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沪教版第三中学2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) (2019八下宝山期末) The old lady with white hair can speak _ French very well. A . theB . aC . anD . /2. (2分) Thank you. _.A . Youre welcome.B . No, thanks.C . Thats OK.D . A or C3. (2分) _ you like ice cream? A . AreB . AmC . DoesD . Do4. (2分) (2019八下密山期末) Mr. Smith is friendly _ us, but he is very strict _ our studies. A . for; withB . to; inC . to; with5. (2分) Can you _cat?Yes, I can. C-A-T, cat.A . spellB . drawC . readD . meet6. (2分) She hurt herself badly she had to see a doctor. A . too; thatB . so; thatC . very; thatD . too; to7. (2分) (2019昆明) Gina, could you please play the drums on the art festival? _. I can only play the guitar.A . Im afraid I cantB . Yes. I canC . Sure. Id love toD . Not bad8. (2分) (2017吉林模拟) I hate vegetables. I _ eat them.But they are good for your health! You should eat them every day.A . alwaysB . seldomC . oftenD . usually9. (2分) (2019八下江阴期中) I_ Jack _ go to the cinema with you tonight. He always watches films with me. A . think; wontB . dont think; isC . dont think; willD . think; isnt going to10. (2分) (2019七下开封期中) _is it from the radio station? Its about 10 kilometers.A . How longB . How farC . How muchD . How many11. (2分) Can you the new CD for me? I want to listen to the songs in it. A . playB . lockC . open12. (2分) (2019南宁模拟) Jessica bought two _as presents for me when she came back from the US. A . milkB . breadC . watchD . dictionaries13. (2分) We expect others to behave a certain way so we can feel good about ourselves. A . atB . inC . toD . of14. (2分) He keeps up his longdistance running whether it is snowy or windy. A . is snowsB . snowsC . is snowing15. (2分) Would you like a cup of orange juice,Andy? _. I just want to drink a cup of water. A . Yes,Id like toB . No,I wouldntC . Yes,pleaseD . No,thanks二、 完型填空 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分) (2017乐山) 完形填空BA young woman in her 20s was sitting on the train, next to her mother. They both looked tired1excited.The young woman was looking out from the trains window. Suddenly, she shouted: Mom,look, the trees are behind us! Her voice was so 2that everyone on the train heard.Mom smiled. But a young couple sitting nearby looked at the young womans childish behavior (行为 ) with pity. Poor young woman. There must be something wrong with her3, they thought.A while later, the young woman4again: Mom, look! The clouds are running with us!Mom smiled again. And she seemed very happy with the young womans words.5, the couple couldnt help asking the old woman: Sorry if we offend (目犯) you. But why dont you take your daughter to a good doctor?The old woman smiled and said: Actually(其实), we have just come from the6.Then you should go to a better one. Because it seems that your daughters situation hasnt 7, said one ofthem. They felt so bad for the old woman.No, in fact Im very happy with the treatment, said the mother. My daughter was8from birth. Today, she is seeing the world for the first time.Every single person has a story. Dont judge people before you truly know them. The truth might9you.(1)A . but B . and C . as D . or (2)A . sweet B . low C . loud D . soft (3)A . tooth B . mind C . leg D . arm (4)A . said B . asked C . shouted D . danced (5)A . Finally B . Luckily C . Similarly D . Probably (6)A . school B . factory C . museum D . hospital (7)A . started B . improved C . changed D . appeared (8)A . ill B . deaf C . blind D . weak (9)A . tell B . find C . surprise D . please 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)17. (6分) (2019八上龙华期末) 阅读理解 MAY RESTAURANTTel: 83386223Add: 635 Grand RoadOpen:Mon. to Fri. 7:00 a.m.2:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m.9:00 p.m.Sat. & Sun. 7:00 a.m.2:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.10:00 p.m.You can get 20% discount if you have dinner from Monday to Friday.HISTORY MUSEUMTel: 87796960Add: 69 HK RoadOne of Guangdong largest museums about the history of Guangdong.Open:Mon. to Fri. 9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.Sat. & Sun. 9:00 a.m.3:00 p.m.Ticket: 6 for an adult; 4 for a child; 14 for a family (two adults and a child)MOON HOTELTel: 83338989Add: 368 East Huanshi RoadBreakfast: 6:30 a.m.9:00 a.m.Lunch: 11:30 a.m.2:00 p.m.Dinner: 5:30 p.m.10:00 p.m.Coffee shop: 11:30 a.m.2:00 p.m.(Sat. & Sun.)LILY SHOPPING MALLTel: 87872738Add: 5300 Shanghai RoadOpen:Mon. to Fri. 10:00 a.m.11:00 p.m.Sat. & Sun. 9:00 a.m.10:30 p.m.(1) If you want to go out for lunch on Sunday, which telephone number do you need? A . 83386223 or 83338989.B . 87796960 or 83386223.C . 83338989 or 87872738.D . 82135679 or 87878989.(2) Kitty is ten years old. If Kitty and her younger brother go to History Museum with her parents, how much would she pay for? A . 18.B . 16.C . 21.D . 14.(3) Which one is closed for three hours in the afternoon on weekends? A . MOON HOTEL.B . MAY RESTAURANT.C . HISTORY MUSEUM.D . INSECT MUSEUM.(4) According to the passage, which one of the following is TRUE? A . You can learn the history of Guangdong in History Museum.B . You can have dinner at 3 p.m.in Moon Hotel.C . Peter can hear the history of Hongkong in History Museum.D . Alice can pay for his lunch on Sunday with 20% discount.18. (8分) (2019娄底模拟) 阅读理解 The children were having their class. Miss Wang was telling them what water was like. After that she asked her students, What is water? No one answered. Miss Wang asked them again, Why dont you answer my question? Didnt I tell you what water was like?Just then a boy put up his hand and said, Miss Wang, you told us that water has no color and no smell. But where shall we find this kind of water? The water in the river behind my house is always black. And it has a terrible smell. Most of the students agreed with him.Im sorry, children, Miss Wang said. Our water is becoming dirtier and dirtier. That is quite an important problem for us to solve.(1) Miss Wang was the childrens _. A . sisterB . teacherC . aunt(2) Miss Wang was telling the children _. A . what color the river was.B . how water became dirty.C . what water was like.(3) Maybe the children were having their _ class. A . EnglishB . scienceC . history(4) The water in the river has color and smell because its getting _. A . more and moreB . less and lessC . dirtier and dirtier(5) Which sentence tells us that the water has been polluted? A . The water in the river behind my house is always black.B . You told us that water has no color and no smell.C . Im sorry, children.19. (8分) 阅读理解 Dear Yang Kai,Would you like to go out for a picnic with my brother and me at 3: 30 on Sunday afternoon?We will have the picnic in Yingze Park. You know where it is, dont you? You can take the No. 6 bus to the park. After you go into the park, walk straight on for about five minutes until you come to a small but clean river. There is a bridge over it. Go across the bridge and turn left. After walking for ten minutes, you will come to a hill. Walk to the other side (边) of the hill and you will see a lake (湖). We will have the picnic by the lake. Im sure you will find us easily. Dont forget (忘记) the time. Yours,Hao Gang(1) Yang Kai can take the _to Yingze Park. A . No. 2 busB . No. 4 busC . No. 6 busD . No. 8 bus(2) It will take Yang Kai about _to go from the gate of the park to the river. A . 5 minutesB . 10 minutesC . 15 minutesD . 20 minutes(3) Yang Kai will find the lake _. A . near the bus stopB . near the gate of the parkC . on the other side of the riverD . on the other side of the hill(4) The three people will have a picnic _in the park. A . by the lakeB . on the hillC . near the riverD . on the bridge20. (8分) (2019东营) 阅读理解 The cold wind blew strongly outside. Amaya was warm in her house, thinking about an article shed read at school. The article was about kids who helped out their communities, and she thought it would be really cool to help her own town, Harvard.The only problem was that she wasnt sure how to help. In the article, the kids had grown food for people who needed food, but it was winter. She couldnt start a garden. Amaya was deep in thought when her mom said it was time to go shopping.As they drove along the road, Amaya saw a family walking on the sidewalk( 人 行 道 ), wearing only light jackets. How cold they must be! That gave her an idea! She could collect winter coats, hats and gloves for people who needed them.She shared her idea with her mom, who thought it was great. But how would they spread the idea to get plenty of winter clothing? Amaya decided to talk to her teacher, because then she could share her idea with her classmates at least.Ms. Monroe agreed when Amaya talked about her idea. They decided to call the project Hats in Harvard. Then they wrote a letter explaining the project. Ms. Monroe even said she could help Amaya talk to the headmaster about it, so they could get the whole school to join in it. They met with the headmaster during lunch time. He was excited about the idea, and said he would make sure copies(复印件) of the letter went home with all the students.They collected enough winter clothing in only one week. Then they left the clothes around two parks, so families who needed clothes could get them there. Three days later, Amaya and her mom went shopping again. She saw the same family that had given her the idea for Hats in Harvard. This time, though, the family looked nice and warm in some new coats, hats and gloves. Amaya felt warm in her heart, and was very glad she could help others.(1) Amaya wanted to after she had read an article at school. A . grow foodB . collect winter clothingC . help her own townD . go shopping with her mom(2) Whom did Amaya share her idea with first? A . Her teacher.B . Her mother.C . Her classmates.D . Her headmaster.(3) The underlined word it in Paragraph 5 refers to(指的是) . A . the letterB . the projectC . the winter clothingD . Ms. Monroes idea(4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . It took three days to collect enough clothes.B . Ms. Monroe only helped Amaya write a letter.C . Families who needed clothes got clothes from Amaya.D . The headmaster helped spread the project Hats in Harvard.(5) After reading the passage, we can know that . A . Amaya herself could complete the project wellB . Hats in Harvard was supported by many people in HarvardC . the family that gave Amaya the idea for Hats in Harvard knew AmayaD . Amaya helped the families who needed winter clothing because she knew them四、 词汇运用 (共10题;共10分)21. (1分) (2019八下保定期中) After the storm, there were _(倒)trees and rubbish here and there. 22. (1分) Careless driving has caused many_ (交通) accidents in the past few years. 23. (1分) We are in the _(同样的) class. 24. (1分) Timmy had happy_(memory)of his school life25. (1分) He failed his maths examination because of his_(粗心的)work. 26. (1分) (2019七上江都期中) I usually visit the Slender West Lake _ (one) a year. 27. (1分) (2019七上长春月考) My brother is 14 years old. He is a m_ school student. 28. (1分) Zhang Yining is one of the most famous _ (sportswoman) in China. 29. (1分) (2019七下宁波月考) Its a _(一刻钟)to eight now. The class will begin soon. 30. (1分) (2019苏州) Mr. Wu said he had _(很少)seen a child with so much talent. 五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)31. (1分) 任务型阅读 In some Western countries, many children do chores to get pocket money (零花钱)._School students have to do homework and study for tests. _They often do chores on weekends._So they dont get much money. But thats enough. Many of them only want to buy candy(糖果). And candy is cheap! They often help do the dishes, sweep the floor, or feed the pet cat or dog.When they get older, they want to buy more and more things. They want things that are more expensive than candy. _They often help their parents wash the family car, cut the grass, or cook meals.Some jobs are a good way for kids to learn new things. _Of course, their parents help them at first.A. So they have to work harder!B. They usually start to do this when they are ten years old.C. They dont have much free time on weekdays.D. For example, they can learn how to use a lawnmower (割草机) or how to cook.E. Young Kids dont need to do chores.F. Young kids only do easy chores.六、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)32. (1分) This is a nice _. 七、 翻译句子 (共5题;共25分)33. (5分) 我们希望青少年能远离香烟。 We hope that teenagers can _ _ from cigarettes.34. (5分) 你错过了聚会,真是遗憾。 _ _ _ that you missed the party.35. (5分) 它是一种很庞大的动物,通常独自生活。 Its a very _animal and _lives _.36. (5分) “你是海伦吗?”“是的,我是。” _Helen?Yes, I am. 37. (5分) 我们应该做些事来保护地球。 We should do something to _ _ _.八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)38. (5分) (2018眉山) 为了学习和弘扬东坡文化,我们学校举办了东坡文化艺术节,请你根据以下要点,用英语写一篇报道。要点:1)时间、地点:5月23日(星期三)上午9点,学校英语厅;2)形式:东坡文化讲座、东坡诗词诵读、学生才艺表演;3)感受:参考词汇:lecture讲座; develop弘扬注意:1)所写内容必须包含所有提示要点,并作适当发挥;2)词数80左右。(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);3)文中不能出现考生的真实姓名、校名等信息;Meishan is a great place with colorful and traditonal Dongpo Culture.第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略二、 完型填空 (共1题;共1分)16、答案:略三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略四、 词汇运用 (共10题;共10分)21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略30、答案:略五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)31、答案:略六、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)32、答案:略七、 翻译句子 (共5题;共25分)33、答案:略34、答案:略35、答案:略36、答案:略37、答案:略八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)38、答案:略

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