2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Period 2训练案(课本P51-P52)课件 新人教版.ppt

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2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Period 2训练案(课本P51-P52)课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Period 2训练案(课本P51-P52)课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Period 2训练案(课本P51-P52)课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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Period2训练案 课本P51 P52 Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots 一 单项填空 1 There apartythisweekend willhaveB areC willbeD isgoingtohave 2 Don tworry Everything well A goB goesC goingD went C 训练案 B 3 Hewill backintwomonths A ingB esC eD came 4 Intenyears John aputerprogrammer A isB willbeC wasD will C 训练案 B 5 Thereis meatbut cakesontheplate Pleasehaveone alittle afewB afew alittleC few littleD little afew 6 Therewillbeless inthefuture polluteB pollutionC pollutionsD polluting D 训练案 B 7 moretallbuildingsinourvillage Yes therewillbe WilltherebeB TherewillbeC WilltherehaveD Istherebe 8 Everyonewants tothemoonforvacation A flyB flyingC flewD tofly A 训练案 D 9 Annisverybusythesedays Shehas timetoplaywithme A fewB afewC littleD alittle 10 Ihave totellyou somethingimportantB importantsomethingC anythingimportantD importantanything C 训练案 A 二 完成句子 词数不限 11 他们做的事情和我们的一样 Theydo wedo 12 我希望将来有一份好工作 Ihopetohaveagoodjob 训练案 thesamethingsas inthefuture 13 这位老人一个人住在一套公寓房里 Theoldmanlives alone 14 我们现在在电脑上写作业 Wearedoinghomework now 训练案 inanapartment onputers 15 你认为100年后世界会是什么样 Whatdoyouthinktheworld in100years 训练案 willbelike 三 阅读理解 训练案 三 阅读理解 训练案 三 阅读理解 训练案 三 阅读理解 训练案 16 Accordingtothepassage wecanknowBeyonc is apianistB adancerC asingerD apainter C 训练案 17 Ben sparentsalways thesickpeopleinhospital helpB callC givemoneytoD tellstoriesto 18 Whowantstobeateacher A Ben B Jenny C Amy D Davy A 训练案 C 19 WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaccordingtothepassage A Ben sparentsarebothdoctors B JennywillgotoParisandstudyart C Amydoesn tlikestayingwithchildren D Davywantstobeafarmerwhenhegrowsup D 训练案 20 Whatarethestudentstalkingabout A Theirfuturelife B Theirfamily C Theirfavoritegame D Theirproblems A 训练案 四 短文填空 Whatwillthefuturebelike And21 willpeopledointhefuture Everyonewillcarryasmallputer22 onehundredyears Theputerwillgivepeoplethe23 toalltheirquestions what 训练案 in answers Wewillallhave24 atourhome Sowe llbe25 toletrobotsdomostofthehousework Whilemaking26 telephonecall we llalsobeabletoseethepeopleontheotherendatthe27 time Alotofpeoplewillliveandworkundersea robots 训练案 able a same orinspace28 therewillbebigtownsandfactoriesthere Robotswill29 mostofthework andpeoplewilljustworktwoorthreedaysaweek What smore we llbeableto30 tothemooninaspaceshipandspendourholidaysthere Whatagreatfuture because 训练案 do fly go 谢谢观看


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