上海版英语七年级下学期Units 7-12教材梳理(I)卷

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上海版英语七年级下学期Units 7-12教材梳理(I)卷_第1页
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上海版英语七年级下学期Units 712教材梳理(I)卷 一、 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语。 (共10题;共19分)1. (1分)Today is Sunday, but my father is very _ (忙的). 2. (1分)I feel fired today, and l want to r_early 3. (1分)Hobo walks to his _(碗) many times a day. 4. (1分)Tommy, I wont leave you u_you find your mum. 5. (1分)The town is near the _(在东北的) coast of Canada. 6. (1分)Jim thinks that _ (攀登) is as exciting as skating 7. (5分)他三月初加入了篮球俱乐部。He joined the basketball club_8. (1分)让他们带领你参观我们的新大楼吧。_9. (2分)保持健康的最佳杰式是通过锻炼。The best way to keep healthy is_.10. (5分)因为我想要更健康一些,所以我改变了我的日常饮食。 二、 单元语法专练 (共7题;共22分)11. (1分)詹妮注意到很奇怪的事情。 Jenny _very strange.12. (1分)与深圳相比,南京是一座古老的城市。_Shenzhen,Nanjing is an old city.13. (4分)现在试音好吗?How about_now?14. (5分)这只猫喜欢在白天睡觉。(in the daytime) 15. (1分)我们俱乐部的成员通常在周末聚会。 The members of our club usually _on weekends.16. (2分)实际上,你爸爸真的很关心你。 In fact, your father truly_ _ you.17. (8分)翻译下列短语没有时间做某事:_ 与保持联系_远方的亲戚_ 通过信或电报:_自从改革开放以来:_ 变得更加高大明亮_不但而且_ 而且,另外:_三、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)18. (2分)I _ my aunt tomorrow evening.A . visitB . visitsC . will visitsD . am going to visit19. (2分) Hangzhou is known _ the West Lake. Yes. I have been there twice.A . asB . forC . ofD . with20. (2分)You _ stop when the traffic lights turn red. A . cantB . mayC . mustD . neednt21. (2分)_ your keys, Jim. A . Here isB . Here areC . It isD . Thats22. (2分)- I have no friends to talk with at school.- Dont worry! I am sure youll _ your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them.A . catch up withB . get on well withC . agree withD . be strict with23. (2分)Why are you standing, Maggie?I cant see the blackboard. A tall boy is me.A . behindB . in front ofC . in the front ofD . next to24. (2分)_are you having a party?Its my fourteenth birthday, and I want to celebrate it.A . WhenB . How oldC . WhatD . Why25. (2分)_ is it from your school? About 10 minutes by bike.A . How longB . How farC . WhereD . How much26. (2分)Tom, do you think we should make contributions to _ the environment ?Sure. Our teachers often tell us _ a greener person.A . protect, to beB . protecting, to beC . protecting, being27. (2分)Its raining, so I_ stay at home. A . cantB . have toC . has toD . am28. (2分)Zheng He, a Ming dynasty explorer, _ illness on his way back to China from Africa in 1433. A . lived onB . tried outC . died of29. (2分)_is it from your home?1,000meters.A . How longB . How farC . How often30. (2分)Do you miss your parents far away?Yes. They the hometown for two years.A . leftB . have leftC . have been away fromD . were away from31. (2分)Dont give up English and you must spend more time it. A . studying; learningB . studying; learnC . to study; to learnD . to study; learning32. (2分)Some of my friends eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what nice.A . feelsB . smellsC . looksD . tastes33. (2分)My brothers never been late for work, _?A . is heB . isnt heC . has heD . hasnt he34. (2分) her husband,she has now become a famous film star A . BecauseB . Thanks toC . Thanks forD . With the help35. (2分)Berlin is _capital of Germany. A . /B . aC . the36. (2分)How much is the skirt 20 dollars.A . Yes, itsB . These areC . They areD . Its37. (2分)You should take more exercise._. Its good for my health.A . Its hard to sayB . I dont think soC . I agree with youD . Thats too bad四、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)38. (15分)完形填空Let me tell you something 1my little dog, Snoopy. Snoopy is a healthy 2dog. He looks 3ugly (丑陋的). He has two small eyes, two big ears, 4short legs and a small tail.Its great fun 5with him. I often teach him 6to play games. Now he can play many kinds of 7. If (如果) I say Go to 8! he 9his bed and lies down (躺下). If I say 10basketball! he goes to catch (接住) a ball and puts it into a 11. If I say Please 12for us!he dances to the music. Can he sing a song? Of course he can. But he does not 13in English or Chinese, When he sings, 14can understand 15. (1)A . for B . to C . at D . about (2)A . China B . America C . American D . England (3)A . kinds of B . kind of C . a little of D . a kind of (4)A . one B . two C . three D . four (5)A . played B . to play C . play D . plays (6)A . what B . where C . how D . when (7)A . game B . games C . a game D . sport (8)A . sleep B . play C . swim D . bring (9)A . goes to B . go to C . went to D . is going to (10)A . Do B . Help C . Run D . Play (11)A . floor B . basket C . bed D . sofa (12)A . write B . cry C . dance D . jump (13)A . sing B . say C . show D . speak (14)A . somebody B . many C . nobody D . some (15)A . he B . his C . him D . them 五、 短文填空。 (共1题;共10分)39. (10分)根据短文理解,填入适当的单词。 It was Sunday. The weather was very fine. The students of Class One went out for a _. They went by _ with fruits, vegetables, meat, cookers and some _ things. At about half past ten, they _ at the foot of a hill. There was a big lake and many green trees there. Birds were singing and the air was very fresh. The students were _ preparing for the picnic. Some of them were getting _ from the lake, some were washing vegetables and fruits, and others were putting a big cloth _ the grass. At about twelve oclock the lunch was ready.After lunch, they had a good time by singing, dancing, drinking and talking. At three oclock, they began to _ the hill. The hill was quite _, but they all tried to reach the _ of it. On the hill, they felt very excited and all cheered.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语。 (共10题;共19分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 单元语法专练 (共7题;共22分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、三、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、四、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)38-1、五、 短文填空。 (共1题;共10分)39-1、

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