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译林牛津版中考一模英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Young children cannot _ fireworks if their parents are not with them.Athink aboutBtalk ofCfind outDlet off2 . This article reminds me _ the past life.【高频考点】AaboutBofCtoDfrom3 . -You made terrible mistake here. - Sorry. I wont make _ same mistake for _ second time.Athe; a; theBthe; a ; aCa; the ; theDa; the; a4 . -It is said that people born in the Year of the Dog are gentle Maybe, the Year of the Dog is regarded as a peaceful year. And we Chinese people have a tradition to name each year after one of the_animals.AtwelveBtwenty-fourCthirty5 . Where did you go last week?I went to Zhang Aipings hometown and visited the house he was born in.AthatBwhereCwhoDwhose6 . _ exciting news! We have never had _ long vacation before.AWhat; such aBWhat an; a suchCHow; such aDHow an; a such7 . - A lot of old people are _ . We should listen to them and care for them?-You are right. I mean, were going to be old one day.AsuccessfulBindependentClonelyDalone8 . Itwhen Imy homework last night.Araining, didBrained, was doingCwas raining, doDrains, was doing9 . Can I putnew bike here, Millie?Sure. You can put it next to.Amy; heBmine; hisCmy; hisDmine; her10 . (题文)I want to _ in front of my birthday cake and I hope it can come true.Amake a wishBtake a showerCmake friendsDtake a walk11 . _ are you going to Qingdao?Im going to take a train there.AHowBWhyCWhenDWhere12 . He doesnt study hard _ his lessons.He should stop _ computer games.Ain;playingBat;playCto;to playDat;playing13 . She willthe area after finishing her studies.Areturn toBreturnCreturn back14 . The cost of living in Chengdu is among the lowest in China, _ the quality of life is probably one of the highest.AsinceBwhenCasDwhile15 . What good news! Xiaogan West Stationin Yunmeng in two years.AbuildsBwill buildCis builtDwill be built二、补全对话7选5补全对话AWhat should we do?BThat could be bad for her.CWhats the matter with Alice? DI have to look after her.EWhat can we do before help arrives? FSuddenly my cup fell off the table.GAnd yesterdays first class was about first aidA: Hey, Betty! Did you have classes about first aid? B: Yes, I did.16 . A: Thats great. Come and have a look at Alice.B: Oh?17 . A: Her face is red. And her head is very hot. B: Let me have a look. Oh, Alice is ill.A: Her mother is not at home. 18 . B: We should call 120 for help.A: 19 . B: Try to keep her cool.A: Do we need to sit her on the chair?B: No! 20 . Let her lie on the bed. Keeping her cool is enough. A: Good! You could be a good doctor.三、完型填空Millie was a very lonely girl. One morning, Millie found two weak_near her house. She took them home and put them in a small cage(笼子). After being looked after well with love, the two birds luckily grew_little by little. Every morning,_said hello to Millie with a wonderful song. Millie felt great love from the birds.When the two birds fully recovered(恢复) , they managed to fly out of the cage and get back to the nature.But Millie wanted them to stay with her, since she was so_. The stronger bird of the two_became impatient and unhappy. It refused to eat and drink anything and became weak again day after day. One morning, Millie found it lay in the cage quietly. It died. It was her love that killed it.Millie_the other bird kept moving in the cage. She could feel its great need for the clear and blue _. After thinking for a long time, Millie opened the cage. The bird_Millie for a while and flew out with a happy song. From time to time, the bird flew closer and_on her shoulder. It sang the sweetest song that Millie had ever_.Millie realized the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tight(紧) , and the best way to keep love is to give it wings!21 . AbirdsBgoatsCdogs22 . AweakerBstrongerCyounger23 . AtheyBsheChe24 . AcarefulBnervousClonely25 . AgraduallyBquietlyCseriously26 . AguessedBstoppedCnoticed27 . AskyBseaCfood28 . Athought ofBgave upClooked at29 . AlandedBcriedCshouted30 . AwrittenBheardCseen四、阅读单选AanaI work in a bank from Monday.My house is near a park and is about ten kilometers from my office.I usually go to work by train.I usually get up at 6.30 am and take the train at 7 am.It usually takes me about thirty minutes to get to my office.The train is quick and cheap. I am never late for work.I am a student. My house is near a beautiful lake. My school is across from the lake. I can walk to school across a bridge. It takes me about thirty minutes. But I often go to school by boat, because it is more fun. It takes me about twenty minutes.NancyIm a waiter. I work in a restaurant from Monday to Saturday. I often go to work by bus. It is about five kilometers from my house to the restaurant. It takes me about twenty-five minutes to go to work. Sometimes I am late for work because the_is very busy.31 . Anna usually arrives at her office at about _.A6:30 amB7 amC7:30 amD8 am32 . Joe often _ to school.Atakes a busBtakes a trainCwalksDtakes a boat33 . Nancy lives about _ kilometers from her working place.AfiveBtenCfifteenDtwenty34 . The underlined word traffic means _in Chinese.A餐馆B交通C市场D车站35 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AAnna is sometimes late for work.BJoe lives near a river.CNancy works five days a week.DThree of them go out by different means of transportation(交通方式).You may wonder whether stress (焦虑) is a serious matter. The answer is “Yes”. You should realize that stress is a risk to your health. If you want to live a long and healthy life, you need to begin to guard against stress from a young age.Here are some ways to deal with stress and bring balance (平衡) to your life: Be positiveOne way to cancel out (消除) stress is through positive thinking. You should always look on the bright side of life, and imagine that you will have a happy and successful future. Learn to relaxForce yourself to take a break from your studies and worries about exams. You can do this by taking a walk, reading a book, going to a concert or seeing a film, or just sitting in a private place and being silent for a moment. Take up a hobbyLearn to paint, take up skating, or start playing a musical instrument. When you are busy with a hobby, you leave all your worries behind. Take care of your bodyStress is your bodys enemy. Taking exercise, eating healthily and getting enough sleep are all the things that can help you. LaughSometimes laughter is the best medicine for stress. Seeing a funny film or telling jokes with friends will often cheer you up when you are low.36 . The underlined word “positive” in the passage means “_” in Chinese.A悲伤的B消极的C乐观的D勤奋的37 . Which of the following relaxing ways is not mentioned in the passage?APlaying computer games.BTaking a walk.CSeeing a film.DReading a book.38 . The writer thinks that _ is harmful to your health.AlaughterBtelling jokesCtaking up skatingDstress39 . What is the best title for the passage?ATake care of your body.BHow to lead a balanced life.CTake up a hobby.DLaughter is the best medicine.An American writer, Mr. Green once said, “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” it is true that everybody talks about the weather. Many people begin their talks by saying “Isnt it a nice day?”, “Do you think it will rain?” or “I think its going to snow.”Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like. But sometimes they dont agree with each other. One man may say, “Do you see how cloudy it is in the east? Its going to rain tomorrow. ” Another man will say, “No, its going to be fine tomorrow.”People often look for the weather they want. When a farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell him its going to rain, and he doesnt look for anything else. When friends have a picnic, they hope the weather is going to be fine and they can sit eating their lunch under the blue sky.Almost everyone listens to what the weatherman says. But he doesnt always tell us what we want, and sometimes he makes a mistake. Still, he is right most of the time.40 . People often begin their talks by _.Asaying hello to each otherBdrinking teaCsaying something about the weather41 . People sometimes have different ideas about _.Awhat the weather is going to be likeBwhat we should do about the weatherChow to begin a talk42 . _, they always hope the weather is going to be fine.AWhen people talk about the weatherBWhen people have a picnicCWhen the farmers need water43 . According to the passage, which is NOT right?AAlmost everyone listens to what the weatherman says.BPeople often look for the weatherman they want.CThe weatherman never makes a mistake.44 . What is the best title of the passage?AAbout the weatherBA story about a weathermanCHow to begin a talkJane Goodall is a woman scientist She studied chimpanzees in Africa for many years. Her study helps people understand how much chimpanzees (黑猩猩)behave like people.Jane grew up in the English countryside and liked climbing trees and riding horses. Jane was not very interested in animals when she was a child. Then, one day,her father gave her a toy chimpanzee. From that day on, she became really interested in animals. When she was a 16 - year - old girl t Jane dreamt of studying wild animals in Africa. Janes mother said, “If you really want something, work hard and never give up. Then you will find a way. ” Janes mother was right. When she was 26, Jane arrived at the mountains of East Africa. She studied chimpanzees. She watched them for a long time and they became her friends. Jane learned more about their lives. Jane found that chimpanzees ate vegetables and fruit. They can even make and use tools - - just like people.Janes study made her well - known all over the world. More and more people began to know her. She made her dream come true because she never gave up.45 . Where did Jane grow up?AAfrica.BAmerica.CMountains.DEngland.46 . How did she learn so much about the chimpanzees?AShe made friends with them.BShe learned from her parents.CShe fed a chimpanzee as a pet.DShe read a lot of books about chimpanzees.47 . What does the underlined word “behave” mean?A拥有B行为C学习D进食48 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AJane went to Africa at 16.BHer mother didnt want her to study chimpanzees.CChimpanzees can only use tools.DJane didnt have interest in animals at first.49 . What does the passage mainly tell us?AHow to make friends with chimpanzees.BLove animals, love the earth.CWork hard and your dream will come true.DParents love is important.五、句型转换句型转换50 . The car was invented in_1885.(对画线部分提问)_the car _?51 . The light bulb was invented by Tomas_Edison.(对画线部分提问)_ the light bulb _ by?52 . They are used for seeing_in_the_dark(对画线部分提问)_ are they used_ ?53 . People in this country speak both English and French.(改为被动语态)Both English and French_ people in this country.54 . The refrigerator is used to keep food fresh.(同义句转换)The refrigerator is used _ food fresh.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写55 . This movie theater has the most c_ seats.56 . Hotels usually cut their p_ in winter. About 200 yuan a night is enough.57 . He was the quietest performer. He danced w_music.58 . Welcome to our n_.Thank you.59 . My sister Isabel is the most b_ person I know.60 . Last weeks talent show was a great s_.61 . What do you think of Funky Fashions?I think its the w_.The clothes there are too expensive.62 . Of all the clothes stores, you can buy clothes the most c_in Jasons.63 . I like this supermarket best because I can buy the f_ food here.64 . Town Cinema has the biggest screens and the best s_.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文用所给的动词填空forget, visit, stop, have, open,. find, spend, take, look, catchTina is very forgetful(健忘的). She always 65 . what she did or she should do.Here is an example. One day she decided66 . her friends in another town by train. When she was going out, she 67 . in the door, “Did I turn off the TV set and light?” She was not sure about it. So she 68 . to 69 . the door and go back to have a look. When she was ready to go back again, she couldnt 70 . her key. It 71 . her half an hour to 72 . for the key.Because she 73 . much time at home, if she finally got to the train station, it was too late 74 . the last train.八、句子配对句子配对AB75 . Whats this in English?76 . Is this a book?77 . Whos that man?78 . What color is that orange?79 . How are you?80 . Whats your last name?81 . How old are you?82 . Is that jacket black?83 . Whats your name?84 . How do you do?AMiller.BHes my fatherCIts orangeDYesit isEIts a mapFNo, its yellow.GTenH. Very well,thank youI. How do you do?J. Mike.九、材料作文85 . 书面表达。北京国际学校八年级学生魏环向福州的网友李志远发了一封电子邮件,询问了一些关于当地环境情况。请根据来信(如下)帮他回一封电子邮件。注意:1. 词数:60词左右;2. 邮件的开头和结尾已替你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Li Zhiyuan,I feel very excited about my visit to Fuzhou and meeting you for the first time! But Im still not sure about the following questions:1. Are there any rivers or lakes in your city?2. Is the water dirty or clean? Why?3. Did you do anything useful to protect the clean water?Please let me know about it. Your friend,Wei Huan Dear Wei Huan,I am very excited to receive your e-mail. I am interested in your questions. _Looking forward to meeting you soon. Yours,Li Zhiyuan第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、句子配对1、九、材料作文1、

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