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冀教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . This pair of trousers_ beautiful, I like_.Ais; itBis; themCare; them2 . We can get some information about history in the_.AforestBmuseumCmarketDspace3 . Will you please do _ a favour to pass the homework to the teacher?AhimBheChisDhimself4 . What color is the pen? Its_.AoldBblackCunder the deskDPEN5 . -Hi , My names Emma .-_.AHi,Im Li Tao.BHello.CHiDGood afternoon6 . Tony Smiths _ name is Smith.AfirstBsecondCmiddleDlast7 . Lily, dont have _ breakfast before the TV set. You must have meals at _ table.A/, theBthe, aCthe, /D/, a8 . Eddie hase-dog. name is Hobo.Aan; ItsBan; ItsCa; ItsDa; Its9 . My brother is a _ player. He can play basketball very .Agood; goodBgood; wellCwell; goodDwell; well10 . _ do you visit your grandparents? Three times a month.AHow oftenBHow longCHow many11 . - We have a school trip in the afternoon.-_ANice to meet you!BHow about you?CHow much is it?DHave a good time!12 . Where is Tiananmen Square _ the map of Beijing?AonBinCfromDwith13 . _ have you lived here ? -Since 2000.A How long B. How many C. How often D. How much14 . Is this your eraser?Yes, _.Athis isBthissCItsDit is15 . _ do your parents take exercise, William?About three times a week.AHow longBHow muchCHow soonDHow often16 . do you go to the library?Three times a week.AHow muchBHow manyCHow oftenDHow long17 . -Has Mr. King come back to China _?-Yes, he has. He has _ stayed at home for three days.Aalready, alreadyByet, yetCyet, everDyet, already18 . I cant the noise outside. Its nearly driving me mad.AholdBagreeCgetDbear19 . Its kind _ them to donate money to UNICEF They think it important _ them to help poor children go to school.Ato; forBfor, ofCof, toDof; for20 . -Hi,! My name is Tim. Its my first time to be here. -_.AVery well, thank youBIts all rightCThat would be very niceDNice to meet you21 . -Oh, my goodness! I left my wallet at home.-Dont worry. Its my _. What would you like to order?AtreatBhabitCbrainDtrick22 . After she goes to the fashion show, she _ a lot on clothes.AspendsBbuysCcostsDtakes23 . - Do you know the man on TV ?- Yes, _name is Bin Laden. He died last month.AherBhisCitsDmy24 . I dont know if it _ tomorrow. We wont go shopping if it _.Awill rain; rainsBrains; will rainCwill rain; will rainDrains; rains25 . -_ is your mothers birthday?- Its on 1 August.AWhereBWhenCWhatDWhich二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框内选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项为多余选项。A. A shirt.B. Does he like sports?C. I want to, but I dont have so much money.D. You can visit the museum with me. E. Thank you very much.F. You can buy a ticket for him. G. Do you often play table tennis?A:Fathers Day is coming. What are you going to buy for your father, Tom?B:26 . A:Thats great. B:What about you?A:I have no idea. Can you give me some advice(建议)?B:Why not buy shoes for him?A:27 . B:Let me see.28 . A:Yes. He likes sports very much. B:Well. There is a football match next month.29 . A:All right. 30 . B:Youre welcome.三、完型填空Hello! My name is Anna. Im ten. My _ is Alice. She is 38. My father is Sam. He is _, too. They teach(教书) in a_I have (有) a_ and a brother. My sister is Betty. She is a nice_She is 5. The_ is my brother Tony. I have_ uncle. He is 35. My aunt is 33._!_the boys ? _ are David and Bill. They are my cousins. They are my uncles sons.31 . AbrotherBgrandmotherCfatherDmother32 . A33B37C38D4033 . ApictureBtelephoneCschoolDgame34 . AsonBdaughterCcousinDsister35 . AboyBgirlCparentDname36 . AgirlBboyCfriendDname37 . AtheBaCanD/38 . ALookBSeeCOKDThanks39 . AWhatsBWhoCWhoreDWhos40 . AtheseBThoseCTheyDTheyre四、阅读单选Its seven thirty in the morning. The students are coming into the classroom. A girl is opening the windows. Some of the students are laughing and talking. Some others are listening to them. Some arereading books. Some are doing their homework. Miss Zhao is standing behind the teachers desks. She is writing on the blackboard. Sue and Lily are wearing their new dresses today. Ann is cleaning her desk. Mike is helping her. They all look happy. What are Bill and Jim doing? Oh, dear! They are still playing basketball on the playground.41 . The students are _Ain the schoolBat homeCin the boatDon the playground42 . Who is the teacher for this class?-_.AA girlBMiss ZhaoCSueDMiss Gao43 . What are the students Not doing?ADoing their homeworkBLaughing or talkingCWriting on the blackboardDReading books44 . How many students are playing basketball now?AOneBTwoCManyDWe dont know45 . Which of the following is Not right?AAnn is cleaning her desk.BMike is helping Ann.CBill and Ann are still playing basketball.DThe students all look happy in the morning.School playgrounds are supposed to help kids stay active and healthy. But since 2015, toxic(有毒的)chemicals in running tracks have caused many students in several cities, including Shanghai, Beijing and Wuhan, to suffer from nosebleeds, headaches and coughs. It was found that the materials used to build the tracks in these schools playgrounds contained high levels of toxic chemicals.On November 1,2018, new standards for the materials used to build playgrounds in primary and middle schools across the country came into effect. The Ministry of Education(MOE)created these standards to protect students health.The standards prohibit(禁止)the use of 18 chemicals for making running tracks, 11 more than the previous standards. The prohibited chemicals are harmful to the skin, eyes and noses and can even cause terrible diseases, China Daily noted. For the first time, the standards also call for tests of the man-made grass that is used on some playgrounds as some of the materials used to produce man-made grass are highly toxic. Running tracks or patches(片)of man-made grass that does not meet these standards will be changed or removed. The MOE has taken action in the last few years to keep playgrounds safe. Since 2016, it has invited experts and professionals(专业人员)to test new playgrounds at schools nationwide. The toxic tracks were produced by companies that used waste in order to cut down costs, according to CCTV. The companies and officials who were involved in producing the tracks have been punished.46 . What kind of disease didnt the students suffer from according to the passage?ABCD47 . The new standards came into effect on_.ASeptember 1,2016BOctober1,2016CNovember1,2018DDecember1,201848 . What action has the MOE taken to keep playground safe?AInvited experts and professionals to test new playgrounds.BPunished the involved companies and officials.CWarned the involved companies and officials.DPunished the school leaders.49 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe schools created these standards to protect students health.BThe prohibited chemicals are harmful to humans according to CCTV.CThe man-made grass used in some playgrounds is safe.DThe toxic tracks were produced by companies that used waste in order to save costs.50 . We can find the article in _part of a newspaper.AsportBhealthCcultureDstudyDear dad, you WANT a beautiful garden! BUT you dont want to work hard! So why not get your family to do the work for you!If you want a new pond(池塘)in your garden, you can give your dog a bone. Dogs always dig(挖)a big hole in the garden.You can put water in this hole to make your pond.Sometimes you must cut the grass in your garden. You can get your son to do this for you. Tell him that the lawnmower(割草机)is a fast car. He can run around the garden and cut the grass. It makes him feel like a driver.You can ask your wife to grow all your vegetables and fruits. Tell her that this is a good way to save money. Then she can spend more money on new clothes or shoes. Buy a rabbit(兔子)for your daughter. Rabbits like to sleep on grass and eat carrots. Your daughter can take away all the old grass. Also, she can help your wife with the garden work so she can get carrots for her rabbit.Grandfather and grandmother can also help. Tell them that working in the garden will be good to their health. They can also get some fun too.Now, you can sit in a garden chair! You can watch your family working! You can drink tea and enjoy the sunshine!51 . The writer s dad wants .Ato work in his gardenBto ask his children to work in the gardenCa beautiful gardenDa lawnmower for his garden52 . Dad can make dig a pond for him.Athe pet dogBhis wifeChis parentsDhis son53 . The writer s mother may be busy in the garden.Asaving moneyBgrowing vegetablesCdoing some shoppingDeating fruits54 . It seems that the family has in the garden.Asome flowersBa pondCsome fieldsDsome trees55 . Why do you think the writer say those words to his father?ABecause his father is too busy, so he needs help.BBecause his father wants a beautiful garden.CBecause his father doesn t know how to work in the garden.DBecause he wants to make his father work hard in the garden.Who is the greatest teacher in Chinese history? You can t think of anyone else when you hear people read Confucius 2,500yearold words:All study but no thinking makes people puzzled All thinking but no study makes people lazySeptember 28th was Confucius birthday He was born in the Kingdom of Lu,in todays Shandong Province He had a hard child His father died when he was only 3 His mother brought him up, As a child, he had to work to help his mother, but young Confucius didnt give up studying He visited many famous teachers and learned music, history, poetry and sportsLater, he became a teacher and started the first public school in Chinese history At that time,only children from rich families could go to school if they wanted to learn He had about 3,000students in his lifetimeChinese look upon Confucius as the greatest thinker and also the greatest teacher For more than 2 , 500years,Confucius ideas have been around in peoples everyday lives Now they have gone far into Western countries and South Asia People can still hear them todayWhy are his ideas so popular? Confucius most important ideas are kindness and good mannersConfucius said young people should take care of the old A kind person should care for others Be strict wish yourself, but be kind to others As a great teacher, Confucius said that all should go to school if they wanted to learn People use his ideas to help themselves and society Now, more than 100Internet websites are teaching people about Confucius and his ideas56 . Why do we still remember Confucius today?ABecause he had about 3,000students in his lifetimeBBecause he lived a poor life in his childhoodCBecause he had wise thoughtsDBecause he started the first public school in Chinese history57 . The underlined word them in the fourth paragraph refers toAthe greatest thinker and teacherBConfucius studentsCpeople in Western countries and South AsiaDConfucius ideas58 . Which of the following is NOT Confucius words?APeople should get educationBThe young should take care of the oldCBe strict with yourself, but be kind to othersDAll study but no thinking makes people lazy五、句型转换根据要求改写句子。59 . Please open the door.(改为否定句)_open the door,_.60 . She goes to school at 7:00 in the morning.(对划线部分提问)What _ she go to school in the e morning?61 . piano is to the play Tom going(连词成句)_62 . I have got some stamps from China.(变否定句)_63 . I like water.(变一般疑问句)_六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句中所给汉语或通过上下文,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只填一词。64 . Our school looks clean and _(现代的).65 . We can enjoy the_(整个的)afternoon in the park.66 . Tom gives me many _ (故事书)as my birthday present because I love reading.67 . Among all the subjects, I dislike _ (地理)the most because it is too difficult.68 . Having some _(业余爱好)can make our life colourful.69 . My mother likes to put some _(糖)in the fish when she cooks it.70 . He with his classmates_ (练习)speaking English every morning.71 . Breakfast is r _ . Daniel,come down and have it.72 . Yao Ming was a very popular basketball p_ in the world. But now hes retired(退役).73 . You can borrow my book. But you cant 1_ it to others.七、单词填空Hello! My name is Cindy 74 . . Im in a middle school now. My phone number is 75 . seven nine two six zero six. This is my good friend. Her 76 . name is Linda. And her last name is 77 . . She is in a middle school, 78 . . Her phone number is four five five seven nine seven eight.语法填空阅读下面短文, 在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。每空1个单词。Ann is 79 . (冠词)American girl. Shes in China now. Her father works 80 . (介词)China. Her father is a teacher. He teaches English. He teaches in a middle school. 81 . (Ann)mother doesnt work. She is at home. Ann studies in a another middle school. She has two Chinese82 . (friend)Li Fang 83 . (连词)Lin Xia. Li Fang s father is a shop assistant. He works in a factory. Her mother is a 84 . (China) teacher. She works in a middle school. Li Fang and her mother 85 . (be) in the same school. Lin Xias father is a 86 . (drive). He works on a farm. Her mother is a doctor. 87 . (they)parents all work hard. They all love their 88 . (child).第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、单词填空1、2、


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