nice to meet you.( )3.介绍这个女孩叫杨玲,应该说: A. I am Yang Ling. B. Are you Yang Ling? C.She is Yang Ling.( )4.Mike想介绍Liu Tao给爸爸认识, 他怎么说:A.Hes Liu Tao. Hes my good friend. B.Shes Liu Tao. Shes my good friend.( )5.你告诉你爸爸杨玲是你的朋友,你会说: A.Hes my friend. B.Shes my sister. C. Shes my friend( )6.老师向你们介绍一位新同学,说她叫Su Hai时,老师可以说:A.Im Su Hai. B.Hes Su Hai. C. Shes Su Hai.( )7.当别人问你是不是迈克时,你应该说: A.No, Im not. B.Yes,Im not. C.No,I am.( )8.你想告诉别人,王兵也是你的朋友,应该说:A.Hes Wangbing. Hes my friend too. B.Shes my friend too. C. Hes Wangbing.( )9.当你告诉别人你是刘涛时,你会说:A. Hi,Im Liu Tao. B. Hi,Im not Liu Tao. C. Hi,Liu Tao.( )10.这是我的姐姐。 A. This is my sister. B. She is my sister.( )11.介绍自己的姐姐时,你会说:A.Shes my friend. B.This is my sister. C. This is my friend.12.找出下列不同类的词,将其序号填入题前括号内。( )(1) A. good B. afternoon C. morning( )(2) A. is B. are C. it( )(3) A. he B. she C. they( )(4) A. mother B. teacher C. brother( )(5) A. Mike B. Yang Ling C. Friend( )(6)A.she B.my C.you ( )(7)A.is B.I C.am( )(8)A.I B.is C.she( )(9)A.I B.this C.she( )(10)A.she B.he C.my二.填入适当的词1.写出下列缩写的完整形式(1)Im=_ (2)shes=_ (3)hes=_(4)youre=_ (5)whos=_ (6)Mikes (1)whats 2.按要求填上合适的词(1) yes(反义词)_ (2) he(对应词)_ (3) hello(近义词)_ (4) friend(复数)_3.选择合适的词填空(I, you, he, she)(1)Hello, am Mike.(2) is my friend, Su Yang.(3)Are Sam? Yes, am.(4) is my friend, Wang Bing.4.用 Hes、Shes、He或者 She 来填空(1) Mike. my friend.(2) Miss Li. my teacher.(3) is Mr Jin. is my good friend.(4) is Helen. my sister.三翻译1.Im 2.too 3.class / 4.我的朋友们 飞速英语 模块五 考点精练5.Goodbye, class. 6.Goodbye, Miss Li. 7.Shes Yang Ling. 8.Shes my friend. 9.He is my friend, too. 10.See you next time. 11.Youre right. 12.我是刘涛。 13.你是王兵吗? 14.他是迈克。他是我的朋友。 15.她是杨玲。她也是我的朋友。 【难题】16. 杨玲和迈克是朋友。 四.连词成句1.is, Su Hai, She (.) 2.friend, hes, too, my (.) 3.am , I ,Su Hai ,no (,.) 4.friend,this,my,is,Gao Shan (.) 5.am,no,not,Gao Shan,I(,.) 6.good,you,Miss Li,are,morning(,?) 7.【易错】next,time,see,you (.) 8.my, is, friend, He (.) 9.you, Liu Tao , Are (?) 10.my, She, sister, is (.) 五改错(先用铅笔圈出错误的地方,再在后面的横线上改正)1.Goodbye,I friends. 2.This is Su Hai. Hes my friend. 3.She my sister. 六 写出字母的左邻右舍. Gg 2. Ii 3. Jj 4. Hh 5. Cc 6. Ff七.读一读,完成下面的对话.1.Miss Li: Good morning, class. Class: . 2.Yang Ling: . Mike: Goodbye, Yang Ling.3.Su Hai: Hello, Im Su Hai. Liu Tao: .4.Liu Tao: (指着王兵对Mike说) Hes my friend. Mike: Hello, Im Mike. Wang Bing: Hello!八.判断下列的中英文翻译是否正确。( )1. This is Mike. 他是迈克。( )2. Shes my sister. 他是我的弟弟。( )3. Goodbye,Miss Li. 再见,李老师。( )4. Hes Liu Tao. 他是刘涛。( )5. Hes my friend,too. 他是我的朋友。九.找答句( )1.Goodbye, Sam. A . Nice to meet you, too. ( )2.Are you Tina? B.Good evening.( )3.Whos(是谁) he? C.Goodbye, Bobby.( )4.Good evening. D.Hi, David.( )5.Hi, Im David. E. Yes, Im Wang Bing.( )6.Whats your name? F. No, I am not.( )7. Nice to meet you. G. My name is Su Ha. ( )8. Are you Wang Bing? H. Hes Mike.C卷: 复习提高题 一.选择( )1.-Are Su Hai? -Yes, am. A. She, I B. you, she C. you, I( )2.他是迈克,他是我的朋友。 A. Hes Mike. Hes my friend. B. Shes Mike. Shes my friend.( )3.他也是我的好朋友。 A. Shes my friend, too. B. Hes my friend too.( )4.不知道对方是不是Liu Tao时,你应该说: A.Hi,are you Liu Tao? B.Hi , Im Liu Tao.( )5.别人问你是不是迈克,如果你是,你应该说:A.Yes, I am. B.No , Im not.( )6.别人问你是不是王兵,如果不是,你应该说:A. Yes , I am. B. No, Im not.( )7.Hes my friend,_ A. too B. to C. two( )8._you John? A. Are B. Is C. Am( )9.-Are you Su Hai?- . A.Yes,Im B. Yes,you are C.No,Im not( )10.-Hello,Im Yang Ling. - . A. Hello,Mike. B. Hello,Im Mike. C.This is Mike.二排序题1.A.Good morning,Su Hai. B.Hello,Yang Ling. C.Hello,Su Yang.D.Good morning,Yang Ling. This is Su Yang. Shes my sister. 2. A.Good morning,Mike. B.Hes Liu Tao. Hes my friend. C.Hi,Liu Tao.D. Good morning,Wang Bing. E.Hi,Mike. 3.A.Hi,Lily. Whos she?(她是谁) B. Goodbye,Mike. C.Are you Yang Ling? D. Good morning.E.No,Im not. Im Lily. F.Shes Tina. Shes my friend. G. Good morning,Im Mike. H.Oh,I see(知道了).Goodbye,Lily. 三.从方框中选择合适的选项填空,并将序号填在横线上。 A. am B. is C. are/ Are1、Hello, I_Wang Bing.2、-_you Liu Tao? -Yes, I_.3、He_my friend.4、Shes Yang Ling. She_my friend, too.5、This_Tina. Shes my sister.6、-Hello, _you Su Hai? -No, Im not.四.猜一猜下面描述的分别是什么字母1.1减1不等于0 2.山连着山 3.1加3不等于4 4.不倒翁 5.钓鱼钩 5


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