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人教版2019-2020学年七年级春季下册期末质量检测英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - How many coins have you collected?- A box of them _ .Afar awayBas wellCso farDafter all2 . He is playing _ football, but she is playing _ flute.Athe ,theB/,theCthe ,/3 . Its necessary for us _ to our parents when we have problems.Ato talkBtalkingCtalkDtalks4 . Betty often feels lonely. Ill encourage her _friends with other.AmakeBmadeCto makeDmaking5 . kilograms does your pet weigh?About 4 kilograms.AHow muchBHow heavyCHow manyDHow far6 . Its 10 a.m. Tom _ in his room now.AstudiesBvegetablesCis studyingDare studying7 . My father is used to _ in the country. He doesnt want to move to the city.AliveBlivingClivesDlived8 . John has decided not to eat too much _ he always has a stomachache.AifBbecauseCwhenDuntil9 . Kangkang, are you waitingJane?Yes, I am.AtoBatCofDfor10 . _C-O-L-O-R.AWhats this?BWhat color is it?CSpell it, please.二、补全对话5选5补全对话: 从方框中选出恰当的句子完成对话。Athats a good name for herBDoes your family have a petCWhat can he doDbut I dont like herEbecause shes kind of boringJenny: Your dog is really cute, PeterPeter: Hes my new pet, Dingding. Hes very smart.Jenny: Really? 11 . ?Peter: He can walk on two legs. He can dance, tooJenny: Wow!Peter: 12 . ?Jenny: My mom has a big cat, 13 . .Peter: Why dont you like the cat?Jenny: Well, 14 . . She sleeps all day, and her name is Lazy.Peter: Haha, then 15 . !三、完型填空Im Dave. Im from the west of Ireland. When I finished university, I _ to leave Ireland to find work. Although I _ home, I enjoyed living in London for two years. But after that, I felt I needed a _, so I bought a ticket to Ecuador, a country that many of my friends were talking about. Two months later, _ was in Quito, a beautiful city high up in the mountains. First, I explored (考察) the city. Next, I decided to walk on the Camino Real, the most important lnca road. It was hard work, _ the views (景色) were really wonderful. During the walk, there were more and more clouds and it was _ to see. Suddenly I heard some magical Irish music. It _ me of home. “How could it be?” I just _ believe it. I thought I was dreaming. The next day, when I came down for breakfast at my hotel, I _ found out the truth._ was practicing Irish music at the hotel garden (花园). It was an American tourist who was making the magical music of my home!16 . AchoseBforgotCansweredDrefused17 . AstoodBbuiltCmissedDchallenged18 . AreasonBresultCpredictionDchange19 . AIBitCheDshe20 . AorBbutCifDbecause21 . AhotBfreeCclearDdifficult22 . AremindedBtalkedCdescribedDheard23 . AmustntBneedntCcouldntDshouldnt24 . AagainBalwaysCunluckilyDfinally25 . AAnybodyBSomebodyCEverybodyDNobody四、阅读单选Are you a gourmand(美食主义者)? Do you want to eat every delicious food in the world? Then do you watch the popular program?“A Bite of China(舌尖上的中国)” is a documentary on Chinese delicious food which has been broadcasted by Chinese central television. Is there any holiday that isnt celebrated with a special festival food? Here are several traditional Chinese foods:Eggs hold a special meaning in many cultures, and China is no exception(例外). The Chinese believe eggs mean producing something new. After a baby is born, parents may hold a red egg and ginger party, where they pass out eggs to announce the birth. In some areas of China the number of eggs represents the sex of the child, for example, an even number(1,3,5,-) for a girl, and an odd number(2,4,6-) if a boy has been born.Noodles are a symbol of longlife in Chinese culture. They are as much a part of a Chinese birthday celebration as a birthday cake with lit candles is in many countries. Since noodles represent long life, it is considered very unlucky to cut it off.Although westerners sometimes may be very sorry to see fish lying on a plate, in China a whole fish is a symbol of richness. In fact, at a party it is traditional to serve the whole fish last, pointed toward the valued guest. Fish also has a special meaning because the Chinese word for fish, yu, sounds like the word for richness or plenty, and it is believed that eating fish will help your wishes come true in the year to come.A very popular dish during the Dragon Boat Festival is Zongzi. This tasty dish is made of rice dumplings with meat, peanut or other delicious food in bamboo leaves. The tradition of Zongzi is meant to remind us of a great man, Qu Yuan.The 50-minute program tries to bring something new by presenting more cultural elements(元素),such as eating habits and the quality of eating.26 . A bite of China is _.Aa bookBa documentaryCa guide bookDa newspaper27 . How many kinds of traditional food are mentioned in the passage?AtwoBthreeCfourDfive28 . A girl has been born in Mr. Lis home. How many red eggs may he pass out to his friends according to Chinese tradition?Atwo eggsBnoneCthree eggsDsix eggs29 . Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage?AWe can cut birthday noodles off in China if we think they are too long.BIt is impolite to server a whole fish last at a party in China.CThe program lasts for one hour.DThere are many kinds of Zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival.30 . What does the writer mean in the last paragraph?AThe writer thinks the program is too long.BThe writer thinks the program has more meanings inside than the story itself.CThe writer thinks everyone can have a good eating habit after watching the program.DThe writer thinks the program has brought many kinds of delicious food to us.五、回答问题A mouse saw a basket full of corn. He wanted to eat it. So he made a small hole in the basket. He went in through the hole. He ate a lot of corn. He felt full. He was very happy. Now he wanted to come out. He tried to come out through the small hole. He could not. His stomach was full. He tried again. But it was of no use. The mouse started crying. A rabbit was passing by. She heard the mouses cry and asked,”Why are you crying,my friend?”The mouse explained,I made a small hole and came into the basket. Now I am not able to get out through that hole. ”The rabbit said,”It is because you ate too much. Wait till your stomach is empty. ” The rabbit laughed and went away. The mouse fell asleep in the basket. Next morning his stomach was empty,so he felt hungry. The mouse wanted to eat some corn. So he ate and ate. His stomach was full once again . He thought,”Oh!Now I will go out tomorrow. ”The mouse fell asleep in the basket. Next morning his stomach was empty, so he felt hungry. The mouse wanted to eat some corn. So he ate and ate. His stomach was full once again. He thought, “Oh! Now I will go out tomorrow. ”The cat was the next passerby. He smelt the mouse in the basket. He lifted its cover. He ate the mouse.31 . Why did the mouse want to go into the basket? (in no more than 9 words)_.32 . How did he go into the basket? (in no more than 11words)_.33 . Who heard the mouse crying? (in no more than 2 words)_.34 . What advice did the rabbit give to the mouse? (in no more than 6 words)_.35 . What happened to the mouse at last? (in no more than 6 words)_.六、英汉互译:整句_Confucius is the greatest teacher in Chinese history. He was born on September 28,551BC in the Kingdom of Lu, in todays Shandong Province. When he was young, he and his mother had a hard life. _他十五岁时开始学习音乐, and he did well in it. Then he went on learning other subjects. When he was thirty, he became a teacher. He started his own school. _He believed everyone should have a chance to get education whether they were rich or poor. He had about 3,000 students and many of them became famous._Chinese see Confucius as the greatest thinker and also the greatest teacher. His most important ideas are kindness and good manners. _他说年轻人人应该照顾老年人。 People should stop thinking of themselves and work for others. His ideas are around in peoples everyday life. Today people can still hear them, and they go far into east and south Asia.36 . _37 . _38 . _39 . _40 . _七、材料作文41 . 假设William Miller是你的老师,下表是他的一些信息。请你根据所给信息,以“My Teacher”为题,写一篇短文对他进行简单介绍,没给出的信息可以自由发挥。提示:(1)表达准确,意思连贯;(2)必须包括表格内容,可适当发挥;(3)词数:60左右。名字William Miller职业音乐老师生日八月三日年龄35喜欢的运动及原因不喜欢的运动及原因八、其他单词辨音在四个选项中找出一个读音与其他三个不同的单词。42 . AnameBlateCtakeDmatch43 . AtimeBcityClistenDminute44 . AhotBshopCdogDno45 . AletB elseCtheseDevery46 . ApupilBmusicCcuteDcup47 . AherBteacherCfatherDflower48 . AteamBteachCseaDreally49 . AschoolBfoodCnoodleDfoot50 . AdrinkBEnglishCorangeDthank51 . AtalkBwalkCalsoDall第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、回答问题1、六、英汉互译:整句1、七、材料作文1、八、其他1、

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