沪教版2020届英语九年级中考二模试卷(II )卷

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沪教版2020届英语九年级中考二模试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Bob is _ eleven-year-old boy, but he knows a lot about Chinese history. A . anB . aC . the2. (2分) What do you think of the songs? In fact, _ of them sounds beautiful.A . not allB . no oneC . not everyoneD . not every one3. (2分)Its not easy _Mrs White to persuade(劝说)her husband to stop smoking. He never listens to others. Really? Its stubborn _ him.A . of; ofB . for; ofC . for; forD . of; for4. (2分)I dont care how my parents think of me .Well , in fact I think you _ .A . mightB . couldC . wouldD . should5. (2分)_ delicious food my mother cooks every day! A . What aB . WhatC . HowD . How a6. (2分)Her illness has had a bad effect on her work. Youd better ask her to stop working and go to see a doctor.A . good healthB . diseaseC . disability7. (2分)Last night,thousands of people _ to see the stars arrive at the ceremony.( )A . wait B . were waiting C . have waited8. (2分)We had fun with these young workers. A . workingB . to workC . workedD . works9. (2分)We are going to take the high-speed train to Xian tomorrow, so an early arrival at the station _. A . advisesB . is advisedC . is advisingD . was advised10. (2分)Hey, Tim. Do you have time _ tennis with me?Yes, I_.A . to play; haveB . to play; doC . playing; have11. (2分)Paris is a wonderful place.So it is. I there twice.A . have beenB . have goneC . wentD . will go12. (2分)Nancy, sweep the classroom, _?A . dont youB . do youC . will youD . doesnt she13. (2分) _ times did you do sports last week?Twice.A . How oftenB . How manyC . How longD . How much14. (2分)Do you know how long he is going to stay in Shenzhen?Sorry, I dont know.Maybe a few weeks, but .A . Im sureB . Im not sureC . Im not sure aboutD . I make sure15. (2分)I dont know _. A . when will he be backB . when he will be backC . where did he goD . where will he go二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。I get up at half past seven and get dressed for school. My school has a 1black trousers and shoes, a white shirt and a black and gold tie. The girls wear the same, or they can 2a black skirt. Not all British schools have a uniform, but its common here.I dont live far from the school, 3I walk there with my friends, Brian and Gemma. Lots of students 4the school bus or their parents drive them to school. On Mondays we all start the day 5a meeting in the school hall at eight fifty. The head teacher talks to us and gives us information about school events.This year Ive got nine subjects. We all study English, maths and science, and then we choose other 6.We have 20 minutes for break in the morning and an hour for 7. Some students bring sandwiches to school for lunch, but my friends and I always eat in the 8room where you can get a hot meal every day.Lessons 9at 4 oclock in the afternoon, but on Mondays and Wednesdays I stay at school until five oclock. There are lots of clubs and activities at our school.At the end of the day I always spend two hours on 10sometimes three hours, as we get lots of homework now.(1)A . tradition B . uniform C . rule D . habit (2)A . borrow B . make C . wear D . take (3)A . so B . however C . because D . but (4)A . repair B . wash C . clean D . catch (5)A . at B . in C . on D . with (6)A . clothes B . subjects C . games D . clubs (7)A . lunch B . breakfast C . dinner D . supper (8)A . sitting B . living C . waiting D . dining (9)A . begin B . end C . continue D . last (10)A . events B . clubs C . homework D . activities 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)17. (8分)阅读理解Every year, over a million tourists visit the Great Barrier Reef, off the coast of north-eastern Australia. The Great Barrier Reef is not one reef, but a long group of 2,900 reefs of living coral and 900 islands. It is over 2,600 kilometers from north to south, and its a wonderful place. But it also has a problem. The Crown of Thorns starfish live all along the Great Barrier Reef and feed on corals. Sometimes, the population of these starfish in an area can grow quickly, and they eat the coral faster than it can grow and reproduce. People fear that the Crown of Thorns could destroy large parts of the reef completely.A major outbreak of the Crown of Thorns starfish have been found eating the Great Barrier Reef, scientists said on Friday, urging the government to begin removing the harmful animals.The starfish feeds on corals by spreading its stomach over them and using digestive enzymes to make them die. The Crown of Thorns gets its name from the sharp pines, or thorns, that cover it. The starfish usually grow about 30 centimeters wide, but some are as large as 80 centimeters wide. Each starfish can eat its own size in coral a night and so over time that increases very greatly. Hugh Sweatman, a scientist told the media A lot of coral will be lost he said. That would be a great influence on the ecosystem and the moneymaking tourism industry.The Crown of Thorns were found in large number last month in the Swains Reefs, but the governments Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority already killed some starfish at the Swains Reefs in December and will start another action this month, a director at the authority. Fred Nucifora, told the ABC. We are actually difficult reach to the Swains Reef and it is quite an unfriendly environment to work in, he said.There have been four major Crown of Thorns outbreaks since the 1960 in the Great Barrier Reef but it recovered each time because there were always healthy populations of fish that fed on grass. The outbreaks are usually triggered by extra nutrient in the water but the reason for the recent breakout was unclear, Sweatman said.(1)The quick growth of the Crown of Thorns starfish is a problem because they . A . grow too bigB . eat too much coralC . feed on some plantsD . kill lots of fish(2)What may be the result of the outbreak of the Crown of Thorns starfish? A . The fish that fed on grass will disappear.B . There will be more coral in the Great Barrier Reef.C . It will bring luck to people who are working in that area.D . Fewer and fewer tourists will visit the Great Barrier Reef.(3)What does the underlined word triggered mean in the passage? A . firedB . causedC . preventedD . recorded(4)Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? A . The Great Barrier ReefB . The Situation of the CoralC . The Australian Tourism lndustryD . The Crown of Thorns Outbreaks18. (8分)阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。CEvery year, when the Nobel Prize winner list is made public, there are some certain winners who are labeled as unexpected and surprised. This year, as an American musician, Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Undoubtedly, he made full expressions of that label as he is the first musician winning this prize.On the contrary, the modern Japanese writer Murakami Haruki felt sad again even though there is strong support for him. As a favorite candidate(候选人), Murakami Haruki just narrowly missed the Nobel Prize again. Luckily, he is very positive- readers are the most important and it doesnt matter whether winning a prize or not.And Nobel Prize awards the words(授予颁奖词) for Bob Dylan-for having created new poetic expressions in the great American song tradition.Up to now, Bob has released more than 30 albums. And he has won many other awards such as Oscar Award, Golden Globe Award, Pulitzer Prize and so on. Moreover, he is still a painter and poet.Lately, the rumors(谣言)flew that Bob refused to accept the Nobel Prize in literature. But Bob doesnt officially respond on this matter. However, there is still time before the final Nobel Prize awarding day in December. No matter whether Bob will accept the prize or not, his music has already influenced many people across the globe!(1)What does the underlined word unexpected mean?A . 稳定的B . 意外的C . 震惊的D . 明确的(2)We can infer from the second paragraph that_ .A . Nobody supports Murakami Haruk.B . It wasnt the first time for Murakami Haruk to miss the Nobel Prize.C . It is more important for Murakami Haruk to win the Prize than to win the support from readers.D . Murakami Haruk is a Japanese musician.(3)Why can Bob Dylan win the Nobel Prize?A . He is an American musician.B . He has released more than 30 albums.C . He is very positive.D . He has created new poetic expressions in the great American song tradition.(4)What is the main idea of the article?A . This years final Nobel Prize awarding day will be in December.B . Bob Dylan is a great painter.C . People wonder if Bob Dylan will accept the Nobel Prize.D . Bob Dylan won 2016 Nobel Prize in literature.19. (10分)阅读理解I have two good friends. They are Gina and Jenny, and they are twin (双胞胎之一的) sisters. They come from Singapore. They are 12 years old. They can speak English and Chinese.Now the twins are in China. Their family are in China, too. They live in Shanghai. There are five people in their family. They are their parents, their brother and them. Their mother is a doctor. Their father is a teacher. Their brother Alan is very young. He is four years old. He cant go to school.Gina, Jenny and I are in the same class. Every day, we walk to school and talk a lot. They say China is a very good place and they like China.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(1)Where are the twins from? A . China.B . Singapore,C . America.D . Canada.(2)How many people are there in the twins family? A . Three.B . Four.C . Five.D . Six.(3)What does the twins mother do? A . A doctor.B . A writer.C . A teacher.D . A worker.(4)How old is Alan? A . 12.B . 10.C . 6.D . 4.(5)How do the twins go to school? A . B . C . D . 四、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)20. (1分)Its our _(one)English lesson. I think I will be interested in it. 五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)根据所给音标、汉语注释或上下文,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。(1)Please check the _endn(r) z names again. We should make sure that all of them are here for the meeting today.(2)Are you _(能够)to sing an English song?(3)We have about eight _(百)students in our school.(4)The zoo is _(西北)of the river. You can watch different kinds of animals there.(5)Mary is a polite girl. She will say hello to me whenever she _.(经过)(6)I _(突然)remembered that I didnt lock the door, so I hurried home at once.(7)We have to drink our tea _(没有)milk, because there isnt any milk in the fridge.(8)Be _! The floor is wet!Yes. We should look out! Its easy to fall down !(9)Sorry, Im very busy now. Would you please call _back?(10)Which city is the capital of _?Paris.六、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)22. (1分)There are some flowers on the two big_(桌子) 七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)23. (25分)根据短文内容的理解,完成下列各题。My name is Tommy Wang. T-O-M-M-Y, Tommy, W-A-N-G, Wang. I am a Chinese boy. My telephone number is 85523963. My telephone is white. Look! This is my pencil box. Its big and beautiful. Its white. Whats in it? This is _ eraser. Its white. This is a pencil. Its white. This is a ruler. Its white, too. I like white. I like green, too. Look! My schoolbag is green. My notebook is green, too. But my favorite color is white.This is my good friend. His name is John. He is English. Linda is Johns sister. I like my friend. I like English.(1)把第处句子Its big and beautiful .译成汉语。 (2)在第处填入一个适当的冠词(a /an /the)。 (3)把第处句子This is a ruler改成复数。 (4)就第处句子划线部分提问。 (5)将第处句子He is English改为一般疑问句。 八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)假如你是Tom,你的朋友Jane对即将来临的考试感到十分紧张,向你求助。你要给她写一封信,信中要给她提几条复习建议,告诉她下列事项:1)制定一个复习计划;2)考前早点休息,保证充足的睡眠;3)早餐要吃好;4)考试要镇静。注意:1)开头和结尾已给出;2)上面的内容要全部写出,可适当发挥;3)参考词汇:review复习:calm镇静的.Dear Jane,Im sorry to hear that you feel nervous about the coming exam .Heres some advice.First,I hope my advice can help you .Good luck!Best wishes,Tom第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)20-1、五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、21-6、21-7、21-8、21-9、21-10、六、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)22-1、七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)24-1、

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