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考试简介一、考试目的为配合我国实施医学专业学位制度,保证医学博士生学位授予质量,举行全国医学博士外语统一考试。考试目的在于科学公正地测试考生掌握和运用英语的实际能力是否达到申请临床医学博士专业学位或攻读医学博士学位的英语水平。二、考试设计1本考试主要是用于博士生入学和申请医学博士专业学位的一种英语水平考试,其命题不以某一种医学英语教材为主要命题依据。2考试内容为医学公共英语,注重突出临床医学特点。3本考试从听力、词语用法、综合理解、阅读、书面表达五个方面命题,全面测试考生的英语能力,并突出对考生的英语应用和交际能力测试,以确定其是否已达到在职申请医学博士专业学位的英语水平或是否已达到医学博士研究生入学英语水平。三、试卷结构卷别序号题目内容题数计分时间(分钟)试卷一听力对话151530短文1515词语用法多选201010填空完形填空101010阅读理解303065试卷二书面表达12050总 计91100165试卷分为两大部分:试卷一(Paper One)和试卷二(Paper Two)。试卷一包括听力(30%),词语用法(10%),完形填空(10%)和阅读理解(30%),答卷时间115分钟;试卷二包括书面表达(20%),答卷时间50分钟。整个试卷共五大部分,总分100分,答卷时间共165分钟,加上考场指令与试卷收发时间,总共考试时间180分钟。第一部分 听力一、考试大纲听力理解(Listening Comprehension)听力分两部分:Section A和Section B。答题时间为30分钟。Section A:简短对话(Short Conversations)简短对话旨在测试考生的英语听力能力,要求考生在听完每个对话之后,根据所听内容于12秒钟内对每个问题后的四个选择项做出正确选择,每个对话及提问只读一遍。本部分共15小题,编号为1-15,每题1分,共计15分。Section B:长对话及短文(Longer Conversations and Talks)本部分由一篇长对话和二篇短文组成,旨在测试考生对英语篇章的听力理解能力。要求考生能理解所听材料的中心思想和主要内容,并能根据所听到的内容进行逻辑推理、分析概括和归纳总结。每篇材料后附有5个问题,每个问题后均有四个选择项。要求考生在听完每个问题后,于12秒钟内从中选出一个最佳答案。每篇材料及提问只读一遍。该部分共15小题,编号为16-30,每题1分,共计15分。以上两部分答题时间共计30分钟。二、考查内容及应试技巧医学统考听力包含10个短对话、1个长对话和2篇文章,为30个选择题,每题1分,共30分。主要测试考生掌握听力材料中心思想和主要内容的能力,考查考生对对话情景、场合、人物关系、说话人身份、说话意图、话语含义等的理解和判断能力,此外,听力理解试题对考生捕捉主要信息、熟悉习语表达、熟练语法结构变式等方面均有较高要求。应该说医学统考的听力题是比较难的,相当于六级水平,题量较大,长难句也是常常有的。而且在长对话和2篇文章读完之后,问题也是连续一起出现的,答卷上只会出现几个题目的几个选项,这种情况下考生不仅应该具备听懂的能力,还要有记住关键点信息和记录的能力。这样在做题的时候才能有条不紊的答题其原因在主要在于缺乏听力训练的技巧和时间的投入。实际上,听力理解能力是语言多种能力的综合反映。听力,顾名思义,是指听的能力。最理想、最有效的听力方式为在不参阅任何文字材料的基础上通过听来建立声音和语意的联系。常用的一些应试技巧有:保持良好的精神和心理状态,集中精力听录音,沉着应战,选择答案是要有信心,不可犹豫不决,不能再一道题目上花费太多的时间;利用每题开始前的指令时间迅速阅读题目,确定听力重点,根据选项猜测题目的内容,是听力具有明确的方向性和选择性;边听边记,从而抓住主题句和关键词。听力训练的过程中要段落是被关键词的能力,从而依靠部分关键词做出合理的判断。具体还应从以下几方面进行提高:1. 信号词的辨认英语中有许多信号词,在听力理解中我们尤其要注意表示转折、让步和递进的信号词,因为往往这些词之后的内容是我们的听力重点。常见的表示转折、让步、递进的信号词有:but, however, though, even though, although, on the contrary, in fact, on the other hand, yet, actually, moreover, furthermore, in addition, besides, etc. 例如:M:When is Tom coming? I am afraid we are late for the meeting.W: Well, he said he would be here at 8:30. But if I know him, it would be at least nine oclock.Q: What conclusion can you draw from the womans statement?A. Tom will be there at 8:30.B. Tom will not show up.C. Tom is always late.D. Tom is usually on time.从W所说的内容里,可以看到用“but”强调Tom不可能8:30准时到达,结合整个对话可以判断C为正确答案。2. 语境词的辨认除了信号词意外,语境词的把握对提高听力准确性和对听力内容进行推断具有重要的意义。不同语境中常出现的语境列举如下:1)Restaurant: menu, order, waiter/waitress, go Dutch, main course, soup, appetizer(开胃菜),juice, fried eggs, boiled eggs, sausage, ham and eggs, salad, fried chicken, desert, tip, bill, ect.2)Bank: open an account, bank book(存折), checking account(活期存款账户), make a deposit, cash a check, settle ones account, travelers check(旅游支票), interest rate, etc3)School: freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, biology, history, semester, undergraduate, campus, dormitory, department, tuition, major, grade, seminar, exam, mark, thesis, etc.4)Library/Bookstore: librarian, author, magazine, newspaper, title, novel, reference book, document, due, renew, shelf, journal, catalogue, etc.5)Plane/ Airport/ customs: passport, visa, baggage/luggage, suitcase, board(登机), customs duty(关税), first class, flight crew, round-trip ticket, stewardess, behind schedule, etc.W: Good morning, sir. Your passport, please. Do you have anything to declare?M: Only these two cartons of cigarettes, a bottle of brandy and some silver jewelry. Thats all.Q: With whom is the man speaking? A. His wife. B. A saleslady. C. A store detective. D. A customs official.由语境词(关键词)“passport”可以推断,只有D选项符合题意,因此是正确答案。6)Clinic/ Hospital: prescription, medicine, stomachache/ toothache, loose ones appetite, come down with a cold, a sore throat, symptom, have a fever/ temperature, vomit, sneeze, dizzy, blood pressure, tablet, emergency room, etc.7)Post Office: mail a package, envelope, postage, overweight, send a letter by air mail, registered letter, express mail, stamp, zip code/ post code, etc.8)Hotel: check in, check out, book/ reserve/make a reservation, reception desk/ front desk, porter, room number, vacancy, single/ double room, etc.3. 习惯用语的理解 英语中一些常用的短语容易让人望文生义,尤其需要对这些短语正确掌握。例如: above oneself:自命不凡basket of oranges:漂亮女人collar and tie:体面的外表dogs breakfast:一团乱麻have ones head in the clouds:爱幻想know by name:只闻其名未见其人man or mouse:要么勇敢,要么怯懦M: Dose your husband often go out with you at night?W: He keeps his nose to the grindstone in his office, therefore, he rarely has time to go out at night.Q: What do you learn about the womans husband? A. He takes three-day weekends. B. He does not work much. C. He never stops working. D. He likes to go out at night.短语“keep ones nose to the grindstone”意为“努力工作不停歇”,由此判断正确选项为C选项。4. 虚拟语气虚拟语气为历年常考考点。W:How do you think the film you saw last night?M: I would rather have stayed at home.Q: Which of the following statement is true? A. The man enjoyed the film that he saw last night. B. The man did not like the film he saw last night. C. The man was busy last night. D. The man stayed at home last night.虚拟语气” would rather have stayed”在此处可以翻译成“宁愿呆在(家里)”,这样就不难判断正确选项为B选项。具体针对两个部分有:Section A 在听第一部分时主要是抓关键词,考生考试时往往很紧张,不一定每个词都听懂,所以考生平时要注意听力方面的词汇积累和总结。对话一般涉及:1数字 数字类题包括时间、日期、年龄、价格、电话号码等。数字有的是可以直接从对话中听出,有的则需要通过计算才能得出答案。如:W: What time did yesterdays football game start?M: Its scheduled to start at a quarter to 3, but it is delayed 30 minutes due to the bad weather.Q: When did the football game start?A. 3:15. B. 3:45.C. 3:30.D. 3:55.这道题需要简单的运算,这就需要考生不但要记住两个数字,而且还要弄清两个数字的关系。通过对话我们可以得知比赛本打算差一刻三点开始,但因天气不好推迟了三十分钟,所以比赛实际开始的时间是A. 3:15。2地点 地点类型一般包括医院、银行、学校、饭店、旅馆等。在特定的场合往往有特定的关键词,例如医院会有examination, X-ray,银行会有bank account, deposit, 学校会有campus, library, 饭店会有food, menu等。所以抓住关键词就等于题目作对了一多半。如:M: Would you prefer rice or a baked potato with that?W: Id prefer a baked potato.Q: Where are the man and the woman?A. In a hotel.B. At supermarket.C. In a restaurant.D. In a market.很明显,关键词是rice or a baked potato,再根据所用句式,我们可以推断他们是再饭店里。所以C是本题的答案。 3人物关系人物关系一般涉及到医生和病人、警察和司机、老师和学生、房东和房客等。除了抓关键词外,说话人的态度、语气也可以作为答题的线索。如:W: Id like to deposit this in my savings account.M: All right. Please print your name on the deposit slip.Q: Whats the relationship between the woman and the man?A. Customer and bank clerk.B. Teacher and student.C. Customer and waiter.D. Boss and employee.对话中的关键词为deposit, account, 再根据句中人物的语气和所用句式,我们可以看出对话者之间的关系是A. Customer and bank clerk.4人物态度人物态度一般涉及到说话人对某人某事的观点和态度。问题一般为:What does the man think of Tom? 或 Whats the mans opinion of this play? 对话者的语气在这里显得更为重要,另外除了关键词还会涉及到一些特殊句式,如双重否定,反问等,这些都需要考生注意。如:W: I hate to work, and I dont know if it is worthwhile to do such a boring job all day long.M: Its either work or starve.Q: Whats the mans attitude?A. People always start to make a living like this. B. Making a living is very difficult.C. People have to work in order to make a living.D. It is better to have some work to do.对话中的关键句为either work or starve(不工作就得挨饿)。考生弄清楚either -or 的意思,否则就很容易掉进选项中设置的陷阱。答案为C. People have to work in order to make a living. 其实就是换了一种说法,但需要考生在规定的时间内发现两者之间的联系。5固定搭配固定搭配涉及到口语中的一些习惯用法。这主要是靠考生的平时积累,另外通过说话者的语气、语调猜测也是一个办法。如:M: You cant get away with anything.W: What do you mean? Im not doing anything wrong.Q: What does the man mean?A. You must take up the job.B. You cant avoid the punishment.C. You must do everything well.D. You are unable to do anything.句中的固定搭配是 get away with, 意思是逃脱惩罚。答案是B. You cant avoid the punishment. 另外如果不知道这个搭配,通过You cant -, Im not doing anything wrong. 也可以大体猜出意思。6推理推理题是对话中难度较大的题。需要考生从字面意思推断出更深层的意思。题目可能涉及到以上提到的一些内容,所以需要考生运用各种技巧选择答案。 如:W: Does the new tuition policy affect you?M: Actually, I am not at least affected by it. But I do feel sorry for some of my classmates.Q: What can you infer from the dialogue?A. The man wants to apologize to his classmates.B. The man is badly affected by the policy.C. The man is very sad to know this.D. The mans classmates get into financial trouble because of the policy.推理题中最常见的问题就是What can you infer from the dialogue? 如果在听之前考生已经读完了选项,那么对考生的压力就会小一些,因为他不用注意对话中的每一个细节,只要听到关键词就可以了。就这道题而言,从选项我们可以知道是有关这位男士和新学费政策的推断,所以考生只要听到not at least affected,feel sorry for classmates就可以了,由此可以推断出D. The mans classmates get into financial trouble because of the policy. 是本题的答案。Section B考生在做第二部分听力时首先要集中精力,把选项迅速地浏览一遍,对将要听到地短文内容有个大概地了解,从而做到有目的地听,提高选对的几率。另外,考生在听短文的时候要抓大意和关键词,不要强求全部听懂, 听不懂的地方就放过去,千万不要停留在个把词上反复考虑,耽误了后面的理解,结果得不偿失。短文听力所问到的问题一般都有when, why, which, where, how 开头,听短文时要留心这方面的信息。最后,短文的开头和结尾也是容易出题的地方,在听的时候要特别注意。 三、基础及专项训练l 短对话专项训练Directions: In this section you will hear twenty five short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said. The question will be read only once. After you hear the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.1. A. Shell give the man a new prescription right away. B. Shell be away froth the office for two days. C. The man doesnt need anything for his cough. D. The man should continue using the medicine.2. A. A way to solve the pollution problem. B. The role of bacteria to human beings. C. An oil spilling in the Indian Ocean. D. Certain human illnesses.3. A. To support her family. B. To shop in the regular womens department. C. To slim down. D. To keep herself busy.4. A. Because she aches when she eats seafood.B. Because she has allergy each time she eats seafood.C. Because she has rashes.D. Because she has gastric flu.5. A. He wants to join the club. B. He doesnt want to take a final exam. C. His arms and legs are .in pain. D. He likes to complain.6. A. Husband and wife. B. Father and daughter. C. Doctor and patient. D. Teacher and student.7. A. The man has missed his scheduled appointment. B. The man needs to see the doctor before he waits. C. The man needs to have made an appointment beforehand. D. The man should sit down in the waiting room.8. A. She was badly hurt. B. She was hurt by the seat.- C. The seat belt saved her.D. Her belt was broken.9. A. Buy a different kind of medicine.B. See a doctor.C. Take a second pill:D. Avoid taking any medic7tion.10. A. Hed like to apply for replacement card.B. He neednt to see a doctor two weeks ago.C. Hes pleased that the woman found the card.D. Hes glad he was finally able to get art appointment.11. A. She hurt her footB. Her health problem has come back again.C. Shes feeling better now.D. She needs an operation soon12. A. More doctors should be doing research.B. He is studying to be a doctor.C. An important new medical treatment may be available soon.D. He has already tried the new medicine13. A. He went to see the dentist a week ago.B. The woman should cancel her appointment with the dentist.C. The womans toothache will go away by itself.D. The woman should have seen the dentist by now.14. A. Finish those proposals. B. Make time to visit a doctor in his schedule. C. Do experiments. D. See a doctor till he finds a free time.15. A. The nurse wasnt able to help her. B. Shes going to helm the nurse as soon as she feels better. C. She thinks she should ask the nurse for a pill. D. She feels sleepy because of the medicine she took.I6. A. His doctor told him not to drink tea. B. He will bring some tea to the doctor. C. He would really like some tea. D. Tea tastes too much like medicine.17. A. She doesnt like coffee anymore. B. She had to eliminate coffee from her diet. C. Shes already prepared the coffee.D. She has to take her medicine first.18. A. He is tired of waiting for assistance. B. He doesnt have to ask his friends for help.C. His foot hurts too much to walk. D. He doesnt like to bother people.19. A. Ask the professor if the course will be given again.B. Postpone taking the course.C. Request permission to take the course together. D. Take the course from a different professor.20. A. The mm is exaggerating.B. The man should try to cat less.C. Food with a lot of fat should he avoided. D. People should worry less about their diets.21 .A. His wife. B. A saleslady. C. A store detective. D. A customs official.22. A. It is very pleasant. B. It is cold. C. It is hot. D. It is rainy.23. A. An argument with David. B. Bus transportation. C. Davids driving. D. Davids uncooperativeness.24. A. He asked for$15. B. He donated $50. C. He reqacned$20. D. He gave $10。25. A. Tom will be there at $8:30. B. Tom will not show up. C. Tom is always late. D. Tom is usually on time.l 短文专项训练Directions: In this section you will hear three passages. After each one, you will hear five questions. After each question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage 11. A. For 200 years.B. For about 200 years.C. For over 2000 years.D. For nearly 2 000 years.2. A. They are trying to use it as a new way to treat diseases.B. They are trying to use it as an anesthesia in operations.C. They are trying to use it to relieve pain.D. They are trying to use it as a means to understand the central nervous system.3. A. To observe how acupuncture is used in an operation.B. To talk to a patient who has an operation with acupuncture as anesthesia.C. To learn how acupuncture can relieve pain.D. To see what the acupuncture needles are like.4. A. They still find it entirely a mystery.B. They are able to explain how and why it works in theory.C. They are rather skeptical about it. D. They havent found satisfactory answers as to how it works.5. A. Acupuncture is now practiced all over the world. B. What makes acupuncture work can never be explained.C. Western doctors are interested in traditional Chinese medical practices.D. Acupuncture is used as widely as it was in ancient times.Passage 21 .A. Professor Hill B. An artist. C. A historianD. A physician.2. A. The history of pathological organisms. B. The tools used by artist in different centuries. C. The relationship between creative work and disease. D. The fossil evidence for different disease.3. A. They all suffered from arthritis. B. They were all painters. C. They were all interested in pathography. D. They all lived in the 17th century.4. A. Ageing B. Industrialization C. Chemicals in paint D. Injury to the hands5. A. Picasso B. Monet C. Clay D. DuffyPassage 31. A. Maslows book Motivation and Personality. B. Maslows theory of five needs. C. Maslows theory of psychology. D. Maslows great discovery.2. A. Safety needs. B. Belonging needs. C. Esteem needs. D. Self-actualization needs.3. A. Physiology needs. B. Belonging needs. C. Esteem needs. D. Self-realization needs.4. A. It can explain our behavior like work, rest, play, etc. B. These five needs are the things we pursue. C. People strive to meet all of these needs. D. It helps to give reason to whatever we do.5. A. People have to climb over the first step before getting to the second. B. Human needs are as sharp as a pyramid. C. People can bypass some needs to reach the highest need. D. Human needs seem to occur in random order.Passage 41. A. To find out how to prevent illness. B. To find out how to maintain a nutritious diet. C. To find out if she has the flu. D. To find out the results of a blood test.2. A. She gets ill at the same time every year.B. She doesnt get enough exercise.C. She often has difficulty sleeping.D. She is sick, with influenza throughout the winter.3. A. Cough, running nose.B. Fever, chillsC. DiarrheaD. Head-and-none-aches.4. A. She is unwilling to be immunized.B. She doesnt get enough rest.C. She forgets to take her medicine.D. She doesnt dress warmly enough.5. A. Physical examinations are given free there.B. She can get an influenza vaccination there. C. She will be able to get a prescription for medication there.D. She will find literature on nutrition there.Passage 51 .A. A pharmacist.B. A visitor. C. A physician. D. A dieter.2. A. Cough. B. Diarrhea. C. Headache.D. Stomach upset.3. A. Pain-killers. B. Cough syrup. C. Antidiarrheas. D. Indigestion tablets.4. A. The cold weather. B. Tiredness caused by traveling. C. The strange food he hadD. The greasy food he had eaten.5. A. Take the medicine from the woman. B. Go to see a specialist. C. Stop eating and drinking for a few days D. Stay in bed for a couple of days. Passage 61. A. The drivers birthday. B. A working day.C. A holiday.D. April Fools day.2. A. Hell take his revenge. B. Hell be surprised.C. Hell usually laugh.D. Hell get angry.3. A. He turned to tile passengers anxiously.B. He turned to tile passengers with a smile C. He turned to tile passengers angrily. D. He turned to tile passengers with a worried look.4. A. To stand up suddenly. B. To sit quietlyC. To get off the bus.D. To learn forward suddenly.5. A. The bus started up at great rate B. The passengers laughed delightedly. C. The passengers got off. D. The passengers got angry.Passage 71. A. Because it would allow them access to a better life in the West. B. Because Jewish children are born with excellent musical talent. C. Because they wanted their children to enter into the professional field. D. Because it would enable the family to get better treatment in their own country.2. A. Societies that enforce strong discipline on students who want to achieve excellence. B. Societies that treasure talent and provide opportunities for its full development.C. Societies that encourage people to compete with each other. D. Societies that promise talented children high positions.3. A. All-round development. B. The learning of Western music. C. Strict training of children. D. Variety in academic studies.4. A. A natural gift B. Extensive knowledge of music. C. Very early training. D. A prejudice-free society.5. A. Jewish Contribution to Music. B. Training of Musicians in the World. C. Music and Society. D. The Making of Musically Talented Children.Passage 81 .A. It helps us understand our memory system better. B. It enables us to recall something from our memory. C. It expands our memory capacity considerably. D. It slows down the process of losing our memory.2. A. They have a wider range of interests. B. They are more reliant on the environment. C. They have an unusual power of focusing their attention. D. They are more interested in whats happening around them.3 .A. It will easily get lost. B. Its not clear enough for you to read. C. Its out of your sight. D. It might get mixed up with other things.4. A. If we focus our attention on one thing, we might forget another. B. Memory depends to a certain extent on the environment. C. Repetition helps improve our memory. D. If we keep forgetting things, wed better return to where we were.5. A. The process of gradual memory loss. B. The cause of absent-mindedness. C. The impact of the environment on memory. D. A way of encoding and recalling.Passage 91. A. A new way of highway speed control. B. A new pattern for painting highways. C. A new approach to tra


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