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七年级下册 14单元一 词汇 1. like_(反义词)2. across_(v.)_(n.)十字路口3. behind_(反义短语)4. left_(反义词)右边;向右5. open_(反义词adj.)关闭的;停业的_(反义词,v.)关闭6. clean_(反义词)脏的7. begin _(n.)_(同义词,v.)8. hungry _(n.)_(反义词adj.)9. cute _/_(同义词)聪明的10. sleep_(adj.)睡着的_(adj.)困倦的_(反义词,v.)醒来11. lazy_(反义词)12. relax_(adj.)令人轻松的_(adj.)感到放松的13. sometimes_(同义短语)14. dangerous_(n.)_(反义词)15. late_(反义词)16. put on_(反义短语)17. in front of_ (反义词)18. in the front of_(反义短语)19. have fun_ /_(同义短语)二 短语 1. _ from 在的对面2. _to 紧靠的旁边3. in_ of 在的前面4. _left/right 向左/向右5. _the right/left 在右边/在左边6. take a _ 散步7. have _ 玩得开心8. _.and在和之间9. the way_ 去的路10. _a good _ (祝)旅途愉快11. _of 有几分12. _ night 在晚上;在夜里13. work_ 努力工作14. be_ in穿着15. Theres _ _ with sb./sth. 出了毛病(人不舒服/物品损坏)四 语法 1. Theres a supermarket_ _ (在对面)the park.2. Its dangerous to trek_ the jungle alone.A. across B. through C. over 3. Linda and Sally often_(穿)yellow sweaters.4. The boy is too young to _(穿)himself. 5. The boy_ me is so tall that I cant see the blackboard.A. in front of B. in the front of C. behind6. _ _._ _ a drugstore_ _ _?(请问,附近有药店吗?) 7. _ _ _ the 3rd crossing. ( =_ the 3rd crossing _ _ _.)8. The tired people found an old house_.A. live B. to liveC. live in D. to live in9. Some students hope_(be) teachers when they grow up.10. There werent new movies last week, _ _?(反意疑问句)11. Therell_ some Australian visitors in our city tomorrow.A. is B. areC. beD. have12. There_(be)a box of apples beside the car.13. Therere going to be tow concerts in our school.(改为否定句)14. Theres some bread on the plate, _ _?(反意疑问句)15. There are three little eats in the box.(对划线部分提问) _ in the box?五 单项选择1. There_ some bread and eggs on the table.A. is B. are C. have D. has2. Listening to music on the grass sounds really_.A. relaxB. relaxesC. relaxed D. relaxing3. People can go to a restaurant when theyre_.A. busyB. hungry C. hard D. quiet4. The photo shop is along the street about 60 meters_ your right.A. onB. in C. to D. at5. Her brother works for a TV station. He might be a _.A. doctorB. shop assistant C. reporter D. waiter6. The government is going to build a new bridge_ the river.A. next to B. in front ofC. on D. over7. Paul is English, but he can also speak_ French.A. few B. a fewC. little D. a little8. The girl has been away from home for a week. She is _ brown shoes and a red shirt.A. wearingB. putting on C. wear D. put on9. The air on the mountain is kind of thin.A. a little bitB. lots of C. a bit of D. too much10. Im very thirsty. Please hand me the bottle of water.A. leaveB. send C. buy D. pass11. There_ a lot of rain in this area in August every year.A. is B. wasC. are D. were12. John likes to sit_ the car, but I like to sit_.A. behind; in the front B. at back of; in frontC. at the back of D. in the front 13. Ill do it better if the teacher_ me another chance.A. give B. givesC. gave D. will gave14. The moon light is coming in_ the window and the room seems quiet and beautiful.A. across B. throughC. over15. There is enough food for the birds, isnt _-No. We need to get some.A. it B. thereC. that D. this Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?同步训练Section AI选择正确的选项补全单词。( ) 1. eleph _ t A. an B. on C. en( ) 2. l _ n A. ie B. oi C. io( ) 3. p_ guin A. an B. on C. en( ) 4. g _ affe A. ri B. ir C. ie( ) 5. dol _in A. ph B. fh C. sh( ) 6. p _ da A. an B. on C. en( ) 7. tig _ A. ir B. er C. or( ) 8. fr _ dly A. ien B. ein C. ian( ) 9. k _ la A. ou B. oa C. oe( ) 10. bec _ se A. ou B. au C. oaIIIComplete the conversation according to the Chinese. 根据汉语完成句子。Peter: Excuse me. _? (你喜欢动物吗?)Kate: Yes, I do.Peter: What animals do you like?Kate: I like penguins. _. ( 它们很有趣。)Peter: Do you like pandas?Kate: Yes, I do. _. (它们来自中国。) What animals do you like?Peter: I like dolphins.Kate: _? (你为什么喜欢海豚?)Peter: Because they are very clever.Kate: Lets go to the zoo on Sunday.Peter: OK. _? (动物园在哪里?)Kate: Its next to a post office on Center Street.IVFill in the blanks. 填空。 1.A: Where does the panda _from?B: Sorry, I dont know. 2. A: _ you from Australia?B: No, Im an English boy. I am from _. 3. A: Is the cute lion _ Singapore?B: No, it comes from _ _.4. A: Can they speak Japanese? B: Yes, they can. They are from _.5. _ come from Canada. They speak _ and _.VSentence pattern transformation. 按要求转换句型, 一空一词。1. A koala comes from Australia. (变否定句)A koala _ _ from Australia.2. He likes dolphins very much. (变一般疑问句)_ he _ dolphins very much?3. The zoo is across from a big and clean hotel. (对划线部分提问)_ _ the zoo?4. I like Tom because he is very friendly. (对划线部分提问)_ do _ like Tom?5. The shy girl wants to see giraffes. (对划线部分提问)_ _ does the shy girl want to see?6. Do you have lots of clever friends? (变陈述句)_ _ lots of clever friends.7. Pandas are from China. (同义句转换)Pandas _ _ China.8. She doesnt want bananas at all. (变肯定句)She _ bananas very _. VIForm sentences. 组词陈句。1. want, koalas, to, the, do, you, see_?2. giraffe, South, smart, the, does, Africa, not, from, come_.3. see, first, dolphins, the, lets_.4. do, want, why, they, pandas, see, those, to_?Section BITranslate the following phrases. 翻译以下短语。 1. 一只小企鹅 _ 2. 三只害羞的大熊猫 _ 3. 五头友好的大象 _ 4. 两头丑狮子 _ 5. 四只恐怖的老虎 _ 6. 七只美丽的长颈鹿 _ 7. 十只逗人喜爱的考拉 _ 8. 八头聪明的海豚 _七年级下册 58单元一 词汇 1. sure_(同义词adv.)当然,的确2. sun_(adj.)晴朗的3. weather_(同音词)4. terrible_(adv.)5. pretty_/_/_(同义词)相当,很,颇6. hot_(反义词)_(n.)热量7. lie _(现在分词)平卧,躺,位于 _(过去式)_(过去分词)8. surprise _(adj.)感到惊讶的_(adj.)令人惊奇的9. scarf _/_(复数)(n.)围巾10. everyone_(同义词)_(反义词)11. curly_(反义词)12. high_(n.)高度13. thin_/_ (反义词)胖的_(反义词)厚的14. always_ (反义词)15. remember_(反义词)二 短语 1. wait_等候;等待2. _vacation 在度假;在假期中3. _a photo 拍照4. look_ 看;朝看5. _a good_ 玩得高兴;过得快乐6. look _ 寻找;寻求7. talk _ 谈论;讨论;议论8. in order_为了9. look_ 看起来像10. medium _ 中等个11. a _ 一点儿;少许12. medium _ 中等身材13. not_ 不再14. go_去购物四 语法 1. A person is_ (lie)on the ground. What has happened?2. Its not good to _ (撒谎)at any time.3. We have to stop _ on the farm because of the rain.A. work B. to workC. working4. Nothing can stop us_(go) there tomorrow.5. Mr. Green asked us to remember_(bring) our family photos to school tomorrow.6. Theyre_(找) an 8-year-old girl. She left home without telling her parents.7. She wont come back here any more. _(同义句)8. Two days has passed! I cant wait any longer. _(同义句)9. Theyd like_(have)a school trip next weekend.10. Why dont you feel like _(stay)in the city, sir?11. -_? -Its snowing.A. Hows it going B. What does the weather like C. Whats the weather like12. Whats your best friend like? -_.A. Hes thin but tall B. He likes ChineseC. Hes active七年级下册Unit 9单元练习二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. What about _ ( take) a walk after supper.2. He often spends his spare time _( read) books.3. He sat on a chair and _( listen) to music.4. How was your trip to Disney World?It was great. We _( have) fun time. 5. We _ (be) in Dalia last year.6. Now its time _( start) our class.7. What did you do last weekend? I _( play) tennis with my friends.8. I had lots of fun _( play) in the water last Sunday.9. I found a boy _ ( study) in the room.10. I think everyone enjoys _ (listen)to music.三、单项选择1. Some of us went to the mountains _ Sunday morning.A. in B. on C. at D. of2. Boys and girls, its time _ good-bye.A. to say B. saying C. said D. say 3. Last year he didnt _ any letter.A. wrote B. writes C. write D. to write 4. My uncleat the table when I saw him.A. sits B. sat C. is sitting D. was sitting5. Itrainy last Sunday, so Jimat home.A. is, stays B. was, stays C. was, stayedD. is, stay6. you go to a movie last night? No, Ifor the English test.A. Do, study B. Did, studied C. Are, study D. were, studied7. Tom spent 2 hoursyesterday evening.A. sing B. sang C. song D. singing8. How was your vacation? _. A. That sounds great B. It was great C. Fine, thanks D. Sure9. Bob oftenbread for breakfast, but this morning hesome eggs and milk.A. have, had B. had, had C. has, has D. has, had10. Last Wednesday, Iat home after dinner.A. did some reading B. went for a walk C. went to a movie D. visited friends11. Wheres the cake I made this morning?Weit. Can you make another one for us? A. ate B. eat C. will eat D. were eating 12. How much did youfor the clothes?A. buy B. spend C. cost D. pay13. It willme 2 days to do the work.A. pay B. cost C. take D. spend14. The DVDme 500 yuan.A. costs B. cost C. spent D. took 15. do you like Chinese food? Very much!A. What B. How C. How much D. why16. Hehis homework.A. didnt do B. didnt C .not do D. did do17. of them like the talk show.A. The most B. Most C. Little D. A little18. I didnt seein the room.A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything19. My mothera busy weekend.A. spend B. has C. had D. spent20. Last weekend, I helped Maryher math.A. studied B. with C. for D. in 四、完形填空Mrs Smith had a good 1 last month. She took the 2 to the beach. She has five children. John, the 3 ,is 15 and little Rose, the baby, is only 4 . That was the 5 time for the children to go to the seaside. They were very 6 . John 7 his mother to look after the other children, and so did Mary. Shes 13 years old.It was a fine day. They got up very early because they wanted to 8 home after breakfast. They made the journey 9 bus. They 10 the seaside town early in the afternoon. When they saw the sea, they were very happy.1. A. lesson B. class C. test D. vacation2. A. students B. classmates C. children D. parents3. A. old B. oldest C .young D. youngest4. A. two B. twelve C. twenty D. two days5. A. first B. last C. best D. good 6. A. tired B. boring C. sad D. happy7. A help B. helps C. is helping D. helped8. A. get B. leave C. stay D. clean9. A. by B. on C. in D. take10.A.arrived B. arrived in C arrived at D. got五、阅读理解AMr and Mrs Green had different ideas about where to go that weekend. Mrs Green wanted to go to Florida to see her sister, but Mr Green didnt want to go there. He wanted to go to Maine. “Maine is a little cold, ”said Mrs Green. “I like swimming, but the water in Maine is usually not warm enough.”“Floridas too far,” said Mr Green . “We dont have enough time to drive there.Itll take us more than two days.”Just then, the phone rang. Mr Green answered the phone. It was Mr Greens mother, “Is that Jim ?Please come in the shortest time. I need help. Im calling from the hospital in Boston.”They stopped their talking, and in no time they both went.根据短文内容,选择正确答案.1. Where did Mr Green want to go that weekend?A. Florida B. Maine C. Boston D. Hospital2. What did Mrs Green like to do on weekend?A. Go swimming B. Drive to MaineC. See her parents.D.T alk3. Who called them when they were talking?A. Mr Greens wife B. Mr Greens mother C. Mr Greens fined. D. Mr Greens mother4. Where was Mr Greens mother then?A. In Florida B. In Maine C. In Boston D. We dont know5. Where did they go at last?A. Boston B. Maine C. Florida D.T he beachBMr and Mrs Wilson and their children were going to begin their holidays, and they must arrive at the airport at eleven forty in the morning. “Itll take us half an hour to get there by car.”Mr Wilson said. “So we must get ready before eleven oclock .Dont be late.”At ten to eleven, all of them were busy doing things, but Mrs Wilson wasnt .She sat quietly in a chair in the garden and enjoyed the good weather. Her husband and children were surprised. Mrs Wilson said, “well, before I went to bed last night, I moved all our clocks and watches twenty minutes ahead(向前).Now we can get to the airport ahead of time. Dont worry!”根据短文判断正(T)误(F).6. The Wilsons had to be ready before eleven oclock.7. It will take 20 minutes from their home to the airport by car.8. At ten fifty, Mrs Wilson was busy doing things.9. Mr Wilson and the children were surprised at Mr Wilsons quietness. 10 .Mrs Wilson moved the clocks and watches thirty minutes ahead.六、写作请以My weekend 为题写一篇短文,50-60个词.七年级下新目标英语单元练习卷unit10一、选择填空()1. She enjoys _ the articles in the magazine “Du Zhe”.A. to readB. readingC. readD. reads()2. - I like soap operas. How about you? - I agree _ you.A. toB. forC. withD. on()3. Kelly, _ girl, wants to be a reporter.A. a 8-year-oldB. an 8-year-oldC. an 8-years-oldD. an 8 years old()4. We cant go out _ school nights.A. atB. forC. onD. in()5. _ run in the hallways.A. inB. forC. onD. from()6. _ talking! Here is the library.A. DontB. NoC. NotD. Cant()7. _ talk loudly on the phone!A. DontB. NoC. NotD. Cant()8. You _ in class.A. dontB. cantC. notD. no ()9. What do you _ soap operas? I cant stand them.A. doB. likeC. thinkD. think of()10. Thank you for _ us! Next were talking about “Healthy Living”.A. to joinB. joinC. joiningD. joined()11. Do you know the boy _ sunglasses? Hes my new friend, Brad.A. wearB. wearingC. wearsD. is wearing()12. She has to help her mom _ dinner today.A. makesB. makingC. madeD. make()13. Of all the things, the _ thing was the belt.A. coolB. coolerC. coolestD. cooling()14. John, you have to wear _ shoes for gym class today.A. sportB. sportsC. sportingD. to sport()15. We have to get to the bus station _ 8 oclock, or well be late.A. forB. inC. byD. on五、句子转换51. How do you like soap operas? _ do you _ of soap operas?52. I cant stand soap operas. (变为特殊疑问句)_ _ you _ _ soap operas?53. Dont be late for class. You _ _ late for class.54. Zhi Yin is my favorite magazine. I _ _ the magazine Zhi Yin.55. No photos here. _ _ any photos here.六、完成句子56. 你觉得电脑游戏怎么样?_ _ you _ _ computer games?57. 欢迎收看中央电视台新闻联播!_ _ CCTV news!58. 你赞同她的看法吗?不,我不能忍受。Do you _ _ her? No, I _ _ her.59. 请不要在课堂上大声谈笑。_ _ _ _ loudly in class.60. 今天她必须帮妈妈清洁房子。She _ _ _ her mom _ the house today.七、补全对话A: Hello. 61 _?B: Yes, this is Maria speaking.A: Maria, 62 _? I cant remember.B: We have English, math, Chinese and PE in the morning. Then History and computer in the afternoon.A: Do we have to wear a uniform?B: No. 63 _. Wear sports clothes for gym class, please.A: OK. Did you go to a movie last night?B: No, I stayed at home and watched the soap operas.A: 64 _?B: I love them, they are interesting. 65 _?A: I cant stand them. I think theyre too boring.61. _ 62. _ 63. _ 64. _ 65. _A. May I speak to Maria B. Are you Maria C. How about youD. What do you think of soap operas E. What class do we have todayF. Dont wear a uniform G. Do we have PE class today八、用所给词的恰当形式填空1. There are many _in the zoo. (animal)2. I often go _with my parents. (shop)3. Jim is my good _. Hes _ to others. (friend)4. Its only ten _walk from my home to our school. (minute)5.Sunday is the _day of a week. (one)6.He is learning _now.(swim)7.I like _ very much.(tomato)8.The old man enjoys _on the farm.(live)9.Junia speaks _. She comes from _.(English)10.He wants _ us.(join)11.Welcome to _ school.(we)12.I would like _ with you.(go)13.Hes an _.(office)14.Tigers are very _.(danger)15.The police caught(抓住)two _.(thief)16.How about _ by train?(go)17.He went out without _ anything.(say)18.My mother often does some _ in the supermarket.(shop)19.-Whose book is this? -Its _.(I)20.I want to be an _.(act)21.My favorite _ is SunNan.(sing)22.Jim is the _ in the match.(win)23.Mr Li teaches _ Chinese.(they)24.He comes from _. So he is _.(America) We call _ Mike.(he) _(friend)to _.(we)25.It was _(wind)yesterday. But its _(sun)today.26.Jim is good at _ football.(play)27.September is the _ month of a year.(nine)28.Thanks for _ us so well.(teach)29.Let me _(help) you _(clean)the room.30.I _(help)them

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