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转本英语最后冲刺必背知识点 专转本英语精华知识点1.have the ability to do能够做,有能力做: He has the ability to make very good boat.enable sb to do使能做: Internet has enabled us to get information from all over the world. Be capable of能够做: He is capable of drawing oil painting. be able to do能够做 He is able to read and write in English. 2. absent 反义词:present be absent from3. abroad国外,海外: live go Many young people are eager to go abroad to study. 4. access: 入口,途径;机会,权利。Have access to sth Citizens in the town all have access to the books in the local(当地的)library. assess 估计5. absorb 吸收 be absorbed in全神贯注于 All the students are absorbed in Professors lecture on Chinas economy. 6. accept接受 receive收到(不一定接受),招待,款待 She received a gift from him, but she didnt accept it. 7. by accident=by chance 偶然地 on purpose 故意地 8. according to 根据 According to the article, environmental pollution has been taken under control. 9. take into account=take into consideration 把考虑在内 I hope my teacher will take into account my illness when he grades our test paper.Account for 解释,说明的原因/ on account of=because of10. accuse sb of sth = charge sb with(for) sth 指责 做了;指控 犯了 He was accused of robbing the bank and sentenced ten years in jail. His mother charged him with being lazy. 11. be accustomed to = be used to 习惯于 后接 sth或 doing sth used to 过去有 过去常常 后接 do sthbe used to do被用来做 Mr. Smith is not used/accustomed to driving on the right.He used to get up early while he was in the middle school. The wood is used to make tissue.12. achieve 获得,达到/ achieve ones goal You will achieve nothing if you waste your time this way. 13. adapt=adjust to 适应 adopt 收养;采用 You should adapt to college life as soon as possible. He adjusted himself very quickly to the weather in the country. 14. add to 增添 add up to 总计达 15. in addition(to)=besides 此外 In order to master a foreign language, we should learn some grammar. In addition, wed better learn some words.16. adequate=enough 17. admit 承认 / be admitted into 被录取。He admitted his mistake at last.18. in advance 预先,提前=ahead of time You should inform me in advance if you are going to come. 19. take advantage of = make use of 利用 We can take advantage of computer to analyze data. A good habit in learning is to make full use of class time.20. affect (v.) effect (n.) influence (v & n) 影响 effort 努力 have an effect/influence on对有影响 make an effort to do或 make efforts to do The latest discovery in gene will have a great effect on the health of human beings. They made great efforts to find a new cure to lung cancer. 21. afford (to do) sth 买/花/用/支付得起 Its hard to imagine how he can afford (to buy) a house on his small salary.22. be afraid of 担心,害怕 23. at the age of 在岁时/ in ones thirties 在某人三十多岁的时候24. agree with 同意/与一致agree on 同意 (双方就达成一致) agree to 同意 (上级,父母对下级,晚辈允许) His words dont agree with his actions.The two countries have agreed on the date for next talk. My parents dont agree to my staying outside overnight. 25. ahead of time 提前 We finished our assignment ahead of time. 26. by air=by plane by sea= by ship by bus/train on foot 27. after all 毕竟 above all 首先 in all 总之(not) at all 一点(也不) all over 全部结束28. allow/permit sb. to do 允许做 persist in=insist on doing 坚持29. although/thoughbut不能同时用在句子中。 Although he was seriously ill, he went on with the experiment(although须正装) Young as he is, he has already learned three foreign languages: English, French and Japanese. (as 必须倒装)Though he is young=young though he is,he has already learned three foreign languages :English, French and Japanese. In spite of/despite his illness, he went on with his experiment. 30. be angry with sb be angry at sth 31. apart from=besides除了之外,还有(包含在内);=except除了(不包含在内) No one knows what happened except Mr. Smith. He has a large collection of books besides CDs. 32. apply for 申请 apply to 应用 He has successfully applied for a position in the company. 33. appreciate 欣赏 感激+doing I really appreciate your coming to the party. 类似动词有: enjoy, mind介意, avoid避免, escape逃避, cant help禁不住, risk冒险, need=want需要 insist on 坚持=persist in My hair needs cutting.=me hair needs to be cut. 34. approve 赞成, 批准 approve of35. argue with sb about sth 与争论 36. arise vi 起源于,产生 arise fromrise vi 升起(太阳,工资,职位) arouse vt 唤起,引起 arouse ones concern raise vt 举起/抚养/筹集 raise hands/kids/moneyAccidents often arise from carelessness.(产生) His speech aroused little interest among the students.(引起,激起) The company has raised the prices of its products.(提高) The prices of goods rose day by day during the Spring Festival.(上升) 37Artificial 人工的,假的 flowers 38. as for 至于 as to 关于,至于 as if/though 似乎,好象 39. ask for 要求 40. attach importance to 重视 41. pay attention to重视 catch ones attention 引起注意/重视42. available 可得/买到的 There is no ticket available. 43. average 平均 on( the ) Every student has 2 or 3 English reference books. 44. be aware of = realize 意识到= Be conscious of He apologized to us for the mistake as soon as he was aware of it. Be unaware of 没有意识到Those who are unaware of their abilities can not progress. be sure 一定要,肯定Be sure not to be late for the meeting. Im sure the play will be a great success.See to sth 处理,注意,照顾Please see to the correctness of the document. See to it that no one enters without identification. 45. back支持 Who is backing you (up) on the project?Youd better make a backup of the important information before renewing the system. 46. background 背景 foreground 前景Educational background Social background Family background47. base on 把建立在基础之上 His article is based on the research/imagination. On the basis of He made great discovery in this field on the basis of some forerunners theories. 48. bear 忍受,容忍 同义词: endure =tolerate =stand= put up with She cannot bear to see the child in pains.You should bear in mind those active words and phrases. 49. do/try ones utmost 尽某人全力做He said he would try his best to carry out the plan. 50. because:因为There will be no meeting because the manager will be on the vacation next week. because of: = on account of/ out of His wedding will be put off because of his fathers death. 51. best make the of 很好地利用 Make the best of what you get/ talents/ potentials 52. had better do 最好 Youd better finish reading the book in this week, since Im going to return it to the library.would rather do 宁愿 Id rather go there myself. I would rather that you _ see the scene.A dont B didnt C shouldnt D wouldnt 53. beyond 超出 The professors lecture is beyond me/beyond my understanding (超出我的理解范围). The apple on the tree is beyond my reach(够不着)。 Wining a lottery is beyond my wildest dream. 54. Both and两者都 eitheror 或者 或者 Either he or I am going to help you. Neither he nor I am going to help you. neither . nor. 两者都不 I will not help you, nor will he. 55. be bound to do 注定 Youre bound to succeed as long as(只要)you keep on trying. 56. break into闯入 break out 爆发 break through 突破 break up (关系等)破裂 He didnt make any breakthrough in his research. He witnessed the outbreak of WWII. 58. call off=cancel 取消 call on=visit 拜访 call for 请求,号召 The president called for/on the people to fight against the invaders. 59. care for 关心, 在乎 take care 保重 take care of=look after 照顾 60. carry on 继续 carry out 实施,执行 They decided to carry out /implement the plan despite the opposition. 61. case 事实,实情;箱子;案例;病例 in case (of) 以防,万一. In most cases 在大多数情况下 In no case 决不 in no way= by no means 62. catch up with 赶上,保持一致 keep up with=keep pace with 63. (be) in charge of 掌管,负责 take charge of 掌管, 负责 charge for 开价,要价 The short man there is in charge of our company. The hotel charges $100 for a double room. 64. challenge 挑战 65. change 零钱(n.),换零钱(v.) 改变66. comfort v.& n 安慰; 舒适,舒服 comfortable 舒服的, 舒适的 67. have in common 有共同之处 Although they are twins they have little in common. 68. communicate 传播,交流 with sb.69. compare to 把 比作. compare with 把 与 相比 Poets like comparing their lovers to red roses. Compared with brain, computer still has some shortcomings. 70. complain of/about 抱怨 71. be made up of 由. 组成 be composed of= consist of 72. concentrate on 集中注意力于 be engaged in 73. as far as be concerned 就 而言 As far as wages are concerned, Im very dissatisfied with the present job. Concerning=about 关于 74. contribute 捐献 contribute to 有助于 Computers will contribute many conveniences to our work. 75. control / out of control 失去控制 under 在控制之下 76. convenient 方便,便利的 77. convince 使相信/信服 convince of Im convinced(=I believe) that where there is a will, there is a way. He was not convinced of his wifes guilty. 78. cope with= deal with= handle 处理,应付 79. at the cost of 以为代价 He saved the drown child at the cost of his own life. at the risk of 冒着危险 cost =spend 花费The overcoat cost him $200. He spent $200 on (in buying) the overcoat. 80. count on =depend on= rely on 依靠,依赖81. create 创造 82. custom 习俗 customs 海关 83. damage 损坏(部分,可修复) destroy 毁灭(全部,不可修复) hurt 伤害 injure 受伤 ruin 摧毁(不可修复/慢) spoil 破坏(心情,兴致等) Our holiday was spoiled by the bad weather. The earthquake has destroyed the city entirely. 84. a good/great deal 许多,大量 = large amount of + U85. degree 学位 程度=extent to some extent/degree 在某种程度上 86. demand/ order /suggest/ propose /insist 等后that 从句用虚拟语气(加动词原形) The general ordered that the bridge (should) be repaired before daybreak. 87 deny 否认,拒绝(给予) +sth./ doing sth.He denied breaking the window. Women were denied the right to vote in the past in the U.S. 88. in detail 详细地 He explained the question to us in . 89. devote . To 致力于=dedicate .to . The scientist devoted his whole life to the study of chemistry. 90. do away with 废除 get rid of 摆脱 除掉 have something/nothing to do with 与 有/无关 It has nothing to do with what you are talking about. Do away with the law. He managed to get rid of the man followed him. 91. drop in=drop by=visit 92. due 到期的(按计划,安排要)发生,到达的 The book will be due next week. What time will the next bus be due? The next meeting is due to be held in three months time. due to =because of=owing to 因为,由于 His promotion is due to his hard working. Due to the heavy rain, we have to give up the plan for the weekend. 93. economic 经济的 economical 节俭的 94. effective 有效的 efficient 效率高的 95. else 其它的 something somebody 96. in the end 最终(结果) at last 最后(经过很长时间) I have finished the essay at last. We were thinking of going to England, but in the end we went to the USA. 97. enjoy oneself=have a good time 玩的开心 help oneself 随便 98. establish=set up=found 99. evident=obvious=apparent 明显的 显而易见的 100. for example=for instance 121. give in屈服,让步 give up 放弃 give off发出 The gas given off by automobiles is harmful to peoples health.Dont give up until you succeed. He gave in finally under the pressure. 122. go on to do sth 接着做(另一件事) go on doing sth 继续做(同一件事) go on a diet节食 go over 复习 123. grant take for granted 对想当然,对习以为常 We usually take it for granted that the government should work for the welfare (福利) of the people. 124. grow up 成长 grown-up 成年人 125. hand in 上交 hand in hand on one hand 一方面 on the other hand 另一方面 126. hardly 几乎不 Hardly/scarecely when=no sooner than 一. 就. The town has changed so quickly that I can hardly recognize it . Hardly had we reached home when it began raining. 127. do good to对有益 do harm to对有害 128. learn by heart 记住 lose heart 失去信心 129. cant help doing sth 禁不住做 She couldnt help crying when she heard the news that her father passed away 130. hold hold back 控制住(感情等) hold up 阻止,妨碍 131. in a hurry匆忙,快 in no hurry 不急132. insist 从句用should do, should 可以省略 He insisted that we go there together相同用法的词:suggest, order, demand, propose 133. instead instead of 代替,相反 Im still wondering why he asked John for help instead of Tom.134 intend to do 想要做 135 involve. in.介入,卷入 I dont want to be involved in their quarrel. 135. be keen on 热心/热衷于 136. key/answer to a question solution to a problem (解决问题的)办法 137. late latest 最新的,最近的 later 以后 latter 后者,后半的 the latest news two years later=after two years 138. lay 放 置 laid laid lie 躺 lay lain lie 说谎 lied lied 139. leave 把 忘在 leave out 漏掉 I have left my keys at home. 140. in light/view of 鉴于,由于 141. likely 可能的 be likely to do.It is likely that computer will come into every family in China in the near future. 142. live on 靠 生活 earn ones living 谋生 143. be located in =be situated in 位于 144. as long as 只要 before long 不久 long before 很久以前 no longer 不再 long for 渴望 He is longing for the day he could go to the USA. You are bound to succeed as long as you keep trying. 145. look after=take care of look down upon/on 看不起look for 寻找 look into 调查 look up 查(字典) 146be made up of=be composed of=be comprised of=consist of 由组成 make for 朝 走去 147manage to do 设法做了 try to do 设法去做 try doing 试着做. 148. manner 方式,方法 way= method= means manners 礼貌 149. many a 许多(谓语用第三人称单数) a great many 许多 Many a student in our class has seen the film more than three times. 151. take measures/steps/pains to do 采取措施 152. keep/bearin mind=remember make up ones mind 决定 153. mistake by mistake 错误地 mistake.for 把 误当成. I often mistake him for his twin brother. 154. moment the moment/minute 一就 =immediatelyHe said he would inform me the moment he arrived Beijing. 155. more or less 或多或少 156. mood 心情 be in the mood to do Im in no mood to read. 157. mutual 相互的,共同的 mutual understanding mutual benefits 158.necessaryIts necessary/important/vital that.从句中用动词原形 do not necessarily 不一定 159. noon at noon/midnight/8 oclock. 160. nothing but =only 只有 We can do nothing but wait for help.12


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