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沪教版2020届中考英语模拟试卷(九)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)1. (15分)完形填空A teacher once told each of her students to bring a clean plastic bag and a bag of potatoes to school. For every person they didnt want to forgive(原谅) in their lives, they chose a potato, wrote the persons1and the date on it and put it in the plastic bag. Some of their bags were very2.They were then told to carry this bag with them3for one week. They would put it beside their bed at night, on the seat when sitting in a car or on a bus , and next to their desks at4. The5carrying the bag around with them made students get to know what a weight they were carrying in their minds. They had to pay attention to(注意) it all the time so that they wouldnt6it or leave it in embarrassing(尴尬的) places. As time passed by, the potatoes went7and smelt terrible. Too often we think of tolerance(宽容) as a8to other people, but it clearly is for9! If we choose to keep our sadness and hatred(仇恨) in our hearts, we will have to10them around all our lives.(1)A . age B . name C . hobbies D . weight (2)A . small B . beautiful C . light D . heavy (3)A . everywhere B . nowhere C . somewhere D . where (4)A . home B . work C . night D . school (5)A . students B . days C . potatoes D . teachers (6)A . forget B . buy C . remember D . find (7)A . big B . wrong C . bad D . good (8)A . feeling B . waste C . gift D . greeting (9)A . themselves B . ourselves C . yourself D . itself (10)A . miss B . meet C . carry D . enjoy 二、 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)2. (15分)完形填空 Last autumn, my family and I went to England and we 1two weeks in Cornwall. It 2us five hours to get there by car. We did a lot of different, 3we went for long walks, played games, rode bicycles and swam in the lake.I played happily at first, but then something terrible-4. One morning I went to the forest near the hotel by 5I walked and walked I watched the 6singing in the trees and took some photos of them. When I got 7, I wanted to go back to the hotel 8food. But I couldnt find the way back. I 9different ways. However, at last I was still in the 10place.Oh, God! Im so afraid! 11should I do? I thought. Later it started to rain. I didnt have a(n) 12so I was wet and cold .I 13to stay under a tree and waited for my parents. After a few hours they 14in front of me. It was dark and I was. 15, hungry and scared. Ill never go to the forest again.(1)A . lived B . spent C . visited D . stayed (2)A . turned B . paid C . took D . showed (3)A . activities B . rules C . lessons D . habits (4)A . reached B . touched C . brought D . happened (5)A . yourself B . myself C . herself D . himself (6)A . birds B . monkeys C . hens D . kids (7)A . lost B . hungry C . popular D . tired (8)A . to B . at C . for D . with (9)A . tried B . practiced C . showed D . moved (10)A . different B . same C . first D . right (11)A . When B . How C . Which D . What (12)A . swing B . gift C . umbrella D . bicycle (13)A . liked B . hoped C . forgot D . decided (14)A . appeared B . looked C . asked D . found (15)A . hot B . cold C . cool D . warm 三、 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) (共4题;共40分)3. (10分) I was walking around in a store. I saw an assistant pass this little boy his money back, saying, “Im sorry, but you dont have enough money to buy this doll.” I walked toward him and asked him who he wished to give this doll to.“Its the doll that my sister loved most and wanted so much for Christmas. She was so sure that Santa Claus would bring it to her.” he said.I replied to him that maybe Santa Claus will bring it to her, and he shouldnt worry. But he replied to me sadly, “No, Santa Claus cant bring it to her where she is now. I have to give the doll to my mommy so that she can give it to my sister when she goes there.” His eyes were so sad while saying this. “My sister has gone to be with God. Daddy says that Mommy is going to see God very soon too, so I thought that she could take the doll with her to give it to my sister.” My heart nearly stopped. I quickly reached for my wallet and said to the boy, “What if we checked again, just in case (万一)you do have enough money?”“Ok,” he said. “I hope that I have enough.” I added some of my money to his without letting him see and we started to count it. There was enough for the doll and even some spare money left . The little boy said, “Thank you God for giving me enough money!”I left the store, feeling as if my life had been changed forever.(1)Whom did the boy want to give the doll to?A . His motherB . His friendC . His sisterD . The writer(2)The boy finally had enough money for the doll because_.A . he didnt count correctly at firstB . the writer added some moneyC . the assistant added some moneyD . the assistant made the doll cheaper(3)How did the writer feel at last?A . Shy.B . Nervous.C . Happy.D . Angry.(4)What does the story tell us?A . We should help other people in need.B . Money does not matter.C . We should believe in Santa Claus.D . We should borrow money when necessary.4. (10分)阅读理解 Childhood is a time of fun and games. Many people still remember when they were young, they often played games like hide-and-seek and chess. Playing teaches children how to get with others, and it also helps to exercise the mind and body. However, children today spend most of their time in front of the computer, playing video games. A recent survey found that in the US. Children between 8 and 12 spend at least 13 hours a week playing video games or gaming. Boys of this age spend even more time, almost 16 hours a week. Although some people will say that gaming is helpful, it brings many problems as well.One big problem is that kids who spend most of their time on games might have difficulty communicating with real people. They might have trouble sharing and resolving (解决) problems because they do not practice these skills when sitting alone at a computer.Another problem is about health. Game players usually sit for hours without doing any exercise. And they might not eat healthily. As a result, they might be out of shape.Next, game players might have trouble with their lessons. Many of them spend more time playing games than working on their homework. In the end, they fail in the exams.Finally, it is always possible that the gamers become addicted. Some people play four or five hours a day or even all day. This happened to a 28 - year - old Korean man. He spent about 50 hours playing an online game without sleeping or eating well. He died while gaming!This is one example of the dangers of video gaming. It tells us that video gaming, like everything else, should not be done too much. A few hours a week should not hurt, but several hours a day just might be dangerous to your health.(1)How many problems about playing video games are mentioned in the passage? A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.D . Five.(2)If game players spend lots of time playing games without doing their homework, they might _. A . become illB . lose their friendsC . die at onceD . get lower grades at school(3)What does the underlined word “addicted” mean in Chinese? A . 悲伤B . 无聊C . 成瘾D . 沮丧(4)What does the writer want to tell us by writing this passage? A . Video gaming has quite a lot of advantages.B . Video gaming might be a dangerous thing.C . Childhood is a time of fun and games.D . Children should learn how to get along with others.5. (10分)阅读理解。Ted, my little brother, is in Grade One. Last Friday he came back from school with a letter. The letter was from his teacher. “I got a red flower today. Could you please sign this note?” he said to mum. The note showed that he had been talking in class.Ted hardly gets top scores in his school work. The best he gets is “OK”, but he often gets “You can do better than this.” Mum knows what it means. She tells me “You can do better than this” means “Extremely bad” in China.In the USA, teachers never say anything too bad about their students, even if the students are making trouble in class or not working hard enough. The worst they might say is “Please be nicer tomorrow”. Many parents are satisfied with a B-grade for each subject.But things in Chinese schools are quite different. Parents have high expectations for their children. I sometimes felt that my second-grade cousin spend more time on homework than I did when I was 6th grade in the US! Yet his parents and teachers didnt think he worked hard enough.Is it too strict in China? Or is it not strict enough in the USA? Maybe both are true.(1)Why did Ted come home with a letter last Friday? A . Because the teacher wanted to visit his mother.B . Because he did something wrong.C . Because the teacher was happy with his progress.D . Because the teacher thought he was too lazy.(2)The underlined words “high expectations” in this passage means “_”. A . 很高的待遇B . 很多的自由C . 很高的期望D . 很多的关爱(3)The writer mainly wants to tell us _. A . the differences between Chinese education and American educationB . Chinese students are better than American studentsC . American parents are not strict enough with their childrenD . whats the best way to educate child6. (10分)阅读理解 Dubai is a city of big business, expensive hotels, skyscrapers (摩天大楼), and shopping malls. In the early 20tb century, Dubai was a successful trading port. People from the world stopped in Dubai to do business. But it was still a small city, and most people lived as fishermen and businessmen. Then in 1966, oil was discovered. This brought a lot of money into the area, and soon Dubai began to change.Today Dubai is one of the worlds most important business centers. In fact, each year the city gets its money mainly from business, not oil.Recently Dubai has attracted more and more visitors from abroad. They come to relax on its beaches, and every year, millions visit just to go shopping.Dubai is also one of the worlds fastest growing cities. Many tall buildings are built in months. The city also has many man made islands. One of these, the Palm Jumeirah, is like a palm tree(棕榈树) and is very beautiful.The city is still and amazing mix (混合体) of people from different countries. The people from 150 countries live and work in Dubai, and foreigners now outnumber Dubai natives(本地人) by eight to one!Many people welcome the citys growth. But an increasing number of Dubai natives worry about the speed of change. As a Dubai native says, We must always remember where we came from. Our kids must know we worked very, very hard to get where we are now, and theres a lot more work to do. (1)Why did people stop in Dubai in the early.20th century? A . To relax.B . To buy oil.C . To go shopping.D . To do business.(2)Which of the following is NOT true? A . Dubai has created many man-made islands.B . There are many foreigners working in Dubai.C . Many international visitors come to Dubai every year.D . Dubai now gets money mainly from selling oil.(3)What does the underlined word outnumber mean? A . To be smaller in size than another group.B . To be more in number than another group.C . To be bigger in area than another group.D . To be smaller in area than another group.(4)In the last paragraph, what does the underlined part mean? A . We should always visit Dubai.B . We should learn from foreigners.C . We must always remember our past.D . We must only think about the future.(5)Whats the main idea of the passage? A . Dubai is growing very fast.B . Dubai was a big city before 1966.C . Many tall buildings are bully in months.D . Many tourists come to relax on Dubais beaches.四、 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) (共1题;共5分)7. (5分)左栏是五个人的信息,右栏是七个网站的信息,请将这五个人的信息和适合他们的网站配对。_Mrs. Black wants to learn to cook British food because her daughter Amy is going to study in Britain next month._Dr Cruz is going to have dinner at his friends home this Friday evening. But he doesnt know what gift to bring with him._Grace likes watching movies. She goes to the movies every Sunday. Shes thinking of some ways to watch movies at home._Joyce wants to know more about Japanese table manners because she will visit Tokyo next month._Kents mother needs a blender to make milk shakes. Now she wants to buy one.A. www.Japan-guide. comYou can see all the information on traveling in Japan here.B. www. Britishfood. comLearn to cook like a real British and enjoy the best British food.C. www. Britishetiquettereviva comYoull find information on everyday table manners in all the countries around the world.D. www. giftshopmag. comFind good ideas for buying the best gift for birthday parties and dinners here.E. www. juiceproducer. comOur best sellers are on sale this week. You can find your favorite juicer and blender here.F. www. movietickets. comRegister( 注册) as our member and you can watch your favorite movies free on the computer.G. www. American food. comWe give you advice on how to make the best barbecue at home today.五、 单词拼写(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分) (共6题;共6分)8. (1分)Its f_of you to make the same mistakes again and again. 9. (1分)My baseballs are under the _te. 10. (1分)The photo r_ me of my school days when I saw it for the first time. 11. (1分)What about this _ (小的)bag? Is it nice? 12. (1分)根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子 (1)Have they r_Beijing yet? (2)We all know the earth is a p_ (3)Yang Liwei is a well known a_ (4)The stupid(傻的)thief only took some m_of the mobile phones from the shop (5)Have you heard the n_about sports? 13. (1分)W_ its in summer or winter, Hainan is worth visiting. 六、 完成句子(共7小题;每小题2分,满分14分) (共7题;共14分)14. (2分)2015年,中国有13亿多人口。 In 2015, China _more than 1.3 billion.15. (2分)谢谢你的帮助。_you_your_16. (2分)你会弹吉他吗? Can you _ _ _?17. (2分)应该采取更多行动来保护环境。 18. (2分)在周末,要么我的父母,要么我的弟弟看电视。 _ my parents _ my brother _ TV _ weekends. 19. (2分)黄河是中国第二长河。 The Yellow River is the _ _ river in China. 20. (2分)你能告诉我恐龙什么时候灭绝吗? Can you tell me _ dinosaurs _ _.七、 书面表达(共1小题,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)21. (15分)请根据下面的提示写一篇英语短文,向大家介绍一下你的学校生活。 提示:What time do you go to school?Do you join a club in your school?What are your school rules?要求:1)语句通顺、行文流畅:2)必须包含所给提示内容.可适当发挥;3)不少于60词。开头已给出,但不计入总词数。I am a middle school student. My school is on Center Street. 第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)1-1、二、 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)2-1、三、 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) (共4题;共40分)3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、四、 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) (共1题;共5分)7-1、五、 单词拼写(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分) (共6题;共6分)8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、六、 完成句子(共7小题;每小题2分,满分14分) (共7题;共14分)14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、七、 书面表达(共1小题,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)21-1、

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