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上海新世纪版2019-2020年九年级上学期12月份月考英语测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共15分)1. (1分)What honest boy! And he is best student of all. A . a; aB . an; theC . a; theD . the; the2. (1分)We arrived at the station too early and had _ to go, so we sat there and chatted with each other.A . somewhereB . anywhereC . everywhereD . nowhere3. (1分)We should do what we can _ them with their lessons.A . helpB . helpingC . to helpD . helped4. (1分)The successful man has made money, and he has helped many students with it. A . a great manyB . quite a fewC . a number ofD . plenty of5. (1分)You are _ to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so the other person doesnt get bored.A . suggestedB . supportedC . taughtD . supposed6. (1分)If you want to read English quickly, you must learn English words as you can by heart.A . as muchB . so muchC . as manyD . so many7. (1分)Would you when you are in town?A . drop offB . drop byC . fall offD . fall by8. (1分) What are you looking for? Im looking for the music CD you lent me yesterday.A . whatB . whoC . whenD . that9. (1分)I think drinking milk is good our health.A . forB . toC . with10. (1分) What do you Mo Yans novels? I like them very much.A . look atB . likeC . think overD . think of11. (1分)The baby is always crying. He be hungry.A . cantB . mustC . shouldD . would12. (1分) Did you study any other languages English when you were at college? Yes, I studied three. But I have forgotten all a few words of each.A . besides; besidesB . but; exceptC . except; exceptD . besides; but13. (1分)Not only my friends but also I _ interested in football and Messi is our favorite star.A . beB . amC . isD . are14. (1分)Yesterday Li Ming went to the village _ his family lived ten years ago.A . whenB . whichC . whereD . that15. (1分)Mo Yan, a famous Chinese writer, won the Nobel Prize in Literature at the end of the year 2012. We learn that success _ the person with a never-give-up attitude. A . drives outB . takes overC . belongs toD . look up二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空Different people have different ideas about time. People in the USA think that it is1to know the time. In cities in America, there are2in stations, factories and other buildings. Radio announcers (播音员) give you the correct time during the day. Most Americans also have watches with them3they go. They want to do certain things4certain time. They dont like to be late. They think everyone is supposed to do5on time.But time is not6important to everybody in the world. When you visit a country in South America, you will 7that people there dont like to rush. If you had an appointment with somebody, he could probably be late8he might not want to arrive on time.In South America, even the radio programs may not begin on time. The men on the radio may not think it is important to tell the exact9. People in South America think that clocks or watches are just machines. They think that you will10 a clock or a watch control (控制) your life if you do everything on time.(1)A . quiet B . useless C . important D . easy (2)A . clocks B . cars C . books D . watches (3)A . whenever B . however C . whatever D . wherever (4)A . at B . on C . for D . in (5)A . nothing B . everything C . something else D . some things (6)A . such B . as C . so D . only (7)A . understand B . find C . forget D . remember (8)A . while B . but C . though D . because (9)A . time B . place C . weather D . news (10)A . put B . want C . let D . expect 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)根据短文内容,完成任务。(C)My name is Chen Lan. My home is in Gulangyu. Where is Gulangyu, do you know? It is in Xiamen. It is near the sea (海). Gulangyu is a small place(地方), but it is very nice and clean. There are no cars, buses or bikes. People only walk. So it is very quiet (安静的). My house is in the center of Gulangyu. Behind my house there is a big old tree. My grandfather tells me the tree is very old. There are many birds in the tree. We call it a “bird tree”. My house is near the sea. The sea is big and blue. There are many fish in the sea. After school, I often go there and catch fish with my friends. It is very interesting. I like eating and catching fish.(1)Why do people only walk in Gulangyu?(2)Where is the “bird tree”?(3)Gulangyu is very nice and clean.(4)Chen Lan thinks catching fish is boring.(5)翻译画线句子。18. (10分) Tanzania (坦桑尼亚)has a lot of animals, like lions, elephants, giraffes, hippos(河马)and so on. Every year, many people in the world travel to this country in Africa to watch the animals. But do you know how they travel?By boat-We can often see many people in a boat, enjoying the beautiful things along a river or a lake, and they can also enjoy the hippos and other animals.By hot-air balloon(热气球)In the early morning, when the sun (太阳)is starting to rise, a large hot-air balloon is also starting its tour. Taking a hot-air balloon is very exciting to most of the tourists. You can watch all the animals there. Elephants are drinking water, giraffes are eating leaves and so on. After some time, the balloon can land(着陆)in a place where the waiters would give people a delicious breakfast. But you need to know that taking a hot-air balloon is very expensive. A person should pay 400 dollars for an hours trip.(1)In Tanzania. People travel by to watch the animals.A . most; boatB . most; busC . some; boatD . some; boat(2)People can fromwindows.A . watch dangerous animals; bigB . play with the animals; bigC . watch dangerous animals; smallD . play with the animals; small(3)people usually start to tour by hot-air balloon.A . in the morningB . in the afternoonC . in summerD . in winter(4)How much should a person pay for two hours trip?A . 200 dollarsB . 400 dollarsC . 600 dollarsD . 800 dollars(5)From this article, we can know.A . Tanzania is in North AmericaFrom this article, we can know.B . there are four ways for us to breakfast if you travel by bus.C . you can enjoy a delicious breakfast if you travel by bus.D . traveling by hot-air balloon is very expensive.19. (10分) A survey by baidu.com showed there were 16 million bloggers (写网络日志的人). Xu Jinglei was one of the first famous people that the website sina .com. invited to open blogs.The web log written by Xu Jinglei is now the worlds most popular. Xu, an actress-turned director, became famous overseas when she won a Best Director Award for the film. A Letter From an Unknown Woman in 2004.Her blog has broken the domestic (国内的) record with more than 10 million visits.Xu updates (更新) her blog every other day. But if she feels very good she sometimes posts two or three articles in a day .Visitors leave thousands of messages about each of her articles, praising (赞扬) her open, free writing style, commenting (评论) on films.(1)Now Xu Jingleis web log is _.A . broken by hackerB . written by an unknown womanC . the worlds most popularD . closed by government(2)How many visitors does Xus blog have?A . About 16 million.B . About 36.82 million.C . 2004.D . over 10 million.(3)_ invited Xu Jinglei who was one of the first famous people to open blogs.A . The website baidu.comB . The website sina.comC . The website Yahoo.comD . The website blog.com(4)From the passage we know that _.A . a survey by baidu.com showed there were 16 million bloggers writing in EnglishB . Xu Jinglei was the only one that the website sina.com invited to open blogsC . Xu Jinglei always posts one article in a dayD . Visitors leave lots of messages about her articles in her blogs四、 语法填空 (共1题;共15分)20. (15分)Can you tell me the _ (distant) between your home and your school? 五、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共15分)21. (10分)任务型阅读(A)The film is very exciting and dramatic(戏剧性的), but it is also romantic(浪漫的) and very sad. It is about the ship, the Titanic, which sank in the Atlantic in 1912. It is a love story. The two famous stars are Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslett. They fall in love on the ship, but are not allowed to be together as she is rich and he is poor. Leonardo is excellent as poor, handsome Jack and Kate Winslett is perfect as rich and beautiful Rose. The best thing about the film is the part where the ship is sinking. This love story doesnt have a happy ending.Flubber is a comedy. Starring(主演) Robin Williams is a forgetful scientist. He is very forgetful and he even forgets his own wedding(婚礼)! Flubber is the name of the amazing(令人惊奇的) green stuff(物品) that he invents. The plot(情节) is about two bad men who try to steal both Flubber and the scientists girlfriend. The scientist has lots of silly adventures(历险) with Flubber, and he is really funny as the mad scientist. The best thing about the film is the special effects as Flubber changes into all different shapes and sizes and even does a dance routine(舞蹈动作). Its really an enjoyable film.根据短文内容,完成表格。Name of filmType of filmStarsMain characters(主要人物)Best thingabout film_Love storyLeonardoDi Caprio,Kate Winslett_Flubber_Forgetful scientistSpecial effects22. (5分)To let(出租):Small apartment for students to rent ¥850 a month. Tel: 13786731842To let:2-bedroom house. Call Mr. Tong at noon. 66285669To let:3-bedroom house. Call Mr. Tong at noon. 66285666Wanted:Fully furnished house for family of three. 88384558Wanted:Looking for a quiet single room under ¥300 per month. Please call Bob at 13986731248.1. Peter and his friend want to rent a small apartment under 900 yuan per month.2. Jenny wants to rent a 3-bedroom house.3. Mr. Smith wants to rent a quiet single room.4. Mr. Black wants to find a fully furnish house.5. Diana and her family want to rent a 2-bedroom house.What telephone number should they each dial(拨打)?_Mr. Smith_Peter_Jenny_Diana_Mr. BlackA. 13786731842B. 66285669C. 88384558D. 13986731248E. 66285666六、 书面表达 (共1题;共15分)23. (15分)书面表达(本题有1小题,共计20分)你校英语社团正在开展主题为Whatshouldagoodteacherbelike?的讨论,为此你采访了一些学生和家长。请你根据下表内容用英语写一篇短文进行交流,并阐述你的观点。Students opinionsParents opinionsYouropinionsgetonwellwithstudentsgiveactiveandlivelyclasseshaveplentyofknowledgebestrictwithstudents注意:(1)文章必须包括表中所有内容可适当增加细节(2)你的观点至少两条,不能重复表中观点;(3词数:80-100;(4)短文首句仅供选择使用,不计人总词数短文首句:Studentsandparentshavedifferentopinionsaboutwhatagoodteachershouldbelike.Whatshouldagoodteacherbelike?第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共15分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、四、 语法填空 (共1题;共15分)20-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共15分)21-1、22-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共15分)23-1、

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