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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期末考试试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)1. (10分)阅读理解 Recently there are about 55,000 children who dont go to school each day in England. According to the law, all children between five and sixteen must go to school on weekdays, and their parents must make sure of this.The number of children missing school is increasing. The government is worried, because, according to a research, children who often dont go to school are more likely to smoke, drink under age or do some other bad things. Also, its difficult for them to do well in exams. What more, its harder for them to get a job after they leave school. Since 2002,the police have kept checking town centers where truants (逃学者) often go. These happen twice a year. During each check, a student will be stopped and asked why they are not in school. This will happen even if they are with an adult. The police will stop and question children who they think do not have a reason for being out of school. The police are not allowed to catch truants, but they can take them back to school. The police said there were nearly twice more boys playing truant than girls.(1)According to the law in England children at the age of must go to school. A . 4B . 13C . 17D . 19(2)Truants are more likely to . A . eat muchB . drink waterC . fail in examsD . find a job(3)During a check, pupils will NOT be questioned by the police if . A . they are at schoolB . they are out of schoolC . they are with an adultD . they are at town centers(4)The underlined this in the first paragraph refers to all children between 5 and 16 . A . must do well in exams.B . mustnt smoke or drinkC . must go to school on weekdaysD . must stay at home on weekdays(5)Which of the following is TRUE about the truants in England recently? A . The police can not stop girl truants.B . Truants are often beaten by the police.C . Truants are often criticized by their teachers.D . There are more boy truants than girl truants.2. (10分)阅读理解 Do you think laughter can help you deal with pain? Scientists from Britain did two experiments(实验). The first was done in a lab. People wore special wristbands(腕带). Some of them were asked to watch comedies while others watched serious programs. Then the scientists tightened(勒紧)the wristbands to see how much pain the people could feel.The other test was done at an art festival. Some people watched a comedy show and others watched a drama(戏剧). At the same time, they had to put their backs against the wall and keep their legs bent(弯曲的)just like sitting on a chair. They did this before and after the show.Scientists found that just 15 minutes of laughter improves peoples ability to stand pain by 10%. However, the serious programs and the drama didnt make a difference to pain at all.The study found that the magic power of laughter comes from endorphins(内啡肽). These are chemicals(化学物质). They are produced by the human body. They make you feel less pain and can make people feel happier. Exercise can produce endorphins. Your muscles(肌肉)move in and out when you are laughing. Scientists believe that this makes your muscles tiring, so we start to produce endorphins.Scientists also found that the only real and relaxing laughter works not just polite laughter.Next time you have a headache, get together with a group of Mends, watch a funny movie and laugh. You will soon feel a lot better because laughter is the best medicine.(1)Scientists knew how much pain the people felt by_ in the first experiment. A . eating delicious dishesB . putting backs against wallsC . tightening special wristbandsD . sitting on comfortable seats(2)The other test was finished _. A . on a chairB . in a labC . on Sports DayD . at an art festival(3)Endorphins can help human body_. A . keep better buildB . feel less painC . get more musclesD . produce worse results(4)According to the passage, we can infer that _. A . running can produce endorphinsB . watching TV programs can stand painC . different kinds of laughter earl treat illnessD . muscles can improve peoples ability to laugh(5)We can probably find this passage in a _. A . guide bookB . movie posterC . travel diaryD . medical magazine3. (10分) Most people will tell you that they cant work without a cup of coffee in the morning. Research has shown that a cup of coffee does give a person slight excitement.Legend said that Kaldi, an Ethiopian, found his goats happier while enjoying coffee plants. Curiously, he tasted the leaves and began to dance around. Whether the Legend was true or not, the discovery of coffee dates back to 800A. D. Soon Arabians were roasting coffee beans. Muslims were drinking coffee to stay awake by 1000 A.D. A merchant from Venice introduced coffee to Europe in 1615. By 1696, the Dutch started growing the coffee bush in Java. By 1723, coffee plants were introduced to the Americans. Today, coffee is the most popular drink in the world.Caffeine is the major chemical in coffee. It blocks(阻止) adenosine, a chemical that makes you sleepy. People can get a pick-me-up or stimulation(刺激) from the drink. The stimulation does not last long. Caffeine poisoning can occur if more than 400 milligrams of caffeine is drunk in a short period, which is about four to five cups of coffee. Caffeine will also cause sleep difficulty, so it should not be drunk before bed.Caffeine has many advantages. Studies have shown that it helps improve some skills in elderly women. Women who drank three cups of coffee daily scored higher on memory tests than women who drank one cup of coffee. According to newser.com, one cup of coffee a day protects the brain. Coffee also can help people keep away from many diseases according to webmd.com.Large amounts of coffee can cause nervousness, worries and a fast heartbeat. However, if you mix coffee with milk, its fine. Caffeine can be addictive like any drug. The more you drink, the more you depend on it. For some people, just one cup of coffee a day is OK.(1)Who found the most popular drink in the world according to the Legend?A . An Ethiopian.B . ArabiansC . Muslims.D . The Dutch.(2)When was the coffee introduced to Europe?A . In the 1710sB . In the 1610sC . In the 1690sD . In the 1720s.(3)From the third paragraph we can learn _.A . caffeine can make people sleepyB . adenosine can make people awakeC . about four to five cups of coffee will cause sleep difficultyD . coffee is considered harmful if it is taken in a large amount(4)The fourth paragraph mainly tells us _.A . the importance of coffeeB . the good effects of coffeeC . the bad effects of coffeeD . the development of coffee(5)If you like drinking coffee, you had better_.A . drink it before bedB . give up this bad habitC . drink one cup of coffee a dayD . drink more coffee than milk二、 根据首字母、中文提示填空 (共8题;共9分)4. (1分)Dont worry about the children. They are old enough to look after t_. 5. (1分)Ms Jones needs one_(人)to help her do the work6. (2分)Liu Yifei is very beautiful. She is_(瘦的). She has long_(直的)hair. 7. (1分)Today is N_ 15th. 8. (1分)They never cut up the n_ because they are a symbol of long life. 9. (1分)They do not have the c_ to apologize for their actions. 10. (1分)They want to eat some special and delicious _(菜肴)in Xian. 11. (1分) Why are you in such a _ (匆忙)? Because I am going to have a meeting in five minutes.三、 用所给词的正确形式填空 (共10题;共10分)12. (1分)Alans grandma_(not come)from Great Farm yet13. (1分)He _ (not be) happy if he hears the bad news. 14. (1分)Jimmy could not sleep at first. He finally fell _ (sleep) when the rainstorm stopped at midnight. 15. (1分)They dont like to eat out. They often cook meals by _ (they) at home. 16. (1分)I heard a little girl_(sing)in the next room when I passed by . 17. (1分)The poor girl who is blind has difficulty _(see). 18. (1分)How many times did you go climbing last year?Only _(two)19. (1分)If he_(come) to visit me. Ill have a good talk with him. 20. (1分)Which is _ (heavy), a hen or a chicken? 21. (1分)He can_(swim)He can play chess,too 四、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确(每个单词限用一次,每空只填一个单词。)relaxing, a, with, be, he, do , have, we, play, tomato,Hello, everyone! I am Bob. This is my brother. _ name is Jim. He is _ 18-year old boy. He _ hamburgers for lunch. I like French fries, but Jim doesnt. I dont like eggs for breakfast, but he _. I like fruit for breakfast. We like _ and salad for dinner. After dinner, we like _ basketball _ our parents. Its _. Do you want _ our friend? Please email _ at 441353608qq.com.五、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共10分)23. (10分)任务型阅读As you know, homework is a big part of going to school. Luckily, here are several suggestions for you to make homework easy.Make a homework planMost middle school students have two or three hours of homework a night. If it is a heavy homework day, you may need to spend even more time. It is a good idea to come up with some kind of homework schedule(进度表), especially if you are going to do sports or other activities after school.Watch where you workA bedroom, study or any room where you can get away from noise is good for you to do your homework. But dont study on your comfortable bed, or you might fall asleep there.Take a breakMost peoples attention (注意力) dont last very long, so take some breaks while doing your homework. Sitting for too long without relaxing will make you less productive(多产的) than if you stop to take a break regularly. Taking a 15-minute break every hour is a good way for most people.Get help when you need itSometimes even though you are listening carefully in class, some subjects seem too hard. The first person to ask for help is your teacher. He or she may be able to work with you before or after school and explain things more clearly. Your classmates may also be able to give you a hand. However, this might not give you the results you want. Lots of people understand something well but are not able to explain it.Title: Homework HelpTopicHomework can be quite hard, but there is something you can do to make homework much _.Useful _Making ahomework planHeavy homework means_more time on your study, so it is a good idea to have a homework plan so that you can _in all kinds of after-school activities._where you workIt is necessary for you to study in a_place, so a bedroom or a study is a good choice.Taking a breakIf you_too long without relaxing, your mind may wander. To keep productive,it is a good idea for most people to have a rest for 15 _every hour.Getting helpThe_one you can ask for help is your teacher.You may also get_from your classmates but this may not give you what you want.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)书面表达题目:My family提示:请描述你的家庭成员,从姓名,年龄,职业,生日,生活方式,以及所喜爱的食物和运动等。要求:1. 语句通顺、语义连贯;2. 介绍中要包含姓名,年龄,喜好等基本信息,并可适当发挥;3. 介绍的开头已给出,不计总词数;4. 不少于50词。I have a family. 第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、二、 根据首字母、中文提示填空 (共8题;共9分)4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、三、 用所给词的正确形式填空 (共10题;共10分)12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、四、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共10分)22-1、五、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共10分)23-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)24-1、

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