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冀教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期9月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Hi, Kitty. _ my teacher, Ms. Wang. She teaches _ English. Glad to meet you, Ms. Wang.AShes; usBThis is; ourCThis is; usDShers; our2 . Why dont you go shopping with me now?Alice, its twelve at night. _ of the shops are closed.AFewBMostCBothDEither3 . I enjoy reading and_ music.Alisten toBlistens toClisteningDlistening to4 . You will pass the final exam. _ you work harder.AifBalthoughCsoDunless5 . This story about Captain King is _ one of his adventures in space.AotherBthe otherCanotherDothers6 . This companysince five years ago.AopenedBhas openeChas been openDhas been opened7 . Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, _.AtoBtwoCalsoDtoo8 . Please _ in class, boys and girls. Lets begin our class.AeatBnot talkCdont talkDnot sing9 . Could you tell me_so early yesterday?Yes. To cook for my mom. It was her birthday.Ahow did you come homeBhow you came homeCwhy you came homeDwhy did you come home10 . He helped _ the floors of the bedrooms.AcleanedBcleaned upCclean forDclean up11 . Wu Wei has won high _from the art community for his sculptures.AprideBpraiseCpromiseDprogress12 . The old woman _ by washing clothes for others.Amakes a decisionBmakes a mistakeCmakes a livingDmakes progress13 . Amazing China! Change 4 successfully landed on the far side of the moon.exciting news! We are very proud that we are Chinese.AWhatBWhat aCWhat anDHow14 . Could I go out with my friend on Sunday? _.ANo,you dontBYes,you couldCYes,you canDYes,you do15 . What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be _ engineer.AaBanCtheD/二、补全对话7选5补全对话:从方框中选择最佳选项,其中有两项是多余的。A. I would like you to go there with us. B. Where are you going?C. Yes, doing sports can make us healthy.D. Because the teacher is too strict with us.E. Shall we go together?F. In her classes we have many interesting activities.G. Have a good time!A: Hello, Ben. 16 . B: Hello, Tom. I am going to watch a volleyball game between the Chinese team and the American team.A: Oh, thats such an important game. I dont want to miss it. 17 . B: Of course! Lets go.A: It seems that you like volleyball very much. Do you like PE?B: No, I dont like it.A: Why not?B: 18 . What about you?A: I like PE lessons very much. Our teacher is very friendly. 19 . B: You are lucky.A:Do you like doing sports?B:20 . A:I agree with you.三、完型填空It is fine Sunday. Jenny and her mother are on the 1 . They want to go to 2 . There are many children on it. Their parents are telling stories to 3 . An old man gets 4 the bus. He has no seat(座位) to sit in. Jenny asks him to sit in her seat. The old man 5 Jenny. There are two foreigners(外国人) on the bus. They want to go to the Great Wall, too. But they 6 speak Chinese. Jenny talks to them in English. She tells them Beijing is a big city 7 a long history. And the Palace Museum is very famous, too. She tells stories 8 the Palace Museum. At the same time they learn about a lot of Chinese culture(文化) from Jenny. They think the stories are 9 and they want to visit other places of interest in China soon. Can their dream 10 ? Of course.21 . AtrainBbusCplaneDcar22 . AhutongBTian anmen SpuareCthe Great WallDwangfujin23 . AthemBtheyCmeDhim24 . AupBonCdressedDin25 . AsaysBtalksCshowsDthanks26 . AcanBcantCmust Dneed to27 . AatBinCwith Dhas28 . AtoBaboutCorDwith29 . AboringBrelaxedCafraidDinteresting30 . Athink ofBcome onCcome trueDget to四、阅读单选If you watch the sky for about an hour after the sun goes down, you may see some “moving stars”. But theyre not real stars. Theyre man-made satellites(人造卫星). And the biggest of all is the International Space Station (ISS). From May to July is the best season to watch the ISS flying over the earth. And people can see it with their eyes.The ISS is the biggest satellite and scientists want to live on it. They think that the best way to learn more about space is to live there.When the space station is finished, it will be like a city in space. People will stay and study there with many of the things they have at home. Laboratories, living rooms and power stations are being built. The ISS is the most expensive space program. Billions of dollars are being spent on it every year.Scientists hope that the ISS will be a stepping stone for future space exploration(探测). “The ISS will help us understand the human body better, explore space and study the earth. It can help us make life on the earth better,” said Kathryn Clark, an ISS scientist.Sixteen countries are part of the program: the US, Russia, Canada, Japan, Brazil and 11 European countries. China isnt an ISS country, but it has helped with some of the experiments. In 2003, China sent some rice up to the ISS to find out what space would do to it.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。31 . The International Space Station_.Ais really a big city in spaceBis the biggest man-made satelliteCcan only help us explore spaceDis mainly built by the USA and Russia32 . From the passage we know that_.Abuilding the ISS is only for scientists to live thereBscientists can do anything they like thereCpeople can see the Space Station at any timeDsixteen countries are members of the space program33 . China sent some rice up to the ISS is probably to_.Abe used as astronauts foodBsell it to aliensCdo some science experimentsDmake it grow better in space34 . Which of the following isnt mentioned ?AChina will join the ISS in the future.BThe scientists are building living rooms for them in the ISS.CThe ISS will be more useful in the future.DThe ISS costs the members of 16 countries plenty of money every year.John gets up early from Monday to Saturday,because he must go to school before 7:30 on weekdays and go to the Drawing Club at 8:00 on Saturday mornings.He usually goes to the bookshop on Saturday afternoons,and after supper he watches TV until midnight.He doesnt get up early on Sundays.Johns parents both work on Sundays.John always watches TV after he gets up.Then he usually goes to KFC to have a hamburger and some juice for lunch.After that,he goesback home and starts to play computer games until his parents come back.He does his homework after supper.He usually has lots of weekend homework,so he must spend three hours on it.He usually goes to bed at about 11:00 p.m.on Sundays.He often complains(抱怨)he has too much homework to do.35 . How often does John need to get up early?AEvery day.BFive days a week.COnly at the weekend.DEvery day except on Sundays.36 . What does John do on Sunday mornings?AHe goes to have lessons.BHe goes to a club.CHe goes to the bookshop.DHe watches TV.37 . When does John do his weckend homework?AOn Sunday evenings.BOn Sunday mornings.COn Sauturday evenings.DOn Sunday afternoons.38 . Why does John have lunch in KFC on Sundays?ABecuustehes too busy.BBecaiuse his purents arent at home.C.Because he gets up too late.CBecause his parents have lunch in KFC.39 . Which of these is NOT right?AJohn watches TV after supper on Saturdays.BJohn does his homework on Sundays.CJohn watches much TV on Sunday afternoons.DJohn goes to bed late on Saturday andMy name is Jack. Im thirteen years old and I live in a city. I have got one computer in my home. Its a present (礼物) for my birthday from my aunt. I like it very much. I often do my homework on it.I go online too. I have a good friend in China. His English name is John. I often talk with him on the Internet. I like China, and I practice (练习) my Chinese with him. I use my computer to send emails to my friends. I like downloading ( 下载) songs of my favourite singers from the Internet. Every Saturday night, I watch movies on the Internet.I can also do many other things on my computer. I play computer games. But my mother doesnt like it and she thinks playing computer games isnt good for my health. So I only play computer games for thirty minutes on Friday night.40 . Jack is _ years old.A11B12C13D1441 . Jacks computer is from his _.AcousinBauntCfriendsDparents42 . Where is John from?AChina.BAmerica.CEngland.DJapan.43 . When does Jack watch movies?AOn Friday.BOn Saturday.COn Sunday.DOn Monday.44 . Which of the following is NOT true?AJack lives on a farm.BJack and John are friends.CJack plays computer games.DThe computer is Jacks birthday present.ManypeopleliketowatchTV.ThereareallkindsofprogramsonTV.Thesoapoperaisoneofthem.Thesoapoperawasfirstontheradiointhe1920s.ThenitstartedonTVinthe1940s. WhydosomanypeopleliketowatchsoapoperasonTV, especiallyyoungpeople? Whatmakessoapoperaspopular?Letsfindout. First, whatshappeninginthesoapoperaisverydifferentfromthatinourlives. Everythingisperfect(完美的)intheplay. Peopledontneedtoworryaboutalmostanything. Peopledonthavemoneyproblems.Second,therearemanybeautifulgirlsandhandsome(英俊的)boys. Inthesoapopera,theyaresocool. Theydriveyoungpeoplecrazy(疯狂的 ).Theymakeyoungpeoplehappy. Third, storiesinsoapoperasareusuallyinteresting.Itmakespeoplerelaxafteradayshardwork.Evensomeoldpeopleliketowatchit,too. Butsomepeopledontlikeit.Theythinktheshowistooslowandtoolong.Doyoulikesoapoperas?Whatdoyouthinkofthem?45 . SoapoperasstartedonTV_.Ainthe1920sBinthe1930sCinthe1940sDinthe1950s46 . Whatshappeninginthesoapoperais_ourlives.AverydifferentfromBthesameasCasinterestingasDcrazierabout47 . _insoapoperasmakeyoungpeoplecrazy.AThemoneyproblemsBTheperfectstoriesCTheinterestingstoriesDThebeautifulgirlsandhandsomeboys48 . Peoplelikesoapoperasbecause_.AtheshowistooslowandtoolongBtheycanmakepeoplesadCtheycanmakepeoplerelaxDtheystartedonTVearly49 . WhichofthefollowingisNOTtrueaccordingtothepassage?AThepeopleinthesoapoperadontneedtoworryaboutalmostanything.BAllpeoplelikesoapoperas.CThestoryinthesoapoperaisusuallyinteresting.DThegirlsandboysinthesoapoperaareusuallycool.五、句型转换句型转换。50 . This is a_jacket(对画线部分提问)_ is _?51 . Its a_pen in English.(对画线部分提问)_ that in English?52 . Can you spell it, please?(改为同义句)_, please.53 . Im fine.(改为同义句)Im _六、单词填空根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。We54 . (庆祝) the Spring Festival in January or February.A few55 . (天) before the Spring Festival we clean our homes and 56 . (扫除) away all the bad luck.In the evening before the Spring Festival we have a big family57 . (晚餐).We eat lots of traditional food like 58 . (饺子).We usually59 . (看) a special programme on television,and my parents usually give60 . (幸运) money,hongbao,to us.On the61 . (第一) day of the new year,we always62 . (访问) our relatives(亲戚) and friends.Everyone is happy63 . (在) that day.七、回答问题Answer the questions(根据短文回答问题): Water, milk, tea, fruit juice, coffee or soda(碳酸饮料), what would you drink? Sun Libo would choose soda. The 14-year-old of Guangdong drinks three bottles of soda every day. “Soda is tasty and makes me feel cool he says. Many teenagers around the country have the same habit as Sun does. In 2009, Shandong University did a survey of nearly 10,000 kids aged 6-17 in seven big cities including Beijing. It found that more than 60 percent of middle school students drink soda at home. Drinks like soda taste good, but theyre bad for health. Drinking soda may make your bones(骨头)weak and its especially bad for your teeth. The sugar in soda will harm your enamel(牙釉质),which is the bodyguard(保镖)of your teeth. To protect students health, many US schools no longer sell soda in shops of vending machines(自动售货机). Health experts suggest that students should drink water and milk. Water is very important and keeps your body working well. Milk is good for your eyes and bones. If you really want to drink soda, use a straw(吸管). That way, the drink wont touch your teeth for long. After drinking soda, drink some water and brush your teeth.64 . Why does Sun Libo drink three bottles of Soda every day?Because_.65 . According to the survey,how many middle school students drink soda at home?_middle school students drink soda at home.66 . Many US schools no longer sell soda in shops of vending machines, do they?_, _.67 . What do health experts suggest?_.68 . What can we do if we dont want soda touch our teeth for long?We can_.八、话题作文69 . 书面表达假设你叫Tina,昨天是你十四岁的生日。你的父母为你举办了生日派对,很多朋友到你家里为你庆生,你们玩的很开心 请根据以上文字和下面的英文提示词,写一篇80词左右的日记。(开头已经给出,不计入总词数)提示词:celebrate v.庆祝 blow out吹灭 movie n.电影Saturday, May 8thYesterday was my birthday. _ _ _第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、句型转换1、六、单词填空1、七、回答问题1、八、话题作文1、


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