外研版九年级英语上册Module 9 Great inventions单元测试题

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外研版九年级英语上册Module 9 Great inventions单元测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (题文)The little girl is serious_. She practices it every day.Aabout runningBat runningCin runningDto run2 . The flower _ every day.Amust waterBmust watered C must be wateredCwill be watered3 . A student in Fudan University was killed by his roommate just because of small things in daily life. It is important for students to learn how to _ each other.Aget on withBstay away fromCget rid ofDcome up with4 . Maria is _ American girl. She can play _ chess very well, but she cant play _ trumpet.Aan; the; theBa; / ; theCan; / ; theDa; the; /5 . The students didnt find muchabout the topic on that website.AreportBarticleCinformationDstory6 . I _ your bag is in your sisters room.AaskBthinkChelpDthank7 . She often goes to work_.Aby a busBon busCon a busDtake a bus8 . Dont be late _ class. We must be on time.AforBtoCinDat9 . Peter likes to _ and he wants to join the music club.AsingBswimCwriteDrun二、完型填空Failed in buying things off Taobao and Tmall, three Americans set out to create Baopals, a website that acts as a middleman between foreigners and these e-commerce(电子商务) sites.“We really wanted to shop on Taobao and Tmall because we knew we could buy things at really _ prices,” said Charlie Erickson, one of the three Americans. “But we were unable to do so because we couldnt read Chinese and therefore needed help on almost every detail, including searching for products, paying for them and tracking(追踪) the deliveries(投递).”“Thats when we_ the idea of creating an English website to help other foreigners.” On the opening day - March 1 in 2016, Baopals received 12_ of 22 products which totaled about 1,360 yuan ($202) in sales. Today, 16 months from its opening, 115,000 orders with a total value of 29 million yuan have been placed on the site.Users can shop on Baopals on the website or WeChat, both of which _ details such as product information and customer reviews.When users buy a product on Baopals, they are buying it_ from the Taobao or Tmall sellers. They dont need a middle buyer to buy for them. But users need to pay Baopals a 5percent service fee each order. Baopals also helps to _the English addresses into Chinese.Thornhill explained that the main problem faced by many foreigners when shopping online in China is not always the _problem but the payment methods. He pointed out that many international credit cards cannot be used on Alibabas website because some foreign banks might think the deals unsafe and _ the payment. Because of this, Baopals teaches users how to use Alipay, UnionPay and WeChat Pay for their deals.10 . AlowBusualCrisingDvaluable11 . Aheard ofBasked forCpaid attention toDcame up with12 . ArepliesBordersCcallsDtickets13 . AknowBcatchCsupportDprovide14 . AbusilyBsilentlyCdirectlyDexcitedly15 . AgetBlookCdivideDtranslate16 . ApriceBqualityCdeliveryDlanguage17 . ApassBcountCcancelDnotice三、阅读单选Computers are useful machines. They can help people a lot in their everyday life. For example, they can help people save much time, and they can help people work out many problems they cant do easily: Our country asks everyone to learn to use computers except the old people.Today more and more families own computers. Parents buy computers for their children.They hope computers can help them improve(提高) their studies in school. Yet many of the children use computers to play games, to watch video or to sing Karaoke instead of studying. So many teachers and parents complain that computers can not help children to study but make them fall behind. So computers are locked by parents in the boxes.In some other countries, even some scientists hate computers. They say computers let millions of people lost their jobs or bring them a lot of trouble.Will computers really bring trouble to people or can they bring people happiness? It will be decided by people themselves.18 . Why do we say the computer is a useful machine? Because _.Aour country asks us to learn itBit can help us a lotCwe can use it to play gamesDit can help us to find jobs19 . What do many teachers and parents complain about?ATheir students and children use computers to study.BComputers let them lost their jobs.CComputers make the students and children fall behind.DComputers bring people a lot of trouble,20 . In this passage we know computers _.Aalso bring us troubleBbring us happiness onlyCare hated by peopleDare bad for peoples health21 . Why do some scientists hate computers?ABecause computers let people lost their jobs.B.Because computers bring them trouble.BBecause some sciestists dont know how to use computers.CBoth A and B.22 . How do you understand the last sentence of this passage? I think it means _.Acomputers are used by peopleBpeople can live well without computersCone must decide how to use computersDcomputers are strange machines四、语法填空Some cool inventions are listed in Science Magazines 25 best inventions of 2018. They are making the world better, smarter and a little more fun.Spark Spark is a new type of drones(飞行器) made by a Chinese company in Shenzhen 23 . (call) DJI. It can help people take photos and 24 . (video). Spark might be the smallest drone ever made. When folded, it is as small 25 . a bottle. The coolest part is that users can control the small drone just 26 . using hand gestures(手势). For example, if you wave your hand from left to right, the drone will fly in the same direction. If you want it 27 . (land), you just put your hand out, the drone 28 . (come) to you and land on your hand.Social Robot Robots may not be good communicators. But Jinbo, made by US company Jinbo Inc, may be 29 . (difference). With a big, round head and round, fat body, Jinbo looks like a cartoon character. When it talks to you, it moves its head and body 30 . (natural) to communicate with you. 31 . it has no eyes or mouth, Jinbo uses icons(图标), such as smile icon, to show feelings. Right now Jinbo can only do some simple things, like taking photos or reading the news to you. But it may learn to do 32 . (much) in the future.五、材料作文33 . 书面表达假设你叫Daniel,在学校礼堂里看到了一则关于International Robot Show的海报。你和朋友Simon都对机器人很感兴趣,请根据海报内容,给Simon写一份邮件邀请他本周六(4月15日)一起参观展览。International Robot ShowPlace: the town hallDates: April 15th-23rdTime: 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.Ticket: 20 yuan (free for children under 12)Special gifts!Come to the robot show on April 15th and receive a copy of Robot magazine for free!要求:1. 邮件必须包含海报里的所有内容,并根据你的想象增加一些展览内容(如:机器人的种类、功能等),使文章通顺、连贯;2. 邮件中不得使用真实的人名、校名;3. 词数不少于80,开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数)。Hi Simon,I know you are interested in robots. There is going to be a robot show this week. Would you like to with me this Saturday morning? Please let me know.Yours, Daniel第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、语法填空1、五、材料作文1、

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