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仁爱版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - Can you come to my birthday party this Friday evening?- _. When is the best time for me to come?ASure, Id love toBIm sorry to hear thatCThats a good ideaDYoure welcome2 . Why do you _ very happy this afternoon?Because we are going to spend the evening at Lilys house.AtasteBsoundClookDsmell3 . Do you know the scientist _discovered radium?Yes, Marie Curie.AwhatBwhichCwhomDwho4 . Aunt Li doesnt know if it_ tomorrow. If it _tomorrow, she wont go to the park.Awill rain, rainsBrains, will rainCwill rain, will rain5 . I know all my _birthdays.AteachersBteachersCteachers6 . I dont want to_the beginning of the movie. So hurry up!AcatchBmissCwatchDplay7 . Why _ she like history? Because _ interesting.Ado; itBdoes; itCdoes; itsDdoes; its8 . Big TVs arent popular today _ most people watch shows on their phonesAeven ifBso thatCbecauseDas long a s9 . I used to read newspapers and watch TV after dinner. But now Im used to _a walk.AprovidingBdroppingClyingDtaking10 . Do you know who the award will go to? I have no idea. We have to wait until the result .AannouncesBwill announceCwill be announcedDis announced11 . (题文) -What do you think of talk shows?-I cant_ them. They are boring.AeatBexerciseCbuyDstand12 . _ birds _ the tree make beautiful _.A/ , on , soundBthe on , soundsCThe , in , soundDThe , in sounds13 . Doctor Wang often gives advice to his patients about how to_the flu_in winter.Akeep; fromBkeep; awayCkeep; in touchDkeep; away from14 . - Need I go there with you?- Yes, you _.AneedBmayCmustDcan15 . I apologize for having made a mess in your bathroom._After all,you didnt mean it.AYoure welcomeBIts my pleasureCDont mention itDI cant agree more16 . The speech would begin soon. Doctor Green surveyed himself in the mirror, and then walked onto the stage confidently.Aglanced atBwatched quicklyClooked carefully at17 . (题文)Some old things can _ sweet memories to us.Atake awayBtake offCbring back18 . The telephone_talking to prople far away.Aused buyBis used forCis used toDused for19 . The couple _ for over 20 years, and they love each very much.Ahave been marriedBhave marriedChave got marriedDmarried20 . I spent three hours_ shopping yesterday. This skirt _ me 200 yuan.Awent;costsBgoing;costCto go;costDgo;costs21 . The doctor asked the old men _ because it was bad for their health.Anot smokingBto smokingCnot to smokeDto not smoke22 . (题文)There _ a dancing party in our school tomorrow evening.AhaveBwill haveCis going to haveDwill be23 . - He has never traveled to a foreign country, ?- Yes. He has been to England once.Adoes heBdoesnt heChas heDhasnt he24 . many film stars to Hollywood these years ?AWhat do you think attractBWhat do you think has attractedCDo you think what attractsDWhat you think has attracted25 . Miss Yang doesnt look well. Whats wrong with her? Oh, she has some trouble _ her baby well.Atake care ofBlooking afterCtaking afterDto look after二、补全对话7选5从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话。(有两个多余选项)A: Hi, Rita! Are you free tomorrow?B: Yes. But why, Cindy ? A: Yang Pei and I planned to go climbing Laotudingzi tomorrow. It is known as the roof of Liaoning.26 . B: Yes, Id like to. Climbing is good for our body, and we can get close to nature. What time shall we start?A:27 . B: All right.28 . A: It will be sunny. So please bring your sunglasses. Besides, wear a pair of comfortable shoes.B:29 . But where shall we meet together tomorrow?A: At our school gate.B:OK.30 . A: We can take No.7 bus to the foot of the mountain.B: OK. See you tomorrow.AHow can we get there?BNo problem.CWhat will the weather be like tomorrow?DWould you like to join us?EIs there any problem?FWe can start at about 8 oclock.GI will bring my camera.三、完型填空Dictionaries are_useful books. People use dictionaries to_out the meanings of words. _you are learning English,you will use_English dictionary. Some students have_. Their dictionaries include Chinese and English words. They are useful,but it is usually_to use a dictionary written completely_English. This will_you to think in English. A good English dictionary will show you the correct_of a word and its pronunciation. Many dictionaries also show_a word is used in sentences.31 . AmuchBtooCvery32 . AtakeBfindChand33 . AAfterBIfCBefore34 . AtheBaCan35 . AbooksBnewspapersCdictionaries36 . AbetterBwellCnice37 . AwithBaboutCin38 . AmakeBletChelp39 . AspellingBspellCbe spelt40 . AwhatBwhyChow四、阅读单选What problems do the teenagers probably have? Here is a survey showing their main problems.ProblemsCausesAdviceFeeling stressedToo much homework; Dont have enough time for their hobbies.Make a plan for study and hobbies. Find time to relax as possible as you can.Getting short-sighted(近视的)Too much homework; Bad reading and writing habits.Do homework or reading in a correct way.Fighting with each otherDont know how to get on well with classmates.Make more friends and understand each other. Share your problems with them.Feeling tired of studyComputer games bad influenceDont be crazy about computer games. Play them just for a short time when you are tired.Getting fatHaving more pocket money to buy snacks; Dislike doing exercise.Use your pocket money to do something meaningful. Spend some time doing exercise every day.41 . How many main problems are there in the survey?AFour.BFive.CSix.DSeven.42 . What problems are caused by too much homework?AFeeling stressed and fighting with each other.BFeeling tired of study and getting fat.CFeeling stressed and getting short-sighted.DGetting short-sighted and feeling tired of study.43 . If Simon is feeling stressed, he should.Ado much more homeworkBmake a plan to spend time on study and hobbiesCdonate(捐赠) his pocket money to Project HopeDbuy some snacks44 . Peter is tired of study, maybe because he.Ahas no close friendsBhas no pocket moneyCplays too many computer gamesDgets fatter and fatter45 . is a good way for the teenagers to stop fights.ADoing less homeworkBPlaying computer gamesCLearning how to make friendsDPaying no attention to each otherA bus stops at a small bus stop. A man is hungry and he wants to buy some cakes. Its raining(下雨) hard. He doesnt want to go out in the rain. He sees a boy. Come here, boy! he cries. Do you know how much the cakes are? The boy says yes. The man gives the boy four dollars and asks him to buy two cakes. One is for you and one is for me. Three minutes later, the boy comes back. Hes eating a cake. He gives the man two dollars and says, Sorry, there is only one cake left.46 . The man doesnt want to go out because_.Ahe is tiredBhe doesnt like rainChe is hungryDits raining hard47 . How many cakes does the boy get?AOneBTwoCThreeDFour48 . How much are they if we buy five cakes?Afive dollarsBFour dollarsCTen dollarsDFifteen dollars49 . Whats the result (结果)?AThe man eats the cake.BThe boy eats the cake.CThe boy doesnt eat the cake.DThe boy and the man both eat the cakes.Mr. and Mrs. Clark are 70 years old. They look young and they are very healthy. Why? Let me tell you. Thats because they have a healthy lifestyle.They exercise every day, and every morning they exercise in the park. After that they usually go to the supermarket. They walk there for about half an hour. They dont take buses. Because they think walking is good for their health. They often take a walk after dinner.They also have a good eating habit. They drink milk every morning. They eat fruit and vegetables every day. As for meat, they only eat it twice a week. Besides (除之外) that, they never eat junk food. They dont drink coffee or cola at all. You see, they look after their health very well.Mrs. Clark likes watching soap operas and reading books. She reads books every day. Mr. Clark likes Chinese paintings. They usually go to bed at 9:00 pm and sleep for eight hours every night.50 . How old is Mrs. Clark?A60B65C70D7551 . Where do Mr. and Mrs. Clark exercise every morning?AIn the gym.BIn their garden.CIn the park.DIn their apartment52 . Mr. and Mrs. Clark usually _ after dinner.Atake a walkBgo to the supermarketCclean the houseDwatch soap operas53 . How often do Mr. and Mrs. Clark eat meat?ANeverBOnce a dayCTwice a dayDTwice a week54 . What does Mr. Clark like?ASoap operasBChinese paintingsCReading booksDWalking五、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子。)55 . The Smiths had to ride a bus home as their car broke down on the way. (改为一般疑问句)_ the Smiths _ to ride a bus home as their car broke down on the way?56 . I dont think this pair of glasses cost you so much. (改为反义疑问句)I dont think this pair of glasses cost you so much, _?57 . He spoke so fast. Nobody could catch what he said. (保持原句意思不改变)He spoke _ fast for _ to catch what he said.58 . A small temple was near the foot of the hill in the past. (保持原句意思不改变)_ be a small temple at the foot of the temple.59 . Nowadays people download a great deal of information conveniently from the Internet. (改为被动语态)Nowadays a great deal of information _ from the Internet conveniently?60 . See, difficulties, chances, you, into, them, advantages, your, turn, as, and, can (.) (连词成句)._61 . Smart, use, properly, phone, as, long, as, you, know, be, can, to, them, useful (连词成句)._六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms. (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)62 . Uncle David took up drawing as his hobby in his _, and he is good at it now.(forty)63 . French is one of the most important _languages in the world.(office)64 . The supermarket has received a lot of _about the quality of their products.(complain)65 . I can lend this book to you. It is for your_ only.(refer)66 . Tell me _what you mean. What cant you say before your old friend?(straight)67 . The radar warning system is our_against attack.(securely)68 . _the words of pop songs is a good way to learn English.(memory)69 . I didnt_becoming a writer in my childhood.(imagination)七、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子70 . 我去过许多城市,比如北京、上海和广州。I have been to many cities, _ Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.71 . 这本书太枯燥,我一点儿也不喜欢它。This book is too boring. I _ like it _.72 . 这位法国医生巳经在中国工作超过十年了。The French doctor has worked in China for _ ten years.73 . 看电视太多对你的眼睛没有好处。Watching TV too much isnt _ your eyes.74 . 我姐姐从不熬夜,她通常在晚上十点睡觉。My sister never _. She usually goes to bed at 10 oclock at night.八、语法填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空, 使语篇意思完整,必要时请用否定式。We have a lot of trouble in our life, but we have to face them. When you are feeling75 . (happy) or forget how great you are, there are six ways 76 . (make) you feel good about yourself.Look in the mirror(镜子)and say to77 . (your),“Im a special person and theres no one in the world like me. I can do anything!” It may78 . (sound) so good, but it really works!Do something nice for someone.79 . (help) others always makes you feel good.Smile! Be80 . (friend) to people you meet. And81 . (look) for the good things in others. Then they will be nice to you, too.Learn something new! Have you always wanted to decorate your own room or learn how82 . (swim)?Go for it!Read and start a diary. Turn off the TV and let your imagination(想象)fly! If you have any thoughts, dreams or anything you want, just write them down! Writing always helps to express your 83 . (feel).Stay with your family. In my84 . (opinion),we all need our family time. Talk with your mom and dad or maybe even your cousin.九、多任务混合问题America is growing older. Fifty years ago, only 4 out of every 100 people in the United States were 65 or older. Today,10 out of every 100 Americans are over 65. The aging of the population will affect American society (社会) in many ways education, medicine, and business. Quietly, the growing of America has made us a very different society onein which people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior is suitable at various ages.A persons age no longer tells you anything about his/her social position (职位、地位), marriage or health. Theres no longer a particular year in which one goes to school or goes to work or gets married or starts a family. The social clock that kept us on time and told us when to go to school, get a job, or stop working isnt as strong as it used to be. It doesnt surprise us to hear of a 29-year-old university president or a 70-year-old man who has become a father for the first time. Public ideas are changing. Many people say, I am much younger than my motheror my fatherwas at my age. No one says Act your age any more. Weve stopped looking with surprise at older people who act in youthful ways. (小题1)It can be learnt from the text that the aging of the population in America _. Ahas made people feel younger Bhas changed peoples social position Chas changed peoples understanding of age Dhas slowed down the countrys social development(小题2)The underlined word one in the first paragraph refers to_. Aa societyBAmericaCa placeDpopulation(小题3).Act your age in the last paragraph means people should _. Abe active when they are old Bdo the right thing at the right age Cshow respect for their parents young or the old Dtake more physical exercise suitable to their age(小题4)If a 20-year-old man becomes general manager of a big company, the writer of the text would most probably consider it _. Anormal Bwonderful Cunbelievable Dunreasonable十、英汉互译:单词/短语英汉词组互译85 . go on vacation _86 . trek through the jungle _87 . some day _88 . a wonderful place for shopping _89 . plan on doing _90 . 一年到头_91 . 从容,轻松_92 . 观光,到处走动_93 . 向某人提供_94 . 感到无聊_95 . 通常,大体_96 . 实现_97 . 尽快地_十一、书信作文98 . 假如你是李华,正逢寒假,你的英国笔友Jack打算来中国旅游,他对中国文化很感兴趣,请认真阅读他写给你的邮件,并根据邮件内容进行回复。To: Li HuaFrom: JackDear Li Hua,How are you? I hope you are well. I will visit China this winter vacation, so I want to now more about China. Would you please tell me the following things?How do you celebrate the Spring Festival?What are the Chinese table manners?What gift can I buy for my friends in England?Im looking forward to your reply.JackTo: JackFrom: Li HuaDear Jack,_Li Hua十二、其他单词辨音99 . AwakeBfaceCHalloweenDcelebrate100 . AspecialBbecauseCrestDtennis101 . AwinterBpinkChungryDspring102 . AfatherBthreeC thinDmonth103 . AlightBnineCfireworkDkind104 . AsweaterBbreadCtreatDbreakfast105 . AorderBquarterCwaterDpocket106 . AchocolateBwatchCChristmasDteacher107 . AplayBsaysCwaitDrain108 . AbowlBknow CdownDwindow第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、句型转换1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、语法填空1、九、多任务混合问题1、十、英汉互译:单词/短语1、十一、书信作文1、十二、其他1、

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