人教版英语七年级上册 Uint3 测试题

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人教版英语七年级上册 Uint3 测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Can you play football? _ 。AYes, you canBAll rightCNo, I canDNo, I cant2 . Is this black hat?No, it isnt.hat is blue.Ayour, MyByour, MineCyours, MyDyours, Mine3 . Its dangerous _. Dont do that again. _.Apull you up the rock; No, I dontBpull you up the rock; Yes, I dontCto pull yourself up the rock; Yes, I wontDto pull yourself up the rock; No, I wont4 . Why _ you so busy these days?Because they arrived _ London _ the morning of July1.Aare; in , inBare; in , onCdo; on , inDdo; at , on5 . sheto her grandmas every week?ADogoesBDidgoCDoesgoDDoesgoes6 . -_these things?-Theyre 15 yuan.Ahow many isBHow many areCHow much isDHow much are7 . Are those your cousins?_.AYes, he isBYes, they areCNo, she isntDNo, they dont8 . Brown draws a picture of the criminal, and the police put _ on the Internet to find him.AhimBherCit9 . -Must I wear shcool uniforms in No.110 Middle School, Dad? - _.As far as I know, its a rule.AYes, you mustBNo, you needntCYes, you need.DNo, you mustnt10 . -May I speak to Tom, please? -_.AYes, I amBIm Tom speakingCYes, you mayDThis is Tom speaking11 . _?Yes, it is.AAre those applesBWhats thisC Is this an apple12 . -Excuse me ,is your name Tom?-_.AYes, I am .BNo, Im notCNo, it isntDYes, Im13 . -_they have some sports things? -Yes, they_AAre, areBDo, doCCan, doDDo, can14 . Is this your_?Aa eraserBeraserCerasersDan eraser15 . _you _the football match yesterday?Yes, I did . It was great.ADid;seeBHave;seenCWill ;seeDwere; seen16 . George, the bike looks cool. Is it _? Yes. My mother bought it for my birthday.AhisByoursChersDours17 . Mary and Gina are my cousins. _ father works in Dongfeng Company.ATheirBTheyCThemDTheirs18 . Millie _ an e-dog, and _ name is Eddie.Ahave; itsBhas; itsChave; itsDhas; its19 . Would you like _ with me this afternoon?Yes, _.Agoing shopping; Id like toBto go shopping; I likeCgoing shopping; Id likeDto go shopping; Id like to20 . Is this _ magazine?No, its not _. It belongs to _.Ayour; mine; hisByour; me; himChis; his; meDher; her; me二、补全对话7选5四、补全对话。A: Hey, Alan. 21 . B: Its good. I like Tuesday.A: 22 . B: Because I have P.AA: 23 . B: Yes, youre right.A: 24 . B: Mr. Jones.A: 25 . B: Sure. He is my favourite teacher.AWell, is your favourite subject P.E.?BDo you like Mr. Jones?CHows your day?DWhos your P.E. teacher?E. How are you?EWhy do you like it?FWheres Mr. Jones?三、完型填空Bill is thirty years old. He works in a _. He is a teacher. He goes to work _ Monday to Friday every week. Usually he _ at six in the morning. After _, he takes a bus to work. He is a(n) _teacher, so he often plays basketball, ping-pong and volleyball _his students. He has _ classes every day. Two are in the morning and two are in the_. He likes his students and his students like _, too. He often plays sports, so he is very _. He usually eats dinner at home and then he watches TV _ two _. On weekends, he often _to the movies. He _ they are _.26 . AshopBhomeCschoolDhospital27 . AforBonCatDfrom28 . Agets upBdoes homeworkCgets homeDgoes to bed29 . AbreakfastBdinnerClunchDa breakfast30 . AmathBP.CDEnglishEChinese31 . AforBatCwithDin32 . AtwoBthreeCfourDfive33 . AmorningBafternoonCnightDevening34 . AheBhisChimDher35 . AbusyBhealthyCfreeDlovely36 . AforBonCwithDin37 . AmonthsBdaysCweeksDhours38 . AgoBcomeCgoesDcomes39 . AthinksBknowsCasksDlikes40 . AboringBdifficultCfunnyDinteresting四、阅读单选What is a good friend like?MollySeptember 19, 2019; 9:32p.m.I think a good friend likes to do the same things as me. Jack is my best friend. We both like to play the guitar after class.HollySeptember 19, 2019; 9:40p.m.For me, a good friend makes me laugh. He or she likes to talk about something interesting and funny.MariaSeptember 19, 2019; 9:45p.m.I think a good friend should be a good listener, and he or she should keep secrets(秘密) for methats more important for me.SallySeptember 19, 2019; 9:55 p.m.In my opinion, a good friend should have cool clothes and he or she is popular in school. He or she should be good at sports, because I like doing sports.TobySeptember 19, 2019; 10:16p.m.As we are students, I think a good friend should be good at schoolwork. Then we can help each other and learn from each other.JimSeptember 19, 2019; 10:19 p.m.I think good friends should help each other. When I am in trouble, Kelly always helps me.41 . Who can be Hollys friend?ASomeone who is very quiet.BSomeone who likes to talk about interesting things.CSomeone who is good at schoolwork.DSomeone who is very cool and popular.42 . Who wants his or her friends to do well in their schoolwork?AMolly.BToby.CJim.DSally.43 . What does Jack like?APlaying the guitar.BSports.CMaking others laugh.DSchoolwork.44 . Whose friend is Kelly?AJims.BTobys.CSallys.DMollys.45 . How do they most probably communicate with each other?ABy writing letters.BOn the telephone.CChat face to face.DOn the Internet.Welcome to Mandarin Morning (早安汉语) Chinese SchoolLearning Chinese as a foreign language has become more and more popular. It can sometimes be very difficult to learn Chinese. However, if over a billion people can do it, so can you. Mandarin Morning Chinese School has begun to provide Mandarin Chinese language classes in Shanghai since 2005. Today we teach listening , reading and writing to students from more than 50 countries all over the world. Students of all ages can study at Mandarin Morning Chinese School. Most of our students are between 14 and 45 years old. While some of the students prefer to study at home, our Mandarin teachers are happy to teach you anywhere you want. Taking part in our classes also offers you a chance to better understand Chinese culture as we offer culture courses and activities. Our Mandarin Morning Chinese School is just three minutes walk from Jingan Metro Station(地铁站).Tel: 86-21-5228 780E-mail: infomandarinmorning.comAddress: Room 2807A, 58 Jiaozhou Road46 . In which year was the school set up?Ain 2003Bin 2004Cin 2005Din 200647 . Who might want to learn in the school?ALi Lei, a Chinese, who works and lives in China.BSu Rui, a Chinese, who wants to work in AmericaCToby, an Australian , who wants to get a job in AmericaDChuck, an American, who wants to learn Chinese in Shanghai.48 . Which of the following cannot be found in the passage?AThe address of the schoolBThe e-mail address of the schoolCThe cost of courses of the schoolDThe telephone number of the school五、将所给单词连成句子连词成句49 . keys, these, your, are_?50 . red, box, is, hers, pencil, the_51 . game, is, that, Marys, computer_?52 . teacher, please, call, English, your_.53 . library, watch, his, the, in, school, is_.54 . you, how, it, do, spell_?六、启事类55 . A. 有一位叫Tony的同学捡到一支钢笔,将它交给失物招领处,请你写一则失物招领启事。Tony的电话是888-6765。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、将所给单词连成句子1、六、启事类1、

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