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ChaseDream TOEFL 语法大全 ChaseDream TOEFL 专区 VERSION July 2005 这份材料本身是包含讲解的 但是这些讲解不是默认就显示出来的 一定要点击 word 里面的 显 示 隐藏编辑标记 之后 这些讲解才会出现 而且这些讲解是默认不能打印的 为了尊重原作者 无老师也就不公开打印这些讲解的方式了 敬请原谅 Business Minds Meet Here We Succeed Together Welcome to ChaseDream 更新说明 2004 年 10 月 ChaseDream TOEFL 语法大全 发布以后 收到很多朋友的支持和反馈意见 在此一并对大家的关注致以强烈感谢 这次再版 主要补充了最新的笔记 2005 年 1 月的改错部分的语法笔记 2004 年 8 月和 10 月 的语法笔记 纠正了页脚错误 有位朋友提出 95 年 12 月和 96 年北美题为什么没有语法笔记 原因 是 ChaseDream TOEFL 语法大全 参考了在太傻论坛 TOEFL 语法笔记 的内容 对于较早的题 目 太傻论坛 TOEFL 语法笔记 没有收录 我们也就没有收录 不便之处 敬请谅解 相信现在 的语法大全的内容足够应付 TOEFL 考试了 无论是机考还是笔考 为满足喜欢使用 PDF 版本的朋友的需要 一并推出 PDF 版本 PDF 版本的解释部分完全显示 解释内容和 WORD 版本完全一样 对于 WORD 版本的使用 恳请朋友们详细阅读第三页的使用 说明 2005 年 1 月的改错部分的语法笔记是首次发表 有错误或者疑问之处 请朋友们反馈到 ChaseDream 论坛 TOEFL 语法专区 大家的帮助 希望有 2005 年 1 月填空部分和 2005 年 5 月 TOEFL 题目的朋友可以分享资料 我们再版的时候 会尽量补全 Zhoushao TOEFL ChaseDream 2005 年 7 月 8 日 序言 TOEFL 语法大全 的出炉 倾注了无数考 T 路上朋友的心血 更是 ChaseDream 论坛里每一 位无私奉献的版主和网友们辛勤劳动与智慧的结晶 继承了 ChaseDream GMAT 语法大全 的传统 TOEFL 语法大全 采用 WORD 文档 在电脑上面使用 能够非常方便的显示和隐藏答案解释 标注 复习过程中间的疑问和注解 对于不在电脑上复习的朋友 也可以打印出来作为复习参考 ChaseDream 论坛 TOEFL 专区的众多原创 从 PP 语法笔记 最新题 TOEFL 语法笔记 0405 语法笔记 到现在的 TOEFL 语法大全 ChaseDream 每一次的奉献都是希望大家在准备 TOEFL 的路上能得到更多的帮助和支持 Free Open Share 是 ChaseDream 的立站宗旨 Share Support Sustain 是 CDer 中传承的精神 TOEFL 语法大全 由唐三彩提议 pumpkin 统筹安排 真老九和 zhoushao 修订 ChaseDream 论坛 TOEFL 考试区各位版主审核定稿 这里要特别感谢的是导师 gemj 辛苦编排版本和 制作过程中无数好的建议 在制作 TOEFL 语法大全 的过程中 参考了太傻论坛 TOEFL 语法笔记 感谢太傻论坛为我们的制作提供了一个非常好的起步点 TOEFL 语法大全 不仅是原来语法笔记 的汇总与修正 同时也融入了很多 ChaseDream 网友在讨论时各位版主和热心的网友做出的详细认真 的解释 在这里 向每一位在 ChaseDream 作出贡献的朋友道一声 谢谢 你们辛苦了 我们衷心希望 语法大全 能在您考 T 过程中带给您一些帮助 祝愿所有的 CDer 能克服重重障 碍 放飞梦想 展翅翱翔 关于 语法大全 的反馈 和有关于托福考试的任何问题 可以访问 ChaseDream 论坛 TOEFL 语法专区 祝您考试 申请顺利 愿 ChaseDream 伴您成功 Zhoushao TOEFL ChaseDream 使用说明 1 各题答案和所有解释均隐藏在 D 选项后 放在这里主要是避免下一题答案也被显示从而影响 做题 为了节省空间 改错题目的所有 A B C D 都去除了 希望朋友们理解 显示的方法是鼠标左 键单击 常用 工具栏 显示 隐藏编辑标记 按钮 只有 WORD 才有此按钮 写字板没有 再次单 击又被隐藏 见下图 如果 WORD 是英文版的 看这个 如果按 显示 隐藏编辑标记 按钮却无法隐藏答案 请按下列步骤操作 工具 选项 视图 格 式标记 点 隐藏文字 复选框让它变成 隐藏文字 也就是清除 隐藏文字 复选框 确定 2 做题时请切换至 普通 视图 因为显示答案时的页面变化小 在 页面 视图下 可以欣 赏到妹妹我那美仑美奂 美不胜收的一流风姿 3 本文件包涵 1989 年到 2004 年 5 月所有 TOEFL 语法题目 并且收录了普林斯顿样题四套和 PP 语法题目 包括详细解释 解释中的一部分对太傻的语法笔记进行修正 PP 语法笔记和 2003 年 5 月以后笔记为 ChaseDream 原创 在 TOEFL 语法区提问时应以此序号为准 4 曾经经过了校正 但是错误肯定还有 请各位不吝指正 可以上 ChaseDream 的语法区发帖 子指出 共同进一步完善 不胜感谢 祝你成功 pumpkin ChaseDream 代 gemj 2004 年 10 月 28 日星期四 1 TOEFL 语法大全 1 再版小说明 2 序言 3 使用说明 4 1989 年 01 月语法题 8 1989 年 05 月语法题 17 1989 年 08 月语法题 25 1989 年 10 月语法题 33 1990 年 01 月语法题 41 1990 年 05 月语法题 49 1990 年 08 月语法题 57 1990 年 10 月语法题 65 1991 年 01 月语法题 73 1991 年 05 月语法题 81 1991 年 05 月语法题 89 1991 年 10 月语法题 97 1992 年 01 月语法题 105 1992 年 05 月语法题 113 1992 年 08 月语法题 121 1992 年 10 月语法题 129 1993 年 01 月语法题 137 1993 年 05 月语法题 144 1993 年 08 月语法题 152 1993 年 10 月语法题 160 1994 年 05 月语法题 168 1994 年 08 月语法题 176 1994 年 10 月语法题 184 1995 年 01 月语法题 194 1995 年 05 月语法题 202 1995 年 08 月语法题 210 1995 年 10 月语法题 219 1996 年 01 月语法题 228 1996 年 05 月 语法题 236 1996 年 08 月语法题 244 1996 年 10 月语法题 252 1997 年 01 月语法题 261 1997 年 01 月北美语法题 270 1997 年 05 月语法题 278 1997 年 08 月语法题 287 1997 年 10 月语法题 296 1997 年 12 月北美语法题 305 1998 年 01 月语法题 314 1998 年 05 月语法题 322 1998 年 08 月语法题 331 1998 年 08 月 语法题 341 1998 年 08 月北美语法题 351 1998 年 10 月语法题 361 1999 年 01 月语法题 370 1999 年 05 月语法题 379 1999 年 08 月语法题 388 1999 年 10 月语法题 397 2000 年 01 月语法题 406 2000 年 05 月语法题 416 2000 年 08 月语法题 426 2000 年 10 月语法题 435 2001 年 01 月语法题 444 2001 年 05 月语法题 454 2001 年 08 月语法题 463 2001 年 10 月语法题 472 2002 年 01 月语法题 480 2002 年 05 月语法题 489 2002 年 10 月语法题 498 2002 年 08 月语法题 507 2002 年 09 月语法题 516 2003 年 01 月语法题 524 1996 年 12 月北美语法题 533 2003 年 08 月语法题 542 2003 年 10 月语法题 551 2004 年 01 月语法题 560 2004 年 05 月语法题 568 2004 年 08 月语法题 577 2004 年 10 月语法题 586 2005 年 01 月语法题 改错部 分 595 PP Test 1 语法题笔记 601 PP Test 2 语法题笔记 630 普林斯顿样题 1 658 普林斯顿样题 2 667 普林斯顿样题 3 676 普林斯顿样题 4 684 Comment 微微微微1 n braidld adj 无拘束的 激烈的 放纵的 unbridle的过去分词 Comment 微微微微2 said n 苹果汁 苹果酒 1 AMERICAN a drink made from apples or a glass of this drink 2 BRITISH an alcoholic drink made from apples or a glass of this drink Comment 微微微微3 主语是执行句 子的行为或动作的主体 如 我写 字 中的 我 就是主语 谓语是对主语动作或状态的陈述 或说明 指出 做什么 是什么 或 怎么样 谓语动词的位置一 般在主语之后 Comment 微微微微4 dwel n 居民 居住者 Comment 微微微微5 n 叉角羚 Comment 微微微微6 nti l up n 羚羊 羚羊皮革 Comment 微微微微7 硫酸铜 Comment 微微微微8 d u di s adj 明智的 贤明的 审慎的 Comment 微微微微9 in v t breits n 无脊椎动物 Comment 微微微微10 谓语动词指 在句子中充当谓语的动词 有行 为动词 系动词 情态动词和助 动词等几种 其中行为动词又包 括及物动词和不及物动词 非谓 语动词是指在句子中不是谓语的 动词 主要包括不定式 动名词 和分词 现在分词和过去分词 即动词的非谓语形式 Farmimg是动名词属于非谓语动 词 动名词其实是一个当名词一样用 的词语 现在分词就是在一个句子里 面从当动词时候的词态变化 1989年 01月语法题 1 The flexibility of film allows the artist unbridled imagination to the animation of cartoon characters A A to bring B bringing C is brought D brings 2 Traditionally in New England on Thanksgiving Day D A when served is sweet cider B when sweet cider is served C is served sweet cider D sweet cider is served 3 Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent or pronghorn C A it is the American antelope B the American antelope is C is the American antelope D the American antelope 4 Lillian D Wald public health nurse and was born in Cincinnati Ohio in 1867 B A reforming society B social reformer C who reformed society D her social reform 5 Copper sulfate spread in judicious amounts kills algae harming fish or aquatic invert ebrates D A does not B but does no C except D without 6 Of the millions who saw Haley s comet in 1986 how many people long enough to see it return in the twenty first century D A will they live B they will be living C will live D living 7 that fear happiness sadness and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions B A Anthropologists have discovered B Anthropologists discovering C The discovery by anthropologists D Discovered by anthropologists 8 In 1964 of Henry Ossawa Tanner s paintings was shown at the Smithsonian Institution D A was a major collection B that a major collection C a collection was major D a major collection 9 irritating effect on humans the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued D A Its B Where its C Since its D Because of its 10 In order to remain in existence must in the long run produce something consumers consider useful or desirable B A a profit making organization B a profit making organization which C therefore a profit making organization D whichever a profit making organization 11 The greater the population there is in a locality for water transportation and disposal of refuse B A the greater the need there is B greater need C is there great need D the great need 12 A historical novel may do more than mirror history future events D A even influencing B it may even influence C may even influence D that it may even influence 13 a child sculptor Anne Whitney showed an eager intellect and artistic talent that her parents recognized and encouraged D A Has been B It was while C She was D As 14 It is widely believed that the pull of gravity on a falling raindrop changes round shape into a teardrop shape B A of the drop B the drop s C drop of D drops their 15 modern offices becoming more mechanized designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer less severe interiors C A If B But C With D Once 16 Not woman held a presidential cabinet position in the United States until 1933 when Frances Perkins became secretary of labor 17 The human body relies on certainty nutrients for its survival 18 Too much electric current may flow into a circuit as a result either of a fault in the circuit and of an outside event such as lightning 19 The Appalachian Trail extending approximately 2 020 miles from Maine to Georgia is the longer continuous marked footpath in the world 20 For years elephants were hunted for food and ivory and as a result theirs numbers have been greatly reduced 21 Barges which carrier most of the heavy freight on rivers and canals are usually propelled by towing 22 Although afflicted by serious eyesight problems Alicia Alonso was one the principal stars of the American Ballet Theater and later formed her own dance company 23 The ritual combat of animals are triggered by precise signals 24 It is more difficult to write simply directly and effective than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one s meaning 25 Different species of octopuses may measure anywhere from two inches to over thirty feet in long 26 According to some theories derived from psychoanalysis life is supposedly easier and mo re pleasant when inhibitions overcoming 27 When rainbows appear they are always in the part of the sky opposite directly the Sun 28 Benjamin Franklin drew a political cartoon that is credited raising 10 000 volunteers for the American Revolutionary War 29 The begins of the modern chemistry laboratory go back to the workrooms of medieval lchemists 30 In many pieces of music there is a dominant theme on which the restful of the composition is centered 31 Luminescence refers to the emission of light by means another than heat 32 In a representative democracy the people election delegates to an assembly 33 George Washington Carver found hundred of uses for the peanut the sweet potato and the soybean and thus stimulated the cultivation of these crops 34 A citadel a fortress designed for the defense of a city usually standed on top of a hill 35 Conservative philosophers argue that the very structure of society is threatening by civil disobedience while humanists stress the primacy of the individual conscience 36 Since 1971 the regional corporations set up in Alaska by Congress managing everything from fishing to banking 37 A rocket burns propellant rapidly and most rockets carry a supply that last just a few seconds 38 Textile art is known for both its tactile and vision qualities 39 The metal aluminum has been first isolated early in the nineteenth century 40 Gulls can often be see swooping over large bodies of water 1989 年 05 月语法题 1 The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while A spoken is slander B is spoken slander C slander is spoken D is slander spoken 2 Great numbers of tiny shelled animals on the ocean floor A Live B Living C They will live D If they lived 3 The knee is the joint the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg A when B where C why D which 4 Closed plane figures like the square or the equilateral triangle can be grouped into a class polygons A called B to call C is called D call as 5 Acids are chemical compounds that in water solution have a corrosive action on metals and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red A tastes sharp B sharp tasting C a sharp taste D tasting sharp 6 the history of the tough strong willed Nebraska farmer A Not only is much of the history of Nebraska B Although it is much of the history of Nebraska that is C It is much the history of Nebraska s being D Much of the history of Nebraska is 7 Billie Holiday s reputation as a great jazz blues singer rests on her ability emotional depth to her songs A be giving B are given C being given D to give 8 1895 did Cornell University begin to offer a degree in ornithology A Not until B Not since C Until D In 9 Uniform acceleration occurs the rate of change remains the same over successive and equal intervals of time A according B if C with D under 10 People s expectations for a higher standard of living increase A conditions in their community improve B since conditions in their improving community C conditions improve in their community D as conditions in their community improve 11 Essentially a theory is an abstract symbolic representation of reality A what it is conceived B that is conceived C what is conceived to be D that is being conceived of 12 All of the plants now raised on farms have been developed from plants wild A once they grew B they grew once C that once grew D once grew 13 relatively costly the diesel engine is highly efficient and needs servicing infrequently A Even B It is C Even though D There is 14 images out of clay stone and metal A The shaping of sculpture B Sculpting the shapes C To shape sculpture D Sculptors shape 15 dates from the end of the eighteenth century A The modern circus B That the modern circus C While the modern circus D The modern circus that 16 The boiled point of any liquid is determined by the pressure of the surrounding gases 17 The Ranger spacecraft it provided more than 17 000 pictures of the moon 18 Many people who live in New York City thinks that life in a large city offers special advantages 19 The scientific revolution of the early 1900 s affected education by change the nature of technology 20 Meadowlarks are about the same size than robins but they have heavier bodies shorter tails and longer bills 21 On May 20 1932 Amelia Earhart became the first woman fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean 22 Translated into terms of psychological theory association has been thought of as the basis of to learn conditioning and creative thinking 23 The Statue of Liberty was originally proposed in 1865 to commemoration the alliance of France with the American colonies during the American Revolution 24 Reptiles are widely distributed all over the world but are much abundant in warm regions and are virtually absent beyond the treeline in the Arctic 25 Alike light waves microwaves may be reflected and concentrated 26 Industrial buyers are responsible for supplying the goods and services that an organization required for its operations 27 The most easiest process for mining gold is panning which involves using a circular dish with a small pocket at the bottom 28 Farm animals have been regardless by nearly all societies as a valuable economic resource 29 Although it is any longer the big business that it was in the forties radio continues to be a medium of essential communication especially at the local level 30 The field of dynamics in physics is concerned with a particle s motion in relation to the forces acting it 31 In the United States both the federal and state governments have laws designed to guard consumers against deceptive advertise 32 Gore Vidal has steadily pursue a literary career remarkable for its productivity versatility and unpredictability 33 When overall exports exceed imports a country said to have a trade surplus 34 Instructors at the school of American Ballet first examine a young applicant s instep to see whether it is pliant and shows promising of a good arch 35 Anthropologists agree that our primitive ancestors who inhabited the tropics probably have natural protection against the sun 36 Behavior modification techniques work best with problems that manifest itself in overt actions 37 Because they are generally taken simply to obtain a recognizable and relatively clear image most nonprofessional photographs demand few equipment 38 At birth an infant exhibits a remarkable number of motor response 39 Common to North America those cinnamon fern is found in wet places 40 The origins of the Democratic party is often traced to the coalition formed behind Thomas Jefferson in the 1790 s to resist the policies of George Washington s administration 1989 年 08 月语法题 1 The Cubists were concerned with how a given subject from different points of view simultaneously A represented B do the represent C to represent D representing 2 Sometimes to place physics and chemistry into separate categories A difficult B is difficult C it is difficult D that it is difficult 3 Martha Graham has run her own dance company for half a century A is the great modern choreographer B one of the great modern choreographers C that the great modern choreographers D the modern choreographers were great 4 Long before children are able to speak or understand a language communicate through facial expressions and by making noises A however B they C furthermore D who 5 The seating of musicians in an orchestra is arranged to produce the desired blend of sounds from the various musical sections A the conductor of B from the conductor C the conductor and D by the conductor 6 The worldwide race to develop an affordable synthetic fuel has so far consumed billions of dollars and few results A yielded B yielding C yield ha D has a yield of 7 Experiments in the photography of moving objects in both the United States and Europe well before 1900 A have been conducting B were conducting C had been conducted D being conducted 8 The University of Georgia in 1785 was the first state supported university in the United States A chartered B was chartered C it was chartered D to be chartered 9 Thanks to modern irrigation crops now grow abundantly in areas where once cacti and sagebrush could live A nor B not the C none other D nothing but 10 in the late 1800 s some libraries had to keep as many as twenty to thirty copies of each of Mary Jane Holmes s books on hand A Inventories showing B That show inventories C Inventories show that D Showing the inventories 11 The scholarly interest in perception stems largely from questions about the sources and validity of what A it is known as human knowledge B is known as human knowledge C known human knowledge D is human knowledge known 12 Because of the Aleuts constant exposure to cold weather they have long recognized A and body needs to be fat B body needs the fat C how fat the body needs D the body s need for fat 13 Almost all economists agree by trading with one another A nations that are gained B nations they gain C gaining nations D that nations gain 14 The development of mechanical timepieces spurred the search for with which to regulate them A more accurate than sundials B more accurate sundials C sundials more accurately D more accurately than sundials 15 Anthropology is a science anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others A in that B that in C that D in 16 A liquid is similar to a gas because has molecules are not fixed to each other in any specific way 17 The Conestoga wagon used for to carry heavy loads over long distances originated around 1725 in a region of Pennsylvania occupied by the Conestoga Indians 18 Providence Rhode Island is a busy manufacturing city and seaport as well the state capital 19 The young of most bird species are totally dependence on parental care after hatching 20 During most of this century A Philip Randolph struggled for Black rights in the United States and becomes an important figure in the labor movement 21 It has been calculated that the Earth s circumference around the equator is over forty longer miles than the circumference around the two poles 22 A fish must constantly to gulp water in order to keep a current flowing through its delicate gills 23 Maria Martinez a Pueblo Indian rediscovered the ancient art of Pueblo black pottery A and by teaching the process to family and friends develop a lucrative business 24 Muscular motion is caused by the stimulate of specific nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord 25 The first libraries in the North American colonies was established in Massachusetts in the year 1638 26 When does a neutron from one atom collides with the nucleus of another atom a chain reaction can occur 27 Alike other academic disciplines sociology has several major sub disciplines 28 An enormous variety of information may be obtained from a largest daily newspaper 29 Before the invention of the clock people had to reliable on the celestial bodies to tell time 30 How many people remember listening to Orson Welles 1938 radio broadcast The War of the Worlds Which convince thousands that space aliens had invaded the Earth 31 Pewter a metal with an ancient heritage is still practical medium for the nonprofessional metalworker 32 According to cognitive theories of emotion anger occurs when individuals believe that A they have been harmed and that the harm was either avoidable and undeserved 33 Jackie Mclean s recordings have shown that he is one of the few jazz musicians who style A B of playing has kept pace with the evolution of modern jazz 34 How Native Americans developed corn is a puzzling for no wild corn has ever been discovered and it grows only where people plant and tend it 35 A principl

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