2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Period 1训练案(课本P49-P50)课件 新人教版.ppt

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2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Period 1训练案(课本P49-P50)课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Period 1训练案(课本P49-P50)课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Period 1训练案(课本P49-P50)课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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Period1训练案 课本P49 P50 Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots 一 单项填空 1 Willpeoplelivetobe200yearsold No theyaren tB No theywon tC No theydon tD No theycan t B 训练案 2 In50yearsthere morerobotsinpeople shomes A wereB willhaveC willbeD have 3 Weshoulduse plastic 塑料 bagstoprotectourenvironment A lessB fewerC moreD much C 训练案 B 4 Inthefuture therewillbe freshwaterbecausetherewillbe pollutioninthesea less lessB fewer fewerC more moreD less more D 训练案 5 Everyoneshouldplayapartin water A saveB savesC savedD saving 6 Jimneedsthree pieceofpaperB piecesofpaperC piecesofpapersD pieceofpapers D 训练案 B 7 Ineed towritesomethingimportant A twopieceofpapersB twopaperC twopapersD twopiecesofpaper 8 Ithinkkidswillstudyathomeonputers tenyears A atB forC afterD in D 训练案 D 9 Ifwedon t therivers therewillbeless inthem A pollute pollutionB pollution pollutionC pollutes pollutionD pollution pollute A 训练案 10 Everyonewillhaveacreditcard 信用卡 There anypapermoneyinthefuture isn tB aren tC haven tD won tbe D 训练案 二 根据句意 用所给单词的适当形式填空 11 Therewillbe many peoplethanlastyear 12 Air pollute incitiesisgettingmoreandmoreserious 13 Ihave little freetimethanbefore more 训练案 pollution less 14 Thelittlegirlisingreat dangerous now 15 Weshouldplayapartin use lesswaterinourdailylife danger 训练案 using 三 完成句子 词数不限 16 每年的植树节 每位学生都参与了种树 Everystudent plantingtreesonTreePlantingDayeveryyear 17 将来地球上水会变得更少 Therewill ontheearthinthefuture 训练案 playsapartin belesswater 18 野生动物现在处于危险中 Thewildanimals now 19 如果你从不生气 你将活到99岁 Ifyouareneverangry youwill 99yearsold 训练案 areindanger livetobe 20 人们将用更少的水和种更多的树 Peoplewilluse andplant 训练案 lesswater moretrees 四 根据课本2d完成短文填空 Jillisreadingabookaboutthefuture Citieswillbemorecrowdedandpolluted Therewill21 fewertreesandtheenvironmentwillbe22 greatdanger Maybewehavetomovetootherplanetsifwedonothingtosavetheearth 训练案 be in Soweshoulduse23 waterandplant24 trees Everyoneshouldplayapartin25 theearth 训练案 less more saving 五 完形填空 Doyoulikerobots Robotsare26inthedailylife Forexample theycanhelppeoplesavemuchtimetodo27work andtheycanhelppeopleworkouttheproblemsbecausepeoplecan tdoit28 Ourcountrycalledoneveryonetolearntouseputersinthe 训练案 twenty firstcentury except29 Todaymoreandmorefamilieshavetheirownputers Parentsbuyputers30theirchildren Andmanyoftheirchildrenuseputerstoplaygamesorto31videosinsteadofstudying Somanyteachersandparentsplain 抱怨 that 训练案 thatputers32helpchildrenstudybutmakethemfallbehind 33putersarelockedinboxesbyparents Insomeothercountries evensomescientistsalsohateputers Theysayputersmakemillionsofpeoplelosetheirjobsorbringthemalotof34 训练案 Willputersreallybringtroubletopeopleorcantheybringpeoplehappiness Itwillbedecidedbytoday sstudents35 Itisalluptothem 训练案 26 A usefulB wonderfulC beautifulD careful 27 A manyB muchC littleD few 28 A easilyB clearlyC difficultlyD early 29 A youngpeopleB oldpeopleC menD women A 训练案 B A B 30 A toB forC withD 31 A readB listentoC watchD see 32 A canB mustn tC can tD needn t 33 A soB thoughC butD or B 训练案 C C A 34 A chancesB hopesC happinessD trouble 35 A ourselvesB himselfC herselfD themselves D 训练案 D 谢谢观看

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