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新标准大学英语3Unit1Active reading(1)4. b c c d c a 5.productive attendance resistance ambitious acceptance script impressive6.attendance ambitious productive impressive resistance script acceptance7.mortgage deck surf coastal;defy lengthy8.b a b b b a b bActive reading(2)4.triple cemetery rear biography cram budding finite elapse5.elapsed;cemetery rear;crammed triple budding;biography finite 6.a b a a b b a a7.a b b a a b b b aLanguage in use Unit2Active reading5.definite perpetual whirl blaze giggle prompt tumble 6.prompted definite whirl perpetual blazing giggling tumbled7.blinked barren tag torture resemblance napkin8.a a b a a b a a a b bActive reading4.d a b d c c 5.a a a b a a a6.notion continual dependent on ethnic largely temptation outsiders reluctance external7.a b a a b a b aLanguage in use 3.(1)fires blazed (2)hair tumbled (3)close-knit /tight-knit (4)knit brows/eyebrows(5)sun blazing (6)knit jumper/hat (7)prices tumbleUnit3active reading(1)1 D D2 B C B B B A4 (1)constitute (2)simultaneously (3)qualified (4)rhythm (5)derive (6)composer (7)sufficiently5 (1)composer (2)constitute (3)simultaneously (4)qualified (5)sufficiently (6)rhythm (7)derived6 (1)proclaim (2)analogy (3)clarity (4)for the sake of (5)potent (6)costumes7 a b a a b a a aactive reading(2)3 (1)Its a world-famous portrait painted by Vermeer around 1665.(2)Griet,a young girl who is thought to work in Vermeers house.(3)The setting and some of the main ideas are factual but the details of the story are speculation and fiction.(4)Griet was a maid in Vermeers household and she became his model.Vermeer thought she had some artistic talent.(5)Vermeers daughter and wife found out that Griet was modeling for Vermeer.Griet got embarrassed when the wife stormed into the studio,so she left.(6)According to the film,the earrings are finally delivered to Griet and the audience is left wondering if she marries Pieter.The novel does not talk about it.4 b c a b a b a c b b5(1)viewer (2)portrait (3)domestic (4)interior (5)consequently (6)engage (7)commission6(1)portraits (2)commission (3)domestic (4)interiors (5)consequently (6)engage (7)viewer 7(1)converted (2)grind (3)distort (4)pierce (5)scandals (6)features (7)in the meantime8 b a a b a b a a alanguage in use51 (a)It needs to appeal to a wider audience by having more popular programmes.(b)They are liked by many people.(c)It asks people to give money,probably for a charity.(d)They would have a special event like a TV broadcast in which they ask the public to come forward with any relevant information.2 (a)You have lots of medicl qualifications.(b)It expects people with degrees in engineering and work experiences to apply.(c)They are expert on the topic for which they are asked to give an opinion.3 (a)You are planning to get married with the person.(b)The government forces are fighting the rebels.(c)You talk to them and try to interest them in a converstaion.4(a)You can exchange the money in banks at the airport, a according to the current exchange rate.you should be sure to check the exchange rate becauce it can change from day to day.(b)They convert into beds so that pepple can use them for overnight guests.(c)They would have to stop using artificial methods of food production and start to use more natural ones.5(a)The beans or seeds become powder.(b)No, the number of the proportion sounds horrible.(c)It stops slowly and will prpbalay become a traffic jam unless it gets moving again quickly.Unit 4active reading (1)3 1 3 94(1)junk (2)corporate (3)disapprove (4)visualiza (5)bet (6)ascertain (7)marbin (8)confer (9)eminent (10)scowl5(1)visualiza (2)disapprove (3)junk (4)bet (5)confer (6)marbins (7)ascertaining (8)corporate (9)eminent (10)scowling6(1)inquisitive (2)incomprehensible (3)jot (4)observant (5)whereabouts (6)dispirited (7)prohibitively7 b a b b a bacctive reading(2)3 b c b b b a5(1)obsession (2)economics (3)boast (4)automobile (5)suburb (6)innovation (7)implication (8)horizons6(1)suburb automobile (2)obsession innovations (3)boast (4)implication (5)economics horizons7(1)unprecedented (2)plausible (3)ignorance (4)staggering (5)stability (6)curse8 a a b a b a a a a bLanuage in use61(a)Yes,i do.but other people just take notes on a separate piece of paper because they dont want to spoil the book.(b)The victory is not big; it is just a narrow or close victory.(c)They may face social and econommic problems because they have fewer opportunities and may find it difficult to join the malinstream society.(d)The chances are small and any errors are likely to be very small.2(a)You feel embarrassed because your answer has shown people ignorance and most people do not like to show this in public.(b)Its a human excuse because it means that you didnt know the law on that point , but it is not a legal excuse.(c)Yes.in the early days of the stock market in china, some people bought shares in the belief that all shares would like money quickly, but later they lost money when the shares lost value. they bought the shares in ignorance about how the manket works and they had little idea of the risks.3(a)I would feel complimented because thats a nice thing to say to anyone.(b)It would have been the quantity of the opposition, eg they large number of opponents.(c)Not at all,because that kind of cliff is nearly vertical and it is very difficult to climb without training。Unit 5Active reading (1)Dealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.答案:donation intense sophisticated progressive competent recruit intimidate encounter5Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 4答案:progressive intense donations recruits competent intimidated encounter sophisticated.6Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box . You may need to make other changes.答案:agreeable laughable corruption shivering doubtful shrugged impatient applause7Answer the question about the words and expressions.答案:a a b a b a a b a .Active reading (2)Dealing with unfamiliar words5 Match the words in the box with their definitions.答案:loyalty enable competitor contract management investment 6 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 5答案:contracts investment competitors loyalty management enable7Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box . You may need tomake other changes.答案:core membership delivery threatened dwell on prevail over 8Answer the question about the words and expressions答案:a a a b a b .9Choose the best way to complete the sentences .答案:b c c b b .Language in use3Complete the sentences with an appropriate prep.+ which / whom.答案:(1)to which (2)of which (3) with whom (4) by which (5) in which (6)to whomUnit 6Active reading (1)Dealing with unfamiliar words5 Match the words in the box with their definitions.答案:extinguish toll nightmare tragedy utmost heroism chaotic 6Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 5答案:chaotic extinguish tragedy nightmare toll utmost heroism7Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box .答案:decent gratitude herd massive evacuate leadership 8Answer the question about the words and expressions答案:b b a b a b b b aActive reading (2)Dealing with unfamiliar words3 Match the words in the box with their definitions答案:delegate ascribe correspondent genius dominate unconscious oversee4Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3答案:genius delegates oversee dominate correspondent ascribed unconscious5Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box .答案:crippled summit column marvelous lobby slums6Answer the question about the words and expressions答案:a b a b b a a a aLanguage in use5Complete the sentences with the correct form of suitable expressions from the collocation box.Sometimes more than one collocation is possible.答案:(1)massive heart attack (2)column of smoke (3)daily newspaper column (4)take a toll on (5)death toll (6) newspaper columns (7) pay a toll (8)stroke of genius (9)has a genius for (10) massive amount Unit7: Active reading(1) 2.ababdaba 3.misfortune neutral mathematical vulnerable subsequent frequency 4.misfortunes neutral frequency mathematical vulnerable subsequent 5.route overlapped adjacent sacked cluster duration 6.abbbbbbba 7.bedcaActive reading(2) 3.dcdc 4.persevere literally venture confidence sustain frustrated 5.frustrating venture persevere confidence sustain literally 6.blend entitled evidently subtract scanner blessing functional 7. abaaaabaa 8.bd 9.MFMMFFFMM Unit8 Active reading(1):5.dump lounge beloved sneak fury gossip 6.bumped into sincere vacuum stick around advisable filled up with 7.aabab aaab Active reading(2): 3.dabcbd 4.humble justify undergo feast calendar youngster charm goodness preach 5.justification youngsters calendar charm undergoing humble feast preaches good 6.aabbaa 7.bbaaa bbb


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