北师大版英语七年级上册Unit 2 School Life Lesson 6 A School Day 同步练习3

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北师大版英语七年级上册Unit 2 School Life Lesson 6 A School Day 同步练习3_第1页
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北师大版英语七年级上册Unit 2 School Life Lesson 6 A School Day 同步练习3姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My home is next to our school, so I have _ lunch at home.AaBanC/Dthe2 . With her help, I made much progress and _ my classmates in English.Afell in love withBmet up withCgot along withDcaught up with3 . The train to Beijing leaves _ eight oclock. Lets go.AinBonCatDfrom4 . Gina _ a Chinese dictionary.Adoesnt hasBhaveCdoesnt haveDdont have二、完型填空完形填空Mr Zhou and his students are on the bus. Everyone is_Theyll arrive in Shanghai. Now, they are_their way to their sister school by_The school is not far_their hotel. Mr. Zhou becomes more excited. He is from Shanghai. His parents and his friends will be glad_him. He and his students are talking_their plan in the bus. First, they will study in their sister school_months and then they will see some_places in Shanghai. About four months_, theyll go_Nanjing.5 . AworriedBexcitedCsadDinteresting6 . AinBforConDto7 . AtrainBplaneCbikeDbus8 . AfromBtoCwithDfor9 . Ato seeBto findCto leaveDto look10 . AaboutBforConDwith11 . AinBforCatDafter12 . AsurprisingBinterestedCinterestingDsurprised13 . AafterBlaterCOnDfor14 . AbackBback toCto backDback in三、用所给单词的正确形式填空.用括号内所给单词的适当形式或时态填空。15 . Do they have any good ideas to help the _(home) people?16 . She is very _(luck) to get the good job.17 . It is one of our afterschool _(program)18 . They are _(raise) money for the poor village.19 . Most students today are only worried about _(get) good grades.20 . Mr. Miller gave up his job _(look) after his sick daughter.21 . Kate would like _(be) a teacher when she grows up.22 . Mrs. Hand didnt let me _ (give) out the newspapers.23 . Every weekend Alice works in the club _ (help) kids read and write.24 . Mom asks me not _(spend) too much time on computer games.四、填空Japanese schools have many different after-school clubs for the students. Here are some popular club activities in Japanese schools.Baseball is the most popular sport in Japan. The rules of the game in Japan are the same as the rules in America, Many children play baseball at school.Ping-pong is also very popular. Both boys and girls like to play it. When you play ping-pong, you have to watch the ball and the person you are playing with carefully. Your eyes are just as important as your hands.Origami(折纸)is a traditional Japanese art. It is also famous in the world. You can learn to make all kinds of things , like birds, boxes and toys. Japanese students learn origami at school. Every student knows how to make a few things.Playing computer is also a popular after-school activity. Japanese schools all have good computer rooms. They are open after school. Students can play learning games there . They can also learn to talk with others by e-mails.Popular After-school Club Activities in JapanBaseballThe rules of playing it are25 . the rules in America.Ping-pongWhen you play it, you should watch 26 . and the person you are playing with carefully.OrigamaIt is a 27 . Japanese art. Students learn it 28 . and they can make a few things.ComputerStudents can 29 . learning games and learn to send e-mails in computer rooms.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、二、完型填空1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、四、填空1、


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