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考点精练译林英语3年级下册 Unit 8A卷: 课堂点拨题 一.主系表的 肯定句 以及 be动词的搭配【be动词看主语的脸色变】(1) My name _ Su Hai. A. am B.is C.are(2)Mum, _ is my friend, David. A.it B.she C. this (3)【易错】They twins. A. is B. are C. am二. 主系表的 一般疑问句(1)-Is this your book? -No, _. A. it isnt B. it is C. I am(2)cousin,that,your,Is (?) (3)他是你的表弟吗?不,他是我朋友。 Is _ your _? No, _ my _.三.特殊疑问句(1)这些是什么?是鸡。_ are _? _ _.(2)_ is he? He is my brother. A. What B. Where C. Who四. 形容词性物主代词 Hes David. Hes brother. A.my B. 不填 C. youB卷: 课后巩固题 一.选择( )1._ name is Tim. A. He B. She C. His ( )2.【易错】 _ name is Nancy. A. His B. She C. Her( )3.We are twins. We_ friends, too. A. is B. am C. are( )4.-Are those your rulers? -Yes,_. A. they arent B. they are C. it is二填入适当的词1.whos (完整形式) 2. hes (完整形式) 3.we are(缩写形式) 4.also(近义词) 5.it(复数) 6.on(反义词) 7. your(对应词) 8.woman(复数) 9.those(单数) 10.man(复数形式) _ 11.uncle(对应词)_12.up(反义词)_ 13.small(反义词)_ 14.heres(完全形式)_ 15.Mrs(对应词)_ 16.baby(复数)_ 17.is(复数) 18.know(同音词)_三翻译1.我的叔叔 2.你的阿姨 3.Were twins! 4.那个可爱的小男孩 5. 一个高男人 6.那些女孩 7.三个宝宝 8.九个堂兄弟 9.双胞胎兄弟 10.【易错】这个女孩是你的表姐吗?不。她是我的姐姐。 cousin? No. .11.你想要颗糖吗?_ you_ a_?12.那个女人是谁?她是我阿姨。 _ that _? _ my _.13.【易错】你的铅笔在哪里?在书桌里。 are ? Theyre .四连词成句,注意句子字母大小写和标点1.very, Nancy, tall, isnt (.) 2.is,Su Yang,sister,she,my (, . ) 3.is,that,boy,who(?) 4.boy, that, Who, is, little(?) 5.these,desk,are,on,the,what (? ) 6.happy, what, a, family (!) 五从B栏中找出A栏相应的答句,将序号填入题前括号。( )1.Wheres Mike? A. How beautiful!( )2.Is your book in the desk? B. Thank you.( )3.Wheres the bird? C. Hes in the library.( )4.Look at the parrot. D. Its in the tree.( )5.Here you are. E. No, it isnt.( )6.Dont drink my milk. F. Yes , Miss Li.六选择括号中的词,完成下列句子1. A: Look at _(this/ these) family photo.B: _(Who/ What) is the man? Is he your father?A: _(Yes/ No) , he is my uncle.B: Is that _ (boy/ girl) your sister? A: Yes, you are right.B: How old is _(he/ she) ? A: Twelve.2. A: (Is/ Are) that a chicken? B: No, its a (chicken/ bird).A: What are (that/those) on the tree? B: Theyre (pears/ cows).A: (How/ What) nice!七. 将下列句子排列成一段完整的话。 【一】1.Yes,she is. 2.This is my family picture.3.Hes my father. 4.Is this your mother? 5.Whos that man? 【二】 1. Is this your pie? 2.OK. 3.Good morning, Yang Ling. 4.No, thank you. Dont eat here. 5.Good morning, Mike 6.Yes, Would you like a pie? 八. 选出下列各组中不属于同类的单词,将其序号填入题前的括号内( ) 1. A. crayonB. duckC. ruler( ) 2. A. sit B. downC. stand( ) 3. A. where B. hereC. who( ) 4. A. boy B. girlC. sister( ) 5.A. this B. these C. that( ) 6. A.uncle B.aunt C.babyC卷: 复习提高题 一. 选择( )1.Nick _ a book. A. have B.has C.is( )2.I can see some pears _ the tree. A. in B.on C. at( )3._ nice picture! A. How B. What C. What a( )4.-What are _ over there? -_ ants. A.these; Theyre B.those; Thosere C.those; Theyre( )5.【易错】Robbie_very tall. He is short. A. isnt B. 不填 C. is( )6.【易错】I like the red apples_I like the green apples,too. A. but B. and C. or( )7.Im nine. What about you ? _. A Its seven B Im seven( )8.What are those on the desk? _books. A. They are B .Those are( )9.-Dont eat here. -_ A. Yes,I am B. Yes. C. Im sorry.( )10.-Is this _schoolbag? - Yes. A. I B. you C. your( )11.-Is this your pencil? - _. A. No, it is B. Yes, I am C. Yes, it is二情景选择( ) 1. 你想告诉Tim是回家的时候了。 A. Yes, please. ( ) 2. 你想知道远处的东西是什么。 B. Dont eat sweets in the classroom.( ) 3. 别人问你是否要吃个冰激凌,可以回家。 C. Whos that baby?( ) 4. 想告诉朋友不要在教室里吃糖。 D. Its time for home, Tim.( ) 5.你向别人介绍你的堂姐,说: E. What are those over there?( ) 6.你问那个宝宝是谁? F. Shes my cousin.三根据首字母填空1. Id l_ some bread.2. W_ is Mike?Hes in the l_.四根据所设情景,选择正确答案 1.你不太清楚那是不是鸭子,可以问:( ) A.Is that a duck? B.Is that a chicken? C.Is this a duck?2.你想知道这些是不是梨,可以问:( ) A.Are these pears? B.Are those pears? C. Are these apples? 3.你想知道远处的女孩是否是对方的妹妹,你会说:( ) A.Is that girl your sister? B.Whos that girl? C. Whos she?4.你想知道对面的女孩是不是双胞胎,你会说:( ) A. Is she your sister? B.Are you twins? C. Whos she?五.句型转换1.These are cows.(改成单数) 2.Its a big pig. (改成复数) 3.Those are pigs. (改为单数) 六阅读短文,判断句子是否正确,正确的写T,错误的写F。 【一】 My name is Evan. Im a boy. Look, this is my family photo. My father is sitting on the chair. He is a doctor. My mother is sitting behind him. She is a nurse. This is my twin brother. He is eating an ice cream. He likes ice creams very much. His name is Terry. We are twelve. Where is me? Haha, Im behind the door. And our dog, Tiddy is behind the door, too. It is eating a bone.(骨头)We love it very much.( ) 1.I am eleven. ( ) 2.I am sitting on the chair.( ) 3.Terry likes ice creams. ( ) 4.My mother is a doctor. ( ) 5.There are five people(人)in my family. 【二】 Hello, My name is Mike. Im eleven. I wake up at seven oclock. I go to school(上学) at eight oclock. Look! My school bag is in my desk. My books and pencils are on my desk. At twelve oclock I have lunch. I go home(回家) at five oclock.( )1. How old is Mike? A. Hes eleven. B.Hes ten.( )2. Mike wakes up at _ oclock. A. seven. B. eight( )3. Wheres Mikes school bag? A. Its on his desk. B. Its in his desk.( )4. Mikes_are on his desk. A. books and pens B. books and pencils( )5. At _ oclock Mike has lunch. A. eleven. B. twelve听力题一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的选项( ) 1. A.these B. they C.those( ) 2. A.how B.cow C.now( ) 3. A.me B.my C.we( ) 4. A.his B. he C. she二、听录音,选择合适的应答句( ) 1. A. Yes, its on the table. B. No, its on the table. C. Yes, theyre on the table.( ) 2. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, you are. C. No, you arent.( ) 3. A.These are cows. B. Theyre cows. C. Those are cows. ( ) 4. A. Its time for bed. B.Its time for breakfast. C. Its time for class.( ) 5. A. Shes my sister. B. Hes my grandfather. C. Hes my brother. ( )6.A. No, hes my cousin. B. Yes, hes my cousin. C. No, hes my brother.( )7. A. My name is Nancy. B. His name is Bob. C. Her name is Nancy.( )8. A.Im ten. B. Hes ten. C. Shes ten.三、听录音,选择正确的译文( ) 1. A. 这些是什么? B. 那些是什么?( ) 2. A. 赶快,上学时间到了。 B. 赶快,上课时间到了。( ) 3. A. 那是一只小鸭子。 B. 那是一只小鸭子吗?( ) 4. A. 这是我的家庭。 B. 这是我的朋友。( ) 5. A. 在书上的那是什么? B. 在书上的那些是什么? ( )6. A.这是我堂弟。 B. 这是我。( )7. A.她是你姑姑吗? B.他是你叔叔吗?( )8.A. 现在几点了? B. 你几岁?四.听录音,判断所听到的内容是否与图意相符,相符的写“T”,不符的写“F”, 听两遍。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.( )( ) ( ) ( ) .( ) 听力答案二、听录音,选择合适的应答句。1. Is your bag on the desk?2. Are you a teacher?3. What are these?4. Its seven oclock in the morning.5. Whos that boy?6. Is he your brother?7.Whats your name?8.How old is she?三、听录音,选择正确的译文。1. What are those?2. Hurry up, its time for class.3. Thats a little duck.4. This is my family.5. What are those on the book?6.This is my cousin.7.Is he your uncle?8.What time is it?四、听录音,判断所听到的内容是否与图意相符,相符的写“T”,不符的写“F”, 听两遍。1. A: Whos this girl?B: Shes Helen.2. A: What time is it?B: Its seven oclock. Its time for breakfast.3. A: Wheres the bird?B: Its under the desk.4. A: Is that your pencil?B: Yes, it is. 5. A: What are these? B: They are pigs.


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