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一、名词练习题1 Miss Smith is a friend of_.A. Marys mothers B. Marys mother C. mothers of Mary D. Mary mothers2 This is a book of _.A. Tom B. Toms C. her D. him3 The post card is sent by _.A. a friend of my father B. a friend of my fathers C. my father friend D. my father friends4. In a few_ time, those mountains will be covered with trees. A. year B. years C. years D. years5. Its about _ walk from my house.A. ten minute B. ten minutes C. ten minutes D. ten minutes6. The post office is a bit far from here. Its about_.A. thirty minutess walk B. thirty minutes walk C. thirty minutes walk D. thirty minutes walk7. Half_ telephone calls are made in English. A. the world B. world C. the worlds D. worlds8. September 10th is_in China.A. Teachers Day B. Teachers Day C. Teacher Day D. Teachers Day9. Is the broom under _ desk? -No, its under_.A. the teachers; my B. teachers; mine C. teachers; me D. the teachers; mine10. Excuse me, where is the_?A. mens room B. mens room C. mens rooms D. men rooms11. How many _ have you got on your farm? -Ive got five.A. sheeps B. sheep C. pig D. chicken12. Some _ came to our school for a visit that day.A. Germans B. Germen C. Germany D. Germanies13. In the picture there are many_ and two_. A. sheep; foxes C. sheeps; foxesB. sheeps; fox D. sheep; foxs14. A group of_ will visit the museum tomorrow. A. Hungarian B. Australian C. Japanese D. American15. She was very happy. She in the maths test.A. makes a few mistake B. made a few mistakes C. made few mistakes D. makes few mistake16. We need some more_. Can you go and get some, please?A. potato B. potatos C. potatoes D. potatoe17. _are_for cutting things.A. Knife/used B. Knives/used C. Knife/using D. Knives/using18. What big_ the tiger has!A. tooth B. teeth C. tooths D. toothes19. Please remember to give the horse some tree_.A. leafs B. leaves C. leaf D. leave20. Can we have some _? -Yes, please.A. banana B. oranges C. apple D. pear 二、主谓一致练习1. Maths _ one of the _ subjects in middle school. A. are; important B. is; most importantC. is; more important D. are; much important2. _ there a number of fish in the river at that time?A. Is B. Are C. Was D. Were3. Not only the parents but also James _ London.They will come back in a month.A. has been to B. have been to C. has gone to D. have gone to4. Each of the students _ bring some money here.A. has B. have C. has to D. have to5. My friend said everyone except Tom and Jim _ there then.A. is B. was C. are D. were6. Sheep _ white and milk _ white, too.A. is; is B. are; are C. is; are D. are; is7. Milk and bread _ my favorite food every morning.A. is B. are C. will be D. was8. _ either you or she going to the United States?A. Is B. Are C. Have D. Does9. There _ a pair of shoes on the floor. The shoes _ mine.A. are; is B. is; is C. is; are D. are; are10. Mary is one of the girls who _ always on time.A. is B. were C. are D. was11. Class Two _ taking their lessons when there was a knock at the door.A. is B. are C. was D. were12. Linda works hard, and _. A. so does her brother B. so did her brother C. her brother do so D. her brother did so 13. The teacher and writer _ from America.A. are B. were C. is D. come14. More than a month _ since the foreign friends met her.A. has passed B. have passed C. has past D. have past15. The mother with her little son _ at my home _ that snowy night. A. were; at B. was; at C. were; on D. was; on16. Therere lots of English books, and _ of them is easy to understand. A. both B. all C. each D. every 17. The manager or his assistant _ planning to go.A. was B. are C. were D. be18. Books of this kind _ well. A. sell B. sells C. are sold D. is sold 19. Three-fourths of the buildings _ in the earthquake.A. was destroyed B. is destroyed C. were destroyed D. have destroyed20. There _ many new words in lesson one, so it is very easy. A. is B. arent C. isnt D. are三、陈述句与否定句型转换练习题1.I know the answer.(一般疑问句) _ _ know the answer? 2. We can see some birds.(一般疑问句) _ _ see _ birds? 3. There is a computer in my house.(一般疑问句) _ _ a computer in house? 4. There are some flowers on the teachersdesk.(一般疑问句) _ _ _ flowers on the teachersdesk? 5. There are some apples on the tree.(否定式) There _ _ _ apples on the tree. 6. I think he is very old.(否定句) I _ think he _ very old. 7. Please colour it green.(否定句) _ _ colour it green. 8. We can speak English well.(变否定句) We _ _ speak English well. 9. Thank you for helping me.(同义句) Thank you for _ _ . 10. There arent any pears in the box.(同义句) There are _ pears in the box. 11. Whose are these clothes?(同义句) _ _ are these? 12. Let me look at your book.(同义句) Let me _ _ _ _ your book. 13. Her sweater is red.(对划线部分提问) _ _ is her sweater? 14. My pencils are in the pencil-box.(对划线部分提问) _ _ your pencils? 15. I get up at six every day.(对划线部分提问) _ _ do you get up every day? 16. There are fifty students in my class.(对划线部分提问) _ _ students are there in your class? 17. These are cars.(用buses改写成选择疑问句) Are these cars_ _ ? 18. The book is in my schoolbag.(变否定疑问句) _ the book in your school-bag? 19. Two boys are in our house.(改为there be句型) _ _ two boys in our house. 20. Cant you find the map?(作肯定回答) _ ,I_ . 四、反义疑问句练习题1. Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night, _?(A) dont they (B) didnt they (C) did they (D) do they2. His sister had a bad cough, _ she? (A) wasnt (B) doesnt (C) hadnt (D) didnt3. John can hardly understand any Chinese, _ he? (A) cant (B) doesnt (C) can (D) does4. Dont smoke in the meeting room, _? (A) do you (B) will you (C) can you (D) could you5. Lucy, you clean the blackboard today, _? (A) do you (B) did you (C) will you (D) can you6. Miss Cheng will never forget her first visit to Canada, _? (A) will she (B) wont she (C) isnt she (D) wasnt she7. The lady couldnt say a word when she saw the snake, _? (A) could the lady (B) couldnt the lady (C) could she (D) couldnt she8. Tina is unhappy now, _? (A) isnt she (B) is she (C) is he (D) did she9. There is some water in that bottle, isnt _? (A) there (B) it (C) that (D) those10. Lets go and play football, _? Thats wonderful. (A) will you (B) do you (C) wont you (D) shall we11. The boy has to stay at home to look after his little sister, _? Yes, because his mother has gone shopping.(A) does he (B) is he (C) doesnt he (D) hasnt he12. You wont follow his example, will you? _, I dont think he is right.(A) No, I wont (B) Yes, I will (C) No, I will (D) Yes, I wont13. Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it, _? (A) arent they (B) are they (C) isnt it (D) is it14. Peter hardly had time for concerts at that time, _? (A) wasnt he (B) was he (C) didnt he (D) did he15. It looks like rain, doesnt it? _. And I forgot my raincoat. (A) No, it isnt (B) Yes, it is (C) No, it doesnt (D) Yes, it does16There Tom found a map on the wall, _ _? A. wasnt there B. didnt he C. didnt there D. wasnt he 17I dont think Tom knows the key to the question,_ _? A. do I B. doesnt he C. will I D. does he 18You dont think our team will win the match,_ _? A. will you B. wont you C. dont you D. do you 19Tim doesnt think it is a physical change,_ _? A. does he B. doesnt he C. is it D. isnt it 20Please stop talking, _ _?A. will you B. shall we C. do we D. dont we 五、人称代词练习题 1. This isnt_knife. _ is green. ( she )2. These are your books,Kate. Put _ in the desk,please. (they )3. _ must look after _ things. ( you )4. Wei Fang,is that _ ruler? Yes,its.( you )5. They want a football. Give _ the green one,please. ( they)6. Its Lin Taos bag. Give it to _. ( he )7. Is this pencil-box Li Leis? No,_ is very new. ( he )8. This box is too heavy. I cant carry _. ( it ) Dont worry,Let _( I ) help _. ( you)9. _ is a boy _ name is Mike. Mikes friends like _ very much. ( he ) 10. My sister is in _ room. _ is a teacher. ( she )11. Jane is a little girl. _ mother is a nurse. ( she )12. We are in _ classroom. _ classroom is big. ( we)13. My father and mother are teachers. _ are busy ( them)14. You are a pupil. Is _ brother a pupil, too? ( you ) 15. Whos singing over there ? _ is Sandys sister.A. That B. It C. She D. This16. _ will spend the summer holiday in Hawaii. A. She, you and I B. You, she and I C. I, you and she D. Her, me and you17. Between you and _, he is not a real friend. A. me B. I C. he D. his18. My uncle bought a new bike for _. A. theirs B. they C. me D. I19. Heres a postcard for you, Jim! Oh, _ is from my friend, Mary. A. he B. it C. she D. its 20. Little Baby knows that he should not take the things that do not belong to _. A. he B. his C. her D. him21. Will anyone go on a trip with him ? Not _. A. I B. me C. mine D. he22. Among those lovely toys, the brown toy dog was given by _. A. he B. his C. him D. hes六、情态动词练习题1.You _to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A.neednt to come B. dont need comeC. dont need comingD. neednt come 2.He _you more help, even though he was very busy. A. might have given B. might giveC. may have given D. may give 3.The reason why they _leave wasnt explained to us. A. had B. had to C. must D. might 4.I searched for my wallet and it wasnt there. I thought I _it at home. A. leftB. have leftC. might have left D. could have left 5.I asleep because it took me a long time to realize that the telephone was ringing. A. could have fallen B. should have fallenC. must have fallen D. mustnt have fallen 6.I want to go to the chemists, but you _go with me. A. need not B. must not C. need D. must 7.What we _get seems better than what we have. A. can B. could C. cant D. couldnt 8.My goodness! Ive just missed the train. Thats too bad. I am sure you _it, if you had hurried. A. could have caught B. had caughtC. would catch D. could catch 9.Look! What youve done! You _more careful. A. may be B. had toC. should have been D. would be 10.You _read that book if you dont want to. A. havent B. cant C. mustnt D. neednt 11.Johnny, you _play with the knife; you _hurt yourself A. wont; cant B. cant; shouldntC. shouldnt; must D. mustnt; may 12.Its nearly seven oclock. Jack _ be here at any moment. A. must B. need C. can D. should 13. There were already 5 people in the car, but they managed to take me as well. It _a comfortable journey. A. cant be B. shouldnt beC. couldnt have been D. mustnt have been 14.Tom ought not to _me your secret, but he meant no harm. A. have told B. tellC. be telling C. having told 15.I parked my car right here but now its gone. It _. A. must be stolenB. may be stolenC. must have stolen D. must have been stolen 16.He _the work yesterday, but he didnt. A. must have finished B. need have finishedC. finished D. should have finished 17.He did not pass the examination. As a good student, he _. A. mustnt have failedB. may not have failedC. neednt have failedD. shouldnt have failed 18._it be true that Albert passed the test in geography? A. May B. should C. Could D. would 19.Must we finish the composition in class? No, you _. A. neednt B. mustntC. wont D. shouldnt 20.Her eyes were red. She _. A. must cry B. must be criedC. must have been crying D. may cry 21.Mary _his letter, otherwise she would have replied before now. A. has received B. must receiveC. couldnt have receivedD. shouldnt have received 22.I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I_for her. A. had to write it outB. must have written it outC. should have written it outD. ought to write it out 七、一般现在时练习题一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式wait jump go teach shout hit eat walk put drink stay wake wash say 二、选择题( ) 1.Mr. Yang _ English this term.A.teaches our B.teaches us C.teachs us D.teach our( ) 2.Lisa _ eggs,but she _ milk.A.like,like B.likes,likes C.likes,doesnt like D.likes,doesnt likes( )3.What day _it today?A.was B.were C.am D.is( )4.How many _ are there in your school?A.class B.classes C.library D.reading room( )5.My family _a big dinner on Saturdays.A.have B.had C.will have D.has( )6.Children _ playing basketball on the playground.A.like B.likes C.liking Dliked三、句型转换1. I usually play football on Friday afternoon._.(否定句)_?(一般疑问句)_?(对划线部分提问)2.Su Yang usually washes some clothes on Saturday._.(否定句)_?(一般疑问句)_?(对划线部分提问)3.Mingming usually waters the flowers every day._.(否定句)_?(一般疑问句)_?(对划线部分提问)4.Tom does his homework at home._.(否定句)_?(一般疑问句)_?(对划线部分提问)四、改错(划出错误的地方,将正确的写在横线上)1. Is your brother speak English? _2. Does he likes going fishing? _3. He likes play games after class. _4. Mr. Wu teachs us English. _5. She dont do her homework on Sundays. _八、现在进行时练习题1. Who _ over there now? A. singing B. are sing C. is singing D. sing2. Its eight oclock. The students _ an English class. A. have B. having C. is having D. are having3. Listen! The baby _ in the next room. A. crying B. cried C. is crying D. cries4. Look! The twins _ new sweaters. A. are wearing B. wearing C. are wear D. is wearing5. Dont talk here. Grandparents _.A. is sleeping B. are sleeping C. sleeping D. sleep6. Tom is a worker. He _ in a factory. His sisters _ in a hospital.A. work/ work B. works/ work C. work/ works7. Who _ English best in your class? A. speak B. speaks C. speaking8. Mrs. Read _ the windows every day. A. is cleaning B. clean C. cleans9. We _ music and often _ to music. A. like/ listen B. likes/ listens C. like/ are listening10. She _ up at six in the morning. A. get B. gets C. getting11. On Sundays he sometimes _ his clothes and sometimes _ some shopping. A. wash/ do B. is washing/ is doing C. washes/ does12. The twins usually _ milk and bread for breakfast, but Jim _ some coffee for it. A. have/ have B. have/ has C. has/ have 13. 写出下列动词的现在分词:play_run_swim_make_go_like_ write_sleep_ read_have_sing_ dance_put_see_ buy_ love_ live_take_come_get_stop_sit_begin_ shop_ 九、 一般将来时练习题( ) 1. There _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A. will be going to B. will going to be C. is going to be D. will go to be( ) 2. Charlie _ here next month. A. isnt working B. doesnt working C. isnt going to working D. wont work( ) 3. He _ very busy this week, he _ free next week. A. will be; is B. is; is C. will be; will be D. is; will be( ) 4. There _ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. A. was B. is going to have C. will have D. is going to be( ) 5._ you _ free tomorrow? No. I _ free the day after tomorrow.A. Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; will C. Are; going to be; will be( ) 6. Mother _ me a nice present on my next birthday. A. will gives B. will give C. gives D. give( ) 7. Shall I buy a cup of tea for you? _. (不,不要。) A. No, you wont. B. No, you arent. C. No, please dont. D. No, please.( ) 8. Where is the morning paper? I _ it for you at once. A. get B. am getting C. to get D. will get( ) 9. _ a concert next Saturday? A. There will be B. Will there be C. There can be D. There are( ) 10. If they come, we _ a meeting. A. have B. will have C. had D. would have( ) 11. He _ her a beautiful hat on her next birthday. A. gives B. gave C. will giving D. is going to giving( ) 12. He _ to us as soon as he gets there. A. writes B. has written C. will write D. wrote( ) 13. He _ in three days. A. coming back B. came back C. will come back D. is going to coming back( ) 14. If it _ tomorrow, well go roller-skating. A. isnt rain B. wont rain C. doesnt rain D. doesnt fine( ) 15. Will his parents go to see the Terra tomorrow? No, _ (不去). A. they willnt. B. they wont. C. they

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