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冀教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期第三次月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mr. Smith is very good at _ stories. He can be in the story _club.Atell, tellingBtells, tellCtelling, tellingDtelling, tell2 . Huang Xiaoming and Angelbaby_10,000,000 yuan to help the poor in 2015.Agave upBgave offCgave outDgave away3 . I think Qingdao will be better and there will be _ people and _ pollution.Amore; fewerBfewer;lessCless ; lessDfewer;more4 . There _ a sports meeting in their school next week.Ais going to beBwill going to beCis going to haveDwill have5 . - I felt _ last night and then I fell _ quickly. I think you need more rest.Asleepy; asleepBasleep; asleepCsleepy; sleepyDasleep; sleepy6 . He is trying his best to do everything well. He doesnt want tohis parents .Alet ,beBlet , aloneCcome , down D let ,down7 . Mother said to Joe, “ You should remember _ play football on the street.”AdontBnot toCdont to8 . They think wolves are dangerous _humans so this leads _the danger of wolves.Afor; toBas; forCto; toDat; in9 . Mike likes coins very much.He has collected about five_ coins from different countries so far.Ahundred ofBhundredChundreds ofDhundreds10 . I looked down to the river, a silver stream _ one mile below me.AlonelyBnearlyCproperlyDrecently二、补全对话7选5从下面的方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。(有两项是多余的)AI bought it at a high price.BHow do you feel about ads?CWell,not all ads tell the truth.DIts true that some ads can be useful.EI saw this kind of computer in an ad. FMy computer broke down in the morning.GI must be careful when I shop in the futureA:You dont look very happy,Betty. What happened?B:11 . A:When did you buy it?B:Just half a year ago.A:It must be very cheap,right?B:No. 12 . A:Why did you buy this one?B:13 . The words in the ad sounded good,so I decided to buy one.A:14 . Some are misleading. They just lead you to buy the products,but they dont tell you anything about the quality of them.B:You are right. We cant believe them all the time.15 . A:Sure. You should compare more products and choose the best one.三、完型填空完型填空(10分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。Do you have a beautiful dream? I know almost everyone _ his own dream in his life. The dreams are very important _ them. The dreams can make them_ harder.I am studying in a school now. My dream is _ a teacher in west China. Many children there want to go to school_they cant. Their families are poor and their parents dont have enough money_ their children to school. I think that going to school and studying is the only _to change their life.Teachers are greatly needed there, so I want to be a teacher to help them. I will be kind to my students and make _with them. I will give them love and teach them_ to be a useful person. I think it is an interesting job in the world. I hope my dream can _!16 . AhasBhaveCisDare17 . AatBtoCinDwith18 . Ato workBto studyCworkDstudy19 . AbeBto makeCto doDto be20 . AandBbutCorDso21 . Ato sendBsendingCto makeDmaking22 . AwayBdreamCschoolDplace23 . AfriendsBa friendCmodelsDa model24 . AwhenBwhyChowDwhat25 . AfindBrealizeClook forDcome true四、阅读单选Its a sad story: someone keeps failing an exam for four years. Its the story of Torobo, a robot from Japan.Torobo has been trying to enter the University of Tokyo in Japan. The university, also called Todai, is one of Asias top universities. Since 2013, Torobo has taken the national college entrance exam with other Japanese students. However, the robot has failed to get the required (必需的) score for Todai every year. This year was no exception.Torobo is part of a project called “Can a Robot Get into the University of Tokyo?” Japans National Institute of Informatics started the project in 2011. Torobo does not walk around. It is a robot brain that has arms to complete the test.Researchers of the project want to find out what intellectual abilities (智能) will be replaced by machines. Results show that Torobo has grown in ability year by year. This year it got a score higher than Japans national average(平均分), which is enough to enter other good universities, but not Todai. With its big database, Torobo is good at solving knowledge-based questions and mathematical calculations (数学运算). Thats why it got good scores in physics, history and math. But Torobo has a hard time thinking independently (独立地). As a result, it got weak scores in language and writing.Luckily, after four years of suffering, researchers have decided to free Torobo from taking the test. They will grow Torobos ability in the fields its doing well in, so that it can be used in those industries(工业) in the future.So while Torobo will never graduate from Todai, it can still look forward to a bright future!26 . According to the story, Torobo is _ while Todai is _.Aa university, a robotBa robot, a universityCa student, a computerDa computer, a student27 . We can tell from the story that Torobo _ for four years.Ahas taken the college entrance examBhas failed the college entrance examChas been studying in the University of TokyoDhas taught the college courses28 . Why did Torobo get low scores in two subjects?ABecause it cannot solve knowledge-based problems.BBecause it is not good at mathematical calculations.CBecause it cannot think independently.DBecause it only has arms to complete the test.29 . Which of the following is TRUE about Torobo?ATorobo cant have a bright future because it will never graduate from Todai.BTorobo will go on taking the college entrance exam.CTorobo is useless to humans.DTorobos ability in the fields its doing well in will be better in the future.James is a good student and he has lots of friends,but he also has a problemSome older boys are bullying(欺负)him at schoolJames is very unhappy and he doesnt know what to do about itHere are some suggestions to him and other teenagers in this situationDont feel worriedIts not your fault(过错)! Being bullied can make you feel very lonely and angry,but you are not aloneDont feel that you have to hide the problemYou should find a person you can trust,and tell themIt might be your teacher,your parents,or even your friends parentsAfter you tell someone,you will get some support and feel some relief (解脱)Speaking to an adult might make you nervous,but here are other things you can doSome people express their feelings more easily on paperWrite a letter to someone or keep a diaryInclude all the details about what the bullies (欺人者) do, as well as when and where the bullying happensYou can use it as proof to show what is going onAnd it is a wonderful idea to show your letter or diary to a teacher or another responsible adultThen the bullies will feel very afraid if their names appear in a letter!Also,dont show you are sad and dont try to fight with the bullies. You could get in trouble yourself. Ignore them and just walk away. The bullies will soon stop.30 . What do you think the text is trying to tell us?AWhat to do about being bullied.BHow to be a good student at school.CWhat to write well in a diary.DHow to give suggestions to teenagers.31 . Why does the text advise you not to feel worried if bullied?ABecause you are not alone.BBecause it is not your fault.CBecause someone has known about it.DBecause youre doing something wrong.32 . What does the underlined word Ignore mean in the text?Apay no attentionBtake care ofCmake full use ofDget more help fromGoing to Disneyland is a dream vacation for kids. You may have been to the Disneyland in Hong Kong or in other places. Soon you will be able to enjoy a Disney Park in Shanghai. Shanghai Disneyland started building on April 8, 2011.There will be many Chinese characters in Shanghai Disneyland. It is different from the others. There is a 10-kilometer-long river. It goes around the whole park. Shanghai Disneyland will cost 24. 4 billion yuan to build. It will open in five years.Going to Disneyland is a dream vacation for kids. You may have been to the Disneyland in Hong Kong or in other places. Soon you will be able to enjoy a Disney Park in Shanghai. Shanghai Disneyland started building on April 8, 2011.There will be many Chinese characters in Shanghai Disneyland. It is different from the others. There is a 10-kilometer-long river. It goes around the whole park. Shanghai Disneyland will cost 24. 4 billion yuan to build. It will open in five years.In order to keep the road safe, European Commission (欧盟) says that buses and taxis can be fitted (安装) with “black boxes.” The black boxes can help the police to find what happened after an accident.In order to keep the road safe, European Commission (欧盟) says that buses and taxis can be fitted (安装) with “black boxes.” The black boxes can help the police to find what happened after an accident.The Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway was put into operation at the end of June, 2011.Now the journey can take about five hours. The train can reach the speed of up to 380 kilometers an hour. The passenger volume (容量) can reach 160 million a year, marking a great step in Chinas Railway development.The Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway was put into operation at the end of June, 2011.Now the journey can take about five hours. The train can reach the speed of up to 380 kilometers an hour. The passenger volume (容量) can reach 160 million a year, marking a great step in Chinas Railway development.On the evening of May 8th, 2012,a middle school teacher Zhang Lili from Jiamusi , Heilongjiang Province , saved her students in a terrible accident. She was badly hurt and lost her legs. Her brave deed moved the people around China deeply. She is called “the most beautiful teacher.” The whole society is trying to save her life. As a young teacher, her bravery sets a good example to us all. We all hope she will get better soon.On the evening of May 8th, 2012,a middle school teacher Zhang Lili from Jiamusi , Heilongjiang Province , saved her students in a terrible accident. She was badly hurt and lost her legs. Her brave deed moved the people around China deeply. She is called “the most beautiful teacher.” The whole society is trying to save her life. As a young teacher, her bravery sets a good example to us all. We all hope she will get better soon.33 . The Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway was put into operation at the end of _, 2011.AJuneBJulyCAugustDSeptember34 . Shanghai Disneyland will open _.Aon April 8, 2011Bin 2012Con May 8, 2012Din 201635 . Which of the following is TRUE about Shanghai Disneyland?AA 10-kilometer-long river goes in the middle of the park.BThere will be many Chinese characters.CIt is the same as the others.DIt opened 5 years ago.36 . In order to keep the road safe, European Commission wants toAmake buses and taxis go slowly.Bfit buses and taxis with black boxes.Cmake the police find out what happened.Dfind out what black boxes can do.37 . According to the news, we can learn_ANow we are able to enjoy a Disney Park in Shanghai.BThe black boxes can help the police predict what will happen.CThe passenger volume can reach 380 million a year.D“The most beautiful teacher” Zhang Lili is our good example.Kangkang is a Chinese boy. He is a student. He is 14. Kangkang likes to make friends(交朋友). Now he receives(收到) a letter from Sam, his pen pal in England. The letter is in English. Sam is a student, too. He likes China. He wants to visit the Great Wall.38 . Kangkang is a _.AteacherBstudentCdoctor39 . The letter is in _.AChineseBJapaneseCEnglish40 . Sam lives in _.A.ChinaAthe U.S.A.BEngland41 . _ wants to visit the Great Wall.ASamBKangkangCKangkangs brother42 . Sam is Kangkangs _.AclassmateBpen palCteacherAustin or San Antonio?Miguel posted: May 16 7:06pmHi! I live in Mexico and am planning to visit my uncle in Dallas, Texas, next month. Id like to visit Austin or San Antonio for a few days .I like the outdoors, local music, good food, friendly people, etc. Are both cities safe? Any tips welcomed. Thanks! MiguelRocker posted: May 16 7:23pmIm a musician and live in Austin. I think the music here is the best in Texas. In fact, Austins nickname is “The live music Capital of the world.” I can send you the names of some cool music clubs. We have fantastic restaurant here ,too.Biker68 posted: May 16 8:54pmDefinitely visit San Antonio. The river Walk is one of the most popular things for visitors to do. Theres a lot to do outdoors here, too. And everyone in Texas is every friendly .See my pies: my photos.Susan posted: May 16 11:09pmI disagree with rocker. I think the music is better in San Antonio. I lived in both cities .There is a lot to do outdoors in San Antonio, but there is just more to do in Austin.Richard posted: May 17 6:45amBoth cities are safe.by the way, so dont worry .I live in Houston. Its the largest city in Texas. You should visit there, too. Read my travel Blog at richard23cub.ore.Traveler posted: May 17 10:31amSan Antonio has the best food in Texas. Do you like Tex-Mex food ?You should go in spring or fall(summer is hot!) I suggest travelling by bus. Its not expensive. Em.me with any questions.Miguel posted: May 17 3:22pmMiguel here again .Thanks ,everyone!43 . Where can you probably read the information?AOn the menu.BOn the message board.CIn an email.DIn a travel guide.44 . answer Miguels question about safety.ARockerBBiker68CRichardDTraveler45 . Biker68 gives a link to see his.ApicturesBcityCvideosDtravel blog46 . What does Traveler suggest Miguel do in San Antonio?ATake the river walk.BDo some sports.CGo to music clubs.DTry some local food.47 . What might be the “other tips” Miguel gets from the replies?ABoth cities have nice music.BPeople in both cities are friendly.CHouston is worth a visit, too.DSummer is the best time to visit Texas.48 . Which of the following would Miguel post after he came back from the visit to his uncle?AMiguel Posted:June 26 6:42pmAustin is amazing !rocker The music club you suggest is great!BMiguel Posted:June 26 6:42pmGosh,it was hot! biker68 Youre right.Summuer is not the tight time to visit San Antonio. CMiguel Posted:June 26 6:42pmExcellent food and service, susan Thanks for your list of restaurants.DMiguel Posted:June 26 6:42pmThere is nothing better than getting a tour along the river. richard Thank you五、句型转换按要求完成句子49 . The yellow trousers are forty dollars. (对画线部分提问)_ are the yellow trousers?50 . They sell some vegetables to Tom. (改为同义句)Tom _ some vegetables _ them.51 . I want a white skirt. (对画线部分提问)_ you want?52 . Her skirt is yellow and red. (对画线部分提问)_ is her skirt?53 . How much is the clock? (改为同义句)_ the clock?六、语法填空语法填空One day, Laurie saw the four March girls walking quietly through the garden. He f54 . them. They went to some trees and sat there drawing and reading. Laurie h55 . behind a tree and watched them, f56 . sad he had no brothers or sisters. A squirrel suddenly ran down the tree and Beth looked up. She saw Laurie and asked him to join them.He read to them while they drew and sewed. They talked about their d57 . .“I want to travel around the world and see lots of places. Then Id like to become a famous musician,” said Laurie.“Id like a lovely house, full of nice things-good food, pretty clothes, handsome furniture and pleasant people,” Meg said.“Wouldnt you have a husband and some angelic children in your l58 . house?” asked Laurie, smilingly.“I said pleasant people, you know.” Meg carefully t59 . up her shoes as she spoke, so that no one saw her f60 . .Jo continued, “I want to write books and get rich and famous. My works should be as famous as Lauries music.”“M61 . is to stay at home safe with Father and Mother, looking after the family. Nothing else. Since I had my little piano, I am perfectly satisfied,” said Beth quietly.Amys modest wish was to go to Rome, do fine pictures, and be the best artist in the world.“Every one of us, b62 . Beth, wants to be rich and famous. I wonder w63 . any of us will ever get our wishes,” said Laurie. They decided to meet again in ten years.七、回答问题New Years ResolutionsXu Hui,13,from Shanghai In 2019,I really wish that I could make friends with some boys in my class. I have many friends,but they are all girls. It will be quite cool and interesting to talk with boys and play games with them. Also,my math and physics scores are not very good. I want to improve them. Zhao Yujie,14,from Jiangsu My biggest resolution is to volunteer more. I want to help homeless children and old people. I think its important for us to spread laughter and warmth to others. So Im willing to do this and hope everyone around me will be happy. Li Langjing,14,from Fujian In the new year,I want to take more trips with my friends. Especially,I hope I can go to Xinjiang and Taiwan. I really want to climb the beautiful Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang and taste delicious snacks in Taiwan. Ma Yue,15,from Beijing My new years wish is to get a ticket to a Scorpions(蝎子乐队)concert. They are a German rock band. I love their metal music. They will have a concert in February. I dont want to miss it. Li Yunxiao,15,from Zhejiang I hope that my family and I will have good health. Thats the most important thing I think. As its my last year in junior high school,Id like to cherish(珍惜)every moment with my classmates. We may be under great pressure. But I want to make sweet memories. Whats more,I want to grow taller!根据短文内容回答下列问题。64 . What does Xu Hui wish to do in 2019?_65 . Whose New Years resolution is to do rmore volunteer work?_66 . Where does Li Langjing especially want to take a trip?_67 . Whats the most important thing for Li Yunxiao?_68 . Whats your New Years resolution?(You can write one or more. )_八、话题作文69 . 书面表达寒假将至, 如何过一个愉快而有意义的假期?相信每位同学都会有自己的详细安排, 请以My plans for the winter holiday为题写一篇70个词左右的英文寒假计划。要求:语意连贯;条理清晰;书写规范;卷面整洁_第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、5、五、句型转换1、六、语法填空1、七、回答问题1、八、话题作文1、

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