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冀教版2019-2020学年九年级下学期期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - Tom, where is your father?- Im not sure. _he is in his office.AMustBMay beCMaybeDMay2 . The World Cup every four years. Football fans are all looking forward to it this summer.Atakes placeBis taken placeChas taken placeDis taking place3 . The lady didnt buy anything because the shop _.Ais not openedBclosesCwas closedDwas open4 . I really want to watch Me and My Motherland. Could you tell me _?Well, in fact, it has been on show for one week.Awho will act itBwhere it will playCwhen it will be on show5 . Sally sings prettyand she is alsoat dancing.Awell ; wellBgood ; goodCwell ; goodDgood ; well6 . (题文)My fathers car doesnt _ today, so he has to take a bus to work.AgoBwalkCworkDrun7 . I would like to interview _at your factory.AeveryoneBsomeoneCanyoneDno one8 . Traveling in the forest is one of my most exciting ?AexperiencesBexperienceClivesDlife9 . The triptwo hours.AgaveBtookCcostedDspent10 . There are some trees_the classroom and there is a blackboard _it.Ain front of; in front ofBin front of; in the front of;Cin the front of; in front of二、补全短文5选5Many young people want to be famous players like Yao Ming. They think they will own(拥有) everything when they are famous. 11 . For example, when you are famous, you can do something good for schools and charities(慈善机构). 12 . However, as a famous person, it is not easy. 13 . If you are famous, people will know you everywhere. They are around you every day, but youll never know who your real(真正的) friends are. 14 . In fact, 15 . They feel that the life before was more interesting.AYou will meet many problems(问题).BAnd then they can do what they want.CYoull lose your own(自己的) life.DYou can also do some work to help others.Emany famous people are not happy.三、完型填空The Sweetest SightI was in the most beautiful city in the world, yet I only wanted home.It was an amazing week for my husband and methe trip of a lifetime. Months ago, when my husband told me that he would have a meeting in London, I expressed my _ to go to Europe together with him. Then we asked his mother to _ our two children and started off.During the weeks time, _ visited London and Parisas much as we could, Elizabeth Tower, the Louvre and so on. All these were beautiful places we expected to see before. We really enjoyed ourselves.On our last night in Paris, _ we enjoyed the night view(夜景) of the Eiffel Tower, my husband called home. His mother _ the phone. In a second, my husbands face fell and he looked so worried. I could feel something _ happened.Whats wrong? I asked.He didnt answer and continued to listen. A few minutes later, he said _ to me that Tony, our seven-year-old son, had fallen off his bike and _ his leg. He must be sent to hospital at once.At that moment, Paris suddenly lost its charm(魅力).I dont want to be here! I shouldnt be here! I should be home _ my kids!We hurried back to our hotel and then to the airportFinally, we got home. We rushed into our childrens bedroom. Seeing our two children, I suddenly realized the truth: there is no _ sight(风景) in the world than your childrens faces that greet you at home.16 . AquestionBwishCstep17 . Atalk withBlook afterCfind out18 . AheBweCshe19 . AthoughBsinceCafter20 . AshoutedBfinishedCanswered21 . AuglyBusefulCbad22 . AhardlyBsadlyCtruly23 . AbrokenBopenedCthrown24 . AwithBtowardCunder25 . AsweeterBricherCquieter四、阅读单选Kites have a long history. They may date back(追溯到)long time ago. They were made of bamboo and silk in China. Nobody knows exactly how or when a kite was first flown, but it is said that when a Chinese farmer tied a string(绳子)to his hat to keep it from blowing away in a strong wind, the first kite was born.Children like playing with kites. Kites for work or play are made of wood, bamboo, paper, or silk. In 478 BC, a Chinese philosopher(思想家), Mo Zi, spent three years making a kite out of light wood and bamboo. The earliest record(记录)of kite flying was in about 200 BC when the Chinese General Han Xin of Han Dynasty flew a kite over the walls of a city. He wanted to know how far his army would have to travel.In the 13th century, Marco Polo wrote about how the shipping businessmen flew the huge kite in the wind before the ship set sail(起航). It predicted the voyage(航海)in this way. If the kite went high and starlight, it meant a quick and successful ride, but if it didnt fly well, it was a bad omen(预兆). In the late 1500s, the kite was introduced to Europe by the Italians. Kite flying was first mentioned in England in a popular book in 1589.26 . How was the first kite born?AIt was first used for sailing.BA Chinese General called Han Xin flew a kite to train his army.CA Chinese farmer tied a string to his hat to keep it from blowing away.27 . According to the article, kites are made of the following materials EXCEPT _.AsilkBpaperCsteel28 . Which of the following is TRUE?AWe know exactly how and when a kite was first flown.BKite flying was first written in England in a popular book in 1589.CIn 478 BC, Mo Zi spent three years making a kite out of light wood and paper.29 . When was the kite introduced to Europe?AIn the 13th century.BIn the late l500s.CIn 1589.30 . Which is the best title of the passage?AThe History of Kites.BMaterials for Kites Making.CWhen to Make the First Kite.五、用单词的正确形式完成短文Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each one can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次)A. part of B. broke down C. usually D. surprised E. systemWe are all busy talking about and using the Internet, but how many of us know the history of the Internet?Many people are 31 . when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer networks didnt work well. If one computer in the network 32 . , then the whole network stopped. So a new network 33 . had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If 34 . the network was not working, information could be sent through another part. In this way the computer network system would keep on working all the time.AdevelopedBexpensiveCstudentsDdiscoverEmillions ofAt first the Internet was only used by the government, but in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it too. However, computers were still very 35 . and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s, computers had become cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also 36 . software. This made “surfing” the Internet more convenient.Today it is easy to get online and it is said that 37 . people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among 38 . .The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of peoples life.六、信息匹配请阅读下列五则发明的描述,将其与下面的图片相匹配,其中有一项为多余选项。1.It was invented in 1923 by Fred W.Wolf. This is a large piece of electrical(有电的)kitchen equipment(设备)and it is used for keeping food and drinks cold so that they can stay fresh. 39 . 2.It is said that it was invented by Lu Bans wife. She didnt want her husband to get wet in the rain what he worked outside. So she used bamboo and oilpaper to make it. Now it is popular all over the world and it is made stronger and more convenient for people to see. 40 . 3.It is traditional musical instrument. You can play it by beating it with sticks(棒子)or with your hands. People in the northwest parts of China often play it together during big festivals or weddings(婚礼). 41 . 4.It is a large square electrical machine which was invented by an American scientist Alva J. Fisher. It can be used for washing and drying dirty clothes. It can help people save a lot of time. 42 . 5.it first appeared as big as at house, so it was not convenient for people to use it. But with development of science and technology, we can use it almost everywhere. We can carry it with us and use it to store(储存)or search for information, send emails and play online games. 43 . ABCDEF七、回答问题阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。Lets Save Our Language HeritageEach year on Feb 21, UNESCO holds an International Mother Language Day(IMLD). The event is to draw attention to the disappearance of the worlds languages:dozens of them are vanishing each year. UNESCO sees this as a tragedy(悲剧), and with good reason.What happens when a language dies out? Something huge is lostnot just sounds and marks but the way that people make sense of the world and communicate with each other. And it is through language that we have culture and tradition. Kill a language and all this is killed too.Through IMLD, more people are becoming aware of the destruction of linguistic(语言学的)diversity in modern times and trying to stop it. Googles 2012 Endangered Languages Project is a good example. Speakers and protectors of endangered languages upload text, audio and video files to the project site. They want to introduce people to the wonders of the way that people communicate and express themselves around the world.The Myaamia Project is a similar kind of effort. This is an attempt to revive(重新使用)the language spoken by the Miami and Illinois tribes(部落)of the US. Project members work to encourage people to study and communicate with this language, which formally died out in the 1960s.These activities, which breathe life into languages on the verge(边缘)of extinction, might seem old-fashioned to some. But those who work to keep languages alive are not enslaved(束缚)to the past. They are enthusiastic young people who design apps and use social media to champion their activities. As the US-based social event calendar website Upcoming puts it, they“spread the word to save the word.So, while the problem of disappearing languages remains a very serious one, there is hope. We all have a special feeling for our mother tongue, although those of us who speak one that is not endangered might not always be aware of it. This is why we should recall(回忆)the wise words of the late president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela:“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to a man in his own language, that goes to his heart.”44 . When is International Mother Language Day?45 . What happens when a language dies out?46 . What is Googles 2012 Endangered Languages Project?47 . What can we know from Paragraph 5?48 . Why did the author mention Nelson Mandelas words?八、材料作文49 . 假如你是Alice, 你想写一封推荐信,推荐你的同学Daniel获得今年的新星奖。推荐信字数为100词左右。开头,结尾已给出,不计入总字数。Excellent qualities(优秀的品质)Good examples(好的事例)乐于助人,善良1经常帮助邻居修电脑;2经常看望老人,为他们买东西,打扫房间聪明1学东西快,努力学习各门学科;2野营时甚至会搭建帐篷。勇敢一个周日的早晨,他像往常一样,坐在湖边看书。突然听到一个女孩大声呼救,他跳进湖里,把小女孩从水里救了上来,并送她回家。Dear Sir / Madam,I would like to recommend Daniel for this years Young Star Award.Daniel is a helpful and kind boy. _He is also clever._He is brave, too._All the students in our class think that Daniel should get the award. We look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully,Alice第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、信息匹配1、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、

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