人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级下册 Unit 4 When is Easter Part B 同步测试(二)(I)卷

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人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级下册 Unit 4 When is Easter Part B 同步测试(二)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 选出下列各组单词中不同类的选项。 (共1题;共1分)1. (1分)Its taller than both of _(we). 二、 用所给单词的正确形式填空。 (共4题;共11分)2. (5分)将句子抄写在四线三格上。 (1)Is it a tree? _(2)Is it a ruler? _(3)Is it a pen? _(4)It is a girl. _(5)It is a bag. _3. (1分)New Years Day is in _. 4. (4分) Where does _ _live?_a _. 5. (1分)May is the_(five) month of a year. 三、 给下列问句选择合适的答语。 (共3题;共6分)6. (2分)- do you get up in the morning?-I get up at half past sixA . WhenB . How oftenC . What7. (2分)What are those?Theyre .A . sheepB . horsesC . hens8. (2分)_ are you going to do this Sunday? A . WhatB . WhereC . Why四、 从方框里选出适当的答案。 (共3题;共8分)9. (1分)A bathroom is on the _ (second, two) floor. 10. (1分)The_(stars/moon) are like diamonds in the sky. 11. (6分)读一读Ann的生日邀请卡,选词填空Ann lives_Datong Street. Her birthday is on the_of May. She will have a birthday_. The party begins_half past two in the afternoon. It is a “green party”! Green is Anns_colour. Her friends can _some green things to the party. It sounds interesting.五、 把下面的日期填入它所在的季节。(只写序号) (共1题;共1分)12. (1分)A maths book and five _(notebook/notebooks).六、 根据例子写出下列日期的英语形式。 (共1题;共1分)13. (1分)There are_(seven, seventh)days in a week 七、 根据表格,回答问题。 (共1题;共10分)14. (10分)阅读理解 Mr. White lives in a tall building. He lives on the sixteenth floor. Every day, he takes a lift (电梯) up and down.One Saturday afternoon, he went shopping with his little son and bought many things. They drove back and carried all the things up to the lift. Suddenly they saw a piece of paper on the wall. It said, Dear sirs, theres something wrong with the lift. Please use the stairs now. The son took a bag and ran upstairs quickly. But Mr. White walked and walked.At last they stood in front of their door feeling very tired. Mr. White began to look for the keys, but he could not find them. Suddenly he shouted in a loud voice, Oh, no! Ive left my keys in the car.(1)Mr. White lives on the _ floor. A . 12thB . 14thC . 16th(2)Does he take a lift every day? A . Yes, he does.B . No, he doesnt.C . I dont know.(3)Did they buy many things? A . Yes, they did.B . No, they didnt.C . Yes, they were(4)Why didnt they use the lift? Because _. A . they wanted to exercise their bodiesB . they like walking upstairsC . theres something wrong with the lift(5)Where were the keys? A . At home.B . In the car.C . In his bag.八、 把日期与对应的节日连线。 (共1题;共5分)15. (5分)给所给节日选择正确的月份Tree-planting Day_A、 SeptemberNation Day _B、 OctoberTeachers Day_C、 AugustNew Years Day_D、 MarchArmy Day_E、 January九、 根据表格内容判断下列句子是否正确。 (共4题;共38分)16. (8分)阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 A man finds a seat on a train, but theres a bag on it. So he asks the woman beside the seat, Is there anyone here?Yes. He II be back soon! the woman answers.The man is very tired. He sits down and says, I will sit till(直到) he comes back!Ten minutes later, the train starts to move.Oh, poor guy. He misses the train, but he cant lose his bag. After saying these words, the man throws the bag out of the window.Its my bag! the woman shouts out, but its too late.(1)The man finds a seat on a _. A . B . C . (2)The man sits down because _. A . the woman asks him to sit downB . there isnt anything on the seatC . he is too tired(3)Who throws the bag out of the window? A . The woman.B . The man.C . The driver.(4)Whose bag is it? A . The mans.B . The womans.C . I dont know.17. (10分)阅读短文,选择正确的答案。My name is Li Jia. I live in Beijing. I like doing different things in different seasons.In spring, it is warm and windy.I can fly kites when it is windy. Sometimes I go hiking(去远足)with my parents. Summer is sunny and hot. So I can go swimming every day. It make me healthy and strong.Autumn is a harvest season. I like it because I can eat delicious fruit in this season.Winter is cold and snowy.When it snows,everything is white. I can play with snow, make a snowman and skate(滑冰).So I like winter best.(1)How many seasons are there in a year?A . ThreeB . FourC . Five.(2)Li Jia can fly kites when its_A . sunnyB . snowyC . windy(3)Sometimes Li Jia and her parents go hiking in _A . WinterB . springC . summer(4)Li Jia often _ in summerA . goes swimmingB . goes on a picnicC . eats ice cream(5)Li Jia likes _best.A . SpringB . AutumnC . winter18. (10分)读对话,判断句子正误。 T=Tom A=AnneT:Excuse me.A: Yes?T: My pen is broken. Can I use your pen, please?A: Yes, I have two pens. Here you are.T: Thank you very much! And do you have a ruler?A: Yes.T: Can I use your ruler?A: No, Im sorry. I have only one! Please remember(记得)to bring your pencil box next time.(1)Anne has two pens. (2)Tom wants to borrow a pen from Anne. (3)Tom gets a ruler from Anne. (4)Tom doesnt bring his pencil box. (5)Anne doesnt bring her pencil box. 19. (10分)Life on the farmMy uncle lives in a small town. He has a big farm. On his farm there are fifteen horses, eighteen sheep, twenty hens,eleven cows ,thirty ducks and a dog.My uncle usually gets up early in the morning. He usually gets up at 6:30. He has breakfast at 6:45.Then he goes to the supermarket to buy some meat with the dog at 7 oclock. At half past eight he comes back from the town and feeds the animals. Then he milks the cow and picks up the eggs at about 10:30. He eats lunch at 12 oclock. After lunch he needs to feed the animals again. In the afternoon, he always cleans up the stable and the hen house.When the sungoes down, thenightbecomes dark, everything aroundfarm also becomes quite. After a days work, my uncle locks the door and goes to visit his old friends.根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。(1)My uncle lives in a _.A . small townB . big city C . small house(2)There are _and _on the farm.A . thirty dogs, thirty ducksB . fifteen horses, twenty cowsC . eleven cows, eighteen sheep(3)My uncle _at half past ten.A . eats breakfastB . milks the cowC . goes to his friends(4)In the afternoon my uncle always _.A . feed the animalsB . clean up the hen houseC . buy some meat(5)Which of the follow is TRUE?A . My uncle goes to the supermarket at 7 oclock in the evening.B . My uncle always visits his friends in the evening.C . My uncle feeds the animals three times a day.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 选出下列各组单词中不同类的选项。 (共1题;共1分)1-1、二、 用所给单词的正确形式填空。 (共4题;共11分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、4-1、5-1、三、 给下列问句选择合适的答语。 (共3题;共6分)6-1、7-1、8-1、四、 从方框里选出适当的答案。 (共3题;共8分)9-1、10-1、11-1、五、 把下面的日期填入它所在的季节。(只写序号) (共1题;共1分)12-1、六、 根据例子写出下列日期的英语形式。 (共1题;共1分)13-1、七、 根据表格,回答问题。 (共1题;共10分)14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、八、 把日期与对应的节日连线。 (共1题;共5分)15-1、九、 根据表格内容判断下列句子是否正确。 (共4题;共38分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、

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