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【ZZJ网上考试系统 v10.1】 本套软件使用权属于:郑州大学远程教育学院 (学期:133)考试课程:0080.专科英语I(第1次考试) 考试时间:120分钟 考场: 考试日期:2013-03-10考号:XXXXX 姓名:XXXX剩余时间:21:01保存交卷帮助窗体顶端The paper have 3 parts.窗体底端一、单项选择题(45道小题,共55分)1、available(1分)A、合理的B、感激的C、吸引人的D、可得到的2、ability(1分)A、压力B、目标C、能力D、体制3、celebrate (1分)A、庆祝B、确保C、忍受D、打扰4、make sure (1分)A、采取措施B、准备C、确信D、利用5、be similar to (1分)A、与相似B、因而文明C、在前面D、与竞争6、环境 (1分)A、equipmentB、elementC、entranceD、environment7、原则(1分)A、purposeB、productC、priorityD、principle8、健康(1分)A、proteinB、healthC、lazinessD、expert9、接近/获得 (1分)A、accesstoB、goonlineC、connecttoD、sufferfrom10、与一致(1分)A、richinB、intunewithC、fitinwithD、bepopularwith11、When learning a foreign language, the best _ is to speak as much as possible.(1分)A、advantageB、approachC、accessD、principle12、_ is worth doing is worth doing well.(1分)A、ThatB、WhatC、ThoseD、Which13、_ he said about the news is hard to believe.(1分)A、ThatB、ItC、WhatD、Whether14、_ the interruption, he wasnt able to finish his exercise before the class was over.(1分)A、InsteadofB、DespiteofC、BecauseofD、Inspiteof15、Most of my income _ working as a salesgirl in the shop.(1分)A、comesintoB、comesfromC、comesaboutD、comesback16、Young _ he was, he was equal to the task.(1分)A、unlessB、thoughC、sinceD、as17、There was nothing we could do _.(1分)A、butwaitB、excepttowaitC、onlytowaitD、butwaiting18、She gazed at the tiny _ of the candle.(1分)A、flameB、fireC、burnD、burst19、He suggested to tomorrows exhibition together.(1分)A、ustogoB、wewentC、weshallgoD、wego20、Its essential that these application forms _ back as early as possible.(1分)A、mustbesentB、willbesentC、aresentD、besent21、When can you get the book _ into Chinese?(1分)A、translateB、translatedC、translatingD、tobetranslated22、I want to buy a new tie to _ this brown suit.(1分)A、gointoB、goafterC、gowithD、goby23、Youd better not _ your skin the sun.(1分)A、showtoB、closetoC、exposetoD、expressto24、One meter _ 1,000 millimeters.(1分)A、equaltoB、isequaledC、equalsD、equalswith25、Hell _ his nervousness once hes on stage.(1分)A、getawayB、getoffC、getthroughD、getover.26、He suggested _.(1分)A、tohireacarB、ofhiringacarC、wehiredacarD、ourhiringacar27、If he _ tourists for his business, he would have to close his shop.(1分)A、dependsonB、haddependedonC、dependswithD、haddependedwith28、Only the person who has the letter of invitation has_ the party.(1分)A、accesstoB、abilitytoC、keytoD、solutionto29、It was luck that you reminded me _ my meeting with Jones.(1分)A、ofB、inC、forD、to30、The government is adopting strict _ to check the quality of vehicles to _ these cars are not contributing to pollution.(1分)A、measures,surelyB、manners,surelyC、measures,ensureD、manners,ensure31、It is necessary to build modern power stations which will produce electricity as _ as possible.(1分)A、efficientB、effectiveC、efficientlyD、inefficient32、I called on him prior _ my departure.(1分)A、ofB、toC、withD、at33、Without computers, much of todays advanced technology _.(1分)A、wouldnotbeachievedB、wouldnotachieveC、wouldnothavebeenachievedD、haventachieved34、She decided to _ the study of art after obtaining her masters degree.(1分)A、doB、followC、pursueD、chase35、He _ in Beijing since he was five years old.(1分)A、wasB、hasbeenC、hadstayedD、hadbeen36、It is not _ for me to return all the books to the library now because I still need some of them for my research.(1分)A、continuousB、difficultC、convenientD、sufficient37、They guaranteed our victory and _ our victory helped them a lot.(1分)A、onturnB、inturnsC、inturnD、inreturn38、Healthy diet and enough exerciese are the key _ good health.(1分)A、forB、aboutC、inD、to39、Chinas entry into WTO has a great influence _ every Chinese.(1分)A、toB、uponC、inD、with40、Alice told me that she preferred singing _.(1分)A、todancingB、thandancingC、todanceD、fordancing41、与小城镇相比,大城市的生活要繁忙得多。(3分)A、Incomparisonoflifeinsmalltowns,lifeinbigcitiesisfarbusier.B、Incomparisonwithlifeinsmalltowns,lifeinbigcitiesisfarbusier.C、Oncomparisonwithlifeinsmalltowns,lifeinbigcitiesisquitebusier.D、Oncomparisonoflifeinsmalltowns,lifeinbigcitiesisquitebusier.42、充分利用一切可循环利用的资源以减少浪费。(3分)A、Makebetteruseintherecyclableresourcestoreducewaste.B、Makebetteruseoftherecyclableresourcesreducingwaste.C、Makegooduseoftherecyclableresourcestoreducewaste.D、Makegooduseintherecyclableresourcesreducingwaste.43、他声称已经十天没有吸烟了。(3分)A、Heannouncedthathedidntsmokefortendays.B、Heannouncedthathehadabstainedfromsmokingfortendays.C、Heannouncedthathehadabstainedfromsmokefortendays.D、Heannouncedthathedidntsmokingfortendays.44、With the development of Chinas economy, there has been a sharp increase in automobile ownership, especially in Beijing and other large cities throughout the nation.(3分)A、随着中国经济的发展,手机的拥有量激增,尤其是在北京和遍及其他的一些大城市。B、随着中国经济的发展,汽车的所有量剧增,特别是在北京和贯穿其他的一些大城市。C、随着中国经济的发展,汽车的拥有量激增,尤其是在北京和全国其他的一些大城市。D、随着中国经济的发展,手机的所有量剧增,特别是在北京和全国其他的一些大城市。45、In America, the land of equal opportunity, Asians seem better able than most other people groups to succeed, especially in the field of education.(3分)A、在美国这个人人机会均等的土地,亚洲人似乎比大多数其他民族更有可能获得成功,尤其在教育方面。B、在美国这个人人机会均等的国度,亚洲人似乎比大多数其他人更有可能获得成功,尤其在教育领域。C、在美国这个人人机会均等的土地,亚洲人似乎比大多数其他人更有可能获得成功,尤其在教育领域。D、在美国这个人人机会均等的国度,亚洲人似乎比大多数其他民族更有可能获得成功,尤其在教育领域。二、阅读理解(3道小题,共30分) In a job interview, the first question is often a breaking the ice type of question. Dont be surprised if the interviewer asks you something like: “How are you today? or What do you think of the weather lately? Answer the question without going into too much detail. Talking about qualifications is the most important part of any job interview. Your qualifications include your education and any special training you may have received in the past. Your qualifications also include your experience in any previous work. It is important to explain what experience you have in detail. Generally, employers want to know exactly what you did and how well you accomplished your tasks. This is not the time to be modest. Try to avoid some big mistakes in the job interview, such as leaving the mobile on and criticizing previous bosses. The worst thing is you yourself have no questions. Having no questions shows you are either not interested or not prepared. Remember that interviewers are more impressed with the questions you ask than the selling points you try to make.1. The passage is mainly about _.A) the typical questions asked in job interviewsB) importance of interviewees qualifications in job interviewsC) some common mistakes found in job interviewsD) Dos and Donts in job interviews2. A breaking the ice type of question is _.A) a question that makes people unhappyB) an opening question asked to make people less nervousC) a sharp question that makes people angryD) a question asked about serious topic3. All of the following are considered to be the interviewees qualifications except _.A) educational backgroundB) social backgroundC) all kinds of special training receivedD) experience in previous work4. _ is not mentioned in the passage as a mistake found in job interviews.A) Leaving the mobile onB) Criticizing previous bossesC) Having no questionsD) Arriving late5. If an interviewee has no question in the job interview, it may show he _.A) is not interested or not preparedB) is modestC) is familiar with the jobD) has good manners The atmosphere is a blanket of gases around the Earth. For thousands of years these gases have kept the planets temperature at about 15oC. But now, because of pollution, there are more and more hot gases put into the atmosphere. This means the Earth is getting hotter. A greenhouse becomes hot for the same reason. Its a glass that lets the suns heat pass through, then stop some of it from leaving. Thats why scientists call the problem of the Earths rising temperature “the Greenhouse Effect”. Scientists agree that the Greenhouse Effect will add between 1.5oC-4oC to the Earths temperature by 2030. This will change the weather everywhere. Then there is the problem of food. When the climate changes there will be less food in the world. At the moment areas like the Midwest of America and central Russia grow a lot of wheat. In the future that may change when the USA and Russia become too dry for farming. Other countries will become wetter, but that wont help. The soil wont possible to grow the same amount of food as before. We cant stop the Greenhouse Effect. However, we can slow it down if we use less fossil fuel, protect rain-forest, use more natural energy from the sun, the sea and wind.1. It is indicated in the passage that_.A) the temperature of the earth will never changeB) the earth is becoming hotter and hotterC) the Greenhouse effect is not common in the worldD) we should use more fossil fuel2. What is the cause of the Greenhouse Effect according to the passage?A) More hot gases.that were put into the atmosphere.B) More and more glass-made houses.C) The rising temperature of the Earth.D) More wheat in America and central Russia.3. According to the passage , which temperature is suitable for the Earth?A) About 15oC.B) Above 15oC.C) 1.5oC 4oC.D) Above 4oC.4. What can we do to slow down the Greenhouse Effect?A) Use less fossil fuel.B) Protect rainforest.C) Use more natural energy from the sun , the sea and wind.D) All of the above.5. The best title for the passage is _.A) How to Protect Our EarthB) The Greenhouse EffectC) Solution to Pollution of the EarthD) Solution to the Energy Crisis By sending a man into space, China is hoping to join the United States and Russia in one of the clubs in the world. Following a recent successful, though unmanned, test launch, China announced that it would attempt to send two men into space later this year on a Shenzhou V rocket. While the names of Chinas first astronauts have yet to be announced, at least 14 fighter pilots have been chosen to train for the mission, and some have been sent to Russia. While China has been developing rockets since the 1950s, it has recently made great progress in rocket technology and regularly launches commercial satellites for US and British companies. Chinas launch would come over 40 years after the first manned space flight. But manned space flight is still a risky effort, and the Chinese rocket will be launched while memories of the recent Space disaster are still fresh. However, Chinas space ambitions seem to extend beyond putting people into space, with officials hinting that China may be the second country to ever put a man on the moon. “The short-term goal is to send Chinese people into space,” said Huang Chunping, Chief commander of rocketry for the Shenzhou project. “The grand vision for the future is to explore space. Both are inspiring to the Chinese people.”1. China would be the _ nation to send a man into space.A) firstB) secondC) thirdD) fourth2. The Shenzhou V rocket planned to have _ passengers, according to the passage.A) oneB) twoC) threeD) four3. All of Chinas potential astronauts are former _.A) fighter pilotsB) scientistsC) engineersD) bodyguards4. China has previously launched _ for US and British companies.A) weather balloonsB) airplanesC) helicoptersD) satellites5. According to the passage, _ has been accomplished.A) sending unmanned rocket into spaceB) sending manned rocket into spaceC) sending a man into spaceD) sending a man on the moon三、应用文写作(1道小题,共15分)Directions: Write a letter of thanks by using the information given below. 以 Mary 的名义给Rose写一封感谢信,内容如下: 1. 感谢你的好朋友Rose在你生日聚会时送给你一个MP4作为生日礼物;2.你早就想买一个MP4来听音乐,可是价钱有点贵,一直没能买。Rose买这个MP4肯定花了她几个星期的积蓄。你很喜欢这个MP4;3.再次向她表达感谢,这是你收到的最好的生日礼物。(15分)窗体底端


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