人教版八年级上学期英语期末联考试卷(II )卷

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人教版八年级上学期英语期末联考试卷(II )卷一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)You mustnt let your after-school activities your life. A . by the wayB . on the wayC . get in the way of2. (2分)Im sorry to say that I didnt _ him to become a successful writer. A . letB . makeC . hopeD . expect3. (2分)_ has he been like this?For two years.A . How longB . How soonC . How oftenD . How much4. (2分)Hi, Jack! What about playing soccer after school? Id love to, but its my grandfathers _ birthday and we will have a celebration. A . ninetithB . ninetiethC . nintieth5. (2分)- Why did the car hit the boy?- Because the driver _ on the phone at that time.A . talkB . is talking C . was talkingD . have talked6. (2分)Do you think math is _ than English?A . difficultB . as difficultC . more difficultD . most difficult7. (2分)My mother says my friend is similar me, but I think she is different me.A . as; fromB . to; fromC . to; as8. (2分)Jenny was advised _ the answer on her own _ she was only six years old. A . to work out; so thatB . working out; so thatC . to work out; althoughD . working out; although9. (2分)What will the weather be like tomorrow?It _ be rainy, cloudy or sunny. Who knows?A . mustB . mightC . shallD . should10. (2分)When did the car accident take place? A . happyB . happenC . happily11. (2分)Anyone who sings well can _ the activity in our school. A . take part inB . take offC . take outD . take care of12. (2分)I have travelled a lot. I _ speak four languages.A . canB . mayC . mustD . need13. (2分)Her son _ Coke, but now he _ milk. A . used to drink; is used to drinkingB . used to drinking ; drinksC . is used to drinking; used to drinkD . is used to drink; is drinking14. (2分) Is that your book? No, its not _. Its _.A . mine, yourB . his, herC . yours, hersD . mine, hers15. (2分)Where are the books? _ in the bookcase. Do you need _ now?A . Its; itB . Theyre; theyC . Theyre; themD . Its; them16. (2分)If you have any problems, you can ask Dr. Know-all _ help. A . atB . onC . forD . with17. (2分)The opening ceremony was a display of Chinese culture and the Olympic spirits. Everyone thinks it is _ seeing.A . valuableB . eagerC . ableD . worth18. (2分)In our school library there_ a number of books on science, and in these years the number of them_ growing larger and larger. A . are; isB . is; areC . have; areD . has; is19. (2分)Most of the students went to play outside. Only of them stayed in the classroom. A . a littleB . littleC . a fewD . few20. (2分)Ma Long won the mens singles final match at the 2017 Word Table Teanis Championship. exciting news it is! A . WhatB . What aC . What anD . How二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) The purpose(目的) of students1 come to school is to study. But2 needs the right way or we would waste the time or the money. The followings are ways for studying.The 3time for reading is morning. Because in the morning, the air is fresh and our mind are clear. For that reason, we can get good resultsWhen we study we must be patient(有耐心的). If we dont understand a test well, We must read it again. We should not read the next4 we have learned the first one well.When we are studying we must put our hearts 5 the book. We can not read absent-mindedly(心不在焉的), or we could get6 from the book while we are reading.We must always ask why. If it is not7 understand, write it down ask our teacher or parents, brothers or friends, in8 possible way We must know it completely and then our knowledge can be 9well.Though there many ways of studying,10, the above mentioned(提到的) be quite enough if we can keep it in heart.(1)A . who B . whose C . which D . they (2)A . studies B . be studying C . to study D . studied (3)A . good B . better C . best D . bad (4)A . as B . until C . after D . if (5)A . in B . into C . to D . on (6)A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing (7)A . well B . good C . nice D . true (8)A . some B . any C . a D . many (9)A . use B . used C . been used D . Be used (10)A . but B . however C . how D . still 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共21分)23. (6分)Do you learn from your mistakes? I hope so. But have you ever made the same mistake twice? I have. Sometimes I make the same mistake three or four times!Sometimes, good things happen because of mistakes. Once I got on the wrong train. That was a big mistake. But on that train, I saw a good friend. I was so happy I made that mistake!Another time I ruined a surprise. My mother planned a surprise party for my father. She told me it was a secret. But I was just a little boy and I couldnt keep the secret. I told my father about the party. At first, my mother was mad at me. But then my father said he was happy he knew about it. He said he didnt like surprise.When a good thing comes out of a mistake, thats a happy accident.(1)The boy saw _ on the wrong train.A . his friendB . his fatherC . his motherD . his teacher(2)His mother asked him to _.A . plan a surprise partyB . tell his father about the partyC . keep a secret about the partyD . invite his friend to the party(3)What does the boy think of mistakes?A . Mistakes are not welcome.B . A mistake is terrible thing.C . All mistakes men happy accidents.D . Sometimes a mistake can be a good thing.24. (5分)从右栏方框中选出能填入左栏空白处的最佳选项,其中有两项是多余的。A: Id like a dress, please.B: How much is it?C: See you then.D: OK, Ill take it.E: What can I do for you?F: Could you give me a short one?G: I dont like the color.W: Can I help you?M: Yes. _W: Do you like the white one?M: No, _That yellow one looks nice.W: Yes. Please try it on.M: Oh, it s too long for me._W: Certainly. Here you are.M: Good! This is nice._W: 30 dollars.M:_四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)25. (10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。请在答题纸上写出完整单词。At the present time, more and more people love travelling. Its a very good w_ of getting to know new people and cultures and acquiring(获得)experiences. It helps travellers g_ a lot. Travel can make our minds become much w_.But travel does more than all that. It can also make us more creative. In recent years, some professors have been doing r_ on what many people have already learned from travel experiences. They believe that spending time a_ has affected peoples mind. For example, they found that the students who lived in foreign countries for a longer period were better at s_ problems creatively than those who did not. If you stay in the same place, you cant experience new sights, new smells, new sounds and new cultures. All these can w_ up your mind and make it more active . H_ , that doesnt mean the more places youve been, the more creative youll become. Another group of professors have been doings_ research. They found the people who often travelled from one place to another didnt have enough time to immerse(使沉浸)t_ in a new place and a new culture. They werent as creative as the people who spent the time really getting to know a place. You have to interact with the places you go to and then you can benefit from it.五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共8分)26. (8分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。DKathy could still remember the night she had to leave her home in Hungary. It was the beginning of World War II and her family had to leave their country as soon as possible. She quickly filled a bag with a few pieces of clothing, her diary, and her treasurea beautiful silk scarf.Kathy and her best friend, Monica, had asked their parents to buy them matching scarves. They each would wear the scarves as a symbol of their friendship. Kathy had no idea that she was going to America that night and would not be returning.Kathy kept that special silk scarf for many years. One day she decided to give it to her granddaughter, Eliza, to wear to her first job interview for good luck. Kathy was afraid that Eliza would lose the scarf, but the granddaughter promised, “Dont worry, Grandma, nothings going to happen to your scarf. Youll see. It is going to bring both of us luck today.” And with that, Eliza kissed her grandmother and left for the interview.That afternoon Eliza left the interview, feeling sure that she had got the job. So she decided to celebrate by going to a restaurant. As she was sitting at her table, she felt someone looking at her. Sitting next to her was an old woman, who could not take her eyes away from her.“Im sorry, do I know you?” Eliza asked.“Im sorry, dear, but you make me think of someone I once knew,” the old woman replied. “My best friend looked like you and used to wear a scarf just like the one youre wearing around your neck.” Eliza listened carefully, with her eyes and mouth wide open. She had heard stories of her grandmothers best friend and knew the meaning of the scarf. Could this be Monica, her grandmothers childhood friend?Eliza introduced herself and waited to hear the name of the other woman.“My names Monica, dear. I lived in Hungary as a child, but my family had to leave when I was fourteen years old. Ive been living here in California ever since.” said the old woman.Eliza could not believe her ears (1)Kathy and her family left their country because .A . Kathy found a job in the USAB . Kathy would study in CaliforniaC . they had no friends in EuropeD . they wanted to get away from the war(2)From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6, we can infer(推断) that Eliza felt .A . surprisedB . thankfulC . sorryD . nervous(3)What would Eliza most probably do after the dinner?A . She gave the silk scarf to Monica.B . She went for another job interview.C . She showed Monica around California.D . She took Monica to meet her grandmother.(4)The best title for this passage can be .A . A Gift from ParentsB . A Scarf of LuckC . A Successful InterviewD . A Story in the War六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)假如你是爱华,请你依据下表,描述一下你的爸爸。过去现在抽烟很重呆在家,上网不干家务戒烟通过锻炼等方式减肥经常旅游,听音乐帮妈妈干家务,辅导我功课猜想一下爸爸和我们家庭未来的生活。要求:字数80100,可以适当发挥。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共21分)22-1、22-2、22-3、23-1、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)24-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共8分)25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26-1、

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