牛津上海版英语六年级上册Module 1 Unit 3同步检测(不含听力材料)

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牛津上海版英语六年级上册Module 1 Unit 3同步检测(不含听力材料)_第1页
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牛津上海版英语六年级上册Module 1 Unit 3同步检测(不含听力材料)一、听句子选答语1 . ABy bus.BBy underground.CBy taxi.DOn foot.二、单选题2 . Whats that in the park? Its a baby elephant. Its _ interesting.AlittleBa kind ofCkinds ofDkind of3 . Hey, Nick. _ comes the last bus! Hurry up, or well have to walk home.AThisBThereCThatDIt4 . I hope you _ me before you _ to school.Atelephone, returnedBwill telephone, returnCtelephone, will returnDwill telephone, returned5 . We can save water by _ a shower instead of a bath.AtookBtakingCtakeDto take6 . 一_ is this yellow jacket?一Seventy-six yuan.AHow manyBHow muchCHow aboutDHow7 . When a piece of ice is taken _ a warm room, it gets smaller and smaller until _ the end it disappears completely.Ain; inBout of; atCinto; inDto; by8 . It _ me about ten days _ painting the walls.Acost; finishingBtook; to finishCtook; finishingDspent; to finish9 . I like some meat and ricelunch.AtoBforCinDof10 . (题文)- _ ?- Its Bb.AWhere is itBWhats thisCWhats your nameDWho is this11 . He _ at 6:00 in the afternoon.Aget homeBgets to homeCgets home12 . “Whereyour new shoes? ”“in the box.”Aare, ItsBare, TheyreCis, Its13 . The fish _fresh and delicious. Help _some , guys.Atastes; yourself to tasteBtaste; yourself to tasteCtastes; yourselves toD.taste ; yourselves ; to14 . It is boring _ the same story again and again.Ato listen toBlistening toCto listenDlisten to15 . Mum, can I wear my boots? pair? The long boots?AWhatBWhyCWhichDHow16 . Dont make the student _ so long.AstudyBto studyCstudiesDStudying.17 . _ is the coldest season in the north of China.AWinterBSummerCSpringDAutumn18 . There _ two English lessons tomorrow, please prepare for them.Ais going to beBare going to beCwill haveDhave19 . The desk is made_ wood and the wine is made_ rice.Aof, ofBfrom, fromCof, fromDfrom, of20 . Daniel found _ easy to finish writing the report on wildlife.AitsBitsCitDitself三、阅读单选Grandparents are respected in many human societies.But telling stories about old times and overfeeding grandchildren seem like distinctly human traits (特征).Are these classic grandparent behaviors really limited to human beings? Do any animals know their grandparents the way people do? For most species (物种) on Earth,the answer is NO! “Usually, there just arent grandparents living anymore when an animal is born,” said Mirkka Lahdenper, a biologist at the University of Turku in Finland. Even if an animals grandparents are still alive, most species spread out to avoid competing for resources, so the chances of running into a grandparent are small.But there are a few exceptions, primarily among mammals (哺乳动物) that live in close social groups. Canadian zoologist Anne Innis Dagg described groups of langur monkeys in India in which older females lived with their daughters and grandchildren. The grandmother langurs have a particular job: they protect the groups babies against hurt from humans, dogs and other monkeys. Some female langurs even give their own grandchildren special treatment, cleaning their fur and stepping in when they play too roughly with other young.Many whale species, too, travel with their families,including both grandmothers and grandcalves. In groups of sperm whales, according to Dagg, old females help babysit the groups young while their mothers dive (潜水) for food. Orca grandmothers often lead their family members and can live for many years after they stop reproducing. In 2015, scientists suggested that these elder orcas help their grandcalves through hard times, because they remember all the best places to find food.Female elephants rule the whole family. Calves (幼崽) are typically born into groups led by their grandmothers, who can live to around 80 years old. The female elephants form close relationships, said Lahdenper, and raise their young together. Lahdenper found that the calves of young mothers were eight times more likely to survive if their grandmothers lived near them than if they didnt. When the calves mothers were older and more experienced at raising babies, this beneficial “grandmother effect” disappeared even if the actual grandmothers were still around.It isnt very clear how elephant grandmothers help their inexperienced daughters, said Lahdenper. It is believed that they may help nurse their grandcalves. But Lahdenper thinks that the more likely advantage is the wisdom a grandmother elephant has got during her long lifetime.And what about grandfathers? Studies of humans in recent years have shown that a living grandfather can improve a persons mental health and wellbeing, said Lahdenper.But there are signs of that in the animal kingdom, she said. Male animals seldom socialize with their own children, let alone grandchildren. “Males are usually focusing on producing their own children and arent providing so much care,” Lahdenper said.21 . From Paragraph 3, we know that orca grandmothers _.Adie after reproducingBteach the young to dive for foodChave rich experienceDenjoy travelling with grandfathers22 . The examples of monkeys, whales and elephants show that _.Athe “grandmother effect” lasts long in the animal worldBgrandmothers shoulder great responsibilities in their familiesCanimal grandfathers can improve grandcalves mental healthDmost species treat their grandparents like human beings do23 . Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?AAnimal grandparents are like human grandparentsBAnimal grandmas are born group leadersCAre animal grandmas given enough respect?DDo any animals know their grandparents?June 1st is the International Childrens Day. In the morning, my parents take me to Xinhua bookstore. There they buy two books for me: TheLittleGirlattheWindow and TheBookWrittenbyZhengYuanjieforChildren. The first book is about a shy little girl. She becomes open and likes to talk with people after she goes to a new place. The second book tells many interesting stories with a lot of cute pictures. And this book can help children develop(形成)good habits. Then we have lunch in KFC. Mum and Dad have hamburgers and cola. I have a hamburger and some ice cream. Luckily, I get a special gift. It is a Mickey Mouse toy for Childrens Day.In the afternoon we watch KungFuPanda in the Xinhua Cinema. Its one of my favourite movies. I like Panda Po very much, because he is brave and smart. And I can learn a lot from him. I really have a happy Childrens Day.24 . The underlined word “shy” means “_” in Chinese.A可爱的B善变的C阳光的D害羞的25 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe writer gets his books in a library.BZheng Yuanjie writes the book TheLittleGirlattheWindow.C.The writer and his family have hamburgers in the KFC.CThe writer likes Panda Po because he is very kind.26 . The best title for the passage is _.AThe History of Childrens DayBThe International Childrens DayCA Happy Day with My FriendsDA Happy Childrens Day with My Parents四、阅读判断阅读下面内容,根据其内容判断正误,正确的选T,错误的选F。Dear parents,Do you want a tutor (家教) for your daughter or your son? Think about me! My name is Wang Ting. Im a student of Wuhan University. I study math. And Im good at this subject. I can help your kids with it. Im good at English, so I can also teach them some English. Im fun. Your kids will enjoy my classes for sure.I have time in the afternoon from Monday to Saturday. My class is 100 yuan an hour. And it is usually two hours.Do you need my help? Call me at 662-3347. You can write me an e-mail too. My e-mail address is ChineseWT163 com.Best wishes!Wang Ting27 . Wang Ting can only teach math.28 . Wang Ting is free on Tuesday afternoon.29 . Wang Ting can get 200 yuan every class.30 . If you need some help in Chinese, you can call Wang Ting.31 . Wang Ting writes the ad ( 广告) to find a part-time job (兼职).五、听录音补全句子Listen to the passage and complete the sentences(听短文,完成下列句子)32 . He works in a _ at the station.33 . At _ he drives to the station.34 . Mary goes to work by _.35 . At 11:00 he has a break for fifteen minutes and drinks _.36 . He doesnt have _.37 . At four oclock he stops work and has tea and a _.六、听短文判断Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):38 . Joe and his family spent their holiday in small town a month ago.39 . Joe and his family decided to go to see a film one rainy afternoon.40 . When Joe went into the cinema, there were only nine other people there.41 . When some people saw Joe enter the cinema, they started shouting at him loudly.42 . Joe thought the people in the cinema once saw his games on TV and knew him well.43 . The film wont be shown until there were at least twelve people coming to see it.七、句型转换VI. 根据要求完成下列句子,每空一词。44 . Dave has his birthday party on July 22nd.(改为一般疑问句)_Dave _ his birthday party on July 22nd?45 . Does Mike have a good trip?(作出否定回答)No,_.46 . My birthday is June 4th.(就画线部分提问)_ your birthday?47 . _ is your mothers birthday?(完成句子)Its April 10th.48 . _ are you?(完成句子)Im thirteen.八、看图识词49 . This is a map of Green _.50 . Shall we have a _ this Sunday?51 . How happily Joe is flying his _.52 . Look. A boy and his father have made a _53 . Miss Lin is buying a _ at a travel agency.九、根据音标写单词Complete the sentences according to the given phonetic transcriptions(根据所给音标, 完成句子)54 . Can you play_ /tens/?55 . _ /drgnz/are not real animals.56 . Do you want to go to the_ /mjuzi: m/ with me today?57 . Pass me your photo_/ lbm/, please.58 . Im very_/lk /to win the lottery.(彩票).十、完成句子59 . This is an i_ book. I like it very much.60 . I dont like playing basketball. Its b_.61 . I often play basketball with my c_ after school.62 . She has o_ one ping-pong ball.63 . Jane and Rose go to the_(相同的)school.十一、单词填空Tina and her friends are p_ to visit a place in Garden City. They are going to visit Space Museum in Spring Bay. They will get t_ at ten oclock in the morning by u_. And the tickets will c_ 10 yuan each person. They decide to come b_ at six oclock in the afternoon. They will also take many p_ there.64 . _65 . _66 . _67 . _68 . _69 . _十二、回答问题Chinese people have been celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries. Mooncakes are in the shape of a full moon on the Mid-Autumn night. They carry peoples wishes to the families they love and miss.There are many traditional folk stories about this festival. However, most people think that the story of Change is the most touching. Change was Hou Yis beautiful wife. After Hou Yi shot down the nine suns, a goddess gave him magic medicine to thank him. Whoever drank this could live forever, and Hou Yi planned to drink it with Change. However, a bad man, Pang Meng, tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was not at home. Change refused to give it to him and drank it all. She became very light and flew up to the moon. Hou Yi was so sad the he called out her name to the moon every night. One night, he found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there. He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. How he wished that Change could come back.After this, people started the traditional of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families.70 . What food do people usually enjoy on Mid-Autumn night?_71 . Are mooncakes in the shape of a full moon on that night?_72 . Which story is the most touching about Mid-Autumn Day?_73 . What happened to Change after she drank all the magic medicine?_十三、材料作文74 . B)书面表达暑假就要来到了,假如你们班就“如何度过一个有意义的(meaningful)暑假”这一话题展开了讨论,请你观察下面的讨论结果统计图表,根据所给提示和要求写一篇发言稿。提示:(1)What do your classmates plan to do in their summer holidays?(2)Why do teenagers need to take part in social practice activities?要求:(1)发言稿须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。(2)发言稿中不要出现真实的地名、校名和人名。(3)词数80个左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)The discussion result about the summer holiday plan Dear classmates,Id like to talk about our discussion today. _十四、其他选择动词的适当形式填空。75 . .I dont know if he tomorrow. If he , Ill tell him .Awill come, will comBcomes, comesCcomes, will comeDwill come, comes76 . .The number of teachers in our school _ 60 and a number of them _ male teachers.Ais; areBare; isCare; areDis; is77 . I prefer to go to the movies rather than_ my homework.AdidBto doCdoDdoing78 . What are you going to do this afternoon, Andy? My hair is too long. I want to have my hair _.AcutBto cutCcutsDcutting79 . By the end of last year,we_over 2000 words.Ahave learntBlearntCwould learnDhad learnt第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、听句子选答语1、二、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、三、阅读单选1、2、四、阅读判断1、五、听录音补全句子1、六、听短文判断1、七、句型转换1、八、看图识词1、九、根据音标写单词1、十、完成句子1、十一、单词填空1、十二、回答问题1、十三、材料作文1、十四、其他1、


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