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外研版版2019-2020学年八年级上学期开学考试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Are there _students in the dining hall? Yes, there are _ .Asome; someBany; anyCsome; anyDany; some2 . -Can Tim play 1 football?Yes. And he can play 2 piano tooAthe;theBthe;不填C不填;theD不填;不填3 . Thirty- two is_.Aan odd numberBan even numberCa fractionDa decimal number4 . -Good morning ,class !-_AIm fine .BThank you !CHello !DGood morning , teacher !5 . I felt sick so my class teacher let me _a rest for a few days at home.AhaveBto haveChadDhaving6 . France has _for everyone, _why not visit France this year?Aeverything;andBanything;butCnothing; soDsomething; so7 . -_do you like better,the red dress or the blue dress?-The blue one.AHowBWhenCWhereDWhich8 . _ are you graduating from the school? In several monthsAHow soonBWhat timeCHow oftenDHow long9 . There is _ on the desk.Atwo booksBa computerCsome computersDcomputer10 . -Could you tell me how I can get good grades in the final exam? -Certainly. You have been working hard at everything. I believe you will make it you do everything carefully.Aas well asBas long asCas soon as11 . It was too cold and windy , so we could see _ people walking in the street .Aa littleBlittleCfewDquite a few12 . There are so many kinds of MP4 players in the shop. I cant decide _.Awhat to buyBwhich to buyCwhen to buy13 . Its time _ nowAgoBto goCgo to14 . Be quiet! Grandpa _ an interesting story to those children now.AtellsBis tellingCtoldDwas telling15 . Everyone feels _ because this is a _ film.Aboring; boringBbored; boredCbored; boringDboring; bored二、补全对话6选5根据对话内容从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。并将其番号填入卷I答题栏内相应的位置。Jack: Hello!Mary: Hello !I am Mary .16 . Jack: My name is Jack .How are you?Mary:17 . And you ?Jack: Im fine ,too.18 . Mary: No, my book is green .But this book is white .Jack: Is it Maria s book?Mary:19 . Her book is red . Put it in the Lost and Found Case.Jack: OK.20 . Mary: You are welcome.三、补全短文5选5Peter comes from Canada. He speaks English, but he likes speaking Chinese very much. 21 . Its sunny and kind of windy today. He visits Beijing Library. 22 . Bob is in Guangzhou. He is from France. He likes Chinese food very much. 23 . It is sunny today. Its kind of hot. Bob wants to go to Guangzhou Hotel with his friends. 24 . Look, a policeman is helping them.Jenny is living in Nanjing. She is Japanese. She thinks Chinese people are friendly. She likes them. Its cloudy today. 25 . A koala is sleeping in a tree. Some giraffes are eating grass and some birds are singing songs. They are having a good time.ABut he doesnt know the way.BHe usually (通常)eats in restaurants.CNow hes studying (在学习)Chinese in Beijing.DLook! He is talking with people there in Chinese now.EJenny and her Chinese friends are watching animals in a zoo.四、完型填空How old was I? I cant remember. Maybe I was only 10. It was the first_without my father because he was away for something. He left me to fill that sad place in my mothers heart. It was the Christmas when I stopped being a_and tried to play Father Christmas myself. I really wanted to make it happy and bright again. It was the Christmas of the_Mom first saw the coat at Tobias, a nice_shop in our towns little shopping mall. It was dark green. And it was a_, heavy, wool dress coat. Mom pulled it out from the rack(架) and held it up. “Long enough,” she said in a low voice and_“I need a new coat,” Mom smiled before the mirror. She looked good on any clothes,_this coat suited her much better. She looked at the_, then hung the coat back on the rack, standing there once more to_Eighty-seven dollars. But I decided to buy it for her. As we moved on_the mall, I found some excuse to return and asked one of the Tobias ladies to_the coat.I helped clean every yard(庭院) in our neighbourhoodsome yards twice, and soon I got the coat. The store ladies helped me put it in their biggest_with bright blue paper and thick silver ribbon(丝带). I dont remember_I got it home, but I can still feel the wonderful_and pride that filled me. I would imagine the big space which the box would take up under our tree. Here it wasjoy, peace and_all in the box, waiting for Moms surprise.26 . AEasterBChristmasCHalloweenDThanksgiving27 . AchildBsonCstudentDteacher28 . AtreeBbagCcoatDribbon29 . AchildrensBwomensCgirlsDmens30 . AbigBwideCthinDlong31 . Atried it onBput it onCkept it onDturned it on32 . AthoughBorCforDand33 . ApriceBdesignCcolorDmaterial34 . AtasteBfeelCsoundDsmell35 . AthroughBoverCpastDacross36 . AsellBsendCkeepDwash37 . AtankBbasketCbagDbox38 . AhowBwhyCwhetherDwhen39 . AdevelopmentBexcitementCimprovementDadvertisement40 . AcourageBconfidenceCloveDhonesty五、阅读单选While I was a middle school student, I liked spending hours watching wild animals. I watched them both on TV and in zoos. In the high school, I could speak the names of many kinds of wild animals. And I could also tell lots of their stories.After getting into university, Im very sorry to learn that a lot of wild animals were disappearing. However, some people found a special way to stop itwith photos. I had great interest in both wild animals and taking photos. So I became a wild animal photographer(摄影家) after leaving university.My job is to take pictures of wild animals. I provide(提供) beautiful pictures for people to see. I also provide important pictures for scientists to study.Because of my job, I travel a lot. For example, if I want to take pictures of lions. I will travel to Africa. During traveling, I need to enjoy and understand different cultures and languages. So I often talk with the local people, even make friends with them. In this way, I can take good photos.Most wild animals are sensitive to smell and hearing. This means I have to stay quiet for a long time at work. Some wild animals could be very dangerous. This means I have to learn well to protect myself.Being a wild animal photographer is pretty hard. But every time I take a good picture of a disappearing wild animal. I feel really great.41 . The writer learnt to take photos of wild animals because _.Aits a way to stop wild animals disappearingBscientists pay a lot of money for the photosChe wants to write stories about animals42 . The underlined word “sensitive” means “_” in English.Abe bored with any change around themBbe slow to see the change around themCbe easy to know each change around them43 . The writer thinks his job is _.Adifficult but usefulBsafe but boringCeasy but terrible44 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe writer liked watching wild animals when he was eight.BThe writer goes traveling if he doesnt need to take photos.CThe writer can take good photos because of the local people.45 . This passage is mainly about _.Awhat a photographer can do for wild animalsBhow we can be a wild animal photographerCwhere we can take photos for wild animalsMy teacher said to a student: “Give me your phone.”We all looked in surprise. Kyle, a student who I never saw text in class, gave the teacher his phone.When the teacher left, two students who I often saw text in class started boasting about how they sent text messages and never got caught.“Kyle, you stupid! I put my phone under my desk so it looks like Im looking at my textbooks,” one of them said.“Isnt it funny that we always text and never get caught?” the other one laughed.They must have thought they were smart, because they never got caught and Kyle did. But which situation is worse: getting caught, or getting away with it? Rules are there for a reason.These two students might not get caught, but neither of them had good grades. They didnt pay any attention to the class, and I think they will keep doing this.People dont just break big rules and get thrown into jail(监狱) overnight. They take it one step at a time. Kyle might have gotten caught, but at least he learned a good lesson. He will not break the rules in the future, so he will learn more in class and stay out of trouble. Its smarter not to break small rules.46 . Why did the teacher ask Kyle to give up his phone?ABecause she wanted to find out what Kyle just texted.BBecause Kyle was playing with his phone in class.CBecause the students wanted to see Kyles new phone.47 . What does the underlined word “boasting” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A吹嘘B讨论C报告48 . The two students in the writers class felt quitebecause they were never caught by the teacher.AsurprisedBcalmCproud49 . In the future, the two students might.Apay more attention in classBkeep texting during classCnot break any rules again50 . From the story, we know that the writer.Adoesnt think Kyle is a good studentBthinks getting caught in class is worseCthinks the two students might break bigger rules六、阅读判断Jason looks at his watch. It is time for his favorite TV show. He turns on the TV. He sits down in his chair. But then he hears his dog. His dog is scratching (抓) at the door. The dog wants to go out. The dog has to go to the bathroom. If he lives in a house, he can let the dog get out into the yard (院子). But he lives in an apartment. He doesnt have a yard. He must take the dog for a walk. But if he takes the dog for a walk, he cant watch his favorite TV show. The dog scratches at the door again. Jason turns off the TV.It is a fine day for walking. Jason and his dog take a walk on the street. Some children are playing in the park. Some old men are talking. Jason thinks it is a good idea to play outside.51 . Jason wants to watch his favourite TV show.52 . His dog hears someone scratch at the door.53 . Jason lives in an apartment without a yard.54 . Some children are talking in the park.55 . Jason is glad to take a walk with his dog outside.七、填写适当的单词补全句子Complete the sentences with proper words of relatives.(用适当的家庭称谓完成句子。)56 . She is my brothers mother. She is my_.57 . Hes my mothers father. I call him_.58 . She is my aunts daughter. She is my_.59 . He is my cousins father. I call him_.60 . My mother has got a sister. She is my_.61 . He is my fathers son. He is my grandmothers_.62 . She is my fathers sister. I call her_.63 . She is my fathers mother. She is my_.根据汉语提示完成句子。64 . 使我惊讶的是,这个班所有的女孩子都喜欢踢足球。_ my_,all the girls in this class like soccer.65 . 每当孩子们生病时,这位老师就会去照顾他们。When these kids are sick, the teacher has to_ them.66 . 他的梦想是在中国西部创立一个儿童早教学校。His dream is to _ an early childhood school in West China.67 . 你能借给我一些钱吗?Could you _some money _me?68 . 孩子们不能总是依靠他们父母。Children cant _their parents all the time.用适当的介词填空69 . Id like to put a teaspoon _honey in my water.70 . Do you know that Thanksgiving is _ the fourth Thursday in November?71 . The baby is too young, so you need to cut the food _ pieces and give it to him.72 . Here is one way of making turkey_a Thanksgiving dinner.73 . Please put the bread on the table and cover it _ a piece of cloth.74 . I taught my son how to _ the dishes after dinner.75 . It _ Linda half an hour to get to the store yesterday.八、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空76 . More and more people are using WeChat. It is far _(popular)than QQ.77 . It takes a few hours _(fly)to Shanghai.78 . Her _(foot) are hurt. She cant walk quickly.79 . The problem cant _(solve) in a short time.80 . Its too hard for me to learn it. Can you show me how _ (throw) the ball?用所给单词的适当形式填空,一格一词。81 . There are three _(knife) on the desk.82 . We know the _(important) of learning English well.83 . Yesterday, I_(give) away my old bike to the little child.84 . Thank you for your_(kind).85 . Suddenly, I _(understand)his meaning.86 . Its important_(learn) a second language.用所给词的适当形式填空87 . She is one of the _(shy) girls in our class.88 . The air has become really _(pollution) around here.89 . No _(science) studies have shown that shark fins are good for health.90 . He had some problems_( communicate) with others.91 . I look forward to _(win) the first prize.92 . These are his wise _(choose).用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空93 . All of us should have a _(health)diet.94 . _ (not open)the window,please.Its too cold.95 . It was 10:00 p.m.Tim stopped _ (watch)TV and went to bed.96 . Our teacher always tells us _ (be)careful when we do our homework and take exams.97 . We chose him _ (give)us a speech on health.九、单词填空Jim likes playing football.And he also likes watching football matches .As he hasnt enough money to buy tickets ,he has to watch them on TV at home if he is free.But he always goes to school from Monday to Friday and misses a lot of important matches.One afternoon there would be the biggest football match.Jim wanted to watch it on TV very much but he couldnt .They would have a scientist test the next morning and he had to get ready for it.“Can we have a video,Mum?”Jim asked before he went to school.“Then you can record the football match for me?”“Im afraid we cant buy one.”said his mother sadly.But at noon in came Jim,with a new video in his arms .“How did you pay for that,Jim?”his mother asked in surprise.“Thats easy,Mum ,”answered the boy “Ive sold out TV set.”Fill in the blanks according to the passage .Only one word for each blank.Jim likes98 . playing football and watching football matches .But hes not rich99 . to buy the tickets.He has to watch them on TV.Jim didnt want to miss a big football match and had to get ready for his science100 . ,so he asked his mother to buy to a video and101 . the football watch for him .But his mother wasnt able to buy one .At last,Jim102 . up with an idea that he sold the TV set and bought a new video.十、回答问题阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,回答下列问题。Passage 5A beautiful smile- Zhang BeiWhen I was 13 years old, a boy gave me an important gift. it was a smile.It was the early autumn of my first year at a junior high school, and my old school was far away. As a result, no one knew who I was. I was very lonely, and afraid to make friends with anyone,Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing, I felt my heart break.I couldnt talk to anyone about my problem, and I didnt want my parents to worry about me.Then one day, my classmates talked happily with their friends, but I sat at my desk unhappily as usual. At that moment, a boy entered the classroom. I didnt know who he was. He passed me and then turned back. He looked at me and, without a word, smiled.Suddenly, I felt the touch of something bright and friendly. It made me feel happy, lively and warm.That smile changed my life. I started to talk with the other students and made friends. Day by day, I became closer to everyone in my class. The boy with the lucky smile has become my best friend now.One day, I asked him why he smiled, but he couldnt remember smiling at me! It doesnt matter because all the dark days have gone. Now I believe that the world is what you think it is. If you think you are lonely, you might always be alone. So smile at the world and it will smile back.103 . What was the important gift ?_104 . Where did the story take place?_105 . How did the writer feel when the boy smiled at her?_106 . How did the smile chang her life?_107 . Why is it called A beautiful smile?_十一、话题作文108 . 书面表达在每个人的生活中,总会有些特别的日子。请以“A Special Day”为题写一篇英语短文,记叙你特别的一天。要求:1. 语言流畅、卷面整洁,词数不少于60;2. 不能使用真实姓名和校名。A Special Day_第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话6选51、三、补全短文5选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、六、阅读判断1、七、填写适当的单词补全句子1、2、3、4、5、八、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、3、4、5、九、单词填空1、十、回答问题1、十一、话题作文1、

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