牛津译林版八年级英语下学期Unit 6单元测试题

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牛津译林版八年级下学期Unit 6单元测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Project Hope provides poor children _ chances to go to school.AwithBforCbyDto2 . When I meet something difficult, he always offers meuseful information.Aa number ofBthe number ofCa great deal ofDMany3 . You look sad, Kate.Yeah, I have made _mistakes in my report.Aa littleBlittleCa fewDfew4 . I think _ difficult for me to make myself understand in English. That is because the English dont speak English in the same way that I do.AthatBitCthatsDthem5 . With the development of industry, the sky in our city isnt as_ as beforeAclearerBclearlyCmore clearlyDclear6 . His idea sounds really _.AwellBgoodCnicelyDbetter7 . When you _ your flat, dont forget_ me to let me know you are safe and sound.Aget to, to telephoneBreach, telephoningCarrive in, to telephone8 . Would you like _ tennis with us? Id love to. I like _ tennis very much.Aplaying; to playBplaying; playingCto play; playingDto play; play9 . You must avoid _ late for school again.AbeBbeingCto beDbeen10 . Were having a picnic. Why not come andus?AjoinBjoin inCtake partDtake part in11 . -Would you mind _ the windows?-Of course not.AcleanBcleaningCto clean12 . We have worked for this problem for two hours. Do you have any _ ideas? Oh, no. Jim is the top student. Why not ask him for help?AfunnyBbrightCoppositeDcorrect13 . Tomorrow will be my sisters birthday. Ill as a present.Agive her a bookBgive a book for heCgive her for a bookDgive a book her14 . What about _ to Chongqing?AdriveBdrivingCto driveDdrives15 . All the students are looking forward _ Nie Haisheng and Fei Junlong.Asee B. to seeBseeing D. to seeing二、补全对话5选5四、选用合适的句子完成对话。Kitty: I hear Mr. Wu told you to organize a charity show. When is it?Sandy: It will be on next Sunday. Come and help me. I hope our charity show will be a success. Im nervous 16 . Kitty: Ill phone my cousin, Ricky. He can help us17 . .Sandy: 18 . . I hope hes not too busy.Kitty: Dont worry. His show is over. 19 . . Im sure hed like to help. Sandy: I wish 20 . .Kitty: I wish we could have a lot of pop stars in the show.Awe could have our show at a big theatreBThats a good ideaCso he has lots of free time nowDbecause I dont know how to organize a showE. because he has organized a charity show before三、完型填空完形填空You may not know how his magic tricks work . But thats why they are so much fun ! American magician(魔术师) David Copperfield is coming back to China. Hes going to show everyone, young and old, _1_ cool, new magic tricks.Copperfield is one of the worlds most famous _2_. Copperfields shows begin in Beijing on April 20. He will also give shows in Changsha , Hangzhou , Nanjing and Shanghai _3_ April and May . There will be 38_4_ in all .Copperfield began studying magic when he was a child . At the _5_ of 12 , he was the youngest person to be in the Society of American Magicians (全美魔术家协会).And now , he is famous all over the world . In 1983, he made the Statue of Liberty in New York go away _6_ a few minutes . In 1986, he walked through the Great Wall in Beijing!His shows are not just magic. He also dances _7_does lots of interesting things to make his fans happy . He even asks his fans to help _8_ do trick!One of Copperfields body greatest tricks is flying . At his shows in China, he is going to make some fans fly around! How does he make people fly? No one knows .Thats his secret.In _9_ trick, an electric saw(电锯) will cut Copperfields body in halt._10_ after the trick, hes OK. Copperfield will also teach magic tricks to some disable(残疾) children in Chinese hospitals.21 . AmuchBa littleCa bit ofDa lot of22 . AmagiciansBworkersCteachersDdoctors23 . AonBinCofDat24 . AbooksBshowsCpictureDcars25 . AtimeByearCageDclass26 . AforBwithCbyDat27 . AbutBorCandDso28 . AhisBheChesDhim29 . AotherBothersCanotherDthe other30 . AButBSoCBecauseDOr四、阅读单选With the development of mobile phone apps, people have more chances to communicate withothers in the world through sharing videos online . Youyin is one of the most popular apps. Many people think it is a double-sideed sword(双刃剑)to use Douyin. While some people have found great joy in using the app, others think it it not a good idea to use it. Some people ,especially the young, are easy to be lost in the app. They spend hours recording and watching videos. This is really a waste of time and harms their physical and mental health. To deal with this problem, Douyin has developed an antiaddiction system(反上瘾系统). It has two new functions(功能)-a reminder(提示)that suddenly appears after 90 minutes of continuous use and aspecial that locks the app by itself after daily use over two hours. I think it is a useful way to prevent addiction to the app. Apps like Douyin may bring us joy, but we should use them properly.31 . According to the passage, when some young people use Douyin , they _.Ahave never found great joy in using the app.Bare lost easily in the appCspend less time recording and watching videosDthink it is good for their health32 . A reminder suddenly appears after _ of continuouis use.Aone and a half hoursBover two hoursCless than one hourDtwo hours33 . Which of the following is NOT true?APeople have more chances to communicate with others through videos onlineBDouyin has developed an antiadditiction system.CMany people think it is a good idea to use Douyin .DAll people think it it a good idea to use Douyin.34 . In the passage, the writer thinks that _.Awe should use them for a long timeBwe should use them before bedtimeCwe should use them in a right wayDwe should use them day and night.On the first day tutoring students from low-income families at an after-school program in New York City, Alyssa Kapasi noticed how many kids were lining up for free sandwiches and fruit in the cafeteria. One teacher explained that many of these students dont get enough to eat at home, so school lunch or an after-school meal might be the most food they would get all day.Kapasi, who attends private school, was shocked. Whats more, she decided to help. “I want other kids to understand that if you see a problem, you dont have to wait to be an adult to fix it” says Kapasi. She and a group of friends are now putting their programming skills to work to create an app called Food For Thought, which will allow parents, students, and even kindhearted strangers to donate (捐款) to a lunch account (账户) for a student in need at a nearby school.About 20 million American kids receive free lunches. Also, they can buy foods with more quality at lower prices, that is to say, those students families just pay for part of their food. When they dont have the money on any given day. the students might accept a free meal such as a cheese sandwich.One smart feature of the app is that it is donated by people from different areas. Some are teachers and doctors, and some are bosses in big companies. To receive help, a family will need only a recommendation (推荐) from a school headmaster, and no one else has to know who you are.“I want to make my platform an application that all users feel no shame in using.” Says Kapasi. She hopes to test the app in a school district (地区) this fall.35 . Kapasi decided to build the app when she _.Aattended private schoolBsaw kids line up for free foodCfinished her school lunchDlearned some programming skills36 . What is Kapasis opinion towards the problems?AWait for the adult to solve it.BSolve it when you grow upCTry to solve it right now.DAsk a school teacher for help.37 . What help can some poor families get by using the app?AThey can learn how to solve problems.BTheir children can get free lunch.CThey can get some money from the app.DTheir childrens can learn some skills.38 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe app protects and shows respect for kids who are helped.BThe app has worked well in all school districts since this fall.CPeople that give money will know who they are helping.DPeople can get a free meal if they know how to use the app.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空A)根据括号中所给的韩语写出单词,并将答案填写在答卷纸的相应位置上。39 . - I cant think of any other actress who is more beautiful than Audrey Hepburn.- Youve got the point. Her beauty is_ (超越) words.40 . The book How to Read a Book provides_(有价值的) guide for book lovers.41 . Steven Spielberg is one of my favorit_ (导演) around the world, whose films have won many awards.42 . Many countries think_ (高度地) of Chinas Change 4 that has landed on the far side of the Moons successfully.43 . Its a pity that the concert was_ (取消) because of the bad weather.根据句子意思,用括号中所给中文填空,每空填一词。44 . With the development of _ (工业), more and more persons moved to the big cities.45 . My grandparents used to be excellent_ (讲故事的人). They often told me a lot of stories.46 . Zhu Yawen born in Yan Cheng is one of the most popular _ (演员) at present.47 . Its _ (愚蠢的) of Jack to cross the road while the traffic lights are red.48 . At the age of 80, her grandpa passed away _ (安详地) in his sleep.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空(题文)用所给词的适当形式填空49 . (小题1)Yao Ming is always very busy. He eats breakfast _ (quick) every day.50 . (小题2)We have _(lot) of homework on the weekend.51 . (小题3)When he gets home, he always does his homework _(one) .52 . (小题4)Our class teacher doesnt have much time_(have) lunch.53 . (小题5)You need to brush your teeth after _ (eat) dinner.七、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据句意从方框中选择适当的短语填空(每个限用一次)。next to, go across, lots of, welcome to, over there54 . _ our new school.55 . Some girls are flying kites _.56 . In winter, _ birds fly to the south from the north.57 . Linda got on the bus and sit _ a little girl.58 . Jack often helps old people to _ the street.八、单词填空阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。Boys and girls, have you heard of the National Read Across America Day?It59 . celebrated every year in the US to get kids excited about reading.The National Read Across America Day falls on March 2nd because its the birthday of Dr. Seuss, one of60 . best-known childrens book writers of the twentieth century.On this day, the National Education Association (NEA), which came up 61 . the idea of creating a day to celebrate reading, provides children, parents and teachers with reading materials. Libraries and schools hold interesting reading activities. Actors, sports stars and other famous people give reading tasks to young readers,62 . According to a study, children who spend a lot of time reading perform better in school than those63 . dont. And people believe that encouraging children to read can help them achieve great success in future life. So, why not join in?九、材料作文64 . (A)假设你参加了学校组织的志愿者活动,请根据下面表格所提供的内容写一篇4050词的短文。要求语法正确,语句连贯。GroupTimeActivitiesOneTuesdayhelp homeless people, give out food at a food bankTwoThursdayhelp kids with their schoolworkThreeSaturdaywork outside, help clean up the city park第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、八、单词填空1、九、材料作文1、

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