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牛津译林版九年级(上)第四单元单元测英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We were separated groups for the game.AontoBtoCintoDby2 . Lets play _ soccer. I dont have _ soccer ball.A/; aBthe; aCa; theD/; the3 . _ the sun is shining at the moment,it isnt very warm.AIfBWhenCAlthoughDBecause4 . Happy New Year to you, Simon. _.AReally? Thank you.BOh, I dont think so.CNo. I am not cool at all.DThe same to you.5 . Who is the man ?My teacher, Mr. White.Ain a blueBin blue jacketCin blueDblue6 . The exam is coming,but there is no need _if you are well prepared.Ato worryBto worry aboutCto be worried aboutDWorrying7 . Could you do me a favor? _.AIt doesnt matterBNot at allCThanksDOf course8 . Is there going to _ a football match tomorrow afternoon? No, but we are going to _ a class meeting.Abe, beBhave, haveCbe, haveDhave, be9 . _ the heavy traffic, the air pollution is becoming more and more serious.ABecause ofBInstead ofCAccording toDThanks to10 . - What difficulty do you have _ the wall?- Its so dirty that I have no choice but to have it _ again.Acleaned, paintBcleaning, paintedCto clean, paintedDcleaning, paint11 . Would you mind telling me something about the two _?_. They are exchange students from Germany.AFrenchmen; Of courseBFrenchmans; Thats all rightCGermans; Not at allDGerman; All right12 . Its sunny,lets go sightseeing watching TV at home.Athanks toBinstead ofCas well asDin order to13 . Which of the following is RIGHT?AIn the early 19th century, the first trains began to carry passenger.BDinosaurs lived on Earth more than 60 millions years before human beings.CThe king ordered his men to collect a bag of rice.DThere are many tiny computers around us, and we dependent on them nearly every day.14 . They have discussed the plan for some hours but no agreement _.Ahave got toBhas been arrivedChave arrivedDhas been reached15 . -What a nice coat! Ill take it.-But youd better _ first. I m afraid it may be small for you.Atry it onBpay for itCput it onDturn it on二、完型填空完形填空Many students often complain about the school. They might feel they have_work to do sometimes, or think the rules are too strict. We must learn_these “problems” into “challenges”_is an important part of our development. As young adults,_is our duty(职责) to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education_the help of our teacher.By comparing yourself to other people, you_your problems are not so terrible. Think about Stephen Hawking, for example, a very clever scientist_regards his many physical (身体上的)problems as unimportant. He cant walk or even speak_he has become very famous and successful. We are probably quite healthy and smart._not worry about our problems. Lets face the challenges_16 . Atoo muchBmuch tooCtoo manyDmany too17 . Ahow changeBhow to changeCwhat changeDwhat to change18 . AEducationBKnowledgeCThoughtDFeeling19 . AitBthisCthatDone20 . AinBwithCunderDon21 . AfindBfoundCwill findDfinds22 . AwhoBthatCwhichDwhose23 . AandBorCbutDso24 . ALetsBLet meCWeDeveryone25 . AyetBalreadyCinstead ofDInstead三、阅读单选I am Steve. I was born and grew up in South Wales. My favorite place to play was out on the hills where my imagination had plenty of space to expand(拓展).My family moved out of Wales when I was thirteen. I went to a new school. One of my subjects was French. Because I had never learned any French, my teacher told me to sit in the corner and write anything I was interested in. Thats the time I started writing, just for myself, and Ive been writing ever since.I have always loved BIG IDEAS, and so I enjoy writing fantastic stories. And I also write horror(恐怖的)stories. I think they are like the old fairytales(童话故事), and can teach you important things.I am in my forties on the outside, twelve on the inside. I like rock music, Indian and Chinese food, and I enjoy drinking. I live in a small village with my wife Mary, ducks, cats, goats, hens and lots of rabbits. If youd like to find out more about me and hope to buy my books, go to www.sbowkett.freeserve.co.uk.26 . When he was 13, the writer _.Awrote lots of poemsBmoved out of WalesCsold many story booksDbecame a famous singer27 . He liked playing out on the hills because he could _.Aexpand his imaginationBlearn FrenchClisten to storiesDbuy some books28 . Maybe the writer is_years old now.A12B22C32D4229 . According to the passage, the writer keeps _.Acats, hens and pigsBducks, goats and rabbitsChens, rabbits and dogsDrabbits, pigs and cats30 . From the passage, we can learn that the writer_.Alives in a big city with his sonBlikes eating Japanese foodClives in the countryside with his wifeDintroduces a nice book to usThere is a panda in the zoo. He is a _ animal. He looks nice and _. He _ runs. He always walks slowly just like a gentleman. He is very clever and can do a lot of things. He can _ on a big ball and _ the ball move. He can ride on a bike. The panda doesnt eat meat. Children like to watch him play in the zoo. Their parents _ watch the panda, too.31 . AgoodBloveClovelyDwell32 . AinterestBfunnyCfunDhealth33 . AneverBoftenCsometimesDalways34 . AstepBstandCrunDwalk35 . AmakeBthrowCholdDplay36 . AloveBthink toCwant toDlike to四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。37 . In order to protect the environment, its important for us to r_ used books and paper.38 . Obama is the p_ of the US.39 . My English teacher is waiting for my parents at the school _ (大门)40 . The table is made of _ (金属)41 . My mother gave me two_ (瓶) of milk.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空五、动词 (13)42 . -Can you speak foreign languages?-When I was at college I could speak three, but I _all except a few words of each. (forget)43 . The task he devoted all his free time to _(succeed) at last.44 . As I _( reply ) to a letter from my penfriend , the doorbell rang .45 . You mustnt enter the room until the master _ (allow) you to.46 . Thomas Bach of Germany_(choose) to be the ninth IOC president last year.47 . Were sure that the environment in our city _ greatly through our work in the near future. (improve)48 . Wuxi Underground Line 2 _(expect)to be in use at the end of the year.49 . I can t believe youve sold me such a terrible camera. I want my money backI_(listen), madam. Can you just slow down and tell me what s wrong?50 . What fun the little boy with his friends had _(offer) the blind their help!51 . Not only Jerry but also his friends _( prepare) for the final exam these days.52 . Understanding yourself is very important to _(build) self-confidence.53 . I think it great to have robots some scientists have created_(do) housework for us54 . I dont know what difficulty _(face) on the way to success.B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。55 . Some pictures were_ (hang) in the hall.56 . The traffic is a big problem in the_ (east) part of the city.57 . The_ (serve) in that restaurant was very poor.58 . He has some_ (Japan) friends.59 . He studies at a college of science and_ (technical).六、汉译英:整句. 翻译题60 . 回想过去的时光,我感到很幸福。(think back)_61 . 我从事培训志愿者工作已经有两年了。(take up)_62 . 他的父母为他感到骄傲,因为他考试从来没有失败过。(be proud of)_七、材料作文63 . 请根据下面所给的提示内容,写一篇60词左右的人物简介。贝多芬德国伟大的作曲家1770-1827自幼爱好音乐,钢琴弹得很好,28岁得了耳病,18年后完全聋了。在此期间他仍继续工作,他的大部分作品都出自这个时间。第九交响曲是他一生中最著名的作品之一。参考词汇:贝多芬Beethoven德国的German作曲家composer聋的deaf继续工作go on working作品works第九交响曲The Ninth Symphony第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、六、汉译英:整句1、七、材料作文1、

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