三年级英语下册 module 7 unit 2 how many apples are there in the box课件 外研版.ppt

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三年级英语下册 module 7 unit 2 how many apples are there in the box课件 外研版.ppt_第1页
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Module7Unit2 Howmanyapplesarethereinthebox 1 Beabletounderstand speakandusethefollowingwords monkey apple box lion girl boy computer bear kangaroo elephant dog 2 Beabletounderstand speakandusethefollowingsentences Howmanymonkeysarethere Howmanydogsarethereinthebox 教学要求与目标 sixpigs twotigers threedogs Thereare six pigs Thereare twotigers Therearethreedogs Thereareeightapples isachair There Therearefourmonkeys Therearefourpeaches Therearesixgirls Therearethreechairs Therearesixgirlsandsixchairs Thereare Thereare children fivechairs Therearefivechildren Thereare caps five six Thereare children Thereare three twoT shirts There There arefourchildren arefourpencils There atable There threebooks thetable Therearethree There books areenough aren tenough is are boys areenough on Howmanychildreninyourclass Homework 1 仿造课本中的例子 重新造一组句子 利用本课所学句型 2 完成课后练习内容 Thankyouverymuch Bye bye


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