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2018中考英语阅读天天练系列3月篇 阅读和完形填空是中考的2个重要部分,分值可达到总分的一半,多练习是阅读准确率提升的一个重要方法,从2017年10月开始,每天练习一道完形和阅读,在中考一定能取得胜利。本练习为2018年2月的练习,精选与2017中考模拟卷和中考卷,难度从易到难,有极大的价值。1、 Psychology(心理学)tells us that many people hate to take risks. But it is good for us to take risks, especially when the risk is to achieve a desired(渴望的) result. In that way, we become stronger and braver.Our human nature should be to take risks, but some people just sit and wish they didnt have the fear to move on. This is because they failed a few times in their lives. Please step out and dont let the past hold you back from living life to the fullest. Move forward and move on! In studying the psychology of taking risks, we find that human nature provides us with the desire to experiment and take chances.Risk taking is a great advantage that allowed our ancestors(祖先) to become stronger and stronger day by day. By taking risks they fought off enemies and discovered new territories(领土). This attitude has become a part of our modern culture. Riding a roller coaster is a common risk taking activity. Even each person seems to enjoy the risk although they have the understanding that it is dangerous. This psychological and biological (生物学的) connection creates an interesting connection between what is unsafe and what humans enjoy.Getting in a car each day is a risk. Getting out of bed is a risk, too. We need to take risks so that we can complete many things. Astronauts take risks when they get inside a rocket(火箭); however, the things they achieve are great. Businessmen take a risk when they buy parts of a company. However, without doing that, they could not make more money. We need to take risks so that we can gain(获得) something. It is impossible to move forward in life, earn money, enjoy a relationship, play a sport, or do anything else without taking a risk. It is all part of the game. Its one of the most important parts of life.1. Some people dont want to take risks, mainly because _. A. they are too lazy to move on B. they feel pleased with the present life C. they have failed several times before D. they show little interest in the strange world outside2. What does the underlined part “This attitude” in Paragraph 3 mean? A. Taking risks B. Fighting off enemies C. Discovering new territories D. Becoming stronger and stronger3. What can we infer from the passage? A. Daily life is full of risks. B. The safest place has the greatest risk. C. People should take risks when they are young. D. We can always achieve our goals by taking risks.4. Businessmen take a risk in order to _. A. sell parts of a company B. complete many things C. make more money D. get inside a rocket5. What would be the title for the passage? A. Taking risks is easier said than done B. Risks taken by ancestors C. Live our life to the fullest D. No risk, no gain.2、Maybe everyone likes dogs, and almost everyone likes to read stories about dogs.I have a friend. He has a large police dog named Jack. Police dogs are very clever. Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much.One Sunday afternoon a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for his walk. But the visitor still stayed. Jack became very worried. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor paid no attention to Jack. He went on talking. At last Jack got angry. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the visitor, but this time he took the visitors hat in his mouth. The visitor saw it and was surprised. He laughed and left.( ) 1.-The young visitor stayed a long time, didnt he? -_.A. Yes, he didnt B. No, he didnt C. Yes, he did D. No, he did( ) 2. Jack became worried because _.A. he wanted to go out for a walkB. he wanted to play with himC. he didnt know the young manD. he wanted to eat something( ) 3. Jack sat down in front of the visitor because _.A. he wanted the visitor to talk to himB. he wanted to talk with the young manC. he wanted to show the visitor how clever he isD. he wanted the visitor to leave( ) 4. The visitor went on talking and _.A. he paid no attention to his hatB. he paid no attention to JackC. he didnt know that his hat was taken away by JackD. he didnt like Jack( ) 5. Jack went out of the room, but came back with _ in his mouth.A. food B. nothing C. something D. the visitors hatPassage C 3、根据短文内容按要求完成任务。Basketball is still a young game. Its over a hundred years old. In the winter of 1891, a certain college was having some trouble with its boy students. The weather was bad and the students had to stay indoors. As they couldnt play outdoors, they were unhappy, and some even got into fights from time to time. Some of the teachers, at the college asked Dr. Naismith to invent a game so that the students might have something to play with. It was not easy to invent such a game because it had to be played indoors , and the court (球场) was not very large. Dr. Naismith thought for a few days and invented a kind of ball game. It was a fast, wonderful game with much moving and passing of the ball. It was played between two teams. To make a score , the ball had to be thrown into the basket ten feet(英尺) above the floor on the wall . At each end of the court there was such a basket. At first, Dr. Naismith wanted to throw the ball into a box. As he could not find boxes of the right size, he had to use fruit baskets instead. That is how the game got its name. ( ) 1. How long is it since basketball was invented? A. 1000 years B. More than 100 years C. 1100 years D. Less than 100 years( ) 2. The students felt unhappy because _. A. they had much homework to do B. they often got into fightsC. they couldnt play outdoorsD. they had little time to study( ) 3. Who asked Dr. Naismith to invent a game? A. Some students B. Some teachersC. Some students parents D. Some of his friends( ) 4. When a student _ , he makes a score. A. receives the ball. B. throws the ball to another studentC. runs quickly with the ball in his handD. throws the ball into the basket ( ) 5. Which sentence is right?A. Dr. Naismith had to use fruit to throw the ball.B. It was easy to invent the game.C. The students could go outdoors when the weather was bad.D. The ball had to be thrown into the basket five feet above the floor.4、阅读理解Sure,its good to get along with your teacher because it makes the time you spend in the classroom more pleasantAnd yes,its good to get along with your teacher because,in general,its smart to learn how to understand the different types of people youll meet throughout your lifeBut really,theres one superimportant reason why you should get along with your teacherWhen you do,learning bursts right open,says Evelyn Vko,a longtime teacher who writes an education column calledTeacher Saysfor the Washington Post newspaperIn fact,kids who get along with their teachers not only learn more,but theyre more comfortable asking questions and getting extra helpThis makes it easier to understand new material and do your best on testsWhen you have this kind of relationship with a teacher,he or she can be someone to turn to with problems,such as problems with learning or school life,such as bullyingAs a kid in a primary or middle school,youre at a wonderful stage in your lifeYoure like a sponge (海绵),able to absorb lots of new and exciting informationOn top of that,youre able to think about all this information in new waysYour teacher knows that,in most cases,is very excited to be the person whos giving you all that material and helping you make itRemember,teachers are people,too,and they feel great if youre open to what theyre teaching yuThats why they wanted to be teachers in the first placeto teach!Some kids may be able to learn in any situation,whether they like the teacher or notBut most kids are sensitive to the way they get along with the teacher,and if things arent going well,they wont learn as well and wont enjoy being in class1In the passage,the author mainly talks about Ahow to get along well with othersBhow much the students are expected of to get along with teachersCthe importance of a good relation with teachersDhow to make the time in the classroom more pleasant2Learning bursts right openin the third paragraph really means Athere will be more problems with learningByou find an opening to learningClearning becomes easier for you at onceDthere will be no problems at all with learning3Which of the comments is FALSE on teachers and their work according to the passage? ATeachers sometimes have the same feelings as students doBTeachers are excited even if you wouldnt like to accept their teachingCThough few,there are still some students who can learn even if they dont like the teacherDHaving a bad relationship with your teachers does more or less harm to your studies5、World Tai Chi and Qigong Day is an event held on the last Saturday of April each year,which promotes(倡导) practices of Tai Chi and Qigong.Followers of Tai Chi and Qigong especially hope to educate the world about the health benefits(益处) of the two exercises.The World Tai Chi Day website says it is also a day to help put people in touch with teachers and healing(治疗) centres.This event,which started in 1999,joins people in over 65 countries.That number grows every year as Tai Chi becomes better known.Celebrations include Tai Chi exhibitions(表演) in many cities around the world.The day is recognized by the World Health Organization.Tai Chi is actually a Chinese martial art,also called Wushu.It is not used for selfdefence,but is instead practised for health reasons.Doctors say it has benefits for those who have heart and blood pressure problems.Many people who practise it say it makes you live longer.Tai Chi is famous around the world for its followers practise it in parks.A type of Tai Chi with just 42 movements was a sport in the 11th Asian Games in 1990.There are attempts(尝试) to make it an Olympic event.1When is World Tai Chi and Qigong Day?AIn the last month of each year.BOn the last day of April each year.COn each Saturday of the fourth month.DOn the last Saturday of every April.2The event is held to _ Tai Chi and Qigong.Aencourage the development ofBcure people of their illnesses by Cget the world together to practiseDeducate the world to make money from3How is World Tai Chi and Qigong Day celebrated? AThe followers travel to over 65 countries.BTai Chi members are recruited on the website.CThere are Tai Chi performances in many cities.DThe World Health Organization holds different activities.4What does“selfdefence” in the second paragraph mean?A自我牺牲 B自我防卫C自我欣赏 D自我表现5Which of the following is TRUE about Tai Chi?AIt is becoming better and better known in the world.BIt is only good for those people who have heart problems.CIt has been a sport in Asian Games since 1990.DIt is now one of the events in the Olympics.6、阅读理解Mothers Day is coming. It is time to let Mom know shes special to you. Finding the right gift for Mom on that day is not always easy. We often want something personal and thoughtful. But how can we make it? These following ideas may help you.Gift of TimeMoms just want to spend time with their children,so make it a MotherDaughter/Son day.Spend the whole day with her. Do the things she likes doing with her.Home VideoTake your family videos and make them a short home video. She can enjoy it whenever she misses you. Although it may take a lot of time,the process(过程) can be great fun and the result is often priceless(无价的)Mom MixMake a CD for her. Its a collection of all the songs that remind her of you and your growing up.Write a LetterWrite a letter instead of a simple card. Write about all the good memories you have with her and all the things she has done for you.FlowersPeople send carnations on Mothers Day. You can easily spend a lot of money on them. If you have flowers in your garden,you can pick them.They can be a great gift.DinnerMake a dinner and invite her over. You can also take it to her house and surprise her. Just dont forget to wash the dishes after the dinner.1Why is it not easy to find a right gift on Mothers Day?ABecause we want to save money.BBecause mothers dont like gifts.CBecause we always want to get something special.2Making a home video may be _.Afun Bboring Ceasy3What does the underlined word “remind” mean in Chinese?A使防范B使想起C使经过4How many kinds of ideas have been mentioned here for Mothers Day?A4. B5. C6.5From the passage we know_.Ayou can buy a big cake for your mom on Mothers DayBwriting a letter is better than sending a simple card to your mom on Mothers DayCinviting your mom to eat in a restaurant is a good gift for her7、People connect colours with different things and feelings. Red, for example, is tile colour of fire, heat, blood and life. People say red is an exciting and active colour. They connect red with a strong feeling like anger. Red is also used for signs of danger, such as STOP signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright, warm colour of leaves in autumn. People say orange is a lively colour. They associate (使联系)orange with happiness. Yellow is the colour of sunlight. People say it is a cheerful colour. They associate yellow, too, with happiness. Green is the cool colour of grass in spring. People say it is a refreshing colour. In general, people talk about two groups of colours: warm and cool colours. The warm colours are red, orange and yellow. Where there are warm colours and a lot of light, people usually want to be active. Those who like to be with others like red. The cool cotours are green and blue. Where there are these colours, people are usually quiet. Some scientists say that time seems to go by more slowly in a room with warm colours. They think that a warm colour is a good one for a living room or a restaurant. People who are having a rest or eating do not want time to pass quickly. Cool colours are better for some offices where the people working want time to pass quickly.1. People associate _ with happiness. A. yellow B. orange C. green D. Both A and B2. People use the colour of _ for STOP signs. A. red B. green C. yellow D. pink3. _ can make people more active. A. Cool colours B. Warm colours C. Green and blue D. Both warm colours and cool colours4. The scientists suggest warm colours for a living room or a restaurant because _ A. the scientists dont like cool colours B. people want the time to pass quickly C. time seems to go by more slowly in a room with warm colours D. people dont like to be with their family or friends5. Which of the following is True according to the passage? A. Both warm colours and cool colours bring happiness to people. B. Blue is thought to be a refreshing colour. C. Warm colours represent fire, heat, blood and life. D. Workers in the offices with cool colours feel time pass quickly8、 When we talk of plants,most of us will think of things that grow from the ground and have green leaves,but there are plants that do not look or act like other plantsSome of these belong to a special class of plants called fungi Fungi may appear almost everywhereThey commonly grow in wet places where they can get food and water easilyBecause fungi do not have green leaves to make their own food,but fungi must take their food from animals,other plants or waterSome fungi live on dead or rotting wood,while others grow on living trees or in dirt or moss(苔藓)Mushrooms are the bestknown fungi There are many kinds of mushrooms appearing in all shapes and sizesFor example,cauliflower mushrooms(蘑菜花)are found in forests from July to OctoberThey can grow to be as heavy as fifty pounds! They grow at the foot of treesSquirrels bread(松茸)is another kind of wild mushroomIts appearance and use can explain its nameThese fungi look like small golden cakesSquirrels can easily eat them or carry them off to their hole to eat later The mushrooms found in food stores are carefully grown by people who know they are safe to eatPeople are warned never to touch of tasting wild mushrooms because some of them are deadlyEven less dangerous ones can still snake a person very sick( )1Where doesnt fungi grow? AOn dry wood BIn places full of water COn living trees DBehind houses ( )2Where can fungi take food? AFrom their green leaves BFrom stones CFrom rotting wood DFrom people( )3Squirrels bread is a kind of_ Atree Banimal Cfood Dmedicine( )7People are advised not to eat wild fungi because_ Ait is unfit for main food Bit may be dangerous to people Cit doesnt taste so good Dits strange smell may do harm to people9、 No Car Day was first started by 34 cities in France on September 22,1998It was started to protect the environmentBy now,more than 1,000 cities around the world have had a No Car Day The first No Car Day in China was in Chengdu in 2001Other cities,including Taipei,Shanghai and Wuhan,also support the day In Beijing,more and more people are joining the campaignIt asks drivers to leave their cars at home for one day each month and walk or ride a bike to workIt also calls on Beijingers not to use cars on June 5(World Environment Day)The slogan(口号)for the day is,“If we drive for one less day,we can have one more nice day”So farmore than 200,000 drivers have shown their support“We cant control(控制)the weather,but we can choose not to drive,”said Wu Zonghua,a car club chairmanBeijing is trying to have 238 blue sky days this yearIn the first quarter of 2007,Beij ing only had 52 blue sky daysThis was 11 days less than the number for the same period last yearMuch of the dust comes from the desert,but cars cause most of the air pollutionWe must do more for No Car Day( )1No Car Day was started _ Ato save money Bto control the weather Cto make the air cleaner Dto keep out dust from the desert( )2The No Car Day campaign asks Beijing drivers_ Ato work hard to get fewer blue sky days Bnot to work on World Environment Day Cto ride a bike or walk instead of driving to work Dto leave their cars at home for a week each month( )3When is World Environment Day? AOn July 5th BOn June 5th COn September 22nd DOn February 2nd( )4Which of the following about No Car Day is WRONG? AIt was first started in France in September,1998 BIt was first stared in China in 2001 CIt is supported by over 1,000 cities around the world DIt was first started by a car club chairman in Beijing10、阅读理解Sing the Language Youre LearningHow can you remember a song from your childhood to this day? Why do your teachers use songs to teach you English? It seems there is a scientifi

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