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中小学第三课堂八年级阶段性检测英语试题总分:80分 时间:60分钟姓名:_ 得分:_一、 单项选择题(1分/题,共15题,共15分)( ) 1. Could you please sweep the floor? _. I have to do my homework. A. Yes, sure. B. Why not? C. Sorry, you cant. D. Sorry, I cant ( ) 2. Well have _ to do in English class. A. something different B. different something C. anything different D. different anything( ) 3. You could save some money you can buy a gift for your mother.A. in order toB. becauseC. soD. so that ( ) 4. Jim spent two hours _ that house. A. to draw B. draws C. draw D. drawing( )5. Could you please provide us _ some information about the students health? Of course, its my pleasure. A. to B. of C. from D. with( ) 6. His father doesnt allow him swimming alone.A. goesB. to goC. goingD. go( ) 7.If you dont go, I wont go, _.A. also B. too C. either D. but ( ) 8. They arrived_ Paris _ a winter evening.A. at, in B. to, on C. in, on D. in, at ( ) 9. He should the teacher. 新 课 标 第 一 网A. explainB. explain toC. explained D. explained to( ) 10.When I got into the room, Green was talking _the phone. A. on B. with C. to D. in( ) 11.What were you doing at 9:00 last Sunday morning? I _.A. did my homework B. am doing my homework C. do my homework D. was doing my homework( )12. Id invite her _ dinner at my house tomorrow. A. have B. to have C. having D. had( ) 13. There is _ alarm on the table.A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 14. -Mr. Li _ to Mary carefully when I entered the classroom this morning.-He is very patient _ he is young.A. talking, but B. was talking, though C. talks, though D. talked, however( ) 15.He doesnt feeling like _ a picnic in the park this weekend.A. have B. to have C. having D. had二、完形填空(1分/题,共10题,共10分)阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。 Mr. Green works in an office in Chicago_16_Saturday, he went to the office to do some work. When he got on the elevator ,it stopped between the_17_Mr. Green could not get out of the elevator. He started to _18_,but no one _19_ himThen Mr. Green remembered that it was a holiday in Smerica. No one was going to come to work_20_Tuesday. There was _21_for him to doHe had to waitWith nothing to eat _22_ drink,Mr. Green slept for most of the timeEarly Tuesday morning,his_23_came to work and found the elevator was not workingWhen the elevator was _24_,M r. Green came outHe was cold,weakand tiredHe had been in the elevator for about sixty-four _25_. Now Mr. Green says,“I will only use elevators if they have a telephone in them.”( ) 16AOn BOne CAll DNone( )17Abuildings Brooms Csteps Dfloors( )18Aspeak Bsay Cshout D1augh( ) 19Asaw Bheard Ccame Dtalked( )20Auntil Bon Cby Dsince( )21Asomething Bnothing Ceverything Danything( )22Aand Bfor Cor Dbut( )23Awife Bteachers Cparents Dworkmates( )24Aclosed Bopened Cclean Dempty( ) 25Ahours Bdays Cminutes Dweeks三、阅读理解(2分/题,共10题,共20分)A Do you get enough sleep? With so much homework its often difficult to get the rest you need. But you need to try, because sleep keeps you healthy and it stops you getting fat. Recently, a group of US scientists did a study of kids aged between 8 and 13. The study found that if kids sleep for just one extra(额外的)hour each day, the chance of their getting fat is cut by about 30 percent(30). Why? When people dont get enough sleep,they become tired. When they are tired,they Dont exercise enoughAlso,kids like snacksIf they are awake(醒着的)an extra hour or two each day, they have more time to eat snacks or other unhealthy foods. So, how much sleep should you get? Scientists suggest 10 to 11 hours a night for kids aged 5 to 12. For older kids, eight to nine hours will do.( )26How many reasons are given why people might get fat without enough sleep?A. 3 B. 2 C. 1 D. None( )27If you are under 1 0,how long do the scientists advice you to sleep? A. 10 to 11 hours B. 8 to 9 hours C. 8 to 13 hours D. As long as possible( )28Where was the study done by the scientists?A. In China B. In Britain C. In America D. In Japan( )29What does“eight to nine hours will do”mean? A. Eight to nine hours sleep will be good and enough B. Eight to nine hours sleep will be too long C. Eight to nine hours sleep will help get fat D. Eight to nine hours sleep will help eat snacks and unhealthy foods( )30What does the passage talk about?AHow to get long sleep BHow to keep fatCEnough sleep makes people healthy and slim(苗条) DLong sleep makes people healthy and slim( ) 31. “_”can tell you what to do if you are tired of a subject. A. Study Skills for Life B. Learning How to Learn C. Basic Study Guidebook D. How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children( ) 32. Many pictures in the book “Learning How to Learn” can_. A. make children read slowly B. make children understand the book easily C. make the book boring D. make children draw beautifully( ) 33. According to the ads,the three books are for_.A. the old B. parents C. children D. men( )34If you buy How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children on January 25,2010 you will just pay_ for themA. $22 B. $36 C. $35 D. $2l( )35The purpose of the three ads is toA. sell these books to the children B. help children learn EnglishC. help children learn about nature D. use a dictionary to pronounce correctly四、单词拼写(1分/题,共5题,共5分)1. Why didnt you go to the party last night? Because my parents didnt a_ me to go out at night.2. The sun r _in the east.3、Mother was cooking in the _ (厨房)when I came home.4、When the rain _(突然地)came, what were you doing?5、I felt really n_before the interview.五、动词运用(1分/题,共10题,共10分)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。(请将各小题的答案写在短文后相应的横线上。)Once there was an old man in a townHe always 1_ (forget)things,So his wife always had to say to him,“Dont 2_(forget) this!One day he went on a long trip aloneBefore he 3_ (1eave)home,his wife said, Now you_4_(have)all these things. They are what you need for your tripDont lose your things during the trip.” Then he went to the station, 5_ (buy)a ticket and got on the train with it. About half an hour later, the conductor began 6_ (check)the ticketHe came to the old man and asked, “7_ you please_ (show)me your ticket? The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets,but he 8_ (can not find)it. He was very worried. “1 cant find my ticketI really bought a ticket before I got on the train said the old man“I believe you bought a ticketAll right,you 9_ (not have)to buy another one, said the conductor kindly.But the old man said sadly, “How can I know where I 10_ (go)? I cant know my station!1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_六、阅读表达(2分/题,共5题,共10分)One day John took two of his friends into the mountains. They put up their tents and then rode off to a forest to see how the trees were growing.By afternoon when they were about ten kilometers from their camp, it started to snow. More and more snow fell. 3Soon John could hardly see his hands before his face. He could not find the road! John knew there were two roads. One road went to the camp, and the other went to Johns house. But all was white snow. Everything was the same. How could he take his friends back to the camp? John had an idea. The horses! Let the horses take them back! But what would happen if the horses took the road to his house? That would be a trip of thirty-five kilometers in such cold weather!4.It was getting late. They rode on and on. At last the horses stopped. There John found their tents.(一)根据短文内容简要回答问题。1.Where did John and his two friends go one day?_2.How was the weather in the afternoon?_(二)将短文中画线的句子译成汉语。3. _4. _(三)请给短文拟一个适当的标题。5. _七、书面表达(10分)假如你是Han Mei,下面是你的笔友Alice给你发来的一封e-mail,请根据e-mail的内容,给她写一封回信,与她交流看法。(提示语:listen to, mothers love, care about, communicate with, get along with, smile)要求:60-80词Dear Han Mei,Im afraid Ive got a big problem recently. My mother talks too much to me. She always tells me, “Be careful while crossing the street.” “Put on more clothes.” “Did you do a good job at school?” and so on. Im annoyed. What shall I do?Dear Alice,_Yours,Han Mei参考答案一、 单项选择1-5 D A D D D 6-10 B C C B A 11-15 D B B B C 二、完形填空16-20 B D C B A 21-25 B A D B A 三、阅读理解26-30 B A C A C 31-35 C B C D A 四、单词拼写1 allow 2 order 3 kitchen 4. suddenly 5 nervous 五、动词运用1 forgot 2 forget 3 left 4 have 5 bought 6 to check 7 Could show 8 couldnt find 9 dont have 10 will go 六、阅读表达1、 They went into the mountains. 2. It was snowy.3 很快约翰就几乎看不到他面前的双手。4 天正在变晚。5 A trip to the forest.七、书面表达Dear Alice, As a teenager, I met the same problem as you. But now I can get along/ on better with my mother. Hereare some ideas for you. Your mother talks much, because she cares about you. Maybe its not a good way, but it shows yourmothers love. So I think you should listen to her. If your opinions are different from your mothers, youcan communicate with her, and tell her what youre thinking about. If your mother doesnt take your advice, just keep silent and give her a smile. I hope what I say here can help you a lot.Yours,Han Mei.8

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