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沪教版2020届九年级英语中考第一次模拟考试试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)too much sugar is bad your teeth.A . Eat; toB . Eating; toC . Eating; for2. (2分)The policeman asks the child not to cross the street _ the traffic light turns green. A . whenB . untilC . becauseD . after3. (2分)If you are fat, you should eat _ fruit and vegetables, but _ meat. A . more ; lessB . more ; moreC . less ; moreD . less ; less4. (2分)Rose, could you please water the flowers in the garden?Why _? You see, my brother is listening to music.A . meB . IC . mine5. (2分) Did Paul attend the meeting? Actually, I attended it instead of him.A . together withB . with the help ofC . in place of6. (2分)Sorry, the price of the trouser is too _. OK. Would you like to have a look at a cheaper _?A . expensive; oneB . expensive; pairC . high; oneD . high; pair.7. (2分)She a new bike last week.A . buysB . to buyC . boughtD . buyed8. (2分) _ I borrow your English book? Yes, of course you _.A . Could; couldB . Must; canC . Could; canD . Can; could9. (2分)This pair of shoes _ 80 yuan.A . takesB . paysC . costD . took10. (2分)Our classroom _ every day. We can study comfortably in it.A . cleanB . cleansC . is cleanedD . was cleaned11. (2分)Why were you late for school this morning?Because my alarm clock didnt go off and I .A . oversleptB . completedC . changedD . missed12. (2分)A person _ is honest does not tell a lie. A . whoseB . whichC . who13. (2分) Could you tell me _? About two months.A . when are you leaving for ShanghaiB . how often you go to the school libraryC . how many tickets have you bookedD . how long you have been at this school14. (2分) Please show me your English homework, Daming. Sorry, Ms Li. I finished all my homework _ my English homework because it was too late last night.A . withB . exceptC . besideD . as well15. (2分)Are Tony and Mary your friends? _.A . Yes, you areB . Yes, they areC . No, they notD . No, he isnt二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空Its very common to meet different people in public places.When I was 12 years old, I got a small job in a 1,On my first day at work, I didnt come home for lunch. When I came home at night, Mum asked, “How did you 2your lunch, dear? I answered, I made some new friends in the supermarket, twin brothers, their mom and dad. They were my customers. They invited me 3lunch.Mum was happy that I had made new friends but she wanted to know what kinds of 4they might be.Several days later, I asked my friends to come to the supermarket where l worked5let Mum meet them. Mum was very 6to find out that the twin brothers were joined at the chest(胸部).She felt very strange because I didnt tell her about that before.When Mum asked me about this, I said, I know that too. But do you know that their mom has to make all clothes because its 7difficult to find anything to fit them? Theyre also good 8.That day, Joe, the one on the right, made me noodles for lunch.When Mum saw the twins, she must have thought how strange they9But to me, what I cared about was that they had difficulty10clothes and they were good cooks.(1)A . supermarket B . post office C . factory D . bank (2)A . find B . make C . manage D . eat (3)A . at B . for C . after D . before (4)A . men B . women C . boys D . people (5)A . and B . but C . or D . so (6)A . surprised B . excited C . interested D . disappointed (7)A . so B . very C . too D . really (8)A . friends B . singers C . workers D . cooks (9)A . smelled B . B,looked C . felt D . sounded (10)A . selling B . making C . wearing D . buying 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)17. (8分)阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题的最佳答案。CIn America, boys and girls often join clubs. The members of a club work together. They also learn certain skills and share good times.Many boys belong to Boy Scouts. Boy scouts enjoy hiking and camping out together, and they learn many things. Scouts learn safety rules, first aid, and what to do when in danger. Members have a chance to learn outdoor living. They learn to build fires and cook out in the open.Girl Scouts and Camp Fire Girls are clubs for girls. These two clubs give their members a chance to have fun and learn. The girls in a group take trips, have parties and go hiking and camping together. The Camp Fire Girls earn honor beads( 荣誉珠) for learning such skills as swimming and cooking. The Girl Scouts earn badges(徽章).Both boys and girls can be members of 4-h clubs, Children who live in either the city or the country may belong to 4-h. A project such as raising a pig or a calf can be carried on only by farm children, while city children can take part in gardening and cooking projects.In all these clubs the boys and girls learn to be good and useful citizens.(1)Why do boys and girls join clubs according to the passage? A . To make their parents happy.B . To earn honor beads and badges.C . To learn skills and share good times.D . To enjoy hiking and camping out.(2)What does Para. 2 mainly talk about? A . What to do when in danger.B . Some activities of Boy Scouts.C . What Boy Scouts really enjoy.D . Some skills about outdoor living.(3)What can we know from Para. 3? A . In America there are many clubs for girls.B . Camp Fire Girls is quite popular in America.C . Girls can go hiking and camping with the boys.D . Girls are encouraged to learn swimming and cooking.(4)What is the passage mainly about? A . Members of 4-h clubs in America.B . Clubs for boys and girls in America.C . Different kinds of clubs in America.D . Children who are interested in clubs.18. (10分) Han Hong is one of the most famous singers in China . She was born in Qambo,Tibet . Her mother , a Tibetan singer, is famous for her popular song On the Golden Hill in Beijing.Han Hong gets her good voice from her mother and shows a strong love of music .Han Hong came to Beijing at the age of nine to study singing .In 1985, 14-yearold Han Hong won her first prize.And then , the song Road to Heaven made Han Hong become popular in China.Han Hong has not only a nice voice ,but also a big kind heart .She spends a lot of time doing charity. She got hurt in an accident on her charity tour last year , but she didnt stop her charity work .Give our best wishes to this kind lady.请根据以上信息,选择正确答案,将其标号在答题卡上涂黑。(1)Han Hongs mother is a famouse _.A . workerB . teacherC . dancerD . singer(2)_ Han Hong started to study singing in Beijing.A . 14-year-oldB . 9-year-oldC . 7- year-oldD . 8 year old(3)_ made Han Hong become popular in China.A . The song Road to Heaven .B . The song On the Golden HillC . Both A and BD . The dance called white goose.(4)Han Hong has not only a nice voice ,but also a big_ heart .A . kindB . mindC . badD . cool(5)Han Hong likes to help .A . motherB . tigerC . pandaD . others19. (10分)阅读理解Finally HomeLast year, my parents moved to this town. I had to go to a new school and found no one to be friends with because I wasnt interested in the topics most of my classmates liked.“Maybe Ill never have real friends,” I thought. I closed my eyes and imagined playing my drums. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a guitar. I followed the sound and found out that was a band. I recognized(认出) the guitar player at my first sight and so did he. “Hey, youre Cassie from my class!” his voice surprised me.“Im sorry,” I said. “I just havent heard any live music in this town before! You sound great did you guys write that song?”“Yeah well, were still working on it. Im Matt.” He stood up and held out his hand.“Mind if I listen in?” I asked in a low voice. “Not at all,” Matt said, smiling. “Maybe you can give us some suggestions!”The song was pretty good and I could really improve it with my drum skills. Behind my drum set was the one place I felt completely like myself. But I wasnt sure if I wanted to open that door to the world.“Hey, do you play drums?” Matt asked suddenly. His question surprised me. How did he know? And then I followed his eyes to my hands, which had been beating a rhythm (节奏) on the floor. I tried to say no, but my heart stopped me from refusing. “Sure, Ive been playing for a few years,” I said finally.“Oh, wow! Youve got to join us!” Matt said. “I have some drums over here.”I looked at their shiny faces. “Clearly. I would love to play!” I replied. “One, two, three, four!” Matt counted and began singing, and I knew I was finally home.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(1)When the writer first went to a new school, she _. A . joined a music clubB . had no close friendsC . could play the guitarD . developed a new hobby(2)The writer met _ one day when he felt lonely in a new school. A . a guitar playerB . a piano playerC . a CD playerD . a violin player(3)The writer felt _when Matt asked if she played drums? A . surprised.B . scared.C . worried.D . excited.(4)The writer has been playing drums for_. A . a few daysB . a few monthsC . a few yearsD . a few hours(5)The writer said she was finally home because _. A . she learned to play the drumsB . she decided to leave the townC . she loved her home very muchD . she made some friends finally20. (12分)阅读理解Hello, everyone! Im Helen. We know students often feel tired(疲惫) because we have too much homework to do and we have to take lots of tests(测验). So we should think of ways to relax ourselves.I learn some ways from the Daily Mind. They are watching TV, playing computer games and doing sports. I think doing sports keeps us healthy(健康). But watching TV or playing computer games too much is bad for our eyes. It can make us short-sighted. So they are not good ways to help us relax. As for me, I often play Ping-Pong after class and listen to music before I go to bed. Besides, I often chat(聊天) with my friends.I find the ways really helpful to both my health and my study. So I hope they can help you.Thats all. Thanks.(1)What the main idea of the passage? A . To help us with our homework.B . To tell us some ways to make friends.C . To help us relax ourselves.D . To make us clever.(2)The students often feel tired because of_. A . going to bed too lateB . eating unhealthy foodC . too much homework and testsD . too much housework(3)Which way is NOT from the Daily Mind? A . Watching TV.B . Listening to music.C . Playing computer games.D . Doing sports(4)The underlined word “short-sighted” means _ in Chinese. A . 短处B . 缺点C . 近视D . 劣势(5)What can we infer(推断) about the Helen? A . Helen doesnt like doing sports.B . Helen likes playing computers with friends.C . Helen is very friendly and healthy.D . Helen doesnt like studying.(6)Which of the following is NOT true? A . Students often have lots of tests.B . Playing computer games is always bad for our eyes.C . Helen often plays Ping-Pong with her classmates.D . Chatting with friends is helpful to health and study.四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给。 Theres no chance that the iPhone is going to get any s_. No chance. Someone said this back in 2007, only weeks b_the launch (投放市场) of Apples very first iPhone. The person who said it? Steve Ballmer, the CEO of Microsoft at the time. Now, he might be feeling a little e_by what he said.Whats b_the success of Apples device? It does just about everything you can imagine. It calls, texts and e-mails; it can be used to listen to music, take and edit photos and videos, and offers many kinds of apps via its app store.The f_iPhone was expensive without 3G. But these problems didnt stop people from b_them, and when Apple came back a year l_with the 3G model, things started to really take off.The iPhone turns off its display (显示屏) when you lift it to your e_Some u_still havent known this.The glass in the iPhone has been made very hard. It is 30 t_stronger than plastic (塑料).Up until now, people have downloaded (下载) more than 7 billion apps from the app store.五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)22. (1分)Its _ (amaze) that she is able to solve the problem so quickly.六、 选词填空 (共1题;共4分)23. (4分)从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当形式填空。 publish like sell writeHarry Potter_by J. K. Rowling. Its very popular now. It_by many people. It_in many languages. Many copies_in the bookstores.七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)请阅读下面关于“你为什么学英语”的调查报告,根据所提供的信息,完成下面表格。 The Reasons of Learning EnglishToday lots of people in China can speak English and more and more people are learning this language. Then what do they learn English for? We have done a survey and here are some peoples reasons:Alice White: I like traveling by myself very much. Ive been to many places in China, and I plan to travel to some foreign countries. English is the most widely used language in the world, so learning English will do great help to my trips.Mark Smith: Im actually not so interested in English. I like Chinese much better. However, I have to learn English. We have to take English exams and the score(分数) of English takes a large part in the total score. Luckily, Im not doing too badly in it, or Ill have to struggle(奋斗) with it.Ben Green: It is necessary to learn English. As you know, the competition in the job market is very fierce(激烈的). If I have a good knowledge of English, I will have a chance of getting a good job. Kate Lu: Its interesting, isnt it? I can get information that others cant get. I can talk and write letters to interesting people that others cant communicate with. And I can always make people surprised by speaking good English. Information CardThe number of people who give reasons:_Alice Whites hobby:_The language that Mark Smith likes: _The chance Ben Green will have if he has a good knowledge of English:_What Kate Lu thinks of learning English?_八、 短文填空 (共1题;共7分)25. (7分)C. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)Tips for incoming freshman in High schoolI never really knew exactly how I felt about starting high school. While I was excited to make new friends and learn new things, I was also very nervous about finding my way around. I knew it would be d_to get used to a new life, but there really isnt much to fear! So, for all those new incoming freshmen out there, Im here to help you make it through your first year of high school!Here is just a list of some of the things I found helpful throughout my first year.1) Remember, you arent a_. There are hundreds of teens experiencing what you are experiencing this very moment! Although you may feel a million different things, just keep in m_that there are people that are feeling the same way.2) Dont be afraid to make new friends. There are many people who s_the same interests as you and are looking for those who have that interest. Sometimes you may have nothing in common but the need to make friends! Remember, there are plenty of teens out there for you.3) Join an interesting club or sport. High school is the time to t_new things, and luckily your school has so much to offer! There are so many clubs to choose from, like the environmental club, Spanish club, cooking club, and so many more! Many schools also offer a wide variety of sports, i_a freshman level! Joining a club or sport is also a great way to meet people!See? It really isnt that hard! Knowing these things will hopefully make you feel a little more c_about your freshman year of high school. Just keep your head held high and enjoy it while you can!九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)假如你是李琳,五一节将于父母一起去杭州游玩一天。请你写一封电子邮件给你的英国朋友Harry,告诉他你的五一计划。要求包括以下内容:1). 介绍行程安排:游玩西湖(the West Lake)、购物、观光、拍照2). 打算通过邮件把拍的照片发给Harry。3). 表达对本次游玩的看法,并询问Harry的假日计划。4). 词数:60词左右(开头和结尾不计入总词数)。Dear Harry,Thank you for your email from London.Best wishes!Yours,Li Lin第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、20-6、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)21-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)22-1、六、 选词填空 (共1题;共4分)23-1、七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)24-1、八、 短文填空 (共1题;共7分)25-1、九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26-1、

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